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I will have my Revenge!: Kratos Support and Speculation


Smash Rookie
Apr 25, 2015
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
remember when Cloud was introduce and it seemed like the whole fighting game community lit up. If you go back and watch all the reactions, it was a party! The simple fact that no one expected it and that the character in the game represented something bigger; Nintendo can be diplomatic. When ultimate was announced, I immediately thought, who’s a super popular character that no one would see coming? What developer is looking for every avenue to stay on top and be relevant? Answer both those questions and you have the God of War: Kratos.

First let’s get the easy stuff out of the way: Costumes.

Kratos would have 2 variations like cloud and Bayo:
Young Kratos (God of War 1-3 )
Older Kratos (God of War PS4)

Then they can add in other colors with those 2 varis.

Next up: Moveset

Kratos isn’t particularly fast but he can jump HIGH!
His damage and knockback would be off the charts, given the fact that he defeated the entire Greek pantheon using brute strength.

I see his specials going one of 2 ways:
1. Shulk method:
Kratos has a ton of weapon variations.
Maybe using Neutral B to cycle through weapons.
Then using A as the attack for those weapons.
Weapons could be
Blades of Chaos
Lafi’s Axe (GOWPS4)
Sword of Olympus
So basically, he would have 3 of each attack move.
This may seem crazy, but look at Ryu.

His specials would be as follows.

Up B: Wings of Icarus.
Causal launch up-B (Like pit)
Down B: Medusa’s head
Freezes opponent for a second.
Similar to Confusion from Mew2
Side B: Claws of Hades
Something like Marth/Roy’s side B

Dash Attack
A powerful lunge attack with massive kill power.

Grab: Similar to Links chain

Final Smash
Spartan Rage: Beats the piss out of you and releases a giant shock wave.

2. “Traditional Method”
Blades of Chaos is all his A moves and dash attack.

Up B: Wings of Icarus.
Causal launch up-B (Like pit)
Or just an uppercut to begin combos
Down B: Medusa’s head
Freezes opponent for a second.
Similar to Confusion from Mew2
Side B: Claws of Hades
Something like Marth/Roy’s side B

Grab: Similar to Links chain

Final Smash
Spartan Rage: Beats the piss out of you and releases a giant shock wave.

Smash Attacks:
Fsmash: Spins the Blades and Slams them down in an explosion.
2-stage move; Blade spin is fast and light but if you're caught with it, you have less time to react to the slam.
The slam WILL HURT.

Dsmash: Spin Attack or Ground Pound

Up Smash: Sweeping Uppercut to begin Combos

With both of these setups, aerials are would be something combo heavy with some sort of high knock back finisher. I can definitely see a setup of how bayo works with her aerials; Holding the attack button extends it.

Attack wise, he would be broken. So they would probably balance this out by making him on the lightweight side. Think how Mewtwo is in Wii U; A tempered Glass cannon. The thing with Kratos though is as a game character, he was built to be broken. So it would be interesting to see what weaknesses they would build in.

Kratos could represent the speed and intensity of the game; utilizing frame traps and pure combo potential. It's like how people say Bayo doesn't play like smash character. We should embody that again with Kratos. Kratos is owned by sony. Cloud is owned by Square Enix, Snake is owned by Konami. I will agree that this would be the biggest bridge to gap but we're not that far off.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
As of now, this thread does not meet the bare requirements for a support thread. It needs to actually explain who the character is, give some pictures, and so on. Making it serviceable and all. Please update the OP as soon as possible. Otherwise the thread will be closed.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
This thread belongs in the Newcomer Speculation sub forum of Character Discussion. Not here.
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
As of now, this thread does not meet the bare requirements for a support thread. It needs to actually explain who the character is, give some pictures, and so on. Making it serviceable and all. Please update the OP as soon as possible. Otherwise the thread will be closed.
This ain't no support thread
This thread belongs in the Newcomer Speculation sub forum of Character Discussion. Not here.
Lets take it there then
TC took your advice. Specifically, the advice pertaining to where a support thread should be posted... sadly, he hasn't taken the advice about the requirements to make a valid support thread. Anyways, can a mod please merge this Kratos "support thread" with the one in the Newcomer Support board? (And give the TC a more thorough talking-to about the requirements for making a support thread while they're at it?)

At least he’s in the clear on the redundancy front — I checked the directory, and Kratos doesn't have an actual support thread yet.

EDIT: Wow, that merge happened quickly.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
J.Noble J.Noble Your previous thread (which was basically identical to this one) was criticized for not meeting the bare requirements for a support thread.

If you don't update the original post to include information about who the character is, why they should be in Smash, pictures of them, or anything that would give people a reason to support this character for Smash, then this thread will be closed.

