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I'm back with Sonic


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
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After leaving his cute little blue ballness, I went on to other characters. Since going I learned new things from all these characters, I applied all these new techniques to my Sonic and this is what it is now.


Ill post human ones soon, whenver friends come over lol kinda busy with graduation and stuff.

OH BTW, I did not use special brawl or anything like that, someone accused me of that before.


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
well, the hmmmmm was for a subscription for the thread, and because i had really nothing to say. I was just interested in what other would.

however, since you got me typing, i do like the "back jump one hit charge"

where, it would appear, that you sh backwards, down b once, and then dash. I could be wrong though, i watched about 20 seconds and lost interest, but that did get me to turn my head a little.

and, apparently LuCKy does play brawl, or at least thats what hes been telling me lately. I can't really say if your sonic is good or bad, I mean, your showing off your skill with a 9, ive never heard of you before, and i have yet to see you add a good placement in my tournament result thread.

you sure can give to the AI though /sarcasm

so, you can take my hmmmmmmmmmmmm anyway you like, but, i have no real comment on your sonic or you as a person.


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
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well, the hmmmmm was for a subscription for the thread, and because i had really nothing to say. I was just interested in what other would.

however, since you got me typing, i do like the "back jump one hit charge"

where, it would appear, that you sh backwards, down b once, and then dash. I could be wrong though, i watched about 20 seconds and lost interest, but that did get me to turn my head a little.

and, apparently LuCKy does play brawl, or at least thats what hes been telling me lately. I can't really say if your sonic is good or bad, I mean, your showing off your skill with a 9, ive never heard of you before, and i have yet to see you add a good placement in my tournament result thread.

you sure can give to the AI though /sarcasm

so, you can take my hmmmmmmmmmmmm anyway you like, but, i have no real comment on your sonic or you as a person.
Hmm lets see.


You posted in that thread, you must of remember me. O wellz and if there were tournaments around my location I would go unfortunately there isn't. But I will be at EVO in August, if that is still scheduled which I think it is. And if look at my older videos, I do have human player videos, although about a month old. Anyways if you ever want to fight me irl, I'll be more then glad to fly to your house, wherever that is. Which is maryland lmao, not to far from NY i suppose.

Btw that sh charge, you can DI with it, probably old news but w/e.

Oh may I see your videos btw.


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
I honestly don't remember that, but, I guess I can say you look better.
Without even knowing where you live, I am 100% sure that there is a tournament near you.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
Dun be jealous :)

EDIT: Since Lucky doesn't play brawl really anymore, I suspect there isn't really any other amazing Sonics except for me. am i rite?

I know im rite lulz

I'm sure there are other amazing Sonics out there. I mean, I'd really like to see some stuff of Hella's Sonic and there are probably other Sonics out there who don't have recording equipment so don't get a big head just yet.

I WOULD like to say that from what I saw, you ARE a pretty good Sonic. I had been trying to use that backward short hop to the spin charge into a shield for setting up throws and just mind games. But I never thought to shield and then dash. Thats a pretty nice mind game. I also like how you did that spin shot as your ran off the ledge. Thats a pretty sweet idea for ledge guarding.


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
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I honestly don't remember that, but, I guess I can say you look better.
Without even knowing where you live, I am 100% sure that there is a tournament near you.
I checked mate, in the Tournament listings and asking those nerdy kids at school. I only know one LAN center, hasnt hosted a tourny yet tho.

I'm sure there are other amazing Sonics out there. I mean, I'd really like to see some stuff of Hella's Sonic and there are probably other Sonics out there who don't have recording equipment so don't get a big head just yet.

I WOULD like to say that from what I saw, you ARE a pretty good Sonic. I had been trying to use that backward short hop to the spin charge into a shield for setting up throws and just mind games. But I never thought to shield and then dash. Thats a pretty nice mind game. I also like how you did that spin shot as your ran off the ledge. Thats a pretty sweet idea for ledge guarding.
I just play man, when I do something it's instinct, I never really figured it'd be a mind game.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2008
Personally I feel you didn't gimp Falco's recovery nearly enough and a human Falco would have spammed more lasers, but other than that it was a solid performance. Out of curiosity, what benefits does that SH SpinCharge move grant you? I wasn't paying close enough attention.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
I'm sure I've seen some videos of you before you left Sonic originally on youtube, and I remember being pretty impressed.
Welcome back.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2008
I wasn't aware that you left. And I'm not really sure who you are, but nice Sonic. It probably beats mine, I haven't played brawl in a long time (mariokart). One thing though, I would suggest incorporating tilts more, I think I saw one tilt that whole match.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
lol, if you abused the CPU's dodgy recovery tactics im sure you could have ended that within 40 second :p


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Personally I feel you didn't gimp Falco's recovery nearly enough and a human Falco would have spammed more lasers, but other than that it was a solid performance. Out of curiosity, what benefits does that SH SpinCharge move grant you? I wasn't paying close enough attention.

you just keep playing with it for a while, and your opponent won't know when you'll release.

