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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
LOL it was on your tumblr.

also im frauding out and picking up ics for falco for tournaments. still need more practice with that stupid ****ing bird.
i know. that was me being sassy.

superspright save up money for a decade or so and mm my bowser for $100. you gotta go ganondorf though.

and if i 4 stock you during the set and win you have to pay me double.

deal? i'm worse than m2k so you'll win obv


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
I can name many players I play with regularly that would four stock you. Regardless of how good or bad you are.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
What did you enter as? I just checked the results threads for the last 3 Zeniths and didn't see your name anywhere.
I forget honestly. Maybe my name: Randall. I came in last. I was pretty stoned that entire tournament. I had to face Swiftbass and someone else pretty good. Didn't work out so well back then. I didn't have any good Falco/Fox practice.

You both said you never seen me play. So how are you going to make assumptions like that? I'm not afraid of the Ganondorf ditto. I can be a huge campy ****** and I don't have qualms with chaingrabbing. I've seen both of you play, and only Eikelmann really even comes close to impressing me.

I really don't grasp the point of your ****-talking. You must like upsets or something.
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Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
When are you going to meet up with me so I can spank that stupid koopa? DJ Nintendo lives around here and his Bowser is respectable.
Aug 6, 2008
I had a question about Ganon and Marth or Ganon and Sheik for teams and how well the might perform. Any general consensus about how bad or good this might be? I am thinking Sheik probably plays better, but I am surprised by how well some teams turn out. Probably just play skill over anything really. Anyway, ideas? My thoughts initially are Marth does more poorly, but you could do well at creating situations where Ganon gets plenty of set-ups for punishes. Marth taking point to wall people out. Should he get hit Ganon is there to take up the heavier punish for Marth getting hit. Or, Marth walls opponent out while Ganon does his thing. Not terribly well versed in how to set-up doubles.

Shiny Mewtwo aka Jigglysir

PhD; Smash Community Studies
Feb 1, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I forget honestly. Maybe my name: Randall. I came in last. I was pretty stoned that entire tournament. I had to face Swiftbass and someone else pretty good. Didn't work out so well back then. I didn't have any good Falco/Fox practice.
I do see a Randell at Zenith 2012. Would that be you?
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Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
I had a question about Ganon and Marth or Ganon and Sheik for teams and how well the might perform. Any general consensus about how bad or good this might be? I am thinking Sheik probably plays better, but I am surprised by how well some teams turn out. Probably just play skill over anything really. Anyway, ideas? My thoughts initially are Marth does more poorly, but you could do well at creating situations where Ganon gets plenty of set-ups for punishes. Marth taking point to wall people out. Should he get hit Ganon is there to take up the heavier punish for Marth getting hit. Or, Marth walls opponent out while Ganon does his thing. Not terribly well versed in how to set-up doubles.
there aren't any shieks in florida so i never play that team out but i'd assume that sheik ganondorf is muchhhhh better, personally.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
I do see a Randell at Zenith 2012. Would that be you?
That's me all right. I figured I entered as my own name. I've been going as Battlecat lately. They always misspell my damn name no matter how many times I tell them it's ranDALL, not DELL. I am not a computer--except sometimes.

There's probably no way I can make any of those tournaments this year. I have too many family problems. I might be moving to the other coast just to get away from NY. Basically you're going to tournaments in the midwest and westcoast. I don't live anywhere near there.
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Did I really get a flaming warning?

For saying basically what super says to all us of regularly?


Of course my play doesn't impress you, I play against some of the best players in Florida including those who know how to fight ganondorf better than any other players, I'm sure you play with idiots who don't know how to fight Ganondorf. If you came here you would get four stocked repeatedly and you wouldn't want to play you'd probably quit melee or at least Ganondorf. You can say only Eikelmann kind of impresses all you want but try to remember who raised Baby Eikelmann.

Talking about camping and no qualms with chain grabbing doesn't matter to us at all, you are not on our level of play, anything you can do camp/chain grab we can do it better than you can don't believe me prove me wrong. Whenever you get some tournament experience, beat idk anybody? ? ? at all?? Then maybe you can get your self righteous attitude. Until you prove yourself, your arrogant douchebaggary is meaningless. You would not stand up to us or anyone around us, know your place, get in line. If you want respect earn it.

Also, "I was pretty stoned" Is not a legitimate john.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
Did I really get a flaming warning?

For saying basically what super says to all us of regularly?


