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Smash Apprentice
Aug 20, 2006
ask ur mom
190. when ur prom date wears a pink dress and a crown and u wear a red cap, shirt, and blue overalls.
191. when u see a guy dressed in a turtle costume and try to take their shell and throw it at people.
192. when u take a white or yellow sheet, hit someone with it, and try to turn them completely around.
193. u succeed.
194. u fall off a stage and try to get back on b4 u hit the ground
195. u succeed.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Bahamut-??? (talked to ligolski)
ZMan-town (Just cleared)
Ronike- ??? (talked to ligolski)
Radnortuws-Town (TahjMach)
Lance87- ???
ixnayonthehombre- ???
Frozenflame751- ??? (talked to ligolski)
Marshigio- ??? (was targeted for a voteblock by agentli/chill, probably town)
ligolski- ???
Ih8jamesbond- ???
TahjMach-??? (has claimed, probably town)
Ok here is frozens list but i have to make a few changes...

Bahamut-??? (talked to ligolski and he said he was town)
ZMan-town (Just cleared)
(deleted ronike already dead and he was town who was said to be town by zman AND me)
Radnortuws-Town (TahjMach)
Lance87- ???
ixnayonthehombre- ???
Frozenflame751- ??? (talked to ligolski)
Marshigio- ??? (was targeted for a voteblock by agentli/chill, probably town)
ligolski- town (because i know i am town AND I have been targeted like almost every night)
Ih8jamesbond- town (marshigio)
TahjMach-??? (has claimed, probably town > giving us hints on who is who)

There are the changes made just compare to the other list to figure out what i changed

Well good job frozen for reminding me/us about these instances and connecting them...I figured he was niave but wasn't positive... unvote: zman

I think we should look into the inactives who were claimed to be town by zman...people like ixnayonthehombre, pezzaddict, ect...

So... vote: ixnayonthehombre And remember about the controversy day 1 we had with him...


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
sry couple more things to add...

Then, huge wings are heard beating and then ZMan is picked up by a giant wyvern. It's rider says..."What the?! This isn't lance87!" ZMan is voteblocked today.
This proves lance is town because he was targeted except he got switched...

Elsewhere, Bahamut was reading his book. Then the room became pitch black and he felt himself being choked to death..... but a powerful wave of energy sweeps the choking magic away and the darkness lifted..... Bahamut is still alive. "How'd that happen?" he says.
This proves bahamut town because he was targeted one of the nights but he lived...

Chill was at the top of the castle, feeding his wyvern. "Eat up. You're going to have to get lots of energy to kidnap Marshigio....." He chuckles evily.
And this proves marshigio to be town because he was going to be kidnapped by the mafia but chill died (due to frozenflame/gotmink) before he could do anthing

So that leaves 3 people unconfirmed with two mafia dead! that means these have to be the last mafia!!!! So ixnayonthehombre, sinz and okurama must be MAFIA
So lets do this town and win!

If you don't believe these quotes then look at camo-man's openner post and read the night scenes!!!

i wonder if we could mass lynch...??? hehe :):):):)

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Wow thats some really nice work there ligolski. I'd just like to point out one thing.

camo-man said:
Elsewhere, Bahamut was reading his book. Then the room became pitch black and he felt himself being choked to death..... but a powerful wave of energy sweeps the choking magic away and the darkness lifted..... Bahamut is still alive. "How'd that happen?" he says.
This proves bahamut town because he was targeted one of the nights but he lived...

