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I Am Legend (2007)


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Everyone shut up, you have the right to opinions? XD It's just the way hemightbegiant went about discussing Buzz's opinions. It was just not in the friendliest of tones...

Anyway, we can all agree that Will Smith is a bad actor.

But uh.. the movie was entertaining. >_>?

When have books' movies ever been better than the book?


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Everyone shut up, you have the right to opinions? XD It's just the way hemightbegiant went about discussing Buzz's opinions. It was just not in the friendliest of tones...
Sorry, as I said, my intention was not to sound like I was a douche or anything.

When have books' movies ever been better than the book?
The Shining?

Secondly, Will Smith is a terrible actor who's been in horrible movies - Independence Day, Wild Wild West (which he passed the Matrix for), and I Robot.
You forgot Bad Boys I & II, Shark Tale, Hitch, Men in Black II, and most likely others I haven't seen. He passed The Matrix for Wild Wild West? :laugh:


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I've never read the book, which might mean I fail. Or win?

Also you might have not tried to sound like a douche, but reading you replies to Buzz's opinions was pretty interesting to say the least. Maybe it was a mix of his responses to your responses that formulated my opinion <_<

Uh, nevermind I guess.

I just find it really silly to compare movies to books. It's like comparing smash to... something that isn't smash?


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I've never read the book, which might mean I fail. Or win?
Actually, I found the book incredibly boring compared to works like "Cujo" and "Dreamcatcher". Stephen King is hailed the 'Master of Macabre', but not from that book. He goes with the most bland descriptions for a thriller novel. I say watch the movie and skip the book.

Also you might have not tried to sound like a douche, but reading you replies to Buzz's opinions was pretty interesting to say the least. Maybe it was a mix of his responses to your responses that formulated my oponion <_<
Don't know about you, but when I read something online, I can imagine what the guy's voice sounds like. If that's the same as you guys, it probably sounded like I was whining and probably just b*tch*ng.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
Everyone shut up. You all have the right to opinions and hemightbegiant has the right to differ. He was explaining his point of view by using other's points of enjoyment.

Secondly, Will Smith is a terrible actor who's been in horrible movies - Independence Day, Wild Wild West (which he passed the Matrix for), and I Robot. The only reason I am giving this movie a shot (especially since it's not about zombies which is already a negative point because zombies are massively superior to infection based vampires) is he did a great job in "Pursuit of Happiness" and I am always willing to give actors another shot, except Shia LaBeouf (hopefully he's in Transformers 2 so I can have 3 reasons to hate that one before even seeing it).

It's the Fresh Prince, come on.
haha another opinion


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I so DON'T want there to be a sequel. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie, but Will Smill too a dirt nap. So yeah...

Anyways, I know this movie is going to win lots of academy awards. Yup, it looks that way.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
How could that sentence be a spoiler?


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I hated this
happy hollywood ending. Really. Is it too much to ask to give us the novel ending? It was darker, more unexpected, and IT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE that the movie is called I AM LEGEND that way.

Sam gave one of the best on screen performances ever. Will Smith was pretty **** good too. I was feeling was he was feeling.
(That whole scene when sam ran into that bank after chasing the deer had my heart pumping.)
It was an ok movie. If it had followed the novel a little more closely.. it would have been solid.

The Dark Knight trailer was better.

And on a side note:
- Shaq retires in 2010
- Gas prices are 6+ dollars
- And did anyone notice that batman/superman ad?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Will pisses over Matheson's work, but nowhere near as much as he pisses over Asimov's work
I have to agree with you on that. I, Robot the movie was an enormous pile of dog feces.

Secondly, Will Smith is a terrible actor who's been in horrible movies - Independence Day, Wild Wild West (which he passed the Matrix for), and I Robot. The only reason I am giving this movie a shot (especially since it's not about zombies which is already a negative point because zombies are massively superior to infection based vampires) is he did a great job in "Pursuit of Happiness" and I am always willing to give actors another shot, except Shia LaBeouf (hopefully he's in Transformers 2 so I can have 3 reasons to hate that one before even seeing it).
You didn't like Independence Day? I didn't think it was too bad. That was the first time I saw the actor who plays Data outside of Star Trek. =P

As for Transformers....don't even get me started. That movie was bad on so many levels. IMO, they should have just played through one of the teaser trailers instead of wasting 2 hours of my life, because on all accounts, the trailer actually made it look like a kick-*** movie.

