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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
What? But dont understand that Dark did a dumb mistake and not kepp up with what he was suppose to do? Now watch everyone play follow the co-leader and leave as well. the 2 beast players. And now I lost a hero. cause I doubt he keep up with the meds now. and this crew is dead, so what be the point. and what happened in that thread he made. Im not even in the mood now, this is all going to hell. Its all dead.


Smash Apprentice
May 30, 2006
FarRockaway, NY
Wow. From what I hear, it seems you all take this way too seriously. I kinda stopped caring a while back. You guys should do the same. It ain't that serious. I mean yeah we can try to get better and all, but this shouldn't be as big a part of your lives as you all seem to make it. (I admit smash is still one of my favorite hobbies though) What is a crew anyway? It's not like Jash and 4eyes announcing their leaving is gonna do anything. We'll still play together and hang out. When people look at us and see us together, they'll say yeah he's in Jash's crew or he's in Dark's crew. It's cause we are a crew weather you like it or not. All these online things and titles and stuff is just nonsense, even the leaving of the crew and stuff. doesn't really make sense. Also I need to quit for writing an essay. This is a Videogame and is meant for fun. If it starts to get to a point where it's not fun that's when you need to take it easy and just start over.

On another note, Dark please take your meds and know that you got mad friends that will support you. Just try not to let depression rule your life.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Manhattan, NY

When did we play? Sorry for asking, but I don't remember playing you. Why the hell didn't anybody tell me I was playing Shinigami?
Lol...yea I was the one in the white hoodie I fought your link with my Fox in Kirby Dreamland(n64) i believe...I also was there watching your MM with Bum.
Wow. From what I hear, it seems you all take this way too seriously. I kinda stopped caring a while back. You guys should do the same. It ain't that serious. I mean yeah we can try to get better and all, but this shouldn't be as big a part of your lives as you all seem to make it. (I admit smash is still one of my favorite hobbies though) What is a crew anyway? It's not like Jash and 4eyes announcing their leaving is gonna do anything. We'll still play together and hang out. When people look at us and see us together, they'll say yeah he's in Jash's crew or he's in Dark's crew. It's cause we are a crew weather you like it or not. All these online things and titles and stuff is just nonsense, even the leaving of the crew and stuff. doesn't really make sense. Also I need to quit for writing an essay. This is a Videogame and is meant for fun. If it starts to get to a point where it's not fun that's when you need to take it easy and just start over.

On another note, Dark please take your meds and know that you got mad friends that will support you. Just try not to let depression rule your life.
I couldn't agree more....And on the other note...can we just play this as it is....a game and not play it as a religion?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
wanna say sorry for what happen. Katrina is now helping me with this. She is like calling my house every day to make sure I do what the doctors order. I dont really know what I can say about any of this or to make it up. I was acting childish. if ya can forgive my actions...........(again...........what a pain right?) it should be dealt with this time around. And I wanna know if you will expect me back in the crew. Or maybe I might go solo for a while. that might be best.

And hikarui, that Post your brother made was good.Seems that was something I needed to see.

Well thats all I got to say......


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I wanna know whats going to be going on with this crew before I think about returning. Jash and 4eyz left, and hoyo is saying something about not in the mood or w/e So I dont think he be taking this game serious now.So like the top players we have here are NL and Taka. And 666 as well. But I think he said he was gonna chill out as well. If that is the case then I think I'll go solo again. or if another crew wants me, but I have to think about that. This crew is not all that strong. And we dont win crew battles anymore. So I wanna know whats going on, I dont want to waste my time.

We can still play and all and hang out at the school. But if this crew is not really going anywhere then I'll go my own way.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
i think hoyo means that yah take the game to seriously while he is not so he won't have all these problems or sumthing
lies dionis lies show me proof to where i said you couldn't come back


Smash Rookie
Aug 9, 2007
Yoshi's Island
I wanna know whats going to be going on with this crew before I think about returning. Jash and 4eyz left, and hoyo is saying something about not in the mood or w/e So I dont think he be taking this game serious now.So like the top players we have here are NL and Taka. And 666 as well. But I think he said he was gonna chill out as well. If that is the case then I think I'll go solo again. or if another crew wants me, but I have to think about that. This crew is not all that strong. And we dont win crew battles anymore. So I wanna know whats going on, I dont want to waste my time.

