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I have one question

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Smash Rookie
Aug 22, 2007
-about the “maturity” of the midwest

do you even know where you are right now? Do you even know WHO you are? Let me walk you through this. You are a moderator for a video game forum. This video game pits characters like JIGGLYPUFF and DONKEY KONG against each other. This forum has no age limit and anywhere from a 9 year old to an aob can post. Melee discussion and every part of the brawl aspect of this forum have some of the must unintelligent, mind bogglingly stupid posts i have ever read in my life. In character discussion, you can become a mod not based on your proficiency with that character, but with how active you are in it (gimpyfish). In such forums people spam “boozer cute” like its the only thing from making their moms ground them for playing too much smash against lvl 9's. In smashboards, there are art sections (lol) and debate sections (lol) where people who aren't talented or dedicated enough to go to a forum that is dedicated to art or debate go and jerk off. LOL one of the moderators (Matt) had 4k posts before he went to his FIRST TOURNAMENT ROFFFLLLLLL. IN CONCLUSION: this forum is a piece of ****. If you think you are “mature” because you close topics you consider spam and ban people then you have a very limited and honestly sad view of what mature is. If you think making spam posts/topics is immature then you need to realise it's a ****ing video game forum on the internet. If I had my choice I'd mark the entire website for “spam” or “disrespect against humanity”.

Then why do i go here still? The regional forums. Why? Because it's where i can talk with people i PLAY THE GAME WITH and hang out with. Sure garbage topics are made, but kishprime always cleans them up appropriately and we know when a topic is gonna be closed or w/e it's all part of the fun. It doesn't hurt anyone and it only helps to bolster midwest pride and unity. But when moderators who got their position by drawing really good furry porn or wow lore or by just posting a ****load or being a friend of gideon come into MY COMMUNITY and decide what's right for MY COMMUNITY then that's when I and the rest of the mw gets pissed off. At least when kishprime does something stupid he knows hes accountable for his actions because we will see him at the next big tourney. All you do is sit in your mom's basement while eating popcorn and writing fanfics about how harry met hermoine in an alternate reality where magic doesn't exist.

This is exactly what the american revolution was. The british decided to come in and be super-gay moderators and wouldn't let the americans run their own towns like they had been doing for years. The americans didn't take that ****. So what did they do? They made a **** load of garbage topics in protest and then eventually kicked some *** (if you think that's not true then gb2 ur history books). I guess early americans were childish *tsk tsk*. OH AND IN B4 IT WAS DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES LOL AND THIS IS A FORUM LOL UR HISTORY ANALOGY IS NOT PERFECT LOL.

Leave the regions alone to govern themselves.

-about forum disputes/pming

forum disputes is the biggest joke ever. It's to give people hope about something that will never happen. Do you actually think a mod will go back and say “hey, you know what? I think maybe it was a bad idea to ban 5150 because he was posting in a x-men thread”. HELL NO. First, they'd have to admit they were wrong, which they would see as compromising their e-image and subsequently the size of their e-****. Second, they'd have to admit they were wrong to 5150, which means to a mod (for some reason) cutting off their e-****.

Pm'ing a mod for your ban ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE BECAUSE YOU ARE BANNED. You can have other people do it for you, but it's gonna be the same result as a forum dispute post, aka, no response or a stupid “NO U” response.

So what's our only way of responding? The Midwest Rush.

I showed you what was spam the other day. Don't make me make it grotesque spam.

Az – gb2 ec
aob – gb2 retirement home
fdv – gb2 furry convention
mic128 -gb2 ur mom's basement
woz – gb2 not here


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
Time and time again you have been warned and told not to, yet nobody ever listens, so considering the sheer number of posts they were making, I stand by my actions.
"I have been here for 2-3 years and I've never been banned, or warned AT ALL. I have not changed my posting style, either. I've participated in many off-topic threads, but I have never been so much as warned." Jiano

This would have been the point I would have brought up had things taken a more civilized route, and I think many mod's would actually agree that giving person 3 two point warning's for replying within the same thread is a lil harsh/unnecessary (keep in mind a mod has every right to do this, but for practicality purposes it usually doesn't happen).
"Exactly, it's not practical at all. If this was a common practice, Melee Discussion and The Brawl sections would be ghost towns. You're a moderator, not a hell-bent ban hammer wielding tyrant. You could have easily just closed the topic and said 'Stop discussing X-Men in this part of the forums.'" Jiano

as dictated to me on aim.

also, i have to correct drephen by saying that jiano did actually post more than me in that thread, by a "longshot".

