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it's just duke. nothing to get worried about.
Oct 8, 2005
Being a good little confo
Dangit, I have been put on a posting restriction until I am found. THIS REALLY SUCK! I can only post 5 times day until I am found or something like that. Gee whiz, hmm. I don't know what to make of me dissapearing but I think I might not have much time to live. Like I have three days to be found and then I will die. I dunno. So tomorrow I will only have 5 post the whole day, I'll try to use them wisely.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
Well mc-killa sorry man, but like Bahamut said, Day 1 always lasts long.
Official Vote: mc-killa

Btw Eorlingas, props to you for the sound effects, it really got me when I was reading the story.


Now more than half the people are probably voting for mc-killa. I winder if Eorlingas will end the day O_o


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Sorry guys, I haven't had internet since Wednesday. I'll try to catch up a bit better. I see that a small bandwagon has been going on Skylink, I'm not going to vote until I see the whole picture here. But a role claim by Skylink would be useful here.


Nov 26, 2004
Thats a really ******** idea as they are usually the ones who are thinking things through.


Ragamuffin Raptor

Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2006
In a state of less than three!
SECOND POST BECAUSE: WAIT A MINUTE! What is someone just gave Duke piggyback ride?! Then he's be in with whoever that was. But that's just my retardedness speaking.

But really, I wouldn't say that just because of this event we should assume Duke is not anti-town. It makes it seem likely, yes. But The Others could just be playing games with us.


Nov 26, 2004
this is my first time playing this game but it seems that it would only be to the disadvantage of the towns people to kill someone the first day because there is so little information givin as to whos who.

What I mean is, it would probably be to the advantage of any mafia not to attract any attention to themselves on the first day and/or to make subtle votes. This is because there have been no people eliminated making anyone of their members a very small target in a very large range.

Killing somone on the first day makes for a 17/22 chance that we will be giving the mafia a free kill on the first day with only the information that has been posted (whether subconsciously or consiously). Keep in mind that probably most of this information was givin with manipulative intent and only a small fraction of this information (the actual votes) can truely be trusted.

Most of what we are hearing is white noise. And that works to the advantage of those who would have us dead.

I realize that more information would surely come up with the lynching of a person on the first day but I wouldn't say that the information is worth the life of a possibly innocent person in the game.

unvote: Jarc



Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2005
The Hall of Eternia, Exactly 10 miles west of the
Varuna said:
Thats a really ******** idea as they are usually the ones who are thinking things through.

im sure that duke, frozen flame, and doc are thinking things through. yet, they still have time to post. if we pressure the lurkers who rarely contribute, we can get some information out of them. there are two types of mafia players, the ones who gain the trust of the town by posting inteligently and coming up with ideas, and the lurkers. they rarely post and when they do, it is usually a bandwagon vote.

if we pressure a lurker, they may revela something they dont want to. or if they are truly town and do not want to get lynched, then they will defend themselves.

it is very likely that the first lynch will be a townie. with such little information on day one, this is purely a stab in the dark. but due to the alignment of the dead person, it reveals more, etc. as bahamut said, its best to move on. we'll get more info tommorow.

and heres what i was thinking. duke, skylink, and sideeffect were brave enough to go on the sidequest thingy. there is a more likely chance that they are town. a mafia member (To the best of my understanding) wouldnt risk himself on day one by partaking in an event. but if the three are townies, they will want to help the town, perhaps at the cost of there life.

So... yeah... or something...


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Varuna said:
Killing somone on the first day makes for a 17/22 chance that we will be giving the mafia a free kill on the first day with only the information that has been posted
Yes, mathematically speaking, the first lynch will probably be a townie. But if we just accept this and immediately vote no lynch, we're not any better off on day two.

falcoX said:
duke, skylink, and sideeffect were brave enough to go on the sidequest thingy. there is a more likely chance that they are town.
It's a point in their favor, I agree, but it doesn't clear them.

I think mc-killa is one or two away from lynch. IMO, he should claim.


Nov 26, 2004
THIS IS ********.

first of all it looks like Sky link quoted his pm which If I remember correctly is against the rules any way

Second of all If that really is his role its now certain that the mafia will kill him or try to kill him as soon as possible every body knows to kill the respawner. You could say that the doctor might protect him but then we just wasted a role.

Whos to say that he doesn't have a mafia whos role is to claim any other role in the game.