The rundown:

-Shia LaBeouf can't act for ****
-Michael Bay is worse than Peter Jackson + unlimited CGI resources
-the first hour and a half of the movie was filler crap
-Shia LaBeouf can't act
-the last half hour was even worse
-camera angles and handling during action scenes was atrocious
-you couldn't tell the robots apart during fight sequences
-the final battle between Prime and Megatron failed
-Shia LaBeouf is not a good actor

However, not even Transformers beats out the monstrosity that is the new Star Wars trilogy......


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Was there anyone else who was actually kind of move emotionally?
When Sam died, I just couldn't understand how he didn't take his pistol to his head.
The movie definetly is scary for being PG-13, but then again, I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to horror movies, so maybe that's not accurate. I found it really funny that one of my 16 year old friends had to make the excuse that he was falling asleep so he could put his sweater over his eyes, lol.

Two Scariest parts of the movie IMO-

-When it shows Will in the car w/ his family, and some dude's bloody face smashes up against the window.
(I screamed "O ****! like a little girl, and my non-pansy friend hit me freaking hard.

-When the manican is moved outside and Will is flipping out.

-The whole in the dark scene was pretty freaking too.

Overall, I'd say it's a great movie so long as you aren't restrained by having read the book.

I thought the ending was good- could someone tell me what the book ending was so I can compare it?


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
I'm going to see the movie today so it's nice to see a good review. I have high hopes for the movie and it looks amazing. I have not read the book.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
Trust me, I'm not right behind you.
And on a side note:
- Shaq retires in 2010
- Gas prices are 6+ dollars
- And did anyone notice that batman/superman ad?

Indeed. It's interesting how they add all these little things in the background and stuff. Did anyone notice the article on the cupboard that he was opening how it said "Dogs come out at dusk"? I knew that was a hint for later in the movie. I thought that was just kinda cool.

Anyways, I thought it was a great movie. :)


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Man, I am really glad I don't go to very many movies anymore. I am easily entertained, and I go to movies to be entertained. It must absolutely suck for all you people who "hate Will Smith's acting" or "like the book so much better". Seriously, I went in, laughed, freaked out, cheered, and left feeling quite satisfied. It bothers me to hear that movies are "so bad these days" because I think they are just fine. I loved At World's End, but I know a dozen people who hated it. Why do you all have such high expectations for these movies? Also, the whole "book is better than the movie" stuff is annoying. Movies are separate from books. I never care about book versions of movies. I don't go to movies hoping to see an exact line-for-line representation of the book's story. I go to movies to be entertained. I pity those who walk into every movie with the highest expectations because you seem so hard to please. I am glad that I am not like you. :)


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Oh please... "Why does everyone have such high expectations for movies? I'm glad I'm easily amused and entertained for 10 dollars a ticket!" Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the movie and was entertained. It's just in people's nature to nitpick at things.

No one expected an EXACT line representation of the book for this movie. But we did expect it to be as dark as the book was and actually keep the good factors of the book.

And I'll say it again, I loved Will Smith's acting in this movie. I didn't think he'd be able to carry the movie by himself ala Tom Hanks, but he did it quite well.

I thought the ending was good- could someone tell me what the book ending was so I can compare it?
Taken straight from Wiki:

The still living send a girl named Ruth to spy on Neville, and they cleverly replicate Neville's relationship to the dog. Ruth pretends to be terrified of Neville at first sight, and rather than spend weeks trying to win her over, he attacks her and drags her back to his house. Though Neville is suspicious of her true nature and much of their interaction focuses on Neville's internal struggle between his deep seated paranoia and his hope, it is clear by his seizure of Ruth that the scales have tipped in favor of the irrational. Eventually Neville performs a blood test on her, revealing her true nature to him before she knocks him out. Ruth leaves a note telling him about the group of people like her, explaining that she was sent to spy and how monstrous he appears to them. Months later, the still living people attack, shooting Neville but taking him alive so that he can be executed in front of everyone in the new society.