We can still play and all and hang out at the school. But if this crew is not really going anywhere then I'll go my own way.
hmm this I find is somewhat sad I mean after all the reason we are a crew is cause we are first friends no? I have so much fun playing smash with all you guys T__ T I mean I think the reason we arent winning any crew battles is because we are to separated, it gets too serious and we turn on each other...Ive been reading the last few couple of pages and I really think theres no need to break up. If anything we need a new angle, view or outlook to all this....so some people want to talk crap let them ..They are the sad ones exerting so much energy talking and then when they get beat they still talk...We also need to have fun first and foremost..the whole point is getting together fighting with friends and enjoying ourselves.... This can be good cause for me when Im having the most fun is when I do the best =D Dont think too much...Opinions need to be voiced true and they have to be helpful criticism too..dont outright insult. Also we all need to ask each other what we think....we are all different so we all have different views../its a good idea to voice them and if someone is offended you say so all civil like please....Hmm if any one minds can I take on the position..Ulysses you seem to want to take a break from all this...I dont mind taking the weight and if no one minds I will deem a meeting to organize ourselves soon


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
hmm this I find is somewhat sad I mean after all the reason we are a crew is cause we are first friends no? I have so much fun playing smash with all you guys T__ T I mean I think the reason we arent winning any crew battles is because we are to separated, it gets too serious and we turn on each other...Ive been reading the last few couple of pages and I really think theres no need to break up. If anything we need a new angle, view or outlook to all this....so some people want to talk crap let them ..They are the sad ones exerting so much energy talking and then when they get beat they still talk...We also need to have fun first and foremost..the whole point is getting together fighting with friends and enjoying ourselves.... This can be good cause for me when Im having the most fun is when I do the best =D Dont think too much...Opinions need to be voiced true and they have to be helpful criticism too..dont outright insult. Also we all need to ask each other what we think....we are all different so we all have different views../its a good idea to voice them and if someone is offended you say so all civil like please....Hmm if any one minds can I take on the position..Ulysses you seem to want to take a break from all this...I dont mind taking the weight and if no one minds I will deem a meeting to organize ourselves soon
I understand. Guess I'll have to be the hero here. Ok then, Im back with this crew. I'll work hard to get this crew up there, even if I have to go at it alone just to rep Imperial Era.

Jash and 4eyz bounce. Top Players we have here are me NL, Hoyo, Taka and your brother. Thats 4. If hoyo can just stay on his game and work harder with his main, he do just fine. I see him play at the school. I swear he be doing some stuff that makes me thing He is better that he comes off to be. If he could do that everywhere and in all battles we have, than that be just fine.

The Top four will be helping out the players in mid level and below. I have not got a chance of Jumpman. I think NL is taking care of him. Jumpman can come to me for Peach practice. he will run into a few in tournaments. not as much as Marth Fox and Falco but a few Peach players here and there Mop, For your Yoshi, I suggest you go To NL. or Hoyo. They can help out. it was better the last time I saw it. You play Peach at times? I can help you with Her as well if you wanna Pick her up. Taka said he want to pick up Peach so I guess I can help him with that. he wants her as a secondary. Now for the rest like Me, NL, Hoyo, Taka and your brother. We just need to improve our mains more. And the match ups. Sensei is already helping me with that. She taught me shiek and Falco. Now I have to put it to the test. If I get it right I would have learn to beat all the tournament characters. Falcon and over.And with Jumpman and Silvi get up there with the rest the crew be in good shape. I know school can be a pain and take up time with work and all. Im in school now as well. But when you have nothing to do and are free. I say get some lil practice in here and there. My house is usually open to smash if Im here. And sundays is always a free smash day. NL is here all the time when possible. And I say we pick days when we can all meet up to smash and help each other.