So that leaves 3 people unconfirmed with two mafia dead! that means these have to be the last mafia!!!! So ixnayonthehombre, sinz and okurama must be MAFIA
So lets do this town and win!
Unfortunately, this attempt on Bahamut's life does not clear him. I am very inclined to beleive that this attempt was made as a result of Okurama's abilty which he had revealed earlier.
Okurama said:
3 : well here, just something really lame i am going to say "my ability sucks", it ctually does, is just that i have a 25% to hit someone ramdon in night (that includes townies ) so far it has only hit one night and failed (so yeah my ability is not even control by me since in hits randomly, but hasn't hit anyone so far, which i say its good), so now you know my ability (which wasn't THAT important =P)
Notice how he says it has only worked once. Has there ever been an attack like this before? Furthermore, the attack failed, just like Okurama said his ability often does, which is to be expected with only 25% chance of a hit. Also, I'm pretty sure that the mafia is attacking with an axeman, so this attack couldn't have been mafia work.

In any event, I beleive the three people ligolski has come up with are very strong possibilities. None of them have been particularly active, sinz being the biggest lurker of the three. I'm really quite content with lynching any of them, so I'll go with ligolski on this one and Vote: ixnayonthehombre


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
awesome catch frozen!
okuarma must be town then because his description matches what has actually happenned
therefore bahamut lied to me and he must be mafia along with sinz and ixnayonthehobre
So these must be the last 3 mafia!!!

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Bahamut and Lance aren't proven town because how do we know they were the first ones targeted? Maybe the roleswitcher wanted one of them died, so switched them out. Either way, I think Lance is town mainly because he's been posting recently.

We might as well try this plan,Vote:Ixnayonthehombre


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2005
Tijuana, CA (yeah, i know i change my location, AG
Notice how he says it has only worked once. Has there ever been an attack like this before? Furthermore, the attack failed, just like Okurama said his ability often does, which is to be expected with only 25% chance of a hit. Also, I'm pretty sure that the mafia is attacking with an axeman, so this attack couldn't have been mafia work.
and i though my ability was not worth posting

pretty much i got nothing important to post :( , but well if there is nothing else to do i'll.

vote: ixnayonthehombre

umm, i wonder what would happend if ixnay is town, should we go and lytch the other dudes or thinked it out.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
We have given him almost 2 weeks now, if he was going to defend himself he would have


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2004
Assume that this drawing were perfect. By that I mean, everything is lined up and all things are centered as they appear.

This is a profile veiw of a school bus. Which way is it driving? (not a trick question, and the answer isn't "neither")



Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2005
answer to Rye's riddle:

Assuming that's an American school bus, it's going to the left, because otherwise, we'd see the door.

And since it seems people have given up, my answer to my riddle -- the Ken and Isai 4 room problem (remember, I could be wrong):

Doraki was pretty close. Let's label the rooms
with ken and Isai starting in rooms 1 and 2 respectively.
Isai has no incentive to stay in room 2, so he will wait behind the door to room 3 and leave as soon as the starting light flashes. Ken, having figured this out and having an imperative not to be lapped, will wait on the opposite side of the room from the door to 2 until the light flashes, and then proceed directly into room 2 (he might even open the door to room 3 and close it just to simulate the time taken for Isai to open and close the door).

Isai will keep right on going into room 4 and, knowing that Ken has left room 1 almost immediately, continue into room 1. There he will stop because...

Ken has continued moving right along through rooms 2 and 3 (he will likely walk a circle in room 2 before continuing just to be safe) and move into room 4 where he will stop. Once he is in room 4, he cannot be lapped and his imperative changes to not catching up with Isai. He will wait in room 4 for as long as he can safely estimate that the hour is not up before finally continuing to room 1 and ending in room 2. That is why it is a better riddle if Ken has the watch (which is otherwise a red herring). It takes the guesswork out of Ken's job -- he can wait till 58 minutes are up and then continue. He can still do it without the watch, but he'll have to leave early enough to be safe.