Think of it this way- put yourself in the Falco's shoes, and try to predict Ophelia's movements. If you can read the attacks ahead of time for the majority of the time, then he's not doing a good job.

Also, I think if you do a running SH-ASC release, (not the ASC shield hop approach like in the video) you can 'float' over lasers

@.@ come to think of it, I've been using FH ASC too much. I remember when I first 'discovered' the ASC cancel, I did it out of SH's but I just kinda... stopped.


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
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lol, if you abused the CPU's dodgy recovery tactics im sure you could have ended that within 40 second :p
The point of the match wasn't to kill the cpu, but rather to record my speed and how I use my attacks and how they would be used on a human. I would play exactly like that on a human.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
meh, your sonic is nothing special. let me fight you.

and beat you

(cuz thats how cocky i am!!!! hahah)

no really, let me fight you online. please pm me.

i can beat any sonic that comes my way, with MY sonic.


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
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meh, your sonic is nothing special. let me fight you.

and beat you

(cuz thats how cocky i am!!!! hahah)

no really, let me fight you online. please pm me.

i can beat any sonic that comes my way, with MY sonic.

But no I don't play online, it failz.:confused:


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah

But no I don't play online, it failz.:confused:

of course online fails.

but still, how are you gonna prove your good? its not like we can go to each others houses and fight.

so wifi is next best thing...


maybe your just scared.?

im still looking for good sonics to beat me, none have done it.

maybe you can? come on fight me.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
Lol I don't get whats the point of beating other Sonics? That makes no sense in proving your good. You need to try winning against chars that have advantages over Sonic then I'd say you have some skill. Beat some good Metaknights, Wolfs etc and then say your good, don't brag cause you can win Sonic dittos thats pointless. And Ophelia your Sonic is alright but all those tactics won't work against a human player. And Spinshotting off the edge looks cool ( I used to do it also) but sometimes you'll get to far out and won't be able to recover so it's not a smart move.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
Lol I don't get whats the point of beating other Sonics? That makes no sense in proving your good. You need to try winning against chars that have advantages over Sonic then I'd say you have some skill. Beat some good Metaknights, Wolfs etc and then say your good, don't brag cause you can win Sonic dittos thats pointless. And Ophelia your Sonic is alright but all those tactics won't work against a human player. And Spinshotting off the edge looks cool ( I used to do it also) but sometimes you'll get to far out and won't be able to recover so it's not a smart move.


your just a hater.

and ive seen your name being used by sooo much people haha XD


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
I'm no hater I'm just honest theres no point in being cocky about beating other Sonics lol thats not going to win you any tourneys or get you any better. And don't make fun of my name cause X isn't THAT original either :p


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
I'm no hater I'm just honest theres no point in being cocky about beating other Sonics lol thats not going to win you any tourneys or get you any better. And don't make fun of my name cause X isn't THAT original either :p

dude X is awesome, and the the only reason i think your name is cool is cuz ZERO is from megaman X

anways yeh ive seen lots of ppl use it


i dont care, all i know is that i can win sonic dittos.

AND whoever said i just couldnt win any other match?>???

my sonic can take on anything.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
I didn't say you couldn't but I'm sure you can't beat EVERYONE with your Sonic lol. All I'm saying is I focus more on my tough match ups than fighting Sonic dittos :p


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2007
Long Island NY.
dude X is awesome, and the the only reason i think your name is cool is cuz ZERO is from megaman X

anways yeh ive seen lots of ppl use it


i dont care, all i know is that i can win sonic dittos.

AND whoever said i just couldnt win any other match?>???

my sonic can take on anything.
Apparently not my Ganon.



Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
Can't say much until you play some more real people, but I definately like your style. And from your other videos I can tell your also good at chasing your enemies around, great pressure game.

Your a unique sonic, I like that.

You should start playing online though, just so you can face some other really good people.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
meh, your sonic is nothing special. let me fight you.

and beat you

(cuz thats how cocky i am!!!! hahah)

no really, let me fight you online. please pm me.

i can beat any sonic that comes my way, with MY sonic.
of course online fails.

but still, how are you gonna prove your good? its not like we can go to each others houses and fight.

so wifi is next best thing...


maybe your just scared.?

im still looking for good sonics to beat me, none have done it.

maybe you can? come on fight me.
dude X is awesome, and the the only reason i think your name is cool is cuz ZERO is from megaman X

anways yeh ive seen lots of ppl use it


i dont care, all i know is that i can win sonic dittos.

AND whoever said i just couldnt win any other match?>???

my sonic can take on anything.
Fresh meat? :D
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