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Hylian Heroes(Rennovating for new RPG. All new members welcome)


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
guess what....IM posting! *gasps from clan* *sonicshift pulls out assault rifle* oh i guess your not happy that ive been off the last few days....yikes...well i just ended it FINALLY. so yah i dont htink i should battle you anymore just solely on the fact something happens ONLY when i battle YOU. so i think we should not battle. my family (after leaving for tennis and WITHOUT my permission) tore down my walls and sheet rock and all that crap and replaced it with new sheet rock and sprayed it down with some junk that does not allow me to enter teh room until its gone cuz its dangerous...whatever. anyway my computer is in that room so yah. i COULD NOT GET ON. so IM SORRY. (seriously.) ill give ya like 50 gil and i will also give apoc like 20 gil. no wait sonic...what do you feel is APPROPRIATE amount of gil that i give you? its up to you. i left ya hanging by mistake. e-mail to me what you want at:


and also ultima the spybot file thingy is corrupted any other things that would work. that are free? anyway what did miss everybody probably a lot. looks ooooooohhhh you want our battle records okay.

overall. 1-4 (only victory being a retreat from sonic when he was WINNNING)

and ive fought:

2 against sonic (now that this one is FINALLY OVER), 1 against Ace, 1 against Apoc, and 1 against a non-clan member. (EvilAmarant7x)


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Who's the backup banker? I am not going to be here so..... somebody should take my place and keep track, that way I can pay you back when I return.

Edit: Waaaaa! you guys there has been a tourney set up! It is in the Clan Grounds! Zapdos set it up. I either wasn't told or completely forgot! If you haven't already, go check it out as you most likely already have an opponent!

Edit 2: Guys I wont be able to get online for the tourney. But i can give my password to someone else and they can do it from they're CPU. And they can bacnk too. If you read this contact me quickly as I dont hace much time!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Last minute thought.... Gideon does not have a banner.... it is Gideon's birthday..... we have a clan Artist. Ultima why dont you make a Banner for Gideon, from all of us at HH. After all, he is the head hancho! It could say "SWF Overlord" or something. Later guys!


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2004
Originally posted by Ace(Fox)
Last minute thought.... Gideon does not have a banner.... it is Gideon's birthday..... we have a clan Artist. Ultima why dont you make a Banner for Gideon, from all of us at HH. After all, he is the head hancho! It could say "SWF Overlord" or something. Later guys!
So basically we are sucking up to Gideon. Well maybe he will give us some gil. You never know.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
Guys, I am going to be gone for the next couple of weeks. I might be able to get on a few times, but not very often. soroush, obviously you are clan leader in my abcense. Kyoober, feel free to make any tournies, just run them by soroush first. Stop, keep on collecting the battle points, and when I get back, I will update everyone's points. Ultima, we need the new banner for legionairre. Can you take care of it? I have the pictures in mind.

Ultima Nightmare

Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2004
Originally posted by Creature_85
Ultima, we need the new banner for legionairre. Can you take care of it? I have the pictures in mind.
Yes, of course. Just PM me the pics and I will make it.


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2004
On planet Earth
I'm officially in the clan now :)

I haven't been on lately... so I'm back to trying for the top ten. Looking forward to the next tourney, unless I can still join.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
okay ace, i will battle for you or whatever, but i will also have to give you my password as an even tradeoff PM ME your password. *assuming im on* if m not on when i get it like if im OFFLINE. then PM IT TO someone else. oh and one more I am the backup banker i guess. i want to be it as well as the NOOB coordinator. so i declare myself ace's backup when hes not here, but he has to PAY me back. ;)

speaking of my "greeter" job. i wasnt here when SupaMario joined so anyway Welcome to hte clan! any questions about what to do(doubtful)just ask me!

BTW, Ultima youll be oding the legionairre banner why not do the council banner i showed you while your at it. as a matter of fact ill PM you all the pictures i want for my own banner k? wait first i should ask if the council wants a banner. if you want one i have one made already (or do i? ultima may change it up a bit or not do it at all) and i plan on paying him 100 gil for it. So like how many council members do we have?i think tis 6 but im not sure. lets see. kyoober,ace,me,stop, sonic, yah thats it. (that i can think of. thats 5. i think we should pitch in an even pay of 20 gil each then. hows that sound if you dotn want to then ill pay for all of it...but thats A LOT of gil now that FG is no lnger giving out gil.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
Originally posted by CloudKid2k4
So like how many council members do we have?i think tis 6 but im not sure. lets see. kyoober,ace,me,stop, sonic, yah thats it. (that i can think of. thats 5. i think) we should pitch in an even pay of 20 gil each then. hows that sound if you dotn want to then ill pay for all of it...
I don't think I'm in the council. I got an invite or something, but never made it to any meeting or got any more info *eh*. But I don't mind dishing out 20 gil. I have money to spare.

And congrats on getting of MP, Tyco!!!11

[Edit: "Routine maintenance, please check back in 5 minutes." Ahh!! I've never seen that before!!1]


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2004
Well I just got back from my soccer camp and I'm dead tired. Theres not much going on other wise. It seems a lot of Smash n00bs are trying to join the clan. Maybe we should put it in the Title.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
Those are great!
Hey Stop, if you can get the all the battle points you have to me in the next four hours, I can update the points.

Ultima Nightmare

Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2004
I need to know if I am making one banner for the whole council or does everyone in the council get their own banner?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2004
I think they should get their own, seeing as you and Ace have your own, they are doing jobs like you.

