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Icy's Monthly #3 -- Digital Mayhem - Results


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Brawl Singles:

1: Fatal (Snake)
2: koolaid (Pit/Wario)
3: Bizkit (Snake)
4: TeeVee (ROB/ZSS/MK)
5: Bloodcross (MK/Falco)
5: Green Ace (Yoshi)
7: Patg (ZSS)
7: Captain Awesome (Snake)
9: Moon Doggie (Fox)
9: IcyLight (Olimar)
9: Squatala Son (???)
9: Haggs (Lucas)
13: matt.zeb
13: noodles
13: jenkins
13: Copacetic
17: monkley
17: juice
17: seiba
17: Bob
17: oafa
17: prawn
17: warren b
17: soma
25: three Sided

Bracket Image:

Brawl Doubles:

1: Snake2great (Fatal + Bizkit)
2: Doubles Ladder (TeeVee + Noodles)
3: icy and green ace (IcyLight + Green Ace)
4: team wifi (PatG + Captain Awesome)
5: bao bao is top tier (Koolaid + Bloodcross)
5: bao bao is crispycream and fatals magic blanket (Soma + Warren B)
7: shake n bake (Toki + Juice)
7: jenks and moon dogie (Jenkins + Moondoggie)
9: lock it in (Steve + Jon)
9: cns (Cnl + Eagle)
9: slap chop (Oafa + Monkley)
9: step dads (Haggs + Copacetic)

Bracket Image:

Thank you everyone for coming, this had a good turnout. As of now there are no planned NE tournies for next Sat, so check aib and here if anything pops up, Icy may host another one either this next Sat or two weeks from now. Also, ggs to everyone I played. Will do shoutouts later. Pretty sure I got all the char usages right, correct me if any are wrong.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Mad fun tourney. A lot of fun, too bad I didn't play Brawl+ at all. Once again I really didn't do much besides the tournament, would have liked to get some $MM's for once (TEEVEE F@GGOT). It was fun ****ing around with MK too lol.

1: Fatal - Good **** as usual, many thanks for the AMAZING smashfest plus the ride back to Worcester. Would have been ****ED otherwise (I'd still be at DM right now). Ahh still no Wiimote though. I can get one I guess.
2: koolaid - WOW... I forgot how great of a player you are. I said I wanted to take up Pit, after seeing you (and Japan Pits) I've been convinced. Good **** man
3: Bizkit - SCRUB
4: TeeVee - **** YOU... my MK will get better trust me :) The thing is, I've used Falco for a long time and didn't find the need to powershield or shield grab. Taking up MK means I have to make myself powershield/shield grab more often. Mmm
5: Bloodcross - 5th as MK?
7: Patg - GG's Pat. I feel like all I did was Dair camp against you... again I need to take up powershielding and shield grabbing (NEW CONTROLS) so I can get better overall. GL in New England. (Pat used ZSS and Lucario)
7: Captain Awesome - Ah yes. I'm sorry about that crap... the way that last match ended kind of ticked me off. But I should thank you in a way. I said I wanted to drop Falco due to getting gayed when I shouldn't be and wanting more characters to learn, and I've been convinced further after that match lol. You're Snake is mad good... and way different from Fatal and Kevin, I get confused sometimes. GG's man.
9: Moon Doggie - WOW... I love fighting Fox. I would have loved to get some replays off those matches. I thought I was gonna get my *** kicked. Great Fox.
9: IcyLight - I will come as close to you as I want n00b!!!!!
9: Squatala Son (Rylix) (Ike) - YOU ARE FOREVER BANNED FROM... something.
9: Haggs - HI HAGGS :D
13: matt.zeb - You and Green Ace are too **** loud lol. You're Rob is getting good... MK is gay I know I've experienced ****.
13: noodles - 13TH? BACK TO THE TREADMILL FOR YOU... lol jk I was planning on getting Falco vs MK practice in but didn't... I suck in that matchup :)
13: jenkins - You're Fox is pretty **** good too. Would have liked to see that Fox team in action but didnt :(
13: Copacetic - SHAVE
17: monkley - GG's. Tap Jump sucks lol. Can't you go UpB OoS without Tap Jump? Oh and Upair, Upair, Upair, Upair, Tornado :D
17: prawn - I just realized that IC's CG's have different timings. So I can understand now why you'd have trouble at times (btw I'm gonna take up IC's for lulz).
17: warren b - You're so amazing LOL. BAOBAO *****ES.
17: soma - YO WE AT FATAL'S PLAYIN' BRAWL WE GETTIN' MAD GOOD AND FLIPPIN' BURGERS LMAO. You're much better than this placing son. Peach is mad good.