Any objections?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Mop? as Leader? Im not even the leader here. Its Docs crew. Im just helping out cause of school and he cant do much. really Im doing his handy work.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Doc? Whos Doc? i never heard of him before.


Well If there are no problems, then this crew is set to go as long as we keep this up. Starting monday it can be a start. Shini, You wanted to play me right?. When you think you will be able to play for practice?

People here who are going to Rockins smashfest we can get a head start as a crew. Now to update this crew thread.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Excuse the double post but I thought I take this post and explain what will be going on. Dont worry, its a good thing that we can all work with. and if we keep up with it, this crew should be up there. Here is what me and hoyo were talking about and what I said should happen.

Dark Pch (12:37:27 AM): Well tournaments can help improve yourself. i say every now and then go. even for the friendslies, thats one of the fastest ways to do it and recommonded. I dont go to alot, only sometimes and I think I manage to keep myself up
Dark Pch (12:37:44 AM): But people have other ways of improving
Dark Pch (12:38:00 AM): depends on how you wanna do it
DVDAisHoyo (9:38:07 PM): yeah i understand
Dark Pch (12:38:24 AM): As long as you keep that Marth game up, thats all that matters, the rest do as you please
Dark Pch (12:38:34 AM): Remember, in fights I got all your backs
DVDAisHoyo (9:38:41 PM): iight
Dark Pch (12:40:11 AM): How good is your Yoshi?
DVDAisHoyo (9:40:22 PM): it's iight
DVDAisHoyo (9:40:34 PM): i could practice him if you want
Dark Pch (12:40:36 AM): Think you can help silvi with hers?
DVDAisHoyo (9:40:46 PM): i'll try as much as possible
DVDAisHoyo (9:40:57 PM): right now my ness is getting better
DVDAisHoyo (9:41:08 PM): I just gotta learn to keep the pressure up
Dark Pch (12:41:35 AM): I say use Marth and Yoshi about the same amount of times. You cant forget about your main while useing others
DVDAisHoyo (9:41:44 PM): i know
DVDAisHoyo (9:42:05 PM): falcon is up there too. i'm getting ******** stupid with him, but OD good aswell
DVDAisHoyo (9:42:20 PM): very fast/safe with lots of pressure
Dark Pch (12:42:50 AM): play me with Peach more
Dark Pch (12:43:04 AM): if you can beat Peach or go even with her then your good
Dark Pch (12:43:09 AM): Falcon ***** her bad
DVDAisHoyo (9:43:28 PM): he can, but she got some **** on him too
Dark Pch (12:43:45 AM): thats why the fight is even
Dark Pch (12:44:02 AM): But falcon has a slight advantage cause of his speed
DVDAisHoyo (9:44:07 PM): yeah
DVDAisHoyo (9:44:10 PM): i agree
DVDAisHoyo (9:44:24 PM): cept when he's edgeguarded it all over
DVDAisHoyo (9:44:37 PM): all depends on how well the falcon is at staying on the stage
Dark Pch (12:44:55 AM): and returning
DVDAisHoyo (9:44:59 PM): yeah
Dark Pch (12:45:15 AM): cause regaurdless you are gonna get sent out the stage
DVDAisHoyo (9:46:02 PM): yeah eventually, but if you get sent out at low percent often you're screwed
Dark Pch (12:46:18 AM): Yea
Dark Pch (12:46:31 AM): He is under Peach on the tier list though
Dark Pch (12:47:25 AM): Ok so you and Silvi are good to go
Dark Pch (12:47:32 AM): You play jumpman alot?
DVDAisHoyo (9:47:35 PM): yeah
DVDAisHoyo (9:47:42 PM): want my mario to help him
DVDAisHoyo (9:47:50 PM): my mario is still better than his
Dark Pch (12:48:01 AM): That be good
Dark Pch (12:48:08 AM): NL is doing the same thing
DVDAisHoyo (9:48:14 PM): oh ok
Dark Pch (12:49:18 AM): Also useFox and Falco on him, he has to learn those matches. In tournaments he is gonna see those alot.
DVDAisHoyo (9:49:27 PM): yeah
Dark Pch (12:49:35 AM): and Marth of course
DVDAisHoyo (9:49:38 PM): yeah
Dark Pch (12:50:03 AM): For Peach I got him, in tpurnys while not many, he will run into some, he has to learn that
Dark Pch (12:50:09 AM): tournies*
DVDAisHoyo (9:50:12 PM): yeah
Dark Pch (12:50:50 AM): I gotta check up whats up with oil.
DVDAisHoyo (9:50:56 PM): oh
Dark Pch (12:51:33 AM): Me and NL can handle ours since we play alot and go places and he goes to tournaments too.
Dark Pch (12:51:41 AM): So he is getting better already
Dark Pch (12:52:10 AM): I have a sensi Helping me with Peach
DVDAisHoyo (9:52:23 PM): oh
Dark Pch (12:52:30 AM): today she taught me how to fight Falco and shiek, so Im gonna test this out
DVDAisHoyo (9:52:37 PM): oh ok
Dark Pch (12:53:08 AM): Taka goes to weeklies and shows up at your school to play so he is good to go
Dark Pch (12:53:41 AM): Does silvi's brother play alot?
DVDAisHoyo (9:53:55 PM): not really. he's got serious school work
Dark Pch (12:54:12 AM): I figured
Dark Pch (12:54:41 AM): he is good though, we got him for back up if anything. he goes even with your Marth
DVDAisHoyo (9:55:08 PM): yeah
Dark Pch (12:55:42 AM): Then thats about it
Dark Pch (12:55:49 AM): we are set to go

