Read This
This topic really needs to come to a head. First and foremost, I'd like to call out "ShadowXOR". No matter how good intensioned you may be in this thread, you're ignorant. You're being rude and arrogant and it doesn't help your argument. Instead of actually reading the replies, you skim over them and make immature comments back - "we have a loser!" wasn't necessary nor was it clever. If you want people to take your seriously, stop acting like a child.
Now, on to the real issue.
The Facts:
- Zelda, the princess in all her glory, is 100% female
- Sheik, the legendary warrior of sheikah lore, is 100% male
Now, don't go snaping back ShadowXOR - let's do something called reading for a moment. Quite a few people have a misconception about "Sheik", assuming that it's some made-up character. This isn't the case - Sheikah lore states that a man named Sheik was actually a legendary warrior for their people. Obviously this "Sheik" man is long since dead during the time of Ocarina or Time. Hence the "legendary".
The Comparison.
Now, the easiest way to get people to understand a concept is to relate it to them with something they are more familiar with. I will attempt to do that right now.
Princess Zelda is a female who is taking on the role and appearance of a male character named Sheik. Again, calm down ShadowXOR, when I refer to "male named Sheik" I'm not talking about Zelda. I'm talking about the legendary warrior. So, as I was saying, Zelda is a female..."cosplaying" as a male named Sheik.
A real worl example of this is obvious, but I'll give a few examples. Drag-queens. I mean those gay men who dress up as women and put on a show. They are men dressed as women - sometimes even specific, famous women like Cher.
In this particular example, Bob (my drag-queen) is obviously a male with male 'parts'. And the famous songstress Cher is obviously a female with lady 'parts'. When Bob decides to dress up as Cher , he is still 100% male and she is still 100% female.
In this case, Bob and Cher are both real people - humans. Just like we as the game player are supposed to assume both Princess Zelda and Legendary Sheik are people real people. What we need to establish is this:
- Bob is the ACTOR, and he's playing the CHARACTER "Cher"
- The real Cher, nor her gender, are affected by this in any way
- Zelda is the ACTOR(actress), and she's playing the CHARACTER "Sheik"
- The real Sheik, nor his gender, are affected by this in any way
SUPER simple, right?
What's the Problem?
Alright, here it is. In order for everyone to agree on a resolution, we all need to understand exactly what the problem is...and unfortunatly it seems that every single person in this thread is on a totally different page and it's confusing as hell.
Question? Is "Sheik" a male or female? Simple question right? Wrong. It should be a simple question, but people don't understand which Sheik we're talking about. Are we asking about the Legendary Sheika named Sheik? Or are we talking about the Princess Zelda while she plays the character of Sheik? And are we talking about literal gender (including all the body parts) or are we only talking about the gender the character attempts to portray?
The Answers, Finally.
- Princess Zelda is a female
- Warrior Sheik is male
- Princess Zelda cosplaying as where the confusion comes in.
Deep down, under those blue rags, Zelda is obviously in there, in spirit, and is a female. This should not be debated. Zelda is a lady and in some form or another, she is inside this Character she is cosplaying as. Why so much confusion? Read below.
In the case presented above, it is obvious that Bob is indeed still 100% even after his costume is on. No matter how much makeup he puts on or how much he stuffs his bra, he's still a guy, both physically and emotionally (well, that's up in the air) on the inside. No question.
With Zelda, it becomes confusing. Zelda is not simply throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, no. Zelda isn't just putting on makeup or covering her true self with material things. Zelda, as evident by her in-game transformation as well as many of her features, is actually physically changing herself. Obviously the only real changes we see (and I'm see going by the Ocarina of Time model) are the eye colour, hair colour and length, and overall musculature. OoT Sheik-Transformation has a much more masculine figure than the princess who is apparently underneith it - pecs intead of breats, tight, muscular man-legs. Heck, the only thing missing is a bulge in the pants (but that could be argued seeing as no one in the Zelda series has a's part of the art style). Hence the confusion.
I think a lot of the ignorant people in this thread are the ones like ShadowXOR who think we're talking about ZELDA being a guy. Which isn't the case. We know ZELDA is a female and it's really not that hard to see. What people are getting at is, given what we KNOW Zelda changed about her physical body, how far did she go?
The question is, did she just literally tape her breasts back, dye her hair, get contacts, and work out her back-muscles OR...did she use her magic to actually change her the physical make-up of her body? With OoT's model, it's seems fairly obvious that Zelda went all-the-way with her magic making sure every aspect of her being was male. Right down from her figure to her voice has changed - and it makes total sense.
Zelda disguised herself to save her own life due to Ganondorf hunting her down. And judging by how strong and powerful Ganondorf is, is it really that far of a stretch to think that Zelda would do everything in her power to make sure he'd never recognize her - changing her body and all? Yes, I think she would have. Whether or not she grew herself a ***** has nothing to do with it - hell, maybe she did and maybe she didn't. It doesn't matter unless you're being immature like ShadowXOR or have some weird fetish for unknown genitalia.
The Brawl/Twilight Princess model is a little bit different. It shows female features which would mean that Zelda magically altered her hair and eyes, but not her body... In my opinion, this kind of defeats the purpose of discguising yourself if you're not gonna do a good job of it, but it's Brawl and maybe Twilight Princess Zelda had different motivation than OoT Zelda.
So, the short answer? There is none. On the inside, no matter what she does, Zelda will always be a female mentally and spiritually. Regardless of her physical form, her soul will always be female. Zelda-as-Sheik is just a costume that tends to possibly go a little farther than we're used to in real life.
Read this, grown up, and stop 'cause flame-wars.