Fun car trip Warren, Koolaid, Fatal, and Soma. Fun tourney fun smashfest. Great start to the revival of New England tourneys.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
There were 30+, it's just a group of people didn't enter anything.


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Pit got second place. what kinda ****ed up place is this yo!?!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2008
Worcester, MA
ugh. This was by far some of the worst I've played in a really long time. I need more practice.
Anyone live near Worcester and wanna come up sometime?

On a side note, zair->roll is not a true combo. If I do it against you, you know i'm playing bad.
Beyond that, it was still a fun tourney. New England needs more. I'll see what I can do about finding a place by me for one.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2008
this tourney was mad awesome yo.

def coming to the next one!

gonna hit yall with that samboner status. lawl


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2009
Reduced Salt Area
Alright, it's shoutout time!

1: Fatal (Snake)- Expected, but GJ stopping Koolaid's wrecking spree nonetheless. We had a really close and epic set... next time you better watch out. :)
2: koolaid (Pit/Wario)- You really surprised me here a lot. Really, really good stuff. However, don't think next time will be so easy. GGs lol
3: Bizkit (Snake)- Didn't get to play you, but it's always nice seeing you around. Music hacks are too good. GJ proving the PR accurate lol
4: TeeVee (ROB/ZSS/MK)- Ganon2Good
5: Bloodcross (MK/Falco)- The set against Awesum may have sucked, but in the end you still outplaced him, which is impressive.
5: Green Ace (Yoshi)- My performance in friendlies before tourney was terribad. I need to actually play this game outside tournies... :( My tournament performance wasn't bad, but I felt like I could've done a bit better...
7: Patg (ZSS)- Nice having a new promising face in the New England scene. GGs in doubles.
7: Captain Awesome (Snake)- The Captain Awesum vs. Bloodcross MU is 100:0 CA no matter how good the bloodcross is.
9: Moon Doggie (Fox)- Your fox is too good, and seriously underrated. Maybe the best fox out there, if not top 3. I'd like to play you again next time when I'm doing a bit better.
9: IcyLight (Olimar)- GGs, and nice job in doubles... even though we were one spot from cash. I think I may have lrn2Olimar.
9: Squatala Son (???)- That be Rylix and he uses Ike. Thanks for the food, man. You're a true pal. :bee:
9: Haggs (Lucas)- So you outplaced some pretty good people... looks like you're improving a lot. Play me next time yo
13: matt.zeb- You're easily one of, if not the most fun person to hang out with in this community. Grunting2Good.
13: noodles- It was nice seeing you around as usual.
13: jenkins- I didn't expect to see you there. You seem like a cool guy, and your fox isn't bad. Hope to see you around more.
13: Copacetic- If you find a MA venue that's not western MA I will love you forever.
17: juice- wtf is juice?
17: prawn- GGs, sucks we have to play early a lot.
17: warren b- You always make the tournament scene a lot more fun to be in. Nice seeing you.

Good amount of people, and pretty nice competition. I'm also starting to believe that no matter who's there, that at every single one of Icy's tournaments I am cursed to 5th. I must break this...

