You would be absolutely amazed at the stuff you can come up with just by fiddling around, talking to people, looking at things other characters do, etc. I found a pretty revolutionary tech (which is what swordgard mentioned I posted) because someone did the tech with a different character, and asked me what I thought it was. I played around with it until I figured it out. I know every single one of you has done something at some point and said "what was that?". Find out what THAT was, see how to use it. Worst case scenario is we found it already, and we'll inform you, and if you ask, probably tell you more about it, and similar things. Trust me when I tell you we are far from elitist, we just don't like giving all of our secrets away and still having to learn all sorts of new stuff ourselves to stay fresh. Ask anyone that I talk to regularly on AIM, I let slip tons of my stuff, and a lot of the time, one of them will play with it, and come back with something I hadn't thought of. Hell, a lot of the time I'll see something someone posted that's old, and think of some new way to apply it, or some way to change it up, etc. Think on your feet. Brawl, and especially the ICs, aren't a linear game where you learn your approach and spacing options, and then some set combos that follow up each option. Brawl is not A->B, we can go from A->C, F->B, or any combination in between, and we can do it with two characters at once. Even something as simple as nair desynching which had been known forever can lead to a new application, like what Smoom posted recently. Red's brought up some stuff that's usually old, but sometimes even simply hearing it again makes me think about it, and I'll come up with something. Talk to people, talk to people who play OTHER characters especially. That's a great way to get some new info to introduce to the boards.