Yeah, I'm waiting 'till this is down to the wire 'till I'm making it. Here are my planned additions:
Shop: You get everything here. There are two currencies, A currency (gained by hurting others) and D currency (gained by healing yourself, and others) Leveling up and it's effects can be bought with either currencies.
Shopkeeper: This is going to be me (or some assistant I hire). They can't participate in the actual game, and serve as moderators. You just need to say you want to, not be playing (either because you didn't join or because you died), and write me a small paragraph. Moderators can skip the paragraph part, and can become substitutes more likely.
Basic attack kits: Normally, you get an attack with X attack and Y heal. Once you level up, you can use one of these to change your new attack. There are only 6, Multi hit, must be separate people, multi hit attack the same person optional, One of each status condition (explained later), and the tri attack (which is the most expensive. It is a multi hit separate target and has all three status conditions under it. It is more expensive than leveling up and you must buy it before the last level, where you can't gain more attacks).
Attack attachments: These are pretty much the same as a kit, except that they are more expensive and that they can be added to old attacks. There is the normal multi hit (attack separate people), advanced multi hit (attack same person), and one for each status condition.
Status conditions: This time there are status conditions. There are only three, Burn, Freeze, and shock. All status conditions last 24 hours unless healed by a healing Item. You can't have more than one status condition or an amplified status condition dumb***, so no Burn and Shock or 2x Freeze. With exception to the tri attack, you can have only one status condition per attack.
Burn: every time someone attacks, you take 2 damage. A post for luz will not count as an attack.
Freeze: you can't attack for 24 hours
Shock: the most complicated to explain (and thus, remember). Your attack is halved, you get 50% recoil damage, and you healing ability is halved (you do not get recoil for healing). I Could try Paralysis, but since this isn't Pokemon, I would have trouble doing so (Confusion is also practically impossible to do, and Burn/Freeze take out Poison and Sleep respectively).
Healing Items:
Potion/super potion/hyper potion: Heals 25/50/100 damage respectively (max health is 100). You can't share potions
Burn/Freeze/Shock/full heal: Heals up Burn/Freeze/Shock/all status conditions
First aid kits: Heals 75 damage, you CAN give this to someone (based off L4D, except with a bit less healing)
Hyper powers: These supercharge you in a single/multiple stats. They are as expensive as Hell and use up all the type of currency used to buy it (ex: hyper attack would use up all A currency, even if you had 50 more than required). You can't use any Items while in a hyper mode.
Hyper attack: Doubles damage given, Halves healing and doubles damage taken
Hyper Defend: Halves damage given, double's heal, halves damage taken
Omega power: Doubles damage given, taken, and heal. This requires equal amount of Both Currencies, so you're broke after this.
You can't achieve respective currency with respective powers.
Please say any recommendations to any of this to make the shop Mechanic less confusing/add more plausible Items
PS: You can buy alliance colors from the shop. Any color except Black, white, Or any shade of gray is available. Once someone buys a color, everyone allied with them will be that color, and someone else can't buy that color. This is to help prevent mistakes (which happened to me during the last individual H&Hi).
20 People Max. You lose 10 health no matter what if you make a mistake, so If you make 10 mistakes, you die (health is at 100. Debating on whether or not to raise this once you level up)