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#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Its been a long time since my last post and I apologize but here I am ready to go again. Anyway, I'm not sure why no one else has noticed this yet, but if the others were able to ambush zman and company, doesn't that mean they weren't on the event with them? I beleive that since they were captured, that pretty much clears them as town. I also am strongly inclined to beleive that the others cannot sign up for events seeing as how they are probably off capturing people and such during them. For this reason, I beleive that anyone who has signed up for an event is cleared as town (or atleast not an other which means they could still be independant).

Anyway, I would like to sign up for this event, seeing as how we are short enough on townies already since nights have ended up being valantine's day massacres, :ohwell: and we need those captured townies back to help balance out the voting power.

In for Event 3


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Duke, Rumikun, and Frozenflame751 have joined.

Only one more is needed.


it's just duke. nothing to get worried about.
Oct 8, 2005
Being a good little confo
Phew, I just reread that last part of the thread, 25-39, yet again because I had absolutely nothing else to do. Man, I am really ready to to you guys what I have found as long as you all are going to be open minded and on be a prick about it. I will explain it after the event just because I dont' want it to disrupt the event but I'll just give you the names of who I think could potentially be the 5 mafia members.


And I wrote notes and these are 3 particular people are are so incredibly inactive that I could not or could hardly take any nots on.


These lists are in order, too.

And some other contenders for being suspcious are...

Rappy Rappist

So there ya go, kinda like Duke's half time show. I know I was pretty close on the mafia list with maybe a few people wrong but on the whole I am pretty sure that all 5 of those people are mafia. And while the event is going, I'd really like to individually pressure vote camo-man, ligolski and rumiken so that we can have somethign to do while the event is going.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
I join.

And I'm not incredibly inactive! I've posted once a day usually at least AND yesterday I had a band concert so I couldn't go onto the Internet AND I don't have free Internet priveleges. My mom keeps the USB device and she doesn't like my joining these games cuz they "take too much time and effort." So yeah. Probably hear more from me in the summer.


it's just duke. nothing to get worried about.
Oct 8, 2005
Being a good little confo
Duke said:
Phew, I just reread that last part of the thread, read 25-39, yet again because I had absolutely nothing else to do. Man, I am really ready to tell you guys what I have found; as long as you are all going to be open minded and not be a prick about it. I will explain it after the event just because I dont' want it to disrupt the even. For now, I'll just give you the names of who I think could potentially be the 5 mafia members.
Wow I realized I totally screwed up that first paragraph with speling imperfectinos.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2005
Tijuana, CA (yeah, i know i change my location, AG
duke i just have i little problem with your post, not about me, is varuna and frozenflame (well ateast i have a 99% on varuna and 50% on frozenflame). So here i go:

okay i think you all remember this day, don't you, is just the start of day 2.

Eorlingas posting night events and start of day 2 said:
You decide that it is time to lynch someone. Eventually it is decided that Mc-Killa wasn’t on the plane. Although he protests, you quickly find a vine that is lying on the ground, and strangle him to death. He was Libby, Town aligned.

With the sun setting, you all decide to sleep. One of you begins to play a soft melody on his guitar, and slowly sings you to sleep.

The further we are apart, the nearer I feel you are.
Even my loneliness turns into strength... when I think of you.

In a time where streets, people and dreams change,
I could only oppose them.
I still did not realize,
That there are things that can't be conveyed even with words.

My lost dreams of wanting to hold you by my side,
For them, you said, "Don't give up!"

Soon he too stops singing, and falls into an uneasy slumber.

But then a shout is heard. Waking up, you realize that none of you can find Varuna . He is missing, and cannot use, or be targeted for night abilities tonight

As you all crowd around where he slept, a shot breaks through the night. A mist of red shoots out of Skylink's neck, and he soon collapses onto the sand. He was John Locke, Town Aligned

Scattering after the gunfire, one of you trips on someone who failed to wake up. That might have been because his neck was snapped, and all of his bones in his left hand shattered. Although he did have a half-pleased look on his face. Jarc is dead. He was The Pilot, Town Alligned

None of you can find Frozenflame751, although someone thought they heard his voice comming from the hatch. He cannot vote, use, or be targeted for night abilities tonight .

Duke is still missing

Another day starts. It is now Day 2 . With 18 able to vote, it will take 10 to lynch.'

If I didn't PM you anything, then you are allowed to talk in this thread as much as you want, unless you are dead.
you see here tht varuna and frozenflame both are missing, and duke during this time was still missing. Now remember ixnayonthehombre roleclaim...

ixnayonthehombre in post 378 said:
I'm worried.

