i agree with jew. there is not much of a point of a tourney if you are going to ban a character, unless it is a specific tourney <ex. mk banned tourney>. just like budo said, any character can beat another, it all depends on the player but with the whole advantage\disadvantage thing, it just means things will be harder for one of the people playing.
i did not look into the whole mk ban thing really, but in some cases it almost makes him seem like he is unbeatable lol... it is also possible for a mk user to suck too! sooo... yea. even though tbagz is better then me and wins at mk vs marth fights like 99% of the time, i HOPE he has to try hard all the time and i still beat him that 1% of the time <like with that nice spike during our last practice XD>. so this also shows that mk IS beatable even though he may be very hard. personally, as a gamer, i believe that the challenge should stay and it just proves peoples skills even more then it normally would have. it also just makes it more fun. so why take it away? but hey everyone has their own opinion. so um... yea pit banned tourney next practice guys >_>
ps. i don't likes caps much =]