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If this thread gets over 100,000 replies...

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2005
Tijuana, CA (yeah, i know i change my location, AG
have someone already know, what the heck this means "Cogito ergo doleo"

and well still waiting for this game to continue, if zman and i were the dudes who would choose , then this game would be more faster, is just makes me lazy to post went some needed is not posting, or is just not active.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Riciardos said:
I think he meant that they already searched that info for theirselves rather then actually pming eachother, I mean would somebody be that stupid to say it in the game? I don't think so.

Although, they could be scum and camo-man just had a bad moment, but honestly I don't think he'd be that stupid.
Yay! I'm not considered stupid! And I meant they did background research for themselves to know more about the game.

As for the disease is worse than the cure, I believe someone gets sick in a later event, possibly Duke cuz he's "missing" and then we have the choice of giving him a cure we find or not. Something like that, I think. Then, if we give him the cure, he dies faster maybe? That's my thoughts.

And FalcoX, not posted behind the scenes, researched behind the scenes, and I thought this because they usually pour lots of effort into the mafia games they join.

Ragamuffin Raptor

Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2006
In a state of less than three!
Okurama said:
well that desn;'t make any sence , but neither thus "the cure is wortst that the disease", so i think were good with that, still wonder what it could mean (i should probably need to see the show)
Or read the Wikipedia entry for it like I did. Seriously, go read it. I linked it in that one post. If you've read it then you'd know what the big bad monster looks like.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2005
Tijuana, CA (yeah, i know i change my location, AG
Ragamuffin Raptor said:
Or read the Wikipedia entry for it like I did. Seriously, go read it. I linked it in that one post. If you've read it then you'd know what the big bad monster looks like.
dude, the monster is smoke, man there must be alot of weed in this island, maybe thats the reason we see polar bears in the jungle, freaking black horses, we kill plp just because we have nothing much to do (we "lytch" because were hungry, and we all became carnivorous), and we think some dudes call the others will kill us with a teddy bear, lol to all this, wiki is crazy with his theorys, i just notice there all smoking weed in that island, so i edit that later on wiki (man my theory will ROCK!!) :p :p :p :lick: :lick: :lick: :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle: .


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I picked the wrong two people to decide.

I still need Rappy's Decision before this moves on.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2005
Tijuana, CA (yeah, i know i change my location, AG
look dude, m watching muffins with wings coming directly to me, there getting closer, very closer, is like am in heaven ................................................................................................................... er ............. what happend must have been the weed, i knew it :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: .

and eorlingas, why don't you just put us, instend of them right now, like while there posting there decition, we can go to and alternative event/story (your choice, is that am getting bored went the plp doesn't post fast enoght went there neede)


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Stop spamming.

This is still a mafia game. You have two days of posts and night kills. If you are not on an event, and want to do something, then go back and try and find something in there.


it's just duke. nothing to get worried about.
Oct 8, 2005
Being a good little confo
Oh dear, I just reread the whole thread. Grr at those who never do this and I am the only one. But I have found a LOT of good stuff. I have a pretty good idea of who is of what alignement. I will use my final post tomorrow to give you a piece of what I have found. I would strongly suggest to everyone to reread the thread. Honestly, I bet a lot of you are clueless. Here is a test, don't go to the first page to find the answer but try to name everyone who has been confirmed town (died). You probably couldn't do it; if you couldn't then you need to reread and whenever a person that has been confirmed town posts just think in your mind "Ok this person is town, what is he saying, and who is argueing with him, who is agreeing with him ect". I honestly did know off the top of my head who was confirmed town so for me, rereading this thread has really renewed my desire to play this. I really want to see more activity. I don't care if it is at my expense please just everyone reread more and post meaningful posts. I feel that there has been an errosion of the recent mafia games, like I just looked over dark mafia and the activity is pathetic. And people are posting less and not putting effort into the game, and honestly falling into a pattern of "Day ones are always long, if somone makes a weird roleclaim they are mafia, if someone claims cop they are probably mafia, okurama bumped the short-ranged radio so he is mafia" I just want to wake everyone up, our mafia playing is pathetic. We need to straighten up you guys. If you didn't get anything out of this post then get this one thing, REREAD! When I was rereading several people made remarks like "Well, I'll wait for Duke to post or, Duke probably already knew that or thedocsalive, duke and frozenflame already researched that already" thats because WE REREAD THE GAME. If you want to be respected in this game, and be a good player than reread the thread.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Duke probably already knew that or thedocsalive, duke and frozenflame already researched that already"
speaking of frozen where is he, it is very weird that he hasn't posted anything in a long time...
I would reread the whole thread BUT unforetunatly I have dial-up and it is too slow for me to try and reread the whole thread...next month sometime I should be getting fios!!!
Back to the game: I think rappy is scared speechless...I think we should skip his input if he doesn't say anything in the next day or two...