NOT QUOTING DIRECTLY!Semi-Role Claim: every night I can have some kind of dream that deals with prophecy...I'm not saying that is it, I'm not saying whether there is more or not.
I found out yesterday that we have 5 Mafia, and 2 Independant...if frozenflame is not Mafia or independant, then we will have 8 people who won't vote the way we want them to.
We need to all agree on who to vote for, and have a very good reason for them to be Mafia.
One mis-lynch and we're done for.
okay, in here ixnayonthehombre reveal that we have 5 mafias and 2 independents that can vote, during that time, but he lso mention if frozenflame was/was not independent then there would be 8 plp (though i don't get it why frozenflame, i personlly though more varuna since i see not vote restriction in the start of the day, though he was missing, so this gets me t think he hated a vote restriction)

ixnayonthehombre in post 381 said:
18 people can vote, 10 to lynch, and 7 of those people are non-town, so I'm just saying that we need to really think this one through.
even though lets continue, he said here that 18 plp could vote (7 of those are mafia/independants) so lets make i list:

thatguy (now skylink, AGAIN)
james sparrow (is ixnayon dad/mom)
thedocsalive (i really didn't notice it, but in the first age it sids HATCH! i really don't get it :confused: )
elefterios (was town)
ixnayonthehombre (roleclaim and is the son of james, so i think hes town, not sure though)
pezzadict (was town)
sideeffect (was town)
bahamut (was town)
rumikun (i didn't know chu was his brother, ohh no he got pwd by 3 bowser, YEAH!!)
karshskin (right now lingolski)

with the events of night 3, the list of suspicios has gone down, this only leaves 11 of 18 suspicios, and if you notice i did not count duke, varuna nd frozen, because if my theory is correct there town by wahat ixnayn said, so right now i say we have 5 towns (if am correct) and the mafias nd indeendents, well pretty much i hve nothing on them but this:

Okurama in post 466 said:
okay screw up, nobody understood what i say the last post, okay simple i tell a story (YEAH! a story, weird ad this moment, but what the heck):

i was walking on the beach went i saw some dude, that i have never seen before, the stranges thing he looked like a muffin, too weird i know, but let me continued, the thing is like i have never seen him before, but he doesn't hang-on with some else, his alone, thats all.

if plp understand what this mean then you know what to do (unless i have to go with my previous plan, which sucks because there will be roleclaims)
reminder, for the plp that haven't get it or forgot it.


it's just duke. nothing to get worried about.
Oct 8, 2005
Being a good little confo
Wow, I am really sorry but I just don't understand. It's not that I'm just dumb, because I have reread your post SEVERAL times but I just CANNOT understand what you are saying. You make so many vital typos and
weird sentence structures that I literally just cannot understand you.

Same thing with ixnay's roleclaim, I didn't mention it or reply to it because I just didn't understand him. He totally worded things weird so that I could not understand him. I just don't get it. Can someone maybe who understands it, and can use a little better structure, honestly no offense okurama I just cannot understand your sentence structures, to explain it to me.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Duke, Frozenflame, Camo-Man, and Rumikun join the event.

Four of you decide to take the responsibility over the rest of the surviviors, and so you must first decide on what to do.

You now have guns. You must make a choice.

Go after them, and risk your lives to save them, or stay where you are, let them leave with two of you without a fight?



Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
I got a chance to get on today and I found duke saying this...
And I wrote notes and these are 3 particular people are are so incredibly inactive that I could not or could hardly take any nots on.

First of all I just joined to let you know, in case during all that rereading you missed that or something...second since i have joined I have posted in my mind quite a bit...plus remember during these events there isn't much to say, if nothing at all...

Wow, I am really sorry but I just don't understand. It's not that I'm just dumb,
Reread it again slowly and you will probably get it...i got most of it on my first try...he is saying like these 3 are probably not mafia because they were captured...and backs this up with ixnays role claim...it's really not that hard to understand...lol:)


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
OOPS!!! I wanted to mention this tiny suspicion/thing that I caught...
Duke, you said you had a posting restriction BUT according to eorlingas no one has a posting striction unless he says so...To me it seems like you were lying to cover possible maybe...lurking or something else...this means you COULD be mafia/independent...
FOS: duke for the said reason...


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2005
The Hall of Eternia, Exactly 10 miles west of the
i apologize for being inactive. i find myself on a few mafia lists, which is of course accectable.