I would also like to remind you that the bans were not permanent, and that the members in question will be back in two weeks, and all warnings will expire. It's not the end of the world.
"Yes, this is true. The problem here is that you now have us wondering what is ban worthy, and what isn't. So, if I post in a thread that I think might be ok, but it's not, I'm risking getting banned again. I really don't think this should be the case. I shouldn't have to fear posting ON TOPIC in a thread." Jiano

also, a point of my own, just because something is temporary doesnt make it nothing. breaking someones leg is temporary, spending two weeks in jail is temporary, its not like unjustly doing such things falls into the "oh well" category.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
There is a difference between acting immaturely and acting immaturely and knowing you are acting immaturely for the sake of lulz. I was doing the latter.

I spammed the Tri-Beam ***** pic all day yesterday.

I was Valedictorian of my high school, having two jobs since I was a sophomore to pay for college, which I currently am in during the summer due to the fact I co-op in a professional work environment for my major every other quarter. I need to keep my grades up, as well as complete 30 hours of community service a year in order to retain a scholarship I received for my academics. I have to pay the rent for my apartment, school fees, electric bill, car bill, car insurance, cable bill, etc.

So, am I mature enough yet?



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2004
In the COK
forum disputes is the biggest joke ever. It's to give people hope about something that will never happen. Do you actually think a mod will go back and say “hey, you know what? I think maybe it was a bad idea to ban 5150 because he was posting in a x-men thread”. HELL NO. First, they'd have to admit they were wrong, which they would see as compromising their e-image and subsequently the size of their e-****. Second, they'd have to admit they were wrong to 5150, which means to a mod (for some reason) cutting off their e-****.
Regular Mods and Super Mods cannot view the Forum Disputes. Only the Smashboards Senate and the Smashboard Administrators can. So approximately 5 people, including Gideon, McFox and a few other select individuals.

Its a way to let the big boss knows if someone is acting or donig someone incorrectly or inappropriate.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
everyone tells me it is against the rules to reply to spam, when i cant find it in the rules anywhere. if somebody could please point out where it is stated that replying to spam, other than to point out something about the rules and the mods (aka rule #8), is against the rules, i would like that.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
everyone tells me it is against the rules to reply to spam, when i cant find it in the rules anywhere. if somebody could please point out where it is stated that replying to spam, other than to point out something about the rules and the mods (aka rule #8), is against the rules, i would like that.
I think it is in there, it's just so poorly written that you can't tell. Not sure though. At one point it says "if" in a sentence, but the "if" doesn't make any sense at all. It makes sense if it actually says "is" and just has a typo, but it does not.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
If a topic is spam, or it was posted in the wrong forum, DO NOT post anything along the lines of The Moderators for the room will take care of it.

based on the rest of the rule and the 8 examples they give, it should read:

If a topic is spam, or it was posted in the wrong forum, DO NOT post anything along the lines of "The Moderators for the room will take care of it".

if they meant dont reply at all, they wouldnt have 8 examples all along those lines. they would have just said dont reply to spam at all.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
If a topic is spam, or it was posted in the wrong forum, DO NOT post anything along the lines of The Moderators for the room will take care of it.

based on the rest of the rule and the 8 examples they give, it should read:

If a topic is spam, or it was posted in the wrong forum, DO NOT post anything along the lines of "The Moderators for the room will take care of it".

if they meant dont reply at all, they wouldnt have 8 examples all along those lines. they would have just said dont reply to spam at all.
Actually, he's right.

Poor writing of rules FTL. Might want to fix that.

Well, unless technically they don't care if it is a reply or initial posting topic. Then it could be considered spam on its own.

But at the same time.... it would be on topic if it was in a thread about something that was spam.



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2004
In the COK
I think the fact is that though a topic is considered spam, replying would still be spam. Spam is spam is spam.

EDIT: I miss this last post, Sliq is home schooled.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
we have been specifically told they got a reply to spam infraction for 2 points each, and that they should know better. however, the posts in question do not fall into any of the categories for infractions, especially not the ones they received.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Also, I spammed the **** outta' the forum in what has become known as The Great Midwest Spam Uprising, and yet I am not banned (I have 4 points {and rightfully so}). I had planned on being banned, across the land with an iron hand. But I am apparently not banned, despite being considerably more disruptive.

Edit: On second thought, thanks for banning Jiano. Now I can surpass him in post count.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Also, I spammed the **** outta' the forum in what has become known as The Great Midwest Spam Uprising, and yet I am not banned (I have 4 points {and rightfully so}). I had planned on being banned, across the land with an iron hand. But I am apparently not banned, despite being considerably more disruptive.

Edit: On second thought, thanks for banning Jiano. Now I can surpass him in post count.
How do I have more posts than you?


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
What his post count Vegeta?