Of course my play doesn't impress you, I play against some of the best players in Florida including those who know how to fight ganondorf better than any other players, I'm sure you play with idiots who don't know how to fight Ganondorf. If you came here you would get four stocked repeatedly and you wouldn't want to play you'd probably quit melee or at least Ganondorf. You can say only Eikelmann kind of impresses all you want but try to remember who raised Baby Eikelmann.

Talking about camping and no qualms with chain grabbing doesn't matter to us at all, you are not on our level of play, anything you can do camp/chain grab we can do it better than you can don't believe me prove me wrong. Whenever you get some tournament experience, beat idk anybody? ? ? at all?? Then maybe you can get your self righteous attitude. Until you prove yourself, your arrogant douchebaggary is meaningless. You would not stand up to us or anyone around us, know your place, get in line. If you want respect earn it.

Also, "I was pretty stoned" Is not a legitimate john.
I don't want respect from anyone like you. Who wants some asshole to respect them anyway?

You've never played me before, and I'm sure Florida doesn't have a monopoly on knowing how to exploit Ganondorf considering the people I play used to play with Tipman. They know the matchup fairly well believe it or not--not like there is much to know in kicking his ass.

I don't really care about your baseless postulating on how much better you are than me. You've literally NEVER seen me play [and I did put up a video but NO ONE watched it], and I've seen you play and your tech skill is about as good as mine was a year ago. I'm going to stress this: shut up.

Hopefully I'll get to play you if you go to a big tournament somewhere in my area--otherwise this is an utterly pointless discussion and a circle jerk at best.
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
I don't want respect from anyone like you. Who wants some ******* to respect them anyway?

You've never played me before, and I'm sure Florida doesn't have a monopoly on knowing how to exploit Ganondorf considering the people I play used to play with Tipman. They know the matchup fairly well believe it or not--not like there is much to know in kicking his ***.

I don't really care about your baseless postulating on how much better you are than me. You've literally NEVER seen me play [and I did put up a video but NO ONE watched it], and I've seen you play and your tech skill is about as good as mine was a year ago. I'm going to stress this: shut up.

Hopefully I'll get to play you if you go to a big tournament somewhere in my area--otherwise this is an utterly pointless discussion and a circle jerk at best.

Agreed, you are trash. You're going to stress me to shut up? What if I don't? What then? probably nothing, I guess you could cry and get me another flaming warning/infraction. I'm faster, smarter and better than you. Always will be and it sucks you can't accept that. Stay in the back of the line where you belong as just another ****ty ganondorf who tries to have "good tech" but never actually does anything.

You're free. You'll always be free. Why do you even post in these forums when no one wants to listen to your egotistical non sense. If Kage or Linguini came in here and talked to us the way you do it'd be okay they've earned their place in the God's of Ganondorf chamber. You are compost, you are nothing, your arrogance means nothing, aggressive talk does nothing whenever you have nothing to back it up with. Please continue to be a whiny child and pretend to know what you're talking about it's okay, maybe in a few years you'll get there.

There are plenty of people here who have earned their place, coming in here and acting like you know everything and talking down to everyone when no one knows who you are is a good way to get yourself laughed at.


Just another ****ty Ganondorf pretending to be somebody when he's nobody.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
I had a question about Ganon and Marth or Ganon and Sheik for teams and how well the might perform. Any general consensus about how bad or good this might be? I am thinking Sheik probably plays better, but I am surprised by how well some teams turn out. Probably just play skill over anything really. Anyway, ideas? My thoughts initially are Marth does more poorly, but you could do well at creating situations where Ganon gets plenty of set-ups for punishes. Marth taking point to wall people out. Should he get hit Ganon is there to take up the heavier punish for Marth getting hit. Or, Marth walls opponent out while Ganon does his thing. Not terribly well versed in how to set-up doubles.
Ganondorf and Marth team together very well.

They play together comfortably both as spacing characters, my recent teams partner Dark Sonic and I generally have good success. His Marth makes a wall, I short hop and follow the techs/DI's that get through him/away from him. If Marth is comboing a space animal let him combo, once Marth does his strong attack you wait and follow the best you can.

You both compliment edge guarding, a popular form of edge guarding in teams is have one person grab the ledge and have your team mate cover the stage recoveries. Both characters can do this very well, If Marth is on the ledge Ganondorf is very good at hitting people back off and vice versa. If Ganondorf is on the ledge Marth can f smash and Ganondorf simply rolls up through the f smash hit box. You can trade positions very easily with little to no problems, the first time I ever teamed with Dark Sonic he and I clicked with synergy mostly from us using spacing characters it was just natural for us both to know how to not get in the way of each other.