If you are suspicous of me, I would love for my name to be cleared with an investigation. I will admit I havent been following this game closely, but I have a good reason.

Rest assured that I will be more active come day four. I apologize for my lack of playing time.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
I believe that Duke had a posting restriction when he was captured on the events. Now, since he's back, noone has a posting restriction.

And Duke, could you explain to me why you think I'm mafia? Since I have no clue what you are talking about.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
ligolski said:
OOPS!!! I wanted to mention this tiny suspicion/thing that I caught...
Duke, you said you had a posting restriction BUT according to eorlingas no one has a posting striction unless he says so...To me it seems like you were lying to cover possible maybe...lurking or something else...this means you COULD be mafia/independent...
FOS: duke for the said reason...
Do you not remember that has been captured up until around the end of event 2? Eorlingas said that since he was captured he could only post 5 times until he was found.

I'd also like to point out that Duke is pretty much guaranteed to not be mafia seeing as how he is in the event with me. Same goes for anyone else who has ever joined an event.

This leads me to be suspicious of some of our more active players who seem to want to get the game moving along but have never even joined an event. Ligolski, thedocsalive and Riciardos are just a few of those people and I am very inclined to beleive that they are all mafia.

Lastly with relation to the current event I say that we should Vote: go save those who have been captured

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Well seeing as how there hasn't been one in the last roughly 40 posts, here's an UNOFFICIAL VOTE COUNT:

Drab Emordnilap (1): Typh
KillerPlacebos (1): Zman
Ragamuffin Raptor (2): Riciardos, Camo-man
Eorlingas (2): Frozenflame751, Chill

8 Votes to lynch. Sideeffect001 and Sinz(Dawnroyfire) cannot vote.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2005
A house made of brick, wood, and plaster (I think)
frozenflame751 said:
Do you not remember that has been captured up until around the end of event 2? Eorlingas said that since he was captured he could only post 5 times until he was found.

I'd also like to point out that Duke is pretty much guaranteed to not be mafia seeing as how he is in the event with me. Same goes for anyone else who has ever joined an event.

This leads me to be suspicious of some of our more active players who seem to want to get the game moving along but have never even joined an event. Ligolski, thedocsalive and Riciardos are just a few of those people and I am very inclined to beleive that they are all mafia.

Lastly with relation to the current event I say that we should Vote: go save those who have been captured
You can't say that one person is cleard just because the event, Frozenflame. If you look at who joined the events, nobody has died on them (I think) so it would not be particularly dangerous to go on one. That means that Any Mafia could very well be hitchhiking on these little crusades. Who goes on the event is basesd much more on when they are online (and if they arn't felling lucky/ feel they will slow it down) So I'm not going to trust this theory alone.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Whether or not someone has died on these events has NOTHING to do with it. I beleive that the mafia cannot go on these events because of the fact that they were there to ambush those people who WERE on the event. All three of the people who were part of teh event at the time of the ambush were together, therefore one of them couldn't have slipped away and then ambushed them. My reasoning is, teh mafia can't join these event because they need to be free to set up these trap and other dangers we've been running into.

To support this theory, fairly active players such as Ligolski, Riciardos and thedocsalive have never joined an event despite the fact that they are online very often and disliek teh fact that the game is moving slow. If you want to get teh game moving again you would join an event so that it can start would you not? This leads me to beleive that they didn't join because they CAN'T because they are mafia.

I hope my ideas are clearer now.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2005
A house made of brick, wood, and plaster (I think)
frozenflame751 said:
Whether or not someone has died on these events has NOTHING to do with it. I beleive that the mafia cannot go on these events because of the fact that they were there to ambush those people who WERE on the event. All three of the people who were part of teh event at the time of the ambush were together, therefore one of them couldn't have slipped away and then ambushed them. My reasoning is, teh mafia can't join these event because they need to be free to set up these trap and other dangers we've been running into.

To support this theory, fairly active players such as Ligolski, Riciardos and thedocsalive have never joined an event despite the fact that they are online very often and disliek teh fact that the game is moving slow. If you want to get teh game moving again you would join an event so that it can start would you not? This leads me to beleive that they didn't join because they CAN'T because they are mafia.

I hope my ideas are clearer now.
Ohhh, right. Now I get it. The mafia CAN'T join.