I'm bored too. At least the weed is good man.
FOS: okurama and zman for liking weed lol


Smash Cadet
Nov 20, 2005
The universe is obliterated, but the gods create another and revive me.

I tear out the next poster's spinal column.

Ragamuffin Raptor

Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2006
In a state of less than three!
Duke, you say everyone needs to re-read. I say you need to learn how to use the enter key every now and then.

Also, can I use my super awesome optimus prime avatar powers to switch Rappy for Zman? I'm getting bored of waiting for him to post.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Okurama said:
look dude, m watching muffins with wings coming directly to me, there getting closer, very closer, is like am in heaven .................................................. .................................................. ............... er ............. what happend must have been the weed, i knew it .
Would this be another vision or just a joke? Sounds like a joke to me, but you never know.

Duke said:
If you didn't get anything out of this post then get this one thing, REREAD!
O would, but my fast computer is down for a bit and the one I'm on is quite laggy AND my SS teacher dumped two projects on our class in one day AND I also have a science project and english project. This explains for the not re-reading part and stuff. So yeah. Once it's summer, I hope to spend more time in this.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

Aha it was not my spinal column you tore out it was your own as i used time fusion to fuse the past with the present and you tore out you past selves spinal column as i had planned it that you past self would be standing in the exact same position as i was 10 years earlier.I then proceed to eat the ambrosia of the gods which i found back at the beginning of time using my time fusion power after this (which nothing had been done to, poisoned etc) then kill them then destroy any thing and every thing in the universe by activating all the halos(sorry i hate halo but this plan is fool proof) leaving only me to rule as the only living entity left in existance.I have also ressurected/hired Jesus,Satan,,Buddah,The Terminator,Goku,Samurai Jack,Richard Nixon,Sepiroth and Cloud,Darth Vader,Dr Doom,Superman,Shao Kahn,The master chief,Adolf Hitler,a giant fox who can reflector any thing and that talking head thing from the original power rangers and the power rangers them selves to be my personal army.Beat that.(that took a while)


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
lol, this game still hasn't begun?! We should get some movement into this game.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
I am sorry but I think we should skip rappy's input now...if he doesn't feel like putting time into this then oh well, let muffin make the decision and say that rappy was too scared to give any input or something...I am just getting really bored with this waiting for others like in dark mafia (still night omg)


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
ligolski said:
I am sorry but I think we should skip rappy's input now
That was actually my plan. I am guessing he would run, and so I will pick for him. He chooses to run.

The two of you both begin running as far away from the noise as possible. Trees begin to get thrown up behind you, and RappyRapist veers off from the path you are following, dropping his spear. Raga turns to yell at him, when he hears something to his left. Someone is there, running towards him. He, and only him, have to decide on what to do.

Ragamuffin Raptor

Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2006
In a state of less than three!
Someone? That implies singular. So I'll take a defensive stance with my spear (not ready to throw, but ready to block/deflect whatever heads my way).

That is, only if the trees that are being thrown up, aren't leading a trail heading directly for me. If they are, I keep running.
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