Good stuff, New England. I'm starting to enjoy this community again.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
i played really bad in doubles >_<. sorry TV!

warrenb is awesome


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
1: Fatal (Snake) - Its nice to know I'm not getting 3-stocked by you anymore. Nice job taking bringing in a win yet again.
2: koolaid (Pit/Wario) - Was awesome to finally see you play. You WRECKED with both Pit and Wario.
3: Bizkit (Snake) - Solid performance as usual.
4: TeeVee (ROB/ZSS/MK) - Too many mains :p
5: Bloodcross (MK/Falco) - ...lol
5: Green Ace (Yoshi) - Thanks for the tips and support. Definitely gave me some confidence.
7: Patg (ZSS) - Glad you were able to come to a NE tourney. Good luck in school.
7: Captain Awesome (Snake) - Really fun set, I'll get you yet!!! :)
9: Moon Doggie (Fox) - That dubz set was a blast, keep owning it up with fox.
9: IcyLight (Olimar) - You are too good at hosting. We need to hook you up with a louder voice though. Maybe the upgraded version of Icylight Audio is available.
9: Squatala Son (???) - Awesome name choice Rylix. Welcome back to NE and look forward to seeing you at tourneys again.
13: matt.zeb - Finally caved to Brawl I see. Feel free to keep coming to Brawl tourneys.
13: noodles - Always a pleasure. Keep it real.
13: jenkins - WICKED close set. All I can say is counterpicks matter. :) Awesome DK, wish I could play your fox though.
13: Copacetic - So is our tourney record 1-1 now? We need to find more peeps to practice with. Also, lets host some WPI tourneys!
17: monkley - IDK who you are but glad you could make it
17: juice - JUUUUUUUUICE.
17: seiba - IDK
17: oafa - Who?
17: prawn - Ur IC's got SO much better than last time I played you. Fun money match.
17: warren b - Stream more ****!
17: soma - Unfortunate controller mishaps first match, fun set though. Low tier friendlies was a blast.

Overall had a great time as usual. Im happy I finally broke my slump. See you all at the next one.

Kool Aid

Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2008
1: Fatal (Snake)-ggs, thanks for the ride. fun smashfest and brawl+ was too fun. ill get you next time, thanks for the confidence. biddies.
2: koolaid (Pit/Wario)-OH YEAAAAH pizza monies. Koolaid>Rain
3: Bizkit (Snake)- ggs, i was going wario no matter what. fatal didn't change my mind.
4: TeeVee (ROB/ZSS/MK)-ggs teevee. we finally went to the same tourney. great rob/zss. the match on brinstar was sooo close.. 3rd game u got frustrated and played weird. keep your cool next time.
5: Bloodcross (MK/Falco)- bao bao cursed us with 5th place in doubles. fun doubles matches i feel its my fault we lost to icy and greenace. ggs cool story bro.
5: Green Ace (Yoshi)- fun games. i love playing low tier characters that are actually beast. ggs.
7: Patg (ZSS)- too bad we couldn't play. thanks for the support lol. LDC 4life.
7: Captain Awesome (Snake)- Great Snake. the first match we had was so close. Arrows kills are the best lol. good luck.
9: Moon Doggie (Fox)-We haven't played but i kind of wish we did. i want to see how good an offline fox can get. gj getting 9th
9: IcyLight (Olimar)- ggs in doubles. i was lucky not to play you. if you beat rougepit 6-0 ur def ready for me.
9: Squatala Son (RELICKS)-too good. my bad for leaving friendlies for more food lol. great tourney match tho. you got way better. thanks for the support also RELICKS. lol ur still banned.
9.haggs-i never played you but i can still tell your improving. i heard you have a nice lucas. we should play sometime.
13: noodles- i would say u had bad luck today. your still good tho. im just good against mks lol. ggs nice mk.
13.matt.zeb- thanks for messing me and rylix tourney game lol. we was like wtf.
13: Copacetic- i tried to avenge fats but we never played =/
13. Jenkins-nice fox.. i wish we could of played i always wanted to Zss vs Fox offline xD.
17: monkley-ggs nice donkey kong. pretty cool dude.
17: juice- nice kirby good stuff taking game2 vs me and blood cross. i was not expecting it.
17: seiba- who?
17: Bob- bob
17: oafa- keep trying with pit lol. i over heard one of your conversations with emmy and thanks lol. arrow loop is too good.
17: prawn- ice climbers lol, i haven't seen you play yet.
17: FATS bao bao curse... 5th place doubles. boogie already gave you the talk about 17th so thats all ima say lol.
17: soma-purple hearts lol. too funny.
25: three Sided--yea srry don't know who you are.
25.Bao Bao- flip those hamburgers.