Now, for your second paragraph, if you are trying to pin something on docsalive, ligolski, or ricardos, or worse yet, ME, (well, I dunno about the first three) then it was mainly a matter of when they were online. Meaning I was offline when this event was offered, so yeah... I reserve that argument... or something...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
San Jose CA
smash bros. melee betting

This game is sorta like betting at the races except without money! Here are the rules:
The characters will be lvl 9 CPUs. I will tell you who the characters will be, what stage they are on, and what items will be used. I will sometimes say random for one of these for a little variety. :laugh:

* To participate, just lay down a bet on any battle. Every particpant starts out with four points, which are given to them once they make their first bet.
* When betting, all you need to do is post the character you predict to win and how many points you are bidding on that character.
* After I post the match-up, you will have two days (48 hours) to place your bets. After that window passes, no bets will be accepted.
* No betting more points than you have.
* I don't interfere with the battle in any way, the whole thing is simulated by the computer.
* If you run out of points, you will be disqualified from the next battle. After that battle, you will start over again with 4 points.
* No betting for more than one character at once.
* You can change your bet as long as you do it before the results of the match are given. :bigthumbu
* Give me two good suggestions that I use and you get a 1 point bonus!

Here is the first battle:

Mario vs. peach! :chuckle:
Peach's Castle,
All Mario items.
Battle of the spouses, who will win? :p


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
San Jose CA
The first person! :) I hereby award you with one extra point! :chuckle:
By the way, I added a new rule, you can now change your bet as long as you do it before the results of the match are given.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Hm, I missed lots of activity over a few days. Anyway, let's see what's happened lately.

As for Duke's five mafia, I would have liked to see reasons from him. But, I think he has some accuracy to his list. falcoX hasn't been too pro-town, but that can be partially explained by his inactivity. frozenflame has seemed like his normal self, with a little more absence. Yep, pot calling the kettle black (I'm being a little hypocritcal), as I haven't posted much lately either. But more on frozenflame (and his views) later. I don't recall seeing much from Varuna, but I'm getting good pro-town vibes from him. Don't ask why, I just see him as pro-town. I feel like Riciardos and Chill have played and said some generic pro-town things, but haven't really helped the town too much. At least minor mafia tells on those two.

I don't really agree with the rest of Duke's post. If you're complaining about activity, RappyRapist belongs in that group before guys like ligolski and camo-man. As for the last two, I'm suspicious of ligolski for really wanting to speed the game along, but not really helping much.

As for Okurama's post, I'm guessing his role indicates that Varuna is 99% town and ff is 50% town? I don't see how the people being missing indicates that they're pro-town. As for ixnay's roleclaim relating to frozen, I'm not sure that it points to him being pro-town or not. He was very vague, and probably didn't have info relating specifically to frozen. Also, it seems like Ragamuffin Raptor is one of ixnay's two prophesized independents. He may not be the best lynch, though. With five mafia (assuming ixnay is correct), they could control the town pretty soon. It's pretty important to try to lynch mafia at this point, as they're much closer to winning than the independents.

As for me being in the hatch, I'm guessing it's some sort of night protect/block, as I can't use nor be affected by night actions.

frozenflame751 said:
Whether or not someone has died on these events has NOTHING to do with it. I beleive that the mafia cannot go on these events because of the fact that they were there to ambush those people who WERE on the event. All three of the people who were part of teh event at the time of the ambush were together, therefore one of them couldn't have slipped away and then ambushed them. My reasoning is, teh mafia can't join these event because they need to be free to set up these trap and other dangers we've been running into.

To support this theory, fairly active players such as Ligolski, Riciardos and thedocsalive have never joined an event despite the fact that they are online very often and disliek teh fact that the game is moving slow. If you want to get teh game moving again you would join an event so that it can start would you not? This leads me to beleive that they didn't join because they CAN'T because they are mafia.
Interesting point here. Flavor-wise, your idea makes a lot of sense, but it just doesn't make sense logically. If you truly believe this theory, the correct play is a no lynch until we clear enough townies through events to guarantee mafia/independent lynches. I just can't imagine the game being broken this easily. If this is true, any player signing up for multiple events isn't helping the town, as the space for the event could be used to clear another townie.

But, there are a lot of ifs in the above paragraph. IF frozenflame is right. IF this is true. IF we all believe the theory. Personally, I don't buy it. And I'm not just saying that because he listed me as a possible mafia. As I said earlier, I'd be happy with voting ligolski or Riciardos, but for different reasons than your theory.

So, let's wait for the event to wrap up so we can see what happens. After that, we should try to go with who we suspect of being mafia, even though I'm pretty sure RR is independent.