Before he can be executed, Ruth provides him with an envelope of pills. Neville takes the pills so he will feel no pain when the vampires execute him. He finally realizes why the new vampire society regards him as a monster. Just as vampires were regarded as legendary monsters that preyed on the vulnerable humans in their beds, Neville has become the last of a dead breed: a mythical figure that kills both vampires and the infected living while they are sleeping. He becomes a legend as the vampires once were, hence the title.

In the movie, the explanation is his work and self-sacrifice are his legacy, hence, he's a legend.

In the book, the world becomes reversed, and he is the only one who can go outdoors during the day, so to the vampires, they are the majority, and he is the one superhuman killer, hence, the legend.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I am easily entertained
It bothers me to hear that movies are "so bad these days" because I think they are just fine.
Stop right there, that's all that needs to be said, really.

This is why you never argue with casual movie-goers, anything that makes them laugh or jump in the slightest makes a good movie. "At World's End" a good movie? You really must be easily entertained.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2002
The Darkness in all our Hearts
A Review of: "I Am Legend"


I Am Legend is based off the novella by Richard Matheson, I Am Legend. Matheson has also written What Dreams May Come and Stir of Echoes, which have also been adapted into films.

While Will Smith gives a tremendous performance as Robert Neville, sadly the film falls short when compared to the short novella. Will Smith sells himself as a man burdened with being the last man on Earth, struggling to survive from day to day. His acting should bear no criticism, since he is virtually the only character through out the film. His emotional appeal to auidences is both comical, and also realisitic. He gives a real life appearance of what life may be like as the sole survivor of a horrible disease. Viewrs can be satisfied that Will Smith's psychological, emotional and terror filled emotions are accurately portrayed in the novella. In terms of acting, Will Smith delievers a great performance, perhaps one of his better performances in his career.

However, Will Smith cannot save the film by himself. The story behind the movie is completely different from the novella, leaving those who expected the movie to follow the novella, quite surprised. One could argue that when you view "I Am Legend," you are in fact viewing a completely different movie, not what is advertised.

The differences between the novella and the movie are so great that they cause great confusion for not only those unaware of the novella, but also those familiar with Matheson's work. One major difference from book to film, is that the novella portrays a world over run with vampires. However, the film changes these vampires to zombies or what I liked to call "de-evolved humans". This change alone ultimately stops the film from depicting the genius of the novella and thus, changes the entire outcome of the film. The creatures are unable to move about in the light, which makes one wonder why not have left them as vampires in the first place?

Concerning the intelligence of the creatures, many of have complained that they should not have been smart enough to create a trap. Sadly, this argument is flawed. By basically copying what they saw, the creatures are able to demonstrate exactly what Will Smith is dealing with. This is actually very close to the intelligence the vampires' displayed in Matheson's novella.

The major problem with the film is that the film runs to short. 1 hourr and 40 minutes is too short to tell the tale of Robert Neville properly. Matheson created a 170 page masterpiece that could have easily been converted to a film running 2 hours, or 2 and 1/2 hours. By extending the legnth of the film, viewers could have experienced more of some of these scenes that I personally would have liked to see:

1.) More psychological aspects of being the last man alive. We need to see Will Smith do more in attempt to survive from day to day. While the film did get the point across nicely, more could have been seen during the night hours when the creatures hunt for him.

2.) We needed to see more interaction between Will Smith and the creatures. We need to see Will Smith narrowly escape these creatures one or two more times. In the novella, Neville deals with the vampires on a nightly basis for 7 months. Will Smith, in a one year time period, could have dealt with them more and we needed to see that. We needed to see him fighting for his life. We needed that vibe of "Everyday could be the last day" or "Every night is the last stand."

3.) We could have used a flashback scene of the transformation from human to creature, from animal to creature-animal. The film had enough computer generate graphic scenes to make this possible. Scenes such as these would have explained just how quickly the disaster came and how little time the human race had to prepare.

For those that did not read the novella and plan on seeing the film, do not read the novella. You will be disappointed. If you have already read the novella, and you see the film, I believe it is safe to say that you will feel like you are experiencing something other than "I Am Legend." While there are similarities between the novella and film, they are overshadowed by the numerous differences.

Perhaps the biggest let down is the large absents of the pyschological burden brought on by the creatures. In the novella, the vampires attack Neville's home nightly, coaxing him to come out. Neville of course has the problem of forcing himself to stay safe in his protected home, fighting the urge to go out and end it all. In the film, the creatures are unaware of where Neville is located and thus, we lose a large chunck of that mind game.