Im not here to redirect any suspiscion towards skylink but this isn't going to work.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2005
TO THE CORNFIELD... BYAAAH!!!!!! (Montreal, Canada
Terribly sorry guys, I won't have internet for a week or so I think (I'm posting this at school) and I only have 15 minutes every 2 days to catch up on stuff. But from what I don't have enough time to fully read/understand thedoc's plan, I'll catch up when I can T_T.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
[qoute="thedocsalive"]It's a point in their favor, I agree, but it doesn't clear them.[/qoute]

I agree, there is a possibility that the mafia would quickly sign up for the first event because they'd think nothing bad would happen then. Because they would seem so brave they'd be cleared for the other townies.

But that is just a possibility, I'm definetly not saying it is like this. On the contrary, I believe that duke skylink and sideeffect are town.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
lol I typed the quote tag wrong TWICE, bad me.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Official Vote Count

FalcoX : 2
James Sparrow, Rumikun

Jarc: 2
Mc-Killa, Eleftorious

Rappyrapist, FalcoX, thedocsalive, Skylink, Chill, Jarc, Okurama, Sideefect001, Zman, Riciardos, Bahamut, Ragamuffin Raptor

Pezaddict, Duke


Duke is not allowed to change his vote count, but it still counts for today

13 to lynch


Smash Lord
Dec 19, 2005
Bahamut said:
Alright, well to get the day over with I will

Vote: Mc-Killa

because Day 1's always last too dang long. Sorry dude.
Thats suspicious, in my opinion. A possible bandwagon to get somebody killed. Or impatience. Most likely the second one.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2005
A house made of brick, wood, and plaster (I think)
Varuna said:
THIS IS ********.

first of all it looks like Sky link quoted his pm which If I remember correctly is against the rules any way

Second of all If that really is his role its now certain that the mafia will kill him or try to kill him as soon as possible every body knows to kill the respawner. You could say that the doctor might protect him but then we just wasted a role.

Whos to say that he doesn't have a mafia whos role is to claim any other role in the game.

Im not here to redirect any suspiscion towards skylink but this isn't going to work.
We're all allowed to say whatever we want about ourselves. What makes it true is when nobody else has the role. I know that some people arn't online now and will get a few days until I say for sure that this is my role, and it is. look it up on wikipedia, so you will know it is a real role for all I care.


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2005
A house made of brick, wood, and plaster (I think)
Riciardos said:
lol I typed the quote tag wrong TWICE, bad me.
no, you just arn't supposed to put the person youre quoting in quotation marks. rather that
name said:
name said:
pezadict said:
Bahamut said:
Alright, well to get the day over with I will

Vote: Mc-Killa

because Day 1's always last too dang long. Sorry dude.
I agree, but we can only vote one person, and Mc-Killa is more suspicious IMO. He also already has 1 vote to lynch.


Nov 26, 2004
thedocsalive said:
Yes, mathematically speaking, the first lynch will probably be a townie. But if we just accept this and immediately vote no lynch, we're not any better off on day two.
Yes we are. All of those who used a night ability will give us some information (especially those like Police). The one person dead will give us clues as to what the mafia is trying to hide. And any events that might have happened during the night or even the next day will help us; on top of that we will probably have one more townie alive to help us figure out whats going on.

The only surefire advantages I can think of lynching someone the first day is to find out who, why and with what hesitancy people eventually voted for the ones that were or came close to being lynched, And to see the alignment and role of the one that was lynched thus possibly gaining information regarding how other possible mafia members interacted with that person.

Falcox said:
there are two types of mafia players, the ones who gain the trust of the town by posting intelligently and coming up with ideas, and the lurkers. they rarely post and when they do, it is usually a bandwagon vote.
First of all lets try not to categorize any body in any way apart from their alignment and role. Its just pointlessly narrowing your suspicion. A mafia member could be a perfect mix of these two, they could be someone who hasn't gotten a chance to check their computer or this website for a while, they could be one or the other, green or purple, apples or oranges both can be rotten.

Falcox said:
If we pressure a lurker, they may reveal something they don’t want to. or if they are truly town and do not want to get lynched, then they will defend themselves.
If you pressure any one they will defend themselves if available. Making a mafia member "slip up" and leak information is almost impossible at this point as we pretty much have just as much information as them aside from the list of mafia members. You have to present someone with some pretty convincing evidence against themselves for them to even feel pressure and the evidence must in some way be relevant or related to the information that they are trying to hide ( not just evidence that they themselves might be mafia).