So, a short list of my suspicions:
1. Ragamuffin Raptor (independent)
2. ligolski (mafia)
3. frozenflame751 (mafia)
4. falcoX (mafia)
5. RappyRapist (independent)
6. Riciardos (mafia)
7. Chill (mafia)

These are my gut feelings at the moment for our seven bad guys. If we weren't in the middle of an event, I'd be voting ligolski.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Ok, well.... what should I do on the event? The "risk losing your lives" part creeps me out.

And how come Duke and frozen have such different opinions on ligolski? One says he lurks, the other says he is fairly active.

Also, as much as I'd like to be completely cleared, what's stopping the mafia from joining events? No one is for sure Duke or frozen or anyone else is town unless they're cop and want to share the info with us. (Don't.) They could be misleading us or something, cuz you never know. <-- notice the "could", you guys

And so the SSBB roleclaiming bandwagon doesn't happen here, DON'T ROLECLAIM people!!! Not unless it's completely necessary or the game has four people left or something.

My FoSs are on RR, for being a prophesized independant, frozen and duke, for maybe trying to mislead the town (being a leader to not get lynched, etc. like Baha in MMM), and falcoX kind of. I think he should be investigated too.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2005
Tijuana, CA (yeah, i know i change my location, AG
Duke said:
Wow, I am really sorry but I just don't understand. It's not that I'm just dumb, because I have reread your post SEVERAL times but I just CANNOT understand what you are saying. You make so many vital typos and
weird sentence structures that I literally just cannot understand you.

Same thing with ixnay's roleclaim, I didn't mention it or reply to it because I just didn't understand him. He totally worded things weird so that I could not understand him. I just don't get it. Can someone maybe who understands it, and can use a little better structure, honestly no offense okurama I just cannot understand your sentence structures, to explain it to me.
okay i try i simpler one, like right now, lol.

okay ixnay's ability is that he has a vision of the future (or dream), so he sid he knew that there were 5 mafias and 2 independents during the time they were 3 missing (you, FF and varuna), lso he cleardly sid that this mafias/independents COULD vote during that time (thats why i excluded you 3 becuase you COULD NOT vote), so this gives me to believe that you, varuna and FF are confirm town, if my theory is correct about ixnay's ability, but i was doubting becuse we couldn't trust ixnay's roleclim being true, until he was cone missing in day 3 and james as his father/mother goes running to search for him (i doubt a little kid or teen could be mafia or independent, thats why now because of this i think that you (duke), varuna, FF, james and ixnayonthehombre are town's because with the only help of ixnay's roleclaim, thats all i have to say, if you didn't get it, then sorry , but i can't or don't know another simpler way to tell you, am very sorry :)

(ohh and i have no idea what did i say 90% or 50% on varuna and FF, so just screw that, though i still don't understand the part of ixnay's roleclaim that tells if FF is mafia/independent there would be 8 plp not voting the way we wanted to, so i have no idea about that, don't ask)


it's just duke. nothing to get worried about.
Oct 8, 2005
Being a good little confo
Oh, that was all you were saying? Fair enough, I understand, but definitely the random percentages threw me off. I am under a VERY strong impression that frozen flame is blowing smoke out of his butt. No lie. What kind of misleading, non-evidencial, assumption is that? That no mafia can join the events, so by saying that he pretty much just guaranteed himself and falcoX to be town...if only we all believed him. If anything, I find it odd that he is trying to get certain people to go on the events. Frozenflame is acting incredibly strange and I disagree with thedocsalive about FF acting normal just a little more absent. He is completely acting strange, and if anyone would actually reread the thread you would know.

Also, I would like to address one thing. In my post, I said that ligolski, camo man and someone else were so "incredibly inactive" well I just kind of used that as a catch all phrase. What I ment is that none of them have done anything spectacular or out going in the slighest. Which means to me that they are being to precautious and timid and if you think about it camo-man and ligolski have done heardly anything. I didn't mean it in an offensive way just in a way like you guys need to post some real posts.

In addition, I will explain all my "wacky" accusations later, like I said, after the event. But did anyone else notice a spike in posting from certain people after I posted my lists, Hmm? Anyone?