EDIT: K GUYS, LISTEN, you see, I need money for a skill, but Ace's mollah is reserved for healing costs. Now, if any of you have some spare change you can part with, please help me out, I need 112 gil total.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
yah soroush you have a point...BUT, the banner i have showed to Ultima may work for everybody else. conisidering the fact that i have a minor job, (greeter) this could save ultima some of his time. you gotta be realistic. telling him to do like 3 more banners may be too much. then again..how long does it exactly take to do 1 banner on your program ultima? just try and do what we talked about then show ti and if they dont like it (70-30 chance they will) then maybe we will do individual banners based on preferrably what we want. BTW, i like the banners ;) theyre pretty good. i like em. what am I? am i still a soldier? i need to battle more...

now soroush, you know that is A LOT OF GIL. to ask that of one person now that FG gil has been gone for a awhile is pretty tough. maybe we should all pitch in 10 gil or so. we have many members and this way nobody loses too much gil. i wanna hear a vote for this too ;)

In my opinion I have no problem with smash noobs joining. as long as tehy show commitment i dont think its something to worry about. I mean i was a noob when i joined. likewise was ace i think and maybe even soroush./ (i dont know if he was journeyman then) and i believe even ultima may have joined as a noob. (may also have been journeyman) i swear i heard creature say he STARTED this clan as a noob too. so why are we so hating toward noobs in general?? If they show that they will stay then i see no problem with this at all.

and as a greeter i forgot to say (i cant believe its my job...)


Tyco, now an OFFICIAL welcome to the clan. *enters clowns with balloons* I hope you like being in our clan and have a GREAT time. Aaaannndddd dont forget kiddies....ask me for any questions about the clan! (HIGHLY DOUBTFUL)

Was that a good job by me creature ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2004
Yeah, Cloudkid, I know, I just worded that wrong. You see once, I get this, I can pwn everyone there is!!!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2004
Okay can everyone PM me last weeks record. You cant do your whole record. Keep track of your wins in your signiture like I do it helps me remember. I never got anyones record that weren't their overall.

Creature, maybe I'm confused, but do they have to send in their overall records or that weeks record. I'm not really the best listner in my school.

[Edit] Okay I just figured my last weeks record I got 62 points. Just keep on sending your records in. I'm on all afternoon.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2004
I think it would be simpler just to do X points/win, Y points/lose, Z points/Draw, crap, should have strated at W. Anyway, that would besimpler, and I think Creature has left already.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2004
I know what you mean Soroush I think the same thing I tried to change it but Creature insisted that it stay the same. It is basically how active you were during the week on the battle system. I havn't fought one battle this week. I don't know I just don't feal like it.

Cross that out I won't be on all day. I'm going to play video games. Just because I can.

Ultima Nightmare

Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2004
Originally posted by CloudKid2k4
yah soroush you have a point...BUT, the banner i have showed to Ultima may work for everybody else. conisidering the fact that i have a minor job, (greeter) this could save ultima some of his time. you gotta be realistic. telling him to do like 3 more banners may be too much. then again..how long does it exactly take to do 1 banner on your program ultima? just try and do what we talked about then show ti and if they dont like it (70-30 chance they will) then maybe we will do individual banners based on preferrably what we want. BTW, i like the banners ;) theyre pretty good. i like em. what am I? am i still a soldier? i need to battle more...
Actually, I don't mind either way. It only took me 30 minutes to make those 2 banners up there. The only thing I have to tell people is not to get too crazy with your request and if you don't have a specific background you want, I can make them (like the one in my banner and Ace's). And don't just request 1 or 2 pics. I usually can't do much with too little and don't overload me with pics either. With that said, anybody in the council (and Creature and soroush) can PM me their request and I'll get it done as soon as possible.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
ok ok i think in gonna go looking for a banner pics now. (Yay!) but now i have one mroe question ultima....do we still have to pay for them ;) (assuming we are going individual for each one)

anyway i think we should :starman: VOTE :starman: on whether to give SOROUSH 112 gil for his pwning skill by POSTING what we think..or how about everybody PM's me. that will do. or PM soroush cuz DONT just donate already. you could doante adn then one clan member ends up not donating and youir gil was wasted and its a long hastle for soroush to give back the gil. so i guess PM me or soroush.

BTW, stopsign im NOT gonna PM you my battle record cuz i posted it a few posts back. anywho, no battle ive been in since then. check my EDIT bar underneath to see what battles ive done lately. (at first it will be blank)

:starman: EDIT: :starman:

Ultima Nightmare

Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2004
Originally posted by CloudKid2k4
ok ok i think in gonna go looking for a banner pics now. (Yay!) but now i have one mroe question ultima....do we still have to pay for them ;) (assuming we are going individual for each one)
Seeing as how I got paid for the past ones, I will charge. How about 20 gil a banner? Everyone in the council get those requests in.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
yay 20 gil sound good man. fair enough price for me. I WAS gonna pay 100 but never mind now. lol. anywho i wonder if the person i recruited to the clan chose us or the TAOW yet.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2004
Wow Cloudkid you got a whole 14 points congradgulations. (Sarcasim). Well I also so forgot to greet Tyco, anyways welcome to the clan.

Nothing much going on now. I'm probably going to battle someone if they want to.


Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2004
Long Beach, CA
hey hylian heroes. i just started being active again. i was busy on my site which will never be as good as this in 522203056561560606060654694649498494949498849849461.0322599 years. (not sucking up) well i just wanted to joing the hylian heroes cause im a HUGE Zelda(well actually Link) fan. and this is the best Zelda clan in this site. and its 10:40pm now
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