But we did the research for you, and informed you, and you still didn't listen. :/ So it's not about you being lazy, and it's not just natural denial. It's forced denial. So complaining after forced denial is just...not acceptable. It's really sad.
Ok, you think that. The leak info was passed through at least two hands, the leakers, the NeoGAFers. Perhaps more. The ignorance about NeoGAF is in place. Then we have arrogant users like FireStorm88 singing its praises and chastising us and going back to that sacred haven and laughing at us about being such in-denial fools. So yeah, we don't believe their reports on how unblemished and awesome NeoGAF is and we're fools for doing so perhaps, but the way the leak was handled was all wrong. Smashboards and a lot of everyone else was in the dark about it, people playing Tetris with random GameFAQs leaks and their's, and Sakurai's own choices about the game collaborated to make a mess when it came to believability.
Nope. Lucas is in the starting roster, for the sake of being more recent and therefore trying to market. Now, considering that, we can't have clones/semi-clones in the starting roster, right? Too much repetition. So we make him unlockable. See? That leaves just Falcon. Not so bad. I'd rather put Falcon as an unlockable than not have, say, Wario as a newcomer. Maybe I'd switch him and Olimar, granted, since Sakurai intended for Olimar to be for "advanced" players. But that's still not much of a reason to complain about the entirety of the game.
Okay, granted.
That's because a billion playables with swords gets a little redundant. Hence we have Ganon slightly decloned with a Falcon moveset. See?
Ganon doesn't have a japanese sword, he has a european sword, just like every other Smash Bros sword user. He's still a sticking point for many. GANONDORF KICK. GANONDORF DIVE. Whoo. At least one iai-styled katana user would have been nice. Or an axe user. Or a spear user. Or a staff user. Etc.
Pikmin's just a weeeeeeeeeee bit more well known. That and Olimar, as I said, has the quirk factor. Sakurai loves making quirky as **** movesets.
Then you'd think Sukapon would have had a better chance. Pikmin still isn't super popular, though, and where is it now? Stalled, while Custom Robo had a recent game. Oh well, at least Sakurai didn't stoop to advertising again, isn't that right, Roy and Dr. Mario?
Generic anime sword guy is the primary reason he wouldn't be playable, even if all of his B moves were spells. We already had a lot of representation of that kind.
No sword/magic hybrid users though. Unless you want to count Pit, I guess.
Krystal isn't about the furries, even if SOME (not all, do not send me angry PMs or replies) of her fanbase is quite creepy. It's about antagonists. Falco deserves a spot over Krystal. Period. He's almost as much the main protagonist of the games as Fox is. He's got a huge fan following. He already was in a previous game. So with a sidekick, we have an antagonist needed, and that takes the form of Wolf, the only really "playable" villain of Star Fox. Yes, I know that's still 2 semi-clones, and I know people are sour about LANDMASSTAAAAA, but I can see why he made that decision. Krystal in theory for the reasons of moveset variety could replace Falco, but I think people preferred him so highly from Melee that he overshadowed her.
Falco is just the "cool sidekick", he's the Knuckles to Fox's Sonic. And I don't agree that we needed an antagonist, especially one so much like Fox. After all, Pokemon lost its antagonist, Mewtwo. Fire Emblem has no antagonists. Mother has no antagonists. Nor does Metroid (playable anyway). Wolfs inclusion is just a mistery to me. I'd also like to know your reason for why you think Falco (who reportedly hates the landmaster) and Wolf (who doesn't even have one, no, nor has ever even been seen in a tank EVER) was made. Krystal would have been startlingly unique and it's a shame she's not in. Either Falco or Wolf should have gone. Not both, just one. It doesn't matter which one, but if Falco really is so popular, then Wolf should have been ditched and his more unique special moves given to Falco.