Overall, the movie is going to be successful to those who are not familiar to Matheson's writing and unsuccessful to critics and those who read the novella. One can argue that this film is just loosely based off Matheson's writing, not strictly. If you were expecting a strict interpretation, you will be disappointed.

For those that enjoyed "I Am Legend", I reccommend other films such as:

1.) Children of Men--based off the novel by P.D. James
2.) What Dreams May Come--based off the novel by Richard Matheson
3.) Stir of Echoes--based off the novel by Richard Matheson
4.) The Mist--based off the story by Stepheh King
5.) The Omega Man--loosely based off the story by Matheson's "I Am Legend"

About the Author of the Review:
I am a member of the SWF since 2002 and have enjoyed writing about movies for quite some time. I am labeled as the "movie buff" by my close friends. My movie collection has surpassed 2500 DVDs and is still growing. I also have about 18 television series on DVD as well.

For those who know me around the SWF's, I have created such threads as
- "The Official Villains/Rivals/Antagonists Thread"
-"Official Ristar for Brawl Support Thread"
-"Ristar & Others for Brawl"
and I am also the thread creator and supervisor for the revamped thread:
-"The Official Wolf O'Donnell Support Thread: Home of the StarWolf Squadron!"

In my spare time, I do alot of science fiction writing myself. Some of the authors I enjoy reading are Stephen King, Richard Matheson, John Grisham, John Jakes, Timothy Zahn, H.G. Wells, J.R.R Tolkein and H.P. Lovecraft. From time to time I read Dan Brown. I am currently working on my own science fiction novel series, named The Travels of Ten.
I am also a senior in college studying history and political science.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Stop right there, that's all that needs to be said, really.

This is why you never argue with casual movie-goers, anything that makes them laugh or jump in the slightest makes a good movie. "At World's End" a good movie? You really must be easily entertained.
Indeed. When I watch movies, I do no real analyzing of any kind in terms of directing, actors, etc. I just enjoy it for what it is and follow the story.

Though, if it helps, I think Dragon Wars was the worst movie on the planet (aside from some of the graphics since I'm a sucker for dragons, but that did not save it from its own horrible storyline). It doesn't take an avid movie-goer to hate that one. :laugh:


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Indeed. When I watch movies, I do no real analyzing of any kind in terms of directing, actors, etc. I just enjoy it for what it is and follow the story.
Okay, I guess I'm just more appreciating or noticing when it comes to those regards, so I think it's better we just stop talking about the subject, and we both talk about something we like, hating on how much Dragon Wars sucks.

Though, if it helps, I think Dragon Wars was the worst movie on the planet (aside from some of the graphics since I'm a sucker for dragons, but that did not save it from its own horrible storyline). It doesn't make an avid movie-goer to hate that one. :laugh:
Agreed, but not THE worst. It gets much, much worse...


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I'm in the spot of "I like items and play for fun" crowd this time around. It feels weird being on the other side. I will never understand the deep movie-critic group. :p


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2002
The Darkness in all our Hearts
I know for me, I like to analyize movies because I get some fun out of it. How could this be better? Would I have done that the same way? Wonder why they left this part out? It's just fun to me, I really can't explain it.

Deleted member

For me, not liking At World's End was simply due to the fact that it was boring. Not much else to say, the acting was fine and the action wasn't ... bad ... but it wasn't particularly exciting.

As for critiquing movies and getting stuff out of them, well..

If it weren't for movies, I wouldn't have this nice house, this computer, my clothes, etc..

It's because of movies that my dad has a job.

Anyway, movies are deeply critiqued when sometimes they shouldn't be.. I'll give you guys that much.

When I go see a movie like I Am Legend, I certainly don't expect it to win any Oscars.

(Actually, that's not true. My dad tells me there's a great chance it'll win Best Art Direction or something along those lines..because of the great settings)

It's a popcorn movie, something that's straight up entertainment. And it IS entertaining.

If I may..it's like trying to critique a hilarious limerick with the same values as you would critique something like Beowulf. (The poem - not the movie)

Some things you look deeper into. When you look deeper into something obviously shallow, you look like a pretentious douchebag who wears a tweed suit.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
I just saw this film a little while ago. It was okay at most. Worth viewing once, and only once.