any objections? if not then we are ready to start improving. the right way this time.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Too me a while to catch up. but good to know you guys will be owning soon enough. Least we still got Dark.Pch I was afraid you leave for good and this crew would die. Your gonna have to rep I.E now man. And hardcore too. Think you can do that?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I dont know man. Im giving this crew some faith cause I was thinking or going else where or just being a solo player. Not sure if my skills would have got me into other crews. I.H.N.C seem cool and all. S.W.A.T too And I was even thinking about TSA. But these were just choices. Or I might have gon as a solo player again.

But I'm having some faith here and believe we can pull this off and get up there. ans everyone is pinching in. NinjaLink is already beasting. I Think Im alright. Hoyo and the others are gone be working at it. And For silvi I thought I land out my Help as a Peach player. And do you all justice. I joined this crew back in january to help doc out. and this crew grew cause of what I have been doing. So I thought this time I lend out my help to this crew once again. If it cant go well, guess I.E is done for and I'll go my way in smash. Yet we will all still play. cant let that die. And if we pull this off, then that be great. too good. Lets see what I can do for you guys.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Yo, you ever thought of being a writer? your post at times are deep man. Thats good. lol

I never knew you did all of this since January. Nearly a year huh? Thats pretty sick man. And yea i think this crew could use you. I mean as bad as you put yourself down (which from what I read, it wont happen again) Your a good player and you got 9th at a big tournament. with that alone you should feel good and that your way better than before. Just keep thinking positive and your good. I think you be good use to any crew. Me and my friends were thinking of making one. We dont know yet. But ey, do your thing man. remember what my brother Zane said. And I think this crew needs you more than anything else. With you in it, they are in good hands. Oh and NinjaLink I saw some roy matches of him. His Roy is sick! and I saw the crew battle. How the Hell does Roy beat a marth like that? I started picking up roy after i saw that. Too good


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York

Yea, that is pretty beast. I gave him so many Roy A.K.A that its funny. everytime we met a new player I say them. its just Funny. Yea For a Roy he is beast. Not like these other Roys around here. Most of them cant handle thier matchups. Yet NL can. Its been a while since I went at that Roy. I gonna have to do that. Fights are good.