Isai meanwhile has stopped in room 1 and knows that ken will not continue past room 4 for quite some time. Just to be on the safe side, he'll walk around the room a few times, scratch himself a little, yawn, and then continue on to room 2 and finish in room 3 with almost the entire hour to spare.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2005
And here's another riddle.
(sorry to double post, but the last one was long enough and this one is unrelated)

You're about to get on a tour bus with 50 seats. There are 49 other passengers and you're the last one in line to get on. Everyone has an assigned seat marked on their ticket, but the first guy in line is drunk, so when he enters the bus, he takes a seat at random. One at a time, everyone else gets on the bus after him, and looks to go to their assigned seat. If their seat is open, they take it, but if their seat is occupied, they take another seat at random. Lucky you, being the last one on.

What are the exact odds of you getting your original assigned seat?


The Terminator
Nov 29, 2005
Springfield Mass
Assume that this drawing were perfect. By that I mean, everything is lined up and all things are centered as they appear.

This is a profile veiw of a school bus. Which way is it driving? (not a trick question, and the answer isn't "neither")

[/QUOT no where becuase is in a complete stop i think


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
And here's another riddle.
(sorry to double post, but the last one was long enough and this one is unrelated)

You're about to get on a tour bus with 50 seats. There are 49 other passengers and you're the last one in line to get on. Everyone has an assigned seat marked on their ticket, but the first guy in line is drunk, so when he enters the bus, he takes a seat at random. One at a time, everyone else gets on the bus after him, and looks to go to their assigned seat. If their seat is open, they take it, but if their seat is occupied, they take another seat at random. Lucky you, being the last one on.

What are the exact odds of you getting your original assigned seat?
1:50 because every person before you has the chance to take your seat and including you that's 50.

For Ryu's riddle, I think he is going to the left because the door where people get in are always on the right. Since you can't see that door it must mean that the driver is on the left and if you exclude the possibility for the bus to stand still then he would be driving to the left.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2004
Yes the bus is moving left (if it's american). The door is the key.

I have a feeling it'll end up being less than 1:50, but not because it's simple like that.

The drunk guy has a 1:50 chance of stealing your seat, but he has an EQUAL chance that he'll steal his own seat (messing up nothing). He als has a 1 to 50 chance of stealing #2's seat. Then #2 gets ANOTHER chance to steal your seat or even #3's seat which will create ANOTHER opportunity to have your seat stolen. So initially it's 1:50, then if he steals #2's seat it becomes 1:50 + 1:2450 and so on and so forth. You keep adding tiny probabilities that don't affect the probability much lower than 1:50.

So each time that the person steals the NEXT person's seat, it creates a MUCH lower chance of creating a slightly higher chance of success. So maybe it's less than 1:50? maybe like 1:2500 or something much higher.

There becomes a lesser probability that a GREATER probability will happen, which leads me to believe that it might simplify down to something less than 1:50. I forget how to work this with math, but that's how I work it with logic.

like, it's astronomically improbable that 47 people steal each others seats CONSECUTIVELY, but if they do, it'll lead to a GREAT probability (1:1) that the last passenger before you will steal your seat. A 1:1 probability might offset a larger improbability a lot.. im not sure though because I've forgotten how to do this with math :(

Another scenario I hadn't thought of is what if the drunkard steals #49's seat? that's a 1:100 chance (1:50 he'll steal it and 50% chance that #49 steals your seat)

But that's a sweet riddle. I'd like to hear the answer (or at least the formula) today. It might be 1:50, but that would be boring.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2006
The Netherlands, Venlo
man #1 has a 1:49 chance to steal your seat (he can't steal his own)
man #2 has a 1:48 chance to steal your seat (he can't steal his own, #1 has taken 1 seat)
man #3 has a 1:47 chance to steal your seat
man #49 has a 1:1 chance to steal your seat.
so 49+48+47....+1= 1225
so a chance of 1:1225
Probably wrong XD


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2004
yours would be right except that they DO have a chance to steal their own seat, which complicates things further.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
A lot has happened since I last checked here...

first of all unvote: ZMan

Then, huge wings are heard beating and then ZMan is picked up by a giant wyvern. It's rider says..."What the?! This isn't lance87!" ZMan is voteblocked today.
@Marshigio- It says ZMan is picked up and whoever it was (I think it was Agentli/chill because that's what his ability was-a giant wyvern who kidnaps dudes) was looking for me but got ZMan instead because it says "What the?! This isn't Lance87!"