fun tourney. i thought i wasn't going to place well due to all the good ppl there and me not having a good seed. but the turnout was great. good tourney.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2009
Shakey's Pizza
1: Fatal (Snake)- Why am i a b*tch? You couldn't get no number6 & yo magic blanket cant get you dem bitties lmaoooooo mah homie fatal
2: koolaid (Pit/Wario)- i hate you. this kid is 2 funny
3: Bizkit (Snake)- Doubles.... 2 GOOD.
4: TeeVee (ROB/ZSS/MK)- Mr. Miley Cyrus.. i want an invite to the wedding, mad rich b*tches gonna be there
5: Bloodcross (MK/Falco)- THE BEAR IS 2 GOOD @ DANCING. lmao This kid is mah tournament homie :D
5: Green Ace (Yoshi)- I WANT MY GANON DITTO YOU MEANIE. >:[
7: Patg (ZSS)- Welcome 2 NE, you're cool peoples, hang wit us more lol.
9: Moon Doggie (Fox)- Didn't really chat with you, but heard you ***** faces with fox.
9: IcyLight (Olimar)- I hate this guy. He's mean :(
9: Haggs (Lucas) LUCAS 2 GOOD. -streamsmoar-
13: matt.zeb - this guy is 2 funny. it's crack in a can baby.
13: noodles- Noodles. Gangsta *** noodles. Watch out he'll beat your ***.
13: jenkins- idk
13: Copacetic- You made me give up in the middle of a match lmaoooo. I hate toonlink in vBrawl rofl
17: monkley- idk
17: juice- You get kinda repetitive with your kirby, easy to read. incorporate new moves into your game and you'll be 2 good.
17: seiba- idk
17: Bob- i lol'd
17: oafa- Good friendlies. STOP TAUNTING.
17: prawn- idk
17: warren b- FATS.
25: three Sided- idk



Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2008
Worcester, MA
kool aid- I'll be trying to make every tourney here, so we can play next time you go. Or just come to WPI.

If I host anything soon it'd be here in Worcester. Most likely just be a small venue now, but I'm looking for something good. WPI is really annoying so I don't want to deal with them and get one here again. Or I could just host in my apartment. New England needs more tourneys


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Getting a venue physically at WPI is an uber pain. It would have to be in the area, but not on campus


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
lol ya it was fine for everyone who attended, copacetic can tell u what he had to do to get the venue though.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
1: Fatal (Snake) - lol@ not realizing i said hi, bk crown too good
4: TeeVee (ROB/ZSS/MK) - Good job on crews. You ****
5: Bloodcross (MK/Falco) - **** MK is too gaay. fun matches though.
5: Green Ace (Yoshi) - Grunting is amazing. When we have our voices back we'll be god tier at it.
9: IcyLight (Olimar) - good job at running it. b+ crews were funnn
9: Haggs (Lucas) - we didn't really talk wtfff i'll see you at the next one
13: noodles - lol sorry my trash talking was off.
13: Copacetic - sup chris lets have more WPI tournaments plz
17: Bob - good games.
17: prawn - thanks for driving me and housing me. you're awesome.
17: warren b - 222222good


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2008
Worcester, MA
Basically they aren't a fan of anything dealing with cash. I got in some trouble for handing out the prizes, they want us to give them the money and in the succeeding weeks they would process it and send out gift cards. Since I ignored that they got mad at me so I doubt they'd let me host one here again. I might be able to, but it would be difficult.