I think its useless to vote people mafia then expect them to defend such a diminutive amount of evidence such as a silly sentence in a post they made. It just seems too early in the game and there’s no way of giving sensitive information. All you pretty much have to say is “I’m not mafia”, then present them with an equally small amount of evidence to argue your case. Your case may not win but at this point in the game the evidence presented therein is anything but substantial and may have little to no correlation to your alignment.

falcox said:
it is very likely that the first lynch will be a townie. with such little information on day one, this is purely a stab in the dark. but due to the alignment of the dead person, it reveals more, etc. as bahamut said, its best to move on. we'll get more info tomorrow.

Funny thing is we already know who voted for who as there is only like 2 votes left to kill mc-killa. I think in a way we would be faking out the mafia by voting no lynch as we all ready know who their members could have possibly voted for. By tomorrow we could have lost only one townie and only be missing one piece of evidence which is whether or not mc-killa is a Mafia, this would even probably be compensated by the fact that our police officer will reveal one more persons alliance to us, Hell it could even be Mc-killa.



Nov 26, 2004
RappyRapist said:
I think Skylink did a good job at Event 1. In my mind, he's cleared.

falcox said:
and heres what i was thinking. duke, skylink, and sideeffect were brave enough to go on the sidequest thingy. there is a more likely chance that they are town. a mafia member (To the best of my understanding) wouldnt risk himself on day one by partaking in an event. but if the three are townies, they will want to help the town, perhaps at the cost of there life.
On the contrary
RappyRapist said:
I think Skylink did a good job at Event 1. In my mind, he's cleared.

falcox said:
and heres what i was thinking. duke, skylink, and sideeffect were brave enough to go on the sidequest thingy. there is a more likely chance that they are town. a mafia member (To the best of my understanding) wouldnt risk himself on day one by partaking in an event. but if the three are townies, they will want to help the town, perhaps at the cost of there life.
On the contrary, If I were mafia I would jump at the first chance to leave the rest of the group with 2 other people into a dangerous forest. However this is a weird game and for some reason all of us town folk knew exactly what was happening in that forest as it was happening. It might be reasonable to assume though that a good bit of pming went on during that event.

Rappy its unwise to claim out loud those who are clear in your mind unless its for a different reason in which case I’m watching you.

I’m watching everybody actually.



Nov 26, 2004
Please disregard the second paor of quotes they are duplicates. sorry.


Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Then i'd pwn you with my newly acquired Falco skills.
What if Bruce Lee was an unlockable 2-d character in the next SSB?


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2006
Palm Bay, FL
XZero BeatX said:
Then i'd pwn you with my newly acquired Falco skills.
What if Bruce Lee was an unlockable 2-d character in the next SSB?
Then a 2-d Chuck Noris would come in and pwn him.
What if good ol' Chuck was as powerful as all those jokes implied?


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Varuna said:
thedocsalive said:
Yes, mathematically speaking, the first lynch will probably be a townie. But if we just accept this and immediately vote no lynch, we're not any better off on day two.
Yes we are. All of those who used a night ability will give us some information (especially those like Police). The one person dead will give us clues as to what the mafia is trying to hide. And any events that might have happened during the night or even the next day will help us; on top of that we will probably have one more townie alive to help us figure out whats going on.

The only surefire advantages I can think of lynching someone the first day is to find out who, why and with what hesitancy people eventually voted for the ones that were or came close to being lynched, And to see the alignment and role of the one that was lynched thus possibly gaining information regarding how other possible mafia members interacted with that person.
So you want to rely on night abilities? The surest thing in any given night in a mafia game is the mafia nightkill. Sure, there is usually a doc and maybe even a roleblocker, but these usually aren't successful. A cop usually won't get a guilty result (again, probability). A lot of other town roles aren't that useful until later in the game when there is more information. There's also a fair chance of there being a serial killer of some sort, which is another anti-town nightkill. In short, the town can't usually rely on nights because kills are almost certain while actual info is far from guaranteed.

As for the bit about the mafia kill giving us some info: ideally, you're correct. But a smart mafia would know how to nightkill and not bring suspicion upon themselves.

The advantages of a day one lynch are the information gained. Even if it's a townie lynch, there is information to be had. Who started the bandwagon? Was it justified? Who joined for little reason? If it's a mafia lynch, the benefits are obvious. The mafia is down one member, and the town can see who interacted with that mafia member, and how. A lynch of an independently aligned player is interesting, but is certainly better than a no-lynch.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Vulpine51 said:
Then a 2-d Chuck Noris would come in and pwn him.
What if good ol' Chuck was as powerful as all those jokes implied?
Then they'd have statues of him all over churches around the world.
What if in Soviet Russia, pi ended you?
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