First, some of the good things I will give the film credit for. I was so ****ing happy to see that New York was being taken over by nature, and that the planet was pretty much still alive. I hate seeing these "end of humanity" type films where, because mankind is no longer around, the planet has become a desert -cough*resident evil extinction*cough-. Good to see.

Also, I like zombies... I like them more than vampires. So, I was happy that this took a zombie movie approach to it. Even though these zombies seemed to be rip-offs of other zombies seen in zombie films in the last four years, they weren't too bad. Another good slap in the face to George Romero, saying **** your zombie style, we do zombies the way we want, you don't make the rules (for all those who say zombies can't run).

Over six bucks a gallon... Looken like it...

Also, the model turning its head as he drives by. That was a real nice touch, and it would have been even better to have seen some more of that kind of thing. Like, something moving in the background, or, while he's doing his daily deer hunting, hearing screams or angry zombies inside buildings. Those are nice touches, and it would have been nice to see some more of that in the film.

I also give credit for the guy's determination. Three years on my own, everyone dead, nothing but monster eating everyone? I'd have bullet in my head way back. He was really determined to get a cure made, even with the belief that everyone is dead, he is still going for a cure... Good man.

Some bad things though. First off, wasn't scary. It had its jumpers (some of which I could actually count down to), but overall, it was not scary. A lot of the scenes seemed so drawn out, and some of them served really no purposes. I mean, its nice to see that he keeps himself in shape every morning, but why do we need to see how many pull ups Will Smith can do. Basically, that was just to show off Will Smith.

Also, this had to be one of the biggest advertisements for Shrek, in another film, I've ever seen. Will Smith looks at the camera, smiles, bright white teeth, and says, "Hey everyone in the theatre. You know what film I like? Shrek. Good film for people of all ages. Worth remembering every line in. You should love it too. Head down to your local Best Buy and pick up the Special Edition Shrek DVD. Also, keep an eye out for Shrek two and Shrek the Third... Three great movies (not really) for a great low price at your local best buy." Smiles. Sparkling, fade to black. Next commercial... Not a major problem for the film, but still... they gave Shrek around five minutes on the screen.

I will also mention that the special effects in the film dreadful, horrible, disgusting to look at. I was so about ready to laugh at the cg effects. They were bad. First Resident Evil film bad. Right off the bat with the deers, I was horrified by it. Then, when the zombies came around, it was just terrible. They were bad effects, the zombies were not believable, but the chick looked pretty good. At some moments, anyway.

I also did not like the ending. I won't talk about it for SPOILER purposes.

Overall, this film was okay. Nowhere near being a great film, or deserving any kind of awards. This is really a film you see when you got a lot of free time for a couple of hours (as I did), so you go see because there is nothing else you want to see, or haven't already seen.

I have not read the book, so it did not cloud my judgement.

I will say that the Dark Knight trailer was a lot less impressive on the big screen.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2007
It's nice to see Will Smith still has his game up. Fresh Prince is still legendary also. Will Smith FOR BRAWL!


Smash Lord
Mar 2, 2007
What do people get out of critiquing movies so extensively anyway? =P
I wonder as well, you don't get anything out of it.
Unless theres some psuedo-conflict between critics as to who can make a movie seem worse..


Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I have to agree with you on that. I, Robot the movie was an enormous pile of dog feces.

You didn't like Independence Day? I didn't think it was too bad. That was the first time I saw the actor who plays Data outside of Star Trek. =P

As for Transformers....don't even get me started. That movie was bad on so many levels. IMO, they should have just played through one of the teaser trailers instead of wasting 2 hours of my life, because on all accounts, the trailer actually made it look like a kick-*** movie.

The rundown:

-Shia LaBeouf can't act for ****
-Michael Bay is worse than Peter Jackson + unlimited CGI resources
-the first hour and a half of the movie was filler crap
-Shia LaBeouf can't act
-the last half hour was even worse
-camera angles and handling during action scenes was atrocious
-you couldn't tell the robots apart during fight sequences
-the final battle between Prime and Megatron failed
-Shia LaBeouf is not a good actor

However, not even Transformers beats out the monstrosity that is the new Star Wars
Just to note: Red Darkstar Kirby IS NOT my alternate account. That is dead on with how horrible Transformers was. Easily the worst movie I have seen.

