Attack Yaya, Uhoh, ****, Sorry, I was attacking rm88, and accidentally hit Yaya instead. Forgive me, I honestly thought you were someone else. Can I fix that? I honestly didn't want to hit you.
Hold on, let me make that more apparent *kneels on knees, puts hands together* PLEASE, I DIDN'T MEAN TO ATTACK YAYA, I HIT THE WRONG PERSON, GIVE ME A SECOND CHANCE, THE ATTACK WAS AN ACCIDENT!
Oh, and I didn't want to upset agidus either, so that was why I deviated from the rest of you guys (I was originally hoping to recruit him for my alliance. Once that was trashed, I ditched it.
Oh, and I don't really have a habit of marking what I just did on occasion, except when an enemy is on the brink of death. rm88 wasn't, Yaya wasn't, and I just confused the two. See, I have a poor attention span and when I don't focus... Hey look a squirrel.
No seriously, I'm sorry, I'm already racked with the guilt of the mistake. I'm constantly checking up on this to see if you acc epted the apology or thought it was a piece of **** (It isn't, I swear)