Smash Rookie
Aug 21, 2007
that post was extremely off topic one Large Fro infraction point for the Mod KishPrime.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
drephen do you have aim? i have important business to discuss. if so can ya PM me ur name? or get on the hub. whatever works.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
We being childish? You know whats notbeing mature? Staying in the art room for a year and then going into the midwest discussion room finding a random user and banning him, like you were abusing your power just cause you could.
That's not what happened at all. What actually happened was that someone posted in the Staffer shack that 5150, after finally doing the right thing was acting stupid again and could we keep an eye out. FDV checked his latest posts, saw they were spam and followed the trail to the Midwest forums, and the topics therein. If, as has been said by both sides, the topics had nothing to do with Smash, modding a smash room or going to tournaments or whatever is not deeded if the topics were not about smash related stuff, so even if he had never posted outside the artwork emporium (though he has) he would still be able to see they weren't smash related and close them. Nothing random about it.

Alpha, i did try to discuss with FDV right after it happened but he closed every thread i made trying to discuss why jiano was banned. I explained that i think the forum dispute thread is unfair because i dont have the rest of the midwest backing me and catching my mistakes while the mods can gang up on you if they choose.
You wouldn't post in forum desputes because the mods would gang up on you, but you wanted him to respond to topics in midwest so the midwest guys could gang up on him? Hmmm. Not to mention, as has been said, only Admins can see what goes on in the room. It says it on the room description.

5150 can't be banned. He has unlimited IPs.
The account 5150 can be though.

i dont want to post in the forum disputes, as i said before i want the rest of the midwest backing me up. I cant type of speeches as well as they can and it will get off subject like most huge discussions get.
But with just a few people using the topic, it wouldn't be getting off track.

DrewBoo8 is absolutely right.

1.)Tried to discuss in midwest thread with FDV = Locked threads
2.) Mathos and others try forum disputes = Some results from what ive heard but still no real progress
3.) We spam the hell outta everything = We get this thread and finally get to dicuss with the mods which is what we wanted in the first place

you say we were immature but look at the results
Don't act like spamming is the solution. The only reason we ended up doing this was 1. You actually stopped spamming, and 2. Imagine the result if we actually warned/banned those of you who were. Be like opening gunfire on a riot over someone being shot.

I'm sorry i didnt pm any other mods i trusted at first. I honestly felt i would be a tattle-tale or a coward if I did. i thought i could just try to resolve the problem peacefully with discussions with FDV. But he was being a ***got and so the spamming begin.
Checking the topics made, your first was the onlyone closest to peaceful, but FDV still answered your Topic. Still no reason why you couldn't then PM him, as you said yourself that you would PM someone but didn't know who.

forum disputes is the biggest joke ever. It's to give people hope about something that will never happen. Do you actually think a mod will go back and say “hey, you know what? I think maybe it was a bad idea to ban 5150 because he was posting in a x-men thread”. HELL NO. First, they'd have to admit they were wrong, which they would see as compromising their e-image and subsequently the size of their e-****. Second, they'd have to admit they were wrong to 5150, which means to a mod (for some reason) cutting off their e-****.-
People have discussed to me about topics being closed, and warnings I've given and I have undone them on occasion.

Pm'ing a mod for your ban ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE BECAUSE YOU ARE BANNED. You can have other people do it for you, but it's gonna be the same result as a forum dispute post, aka, no response or a stupid “NO U” response.
Because you've posted in forum desputes, or had a friend do it on your behalf, right? Oh, you haven't.

I showed you what was spam the other day. Don't make me make it grotesque spam.
Just fyi, do you know how easy it is to ban an account and purge it's posts? It's like 3 clicks. The 4chan spammers we had a week or so back figured it out and went away. Though I would still advice against doing that.

So, am I mature enough yet?
Not on the forums if rather than discus something you'd rather riot.

Also, I spammed the **** outta' the forum in what has become known as The Great Midwest Spam Uprising, and yet I am not banned (I have 4 points {and rightfully so}). I had planned on being banned, across the land with an iron hand. But I am apparently not banned, despite being considerably more disruptive.
As I mentioned above in ths mountain of a post (assuming I don't have to post twice for all of this >.< ) It'd be like shooting someone at a riot about a cop shooting someone.

any response from the mods? DrewBOO8, Overswarm, and Sliq gave some really good points. Any response?
Was sleeping then at work. Give us time to reply.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
As I mentioned above in ths mountain of a post (assuming I don't have to post twice for all of this >.< ) It'd be like shooting someone at a riot about a cop shooting someone.
Actually, it would be more like if Jiano was eating an apple in the park, and threw the core on the ground, only to get shot to death by a cop for littering. Then I go around acting like a moron, dumping my garbage all over the place in protest, and the cop walks up to me and goes, "Tsk, Tsk. You should know better and be more mature," and then walks away.


Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
But it wasn't just you who was kicking around the garbage. It was a whole bunch of you. In that situation, crowd control is handled differently, especially since things exploded from misunderstandings anyway, on both sides.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
drephen made a thread that was close to peaceful, watty made a thread that was only a little further from peaceful, and mars made a thread that, though it didnt have a peaceful title, contained peaceful discussion until it was closed. mathos made a thread in forum disputes, was told that the bannings were justified according to the rules, turns out they arent, im still waiting for somebody to explain this to me. so, when all else failed, we spammed, it worked, but you act like we were totally immature by taking an action that did get results when nothing else did. everyone ive seen post has agreed fdv was overly harsh, some said he was justified by the rules, and i still havent seen the rule justifying this yet, and am starting to get sick of people avoiding the subject.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006

Also, caps lock is cruise control for cool.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Also, caps lock is cruise control for cool.
I use shift. It makes me feel productive.

As for the mods saying the spamming was immature..... no, not really. It seems immature, just like yelling and screaming or spraying graffiti on a wall would be, but they were looking more for answers than anything else. Except 5150, but, well, it's 5150.

The peaceful threads came first, the forum discussion threads came second (although they should have been first, you know that will never happen), and then when neither avenues created a reasonable discussion, the Midwest just did en masse what got them in trouble in the first place, and it got them results. Seeing as how this is a forum and not a business, there really wasn't much else they could do to get attention other than things that are illegal or harmful in nature.

I still don't really approve of a hundred pictures of "tri-beamed *****" as reasonable discourse used to solve a problem, but apparently in this case it provoked a response. So, you can't really call it immature. More "effective" than anything else. Post to win?

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
The problem is, you assumed we weren't already talking about it when we were. The outrageous spamming pretty much sealed the deal that the bans won't be lifted, and all you can do now is wait for when it expires, and things go back to normal.

Yes, the rules are misworded. Yes, we are talking about making the changes to clarify the rules better. We're ensuring that something like this won't happen again.

Until then, just move on and wait for those changes to happen.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
The problem is, you assumed we weren't already talking about it when we were. The outrageous spamming pretty much sealed the deal that the bans won't be lifted, and all you can do now is wait for when it expires, and things go back to normal.

Yes, the rules are misworded. Yes, we are talking about making the changes to clarify the rules better. We're ensuring that something like this won't happen again.

Until then, just move on and wait for those changes to happen.
Counter-productivity FTW!

Let me get this straight. You were going to un-ban the people that were originally banned, but because people who weren't banned spammed up the board in protest, you are going to teach the spam protesters a lesson by keeping those that were originally banned banned?

Aparently Jiano is my whipping boy, because I am far too rich to receive punishment myself. Screw the rules, I have money!

Fission Mailed on an epic scale.

"Grrr, my son got a C on his report card...I know! I'll kick the dog!"

I demand you return your internet immediately.

Edit: It's at this point that I realize it is like I'm asking for a ban.

It's like I blindfolded myself and kept running across a highway in order to get hit by a ban van, and Jiano was just crossing the street, minding his own business, until fdv drunkenly careened it into him.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
It was being debated what actions to take, since the matter was indeed brought up. The spam thereafter influenced the decision that the bans should stay in place.

The mods are disappointed with the reaction, as stated in the past. That's all I can really say about it.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
It was being debated what actions to take, since the matter was indeed brought up. The spam thereafter influenced the decision that the bans should stay in place.

The mods are disappointed with the reaction, as stated in the past. That's all I can really say about it.
Yeah, and we were disappointed with the action. So I guess that makes us even stevens.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
I'll even your stevens.

Ooh, burn.

Anyway, just hang out for a bit. We are indeed going to make the changes to those rules, and we apologize it wasn't any clearer in the first place.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I'll even your stevens.

Ooh, burn.

Anyway, just hang out for a bit. We are indeed going to make the changes to those rules, and we apologize it wasn't any clearer in the first place.
I'll fluff your Garfield.

How about 'dem apples. because that sounds like it would be uncomfortable for both of us.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2005
Barrington, IL/Cincinnati, OH
everybodys disappointed with everything that happened, and one group has the ability to do something about it.

also, dont give me that the rules are "misworded". the rule specifically states a way not to reply to spam, its not misworded, its an entirely different rule than the one thats been enforced here. and, dont give me that we assumed it wasnt being discussed, because i know that the conclusion reached was that the bans were justified, and, according to the rules, they are not.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2004
In the COK
Was it wrong to assume that nothing was being done to solve the problem? Why should we assume something was being done?

No moderator came in and said that you guys made a discussion in the staffer shack. I didn't know there was anything until McFox told me in Forum Disputes.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
You're right, mathos. Supposing that you had no idea how our side was handling things, you turned to the few options you had in your mind of what it could have been. FDV closing those threads made it seem like something it's not and influenced your assumptions. I can't apologize for him, but I do understand the situation.

We take matters seriously whenever they are brought up to the staff. Please keep that in mind in the future.
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