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
WOW...ok guys, i wanted the game to get going faster only during the night when it took like a week and a half and no where else...QUOTE me!!! to tell where I wanted the game to get going faster plz...if anything zman is trying to get the game moving faster not me...though he has his reasons
These are my gut feelings at the moment for our seven bad guys. If we weren't in the middle of an event, I'd be voting ligolski.
Also, I would like to address one thing. In my post, I said that ligolski, camo man and someone else were so "incredibly inactive" well I just kind of used that as a catch all phrase. What I ment is that none of them have done anything spectacular or out going in the slighest. Which means to me that they are being to precautious and timid and if you think about it camo-man and ligolski have done heardly anything. I didn't mean it in an offensive way just in a way like you guys need to post some real posts.
Ok i gotcha...but remember that I just joined this game and don't know as much as the rest of you about others voting restrictions (sry miised that about you), voting patterns, ect...

I agree with doc on frozenflame's theory though


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
OOPS again!!! I forgot to tell you guys that I got a lot of work done on my house and have more time to post now...I wasn't really expecting to get so much done in a day but whatever...


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2005
The Hall of Eternia, Exactly 10 miles west of the
falcoX said:
i apologize for being inactive. i find myself on a few mafia lists, which is of course accectable.

If you are suspicous of me, I would love for my name to be cleared with an investigation. I will admit I havent been following this game closely, but I have a good reason.

Rest assured that I will be more active come day four. I apologize for my lack of playing time.
please investigate me tonight.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
thedocsalive said:
Interesting point here. Flavor-wise, your idea makes a lot of sense, but it just doesn't make sense logically. If you truly believe this theory, the correct play is a no lynch until we clear enough townies through events to guarantee mafia/independent lynches. I just can't imagine the game being broken this easily. If this is true, any player signing up for multiple events isn't helping the town, as the space for the event could be used to clear another townie.

But, there are a lot of ifs in the above paragraph. IF frozenflame is right. IF this is true. IF we all believe the theory. Personally, I don't buy it. And I'm not just saying that because he listed me as a possible mafia. As I said earlier, I'd be happy with voting ligolski or Riciardos, but for different reasons than your theory.
I guess all it really comes down to is beleiving whether or not this game can in fact be broken. The only way to prove whether or not I am wrong really, is to wait until the next event and have you, ligolski and Riciardos sign up for it. If you guys can go on the event then my theory is shot, but if you can't, well then that's a different story.

ligolski said:
WOW...ok guys, i wanted the game to get going faster only during the night when it took like a week and a half and no where else...QUOTE me!!!
Ok, you asked for it.

ligolski said:
I am sorry but I think we should skip rappy's input now...if he doesn't feel like putting time into this then oh well, let muffin make the decision and say that rappy was too scared to give any input or something...I am just getting really bored with this waiting for others like in dark mafia (still night omg)
ligolski said:
Thats good thinking Ragga way to cover everything...lol
Hey maybe the game will pick up now!
The bolded parts are the ones that imply you want the game to get moving. Please don't make me spoonfeed you your own actions, I find it very irritating.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Ok frozen...I forgot about those posts...BUT!!! there were others who said to get the game going also-eorlingas agreed with me and others...we waited like 2 days for rappy to make a decision and he still hasn't posted since (i think)...PLUS it was going slow because people LIKE YOU, yes YOU were INACTIVE!!! Anyone who is COMMITTED to mafia games would want to play a good solid good paced mafia game...and this one slowed done for a bit and I encouraged eorlingas to skip his in put and he AGREED...
Thats good thinking Ragga way to cover everything...lol
Hey maybe the game will pick up now!
I said that because I was EXCITED that the game was back on the move...and YOU were still inactive...Right now the game is going as ALL mafia games should be going...LOTS OF DESCUSSION!!!
It's not like I am trying to power lynch someone to get the game moving...hey while we are at it lets try and kill zman for doing the same thing I did (I did it once)...zman has wanted the event people to get going too and has voiced it Many times...So if you are going to blame me, then you should blame zman and any others that have said the same thing...Just because I wanted the slowness of an event to get going doesn't mean anything...

***and no we should not kill zman-he was an example...lol

Please don't make me spoonfeed you your own actions, I find it very irritating.
OH EXCUSE ME!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I FIND IRRITATING...PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO ARE INACTIVE...I hope I didn't dribble while you were feeding me...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2006
San Jose CA
Mario vs. Peach results!

Sorry that it was 25 hours but I went to the beach. :p
Anyway, here are the results!
Peach won!!!

Peach easily defeated Mario with her great comboeing and recovering ability!
Plus she also got one hammer. No KOs though. :confused:

Here are the people and their point scores:
1st place: Vilpine51 7 points :bigthumbu
2nd: Zman 3 points :ohwell:

Here is the next match up:
Bowser vs. Ness

Brawn vs. brains! Which is better?​
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