Now with ICs in Project M with no Wobbling/Brawl hand offs, The ICs got some buffs on the Nana AI department who is now more capable of getting back on the stage and can still do Melee chaingrabs that can do a good amount of damage. I see this and I gotta say that I don't think that it belongs when ICs are solid enough. I say this for multiple reasons.
1. It eliminates interaction with your opponent which is what Wobbling/Brawl Handoffs did. I prefer outplaying the opponent than using an polarizing tech that your opponent has zero control over. This isn't Marvel.
2. It's a situational move that leaves the ICs in a very bad position. It's never a good idea for the ICs to be near the ledge because it poses the greatest chance for them to be separated which is easily their biggest weakness. If an Infinite leaves them in a mostly bad situation, then why leave it in?
The ICs have a strong grab game with the de-synchronizations. Just leaving something like this tech in isn't really necessary for the ICs and it does more harm than good given the position that they have to be in so that it can possibly work. Anyways, that's two cents, 50 cents, or my dollar and some change.