I'm looking at a few other places for now though.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
1: Fatal - Least our matches are super close now. Sorry about DDD, had to try it just once xd. Almost worked too lulz, but you needed the practice anyway. Also thx for teams, are team too good in NE.
2: koolaid - Good stuff beating everyone and beating me back in losers. Your Wario is stupidly hard to figure out. Idk why I'm the only one that could beat your Pit though xd.
4: TeeVee - Ggs in teams and singles. I think you maining like 4 chars hurts you in the long run IMO, try to stick to one only, two at most.
5: Bloodcross - Looks like your new main somewhat worked, good stuff n00b.
5: Green Ace - Good stuff almost taking out Fatal. Would have been crazy if you did.
7: Patg - ggs, nice to finally play you offline. It was lame that we had to play so early though, sorry if I seemed upset over that xd cuz I was lmao.
7: Captain Awesome - You and your silly Fair shenanigans. Also way to not finish our MM xd. Next time tho.
9: Moon Doggie - Thx for random char money match. Too funny that you got Fox right away. Good thing about the NC rule.
9: IcyLight - Step it up. Also next time if you don't know who someone is, ASK. Patg shouldn't have been seeded in beginner.
9: Squatala Son (???) - Who are you? xd
9: Haggs (Lucas) - Nice seeing you.
13: matt.zeb - Thx for the BK crown lulz.
13: noodles - Bad day, but way to try to be a douche and DQ Fatal and me in teams. Not like it mattered cuz you guys got 3-0'd >.>. But ggs nonetheless.
13: jenkins - Not bad for first tourney, nice meeting you.
13: Copacetic - Heard your TL is getting up to Melito status.
17: prawn - Fun MM, make sure you work on that playstyle flaw and you'll do MUCH better against Fatal and me.
17: warren b - Fun teams lulz.
17: soma - ggs in teams

SS & Rylix: Ggs to both of you.
Scrub: Fun MM as usual. Try learning Marth more, you may go far with him when you get out of melee mode.

Ggs to anyone I forgot. Thx to everyone who random char mmed me. It's too fun xd.


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Captain awesome should have gotten first here! poor seeding was poor!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2008
Worcester, MA
The money was supposed to be collected and go back through them, so when it didn't they found out. It's been a while though so I might be able to get away with another one.

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
1: Fatal - Least our matches are super close now. Sorry about DDD, had to try it just once xd. Almost worked too lulz, but you needed the practice anyway. Also thx for teams, are team too good in NE.
2: koolaid - Good stuff beating everyone and beating me back in losers. Your Wario is stupidly hard to figure out. Idk why I'm the only one that could beat your Pit though xd.
4: TeeVee - Ggs in teams and singles. I think you maining like 4 chars hurts you in the long run IMO, try to stick to one only, two at most.
5: Bloodcross - Looks like your new main somewhat worked, good stuff n00b.
5: Green Ace - Good stuff almost taking out Fatal. Would have been crazy if you did.
7: Patg - ggs, nice to finally play you offline. It was lame that we had to play so early though, sorry if I seemed upset over that xd cuz I was lmao.
7: Captain Awesome - You and your silly Fair shenanigans. Also way to not finish our MM xd. Next time tho.
9: Moon Doggie - Thx for random char money match. Too funny that you got Fox right away. Good thing about the NC rule.
9: IcyLight - Step it up. Also next time if you don't know who someone is, ASK. Patg shouldn't have been seeded in beginner.
9: Squatala Son (???) - Who are you? xd
9: Haggs (Lucas) - Nice seeing you.
13: matt.zeb - Thx for the BK crown lulz.
13: noodles - Bad day, but way to try to be a douche and DQ Fatal and me in teams. Not like it mattered cuz you guys got 3-0'd >.>. But ggs nonetheless.
13: jenkins - Not bad for first tourney, nice meeting you.
13: Copacetic - Heard your TL is getting up to Melito status.
17: prawn - Fun MM, make sure you work on that playstyle flaw and you'll do MUCH better against Fatal and me.
17: warren b - Fun teams lulz.
17: soma - ggs in teams

SS & Rylix: Ggs to both of you.
Scrub: Fun MM as usual. Try learning Marth more, you may go far with him when you get out of melee mode.

Ggs to anyone I forgot. Thx to everyone who random char mmed me. It's too fun xd.
I beat his pit

yea and its to hard to try vs you cuz i know ill win lolz


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
the only bad luck i had was probably seeding and missing inputs at crucial moments in teams XD. me and patg's set was extremely close and ended in a super combo from him. he killed me with zss fsmash!
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