Not helping matters is that you don't make it clear which Kratos it is (off the top of my head, there's one in God of War and one in Tales of Symphonia), and if you mean the God of War one, that's a character who's owned by Sony.

Look at other character support threads for an idea of what to include; the current opening post (which literally says "I'll Just leave this here") has absolutely no effort put into it.
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
Hey J.Noble J.Noble . As Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth and Megadoomer Megadoomer said, if you want us to talk about Kratos, you’re gonna need to give us something to talk about. Who is Kratos? What game is he from? What can he do, and what can he bring to Smash? If you can't answer questions like these, and answer them thoroughly, you shouldn’t be trying to make a support thread.
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Smash Rookie
Apr 25, 2015
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
J.Noble J.Noble Your previous thread (which was basically identical to this one) was criticized for not meeting the bare requirements for a support thread.

If you don't update the original post to include information about who the character is, why they should be in Smash, pictures of them, or anything that would give people a reason to support this character for Smash, then this thread will be closed.

Not helping matters is that you don't make it clear which Kratos it is (off the top of my head, there's one in God of War and one in Tales of Symphonia), and if you mean the God of War one, that's a character who's owned by Sony.

Look at other character support threads for an idea of what to include; the current opening post (which literally says "I'll Just leave this here") has absolutely no effort put into it.
Understood. I’ll add more detail in.

Ben Holt

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2013
The Moon
Switch FC
5283 2130 1160
Considering how Sony is handling Spider-Man, this is completely impossible.
But if Kratos were ever announced for Smash Bros., or even acknowledged by Sony like Phil Spencer did for Banjo years back, it would be the hypest thing ever.


Smash Cadet
Jan 4, 2019
Northern Wastelands
Well, some guy who says he's DoritosPope on GameFaqs is claiming that Fighter #5 is a Sony rep now. If this is true, it would make Kratos significantly more likely as the fifth and final character for the Fighter's Pass.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I don't think this might happen but man oh man would this be the most insane Smash reveal of all time.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
I don't think this might happen but man oh man would this be the most insane Smash reveal of all time.
The Smash fandom would lose their minds if we got a playstation character.
Wasn't Sony at a Smash tourney? Maybe it'll happen.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2018
It is so insanely ambitious that I have to support such madness.

I prefer to focus on Kratos from Greek mythology. This is because it is the original and because soon, when we are in a third mythology, like the Egyptian, it will be out of date again. But the older Kratos look can be a second Skin. I would focus only on the classic Blades of Chaos too, with the exception of the spells. My configuration, currently, is: Icarus's wing as in the Pit up, Medusa's head as in the Mewtwo's bottom, Hermes' boots as the side of Banjo & Kazooie, but without the invincibility and limits, and a Zeus Thunder in the neutral, just like the Wolf or Falco shot.

Tilt forward or down would be a "SPARTA!" kick. Launch forward and down if the enemy is at the edge of the stage. There would be a Zair to grab the edge of the stage. Neutral aerial combo like the Bayonetta. All other attacks would use the Blades of Chaos. Their range would be between Simon's chain and MinMin arms. Low jump, heavy character, relatively slow, but it would be the strongest of the game, surpassing even Ganondorf. Ganondorf has the Triforce of the power granted to him by the Triforce, which was created by the 3 Goddesses, who in turn must be above him in power. Kratos is a God Slayer! Greater strength of the game and great range. Dangerous combination. But after Hero I don't care so much about the game's tiers.

For the Final Smash a Square would appear over the opponents' heads. Press B (Box) next to someone and use the Final Smash where Kratos starts an epic and cinematic Quick Time Event finishing! Press the sequence of botton correctaly!


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I cannot believe this character only has twenty replies in two years.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
United States
I cannot believe this character only has twenty replies in two years.
Sony will never let Kratos be in Smash. Honestly, I understand why. Its like why there shouldn't be a Nathan Drake support thread. There's almost no rational reason to support Kratos, as great he would be.

I mean this happened a year ago...

Nobody forced Sony to participate in the Smash Ultimate tournament.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 2, 2014
Kratos would be cool. Iwata loved God of War. The developers of the series seem to approve of Kratos being Smash.

Although their artstyle of Smash is a little weird

My hopes is that Kratos's reveal trailer has a conversation like this:

and that Fortnite doesn't remain as Kratos only appearance on the Nintendo Switch


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2007
The Infinite Beyond
Switch FC
This would be pretty funny and would love to see. I would imagine his trailer would feature the Kid Icarus characters as a contrast to his more serious take on Greek mythology.

I agree with his classic look being the default and his bearded look being the alt.
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