And thanks for the comments. I'll do what I can. Along with my friends to help.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
You even got my friends rooting for you and your crew. and Im sure others around here have been as well. cant wait to see some improvement here. GET HYPE IMPERIAL ERA!!!! You will have to excuse me, im a lil hyper. Lol


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York

all in due time. This crew will get there. Like I said before, I got all thier backs in fights. Teams, crew battle,etc. Whatever the case is.

Well Im gonna head to sleep. its getting kinda late here.niterz


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Nite man.

I gotta say this crew is lucky to have Dark.Pch and NinjaLink, cause after those Roy videos, he is now too good. Dude you gotta show me your ways of the roy. and Counter King? Hell yea man. I saw this one match with you Vs Dark.Pch and you counter him for the win on Battle field off the edge and Dark.Pch flew to the other side of the stage and you was still airborne. that looked hot! I would love to see you 2 play more Peach vs Roy. those rights are too good.

Im liking this new Dark.Pch though. I just wanna see first hand how you will be playing. it should be good. Well lets see what the future holds. Good luck people. But doubt you guys would need it right? Lol.

Ok since no one is on guess I'll head out too.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I hope u dont go into the roy thread and post. They will flame ur azz hairs. Totally stupid. Just a warning. Thanks for likin the vids. I need Roy vids but now im workin on Link and helping others with their characters and matchups. My only concern is DIing out of ICs chaingrabs which i figured out yesterday but too late. Lost cause of it. But i did beat X. He was havin a bad day though. He hit me with 2 phantom hits in a row. I guess I was perfectly spaced from his bair and fair. Oh well. Sorry X. T_T


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Oh and I might have a special Guest to help this crew out. He is a friend of mine. He mains a nasty Falcon.But he be only to help the crew out till the end of Dec. Cause he is moving. Ether way Till that time he will be giving I.E a hand. I just gotta check if he can do it. He was busy back then. So Im gonna check up on him now.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Manhattan, NY
All right! It's about time we stepped up :) As for me, even though I might be busy I am making time and space so we could meet up and train......you guys should just pick a day and i'll gladly go....I also got better with my Marth And i have been getting extrememly good with mario and kirby as well (those two are for fun) so yea Im glad alls working out and to everyone of this crew I've got your backs as well.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Shinku Hadoken
You both are such complete losers.

All right! It's about time we stepped up :) As for me, even though I might be busy I am making time and space so we could meet up and train......you guys should just pick a day and i'll gladly go....I also got better with my Marth And i have been getting extrememly good with mario and kirby as well (those two are for fun) so yea Im glad alls working out and to everyone of this crew I've got your backs as well.
I dont have school all this week. So you can pick a day and we all go down to hoyo's school were no one has to go anywhere and is free. That way we can play alot and we can get lots of practice in.

Well Rockins smashfest was Great. NinjaLink is broken. thats all I gotta say. My Peach did alright for playing like I was taught. Its tuff to keep up the flow though. I still have a few habits I need to kill. Like grab more. I blow it in the fight with Jash cause I dsmash when grabs would have just got me the kills. Also I had the lead and then I lose. I get too nervous when Im ahead. same happen with starz. I dont know what to do about that. But that costs me matches. and well earned experience. I also need to learn to do well in Peach dittos. Now these fights are a problem. I win the fights alot. but I dont know what goes on, I freeze up of something. I need to learn how to fight her better. same with sheik. I had a hard time with Big-T's sheik. I dont fight sheiks enough. I won the set though but still. and I need to fight more falco's too. I don get enough practice with Falco.

I have to figure out a way to fix these problems. I be in good hands if all that I just said was cleared. Well I best to get started. I'll ask sensei everyday for help and she will tell me what to do, and I'll work on it. even if it costs me matches. I'll get it one way or another. Oh and Im working on doing the Peach pillar. im not good at spacing it. Cause I keep getting shield grabbed. I'll work on that too. but at times I did it well against a Falcon. Too good.

Well thats all I have to say that was on my mind. Day was ok for me and I did not really get mad in my singles that I lost. i'll get up there soon enough
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