Ganondorf Sheik, I've never played the team before but I imagine sheik would play the role of marth, spam tilts to make walls, follow good tech chase opportunities.

I highly approve of Ganondorf Marth, It's one of my favorite teams.

I prefer teaming with a peach above any other character but that's another topic for another day

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
lmaooooo dude straight said "you're compost" lOL

also tipman hasn't lived in NY for a while now, and he was the only semi-relevant ganondorf up there for many many years. there's no way you can act like tristate has ganondorf practice lol
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Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
Agreed, you are trash. You're going to stress me to shut up? What if I don't? What then? probably nothing, I guess you could cry and get me another flaming warning/infraction. I'm faster, smarter and better than you. Always will be and it sucks you can't accept that. Stay in the back of the line where you belong as just another ****ty ganondorf who tries to have "good tech" but never actually does anything.

You're free. You'll always be free. Why do you even post in these forums when no one wants to listen to your egotistical non sense. If Kage or Linguini came in here and talked to us the way you do it'd be okay they've earned their place in the God's of Ganondorf chamber. You are compost, you are nothing, your arrogance means nothing, aggressive talk does nothing whenever you have nothing to back it up with. Please continue to be a whiny child and pretend to know what you're talking about it's okay, maybe in a few years you'll get there.

There are plenty of people here who have earned their place, coming in here and acting like you know everything and talking down to everyone when no one knows who you are is a good way to get yourself laughed at.


Just another ****ty Ganondorf pretending to be somebody when he's nobody.
This is golden. Shut up, nerd. I'll take solace in the fact you could never say this to my face. Keep being the keyboard Warrior you are.

@ Eikelman: Do people just forget the matchup or something over time? I doubt it.
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Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
I'll take solace in the fact you could never say this to my face. Keep being the keyboard Warrior you are.
duuuuude you have no idea how wrong you are on that haha

and yeah they definitely forget the matchup. how couldn't they? it's not like ALL OF NY happened to play tipman while he was there, either. his style is radically different from the other top ganondorfs anyway. it's not the same practicing against him.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
duuuuude you have no idea how wrong you are on that haha

and yeah they definitely forget the matchup. how couldn't they? it's not like ALL OF NY happened to play tipman while he was there, either. his style is radically different from the other top ganondorfs anyway. it's not the same practicing against him.
I play kind of similarly. I always liked his style the best.

I don't think he'd talk to me like a piece of **** to my face. That's all I'm saying. He can say I'm bad all he wants--but to call me free compost trash, etc. etc. What is that? I'd probably punch a person for talking to me like that. It's just a little too grating of a personality to endure.
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Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2010
Pumpkin Hill

real talk tho, i got second at my weekly tourney again, im starting to get ****ing mad. **** SHEIK LIKE I CANT SAY THAT ENOUGH.

X WaNtEd X

Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2009
Lowell, MA
Lmao supersight you have no idea what's going on in NY. Both gravy and that scrub fox have taken down your second and third best players recently (rip codi u will b mist ;.;). There was some mad trash talk going down in the fb groups. They haven't played animal but I think it would be close.

lmaooooo dude straight said "you're compost" lOL

also tipman hasn't lived in NY for a while now, and he was the only semi-relevant ganondorf up there for many many years. there's no way you can act like tristate has ganondorf practice lol
That's too bad. I've only met one other ganon so far called kid goggles but he's not that great. I really want to find a good ganon that can show me some stuff


Improving My Process
Apr 11, 2013
Greensboro, NC
I am looking for advice on the marth matchup. It's not easy.
Stay grounded. Having a good ground game vs. Marth is crucial. Keep him in the air and not the other way around. You can CC a lot of his moves at early percent, even fsmash.

Grabbing him is really good too, you can convert a lot off of a grab.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
Lmao supersight you have no idea what's going on in NY. Both gravy and that scrub fox have taken down your second and third best players recently (rip codi u will b mist ;.;). There was some mad trash talk going down in the fb groups. They haven't played animal but I think it would be close.

That's too bad. I've only met one other ganon so far called kid goggles but he's not that great. I really want to find a good ganon that can show me some stuff
I'm the only Ganondorf main on the Island who can actually do the tech--the rest of them are very slow. I have seen quite a few, but there are definitely more. I JV5'd a Ganondorf with Ganondorf recently--they suck pretty bad out here.