Independence Day was HORRIBLE. It's only saving grace was Will Smith's ability to act and Jeff Goldbloom's chemistry with him.

Stop right there, that's all that needs to be said, really.

This is why you never argue with casual movie-goers, anything that makes them laugh or jump in the slightest makes a good movie. "At World's End" a good movie? You really must be easily entertained.
He does not represent all casual movie goers. There are so many movies that I can't believe people liked. "At World's End" was NOT that bad, but it wasn't great either. I give it a good, which on a scale from 1-5 would be around a 3. But I agree with you overall.

I am going see I am Legend tomorrow or Tuesday for $5. I hear it's quite bad from my friend who has pretty similar movie tastes.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I hate reading reviews and hearing other people's thoughts on movies I'm about to go see.

I definitely prefer coming up with my own judgments without having one hovering above my head during the movie.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
Will Smith did all he could, but he wasn't able to save the movie by himself. It was alright. I, Robot was better for sure. All the movie was was a play off of cheap suprise one-frame-transititions-to-a-loud-scary-scene tricks. But there were a few cool parts in between, not much though. The one thing I actually found interesting was I was really hungary while I was watching the movie and I was really craving all of the food he had at the beginning all to himself... ...now that part was interesting... Other than of course it's always good to see Will Smith acting. One of my favorite actors for sure. This guy's good.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2007
I really like the movie, i suggest that everyone should watch it. There were some subtle aspects that made it good that people over look. Considering what happen to the other renditions, i say this was a great success.


Smash Master
Jul 2, 2007
Florissant, St. Louis, MO Tech Skill: Over 9000
Just saw it yesterday and it was amazing, the begining was sort of dull but I luved it after the part sam got lost in the dark and he met the infected fella.

The part where he literally squished
his dog
was epic, seriously.

And Will Smith did a good job...BELEIVE IT!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006

Will smith is a cybernetic ninja time traveler.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I hate reading reviews and hearing other people's thoughts on movies I'm about to go see.

I definitely prefer coming up with my own judgments without having one hovering above my head during the movie.
Why are you in this thread then?

Vicious Delicious

tetigit destruens
Feb 3, 2006
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
SW 0141 8170 9257
Movie sucked lolol sry rite?

Seriously. I got something totally different then what I was expecting. I mean, I know Hollywood pretty much HAS to drug it up if the movie is based off a book, but my god, they replaced sooo much it wasn't even relating.

Be warned throughout the rest for spoilers...

* Time period: 1970s is NOT 2010s, although this wasn't that big of a deal to me.
* It was a pandemic, NOT a 'vaccine.'
Why didn't Will Smith hate that lady more? I would've ****ed her up is she was still alive...
He found the dog later, not at the beginning
Where were the still living people like Ruth in the book? Now there's Anna and that kid I can't remember at the moment
Will Smith is getting old. Yeah, I said it!
* He had no excuse to being immune. At least in the book there was one...
* Book Ending > Movie Ending. Seriously,
survivors colony 'because god told me'? Hand grenade to kill himself?
And I think he really could've figured out the catalyst for the cure
(lowered body temp)
if he had 1000+ days, experimenting almost every day...
Where was Ben Cortman?

Now that that is done, zombies weren't scary at all; if anything they were laughable based on their behaviors and animations. They weren't very realistic either when actually seen; however, when in the dark as shadows, I was pretty impressed. However, removing the people, creating the 'explosions', and seeing the collisions... those were pretty decent.

Advertising was running amok as well. Lets see... Coke, Rent, McDonalds, Ford,
), SHREK! I mean, I understand it is New York, but come one, at least make them more subtle. The gas prices made me chuckle though.

This movie has a high chance of making your girlfriend cry at parts, especially the flashbacks and the dog. Divide that chance by two for yourself as well; I almost cried when he had to
put his wife and daughter on the chopper to just see it crash.

Maybe its just because I was such a fan of the book and I wasn't feeling the changes at all. But if you haven't read the book, I suppose I would suggest seeing it. Worth your time to watch, but probably won't be a favorite.

For book readers: 2/5
For non-readers: 3.5/5
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