I was targeted by agentli/chill on night 2. That night somebody must have switched me with ZMan to protect ZMan from a mafia kill and have me dead instead.

Anyways, ixnay is a good choice and the (active members) of the town seem to concur.

vote: ixnay


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2005
none of the answers to the tour bus seat riddle as of yet have been correct

I'm gonna give this one some more time to see if anyone can figure it out.
I'm not sure if I can think of any good hints that will help without giving the answer away, but I'll try to think of something if people want.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
I'm starting to second guess myself about some of ways I thought I proved some of you town..because of something I caught...

Out on the castle grounds, agentli decided to sit down for a bit and enjoy the view. It was so peaceful that he dozed off slightly. Just when that happened, a wyvern picks him up by the shoulders and carries him away. agentli is voteblocked today
This is very interesting because it looks to me as if agentli had his wyvern "kidnap" himself to make him look town but we all know he was mafia

Then, huge wings are heard beating and then ZMan is picked up by a giant wyvern. It's rider says..."What the?! This isn't lance87!" ZMan is voteblocked today.
And due to this lance87 can not be confirmed town because of this> because it could be the mafia trying to trick us, kidnapping one of their own again...I believe Bahamut may be town or mafia> not really sure and I just thought of Okurama migt be playing us like a fiddle...and just because he has a killing role and has confessed doesn't make him town; he could still be mafia

Therefor we can not justify someone town using the wyvern...or okurama's tried kill...

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I'm starting to second guess myself about some of ways I thought I proved some of you town..because of something I caught...

This is very interesting because it looks to me as if agentli had his wyvern "kidnap" himself to make him look town but we all know he was mafia

And due to this lance87 can not be confirmed town because of this> because it could be the mafia trying to trick us, kidnapping one of their own again...I believe Bahamut may be town or mafia> not really sure and I just thought of Okurama migt be playing us like a fiddle...and just because he has a killing role and has confessed doesn't make him town; he could still be mafia

Therefor we can not justify someone town using the wyvern...or okurama's tried kill...
That's a good point. Just because agnetli tried to kidnap lance doesn't clear him, he could have easily been capturing lance to make him look innocent when they were relaly scumbuddies, just like how he kidnapped himself.

I think we jumped to conclusions a bit to quickly. I think I'll Unvote: ixnayonthehombre for now and think this over a little bit.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2004
Paris - France
And here's another riddle.
(sorry to double post, but the last one was long enough and this one is unrelated)

You're about to get on a tour bus with 50 seats. There are 49 other passengers and you're the last one in line to get on. Everyone has an assigned seat marked on their ticket, but the first guy in line is drunk, so when he enters the bus, he takes a seat at random. One at a time, everyone else gets on the bus after him, and looks to go to their assigned seat. If their seat is open, they take it, but if their seat is occupied, they take another seat at random. Lucky you, being the last one on.

What are the exact odds of you getting your original assigned seat?
1 chance out of 2

when person #x takes is seat, the seats of persons #2 to #x are taken, and also 1 other random seat is occupied among the seats of person #1 and persons from #(x+1) to #50.
So, when you're about to take your seat, the seats #2 to #49 are taken, the 2 seats left are #1 and #50, and 1 of them is occupied at random by someone.
So it's 1/2


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2005
on the dark side of the moon
Bahamut-6 (DiamondFalcon, Ronike, frozenflame751, Kujirudo, Lance87, camo-man)

6 to lynch.

You all decide that Bahamut is the evilest person among you, and promptly smack him with spatulas until his head falls off. After checking his restaurant, you are saddened to see that he was Ming Tree, Message Sender.

It is now Night 3. Get those actions in!
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