And Codi is literally the most inconsistent melee player I've ever seen. Some days he plays so bad I can scrape him--and others he's just on fire. I'm not johning for him. I don't think he's anywhere near as good as he thinks he is. I play him when I get the chance. He's just the worst choker ever.

Animal is like 2x as good as Codi or more. He's on another level. He almost made it into the Apex Bracket but dropped his last game last set against I forget who--some pretty insane Fox. I'd have to check it out. Animal is something else...the rest of us aren't much to talk about--myself included at the time.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2012
Stay grounded. Having a good ground game vs. Marth is crucial. Keep him in the air and not the other way around. You can CC a lot of his moves at early percent, even fsmash.

Grabbing him is really good too, you can convert a lot off of a grab.
I know this part already. I find i like up throw with platforms.. Getting in for a grab is hard though.

X WaNtEd X

Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2009
Lowell, MA
I'm the only Ganondorf main on the Island who can actually do the tech--the rest of them are very slow. I have seen quite a few, but there are definitely more. I JV5'd a Ganondorf with Ganondorf recently--they suck pretty bad out here.

And Codi is literally the most inconsistent melee player I've ever seen. Some days he plays so bad I can scrape him--and others he's just on fire. I'm not johning for him. I don't think he's anywhere near as good as he thinks he is. I play him when I get the chance. He's just the worst choker ever.

Animal is like 2x as good as Codi or more. He's on another level. He almost made it into the Apex Bracket but dropped his last game last set against I forget who--some pretty insane Fox. I'd have to check it out. Animal is something else...the rest of us aren't much to talk about--myself included at the time.
i'm not going to debate how good my region is compared to yours, but just know that these guys aren't as "mediocre" as your seem to think.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
They are all right. I've never been that impressed at all with Codi. So you telling me that didn't say much to me. He's the greatest choker of all time. He got scraped in APEX pools, whereas Animal did not. I'm not comparing regions--you were comparing players, and Codi isn't the creme de le creme anyway. I hope I get to play you guys someday, but I doubt it unless you're going to come to SBU on April12th. 1000$ Bonus pot.
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Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
yo bizz went HAM at TNE this weekend

got 13th, losing to MacD. gotta get over the MacD wall and show norcal the true power. good stuff man.
Thanks bro! I'm almost over the MacD wall. It went to the last match, last stock, over 100% each. Main thing against MacD is not to jump as much because he is really good at predicting jumps no matter what character you pick.

Set against Jeff was last stock, last match over 100% also. SS and I keep taking turns beating each other.
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Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2012
the the biggest problem, however is dealing with him when he gets the ledge. it should still be an advantageous position for me, as i have stage control but it feels more like the neutral game again except if i approach he's going to punish me real bad. so while he's doing the ledge stall falcon stuff, i'm forced to sit back and space. if i get close, i eat an invincible gentleman to uthrow to uair string that i sometimes can't di out of. now, i never make the mistake of approaching, but i wish i had a way to keep him contained from these positions the way i can other characters and players. i watched some videos of top ganon vs falcon play and nothing is helping. the falcons i'm watching aren't doing these crazy shenanigans; they just simply come back on and the ganon has the advantage from what i'm seeing.
I kinda figured you were talking about gravy. He tricked me with the same stuff when we played earlier this year. In general you have to respect him when he has ledge, and not get too close (as people have to do for us). If you come too close, he will beat you with invincibility or faster moves, or a grab if he sees you / expects you to shield. If you can do it, bait him into coming up with an attack and you can jump back with bair or (riskier) juke back with sideB / fsmash. Or, if he comes up with nair, you can CC grab / dtilt / jab (I think upthrow is a good choice in that stage position). Another thing to try is to just feel out what option he wants to do. If you give him enough space to comfortably come back, how does he do it? If you encroach on his space, how does he try to punish you? Just watch, or bait the come-up just to roll away, and pay attention to what he chooses. He might do the same thing when the situation comes up again, and you can be ready to punish it.

If all else fails, his execution is on point, and his mixups are strong, then you might have to settle for giving him stage for free.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
i played animal in pools at apex 2013 and it was a pretty close set. he narrowly beat my bowser game 3. our friendlies at apex this year were considerably one sided, though. although he's obviously good, i'm not sure what the big deal is, superspright.
You didn't even beat him in pools. I'm sure your Ganondorf did really well against him lol. Come on man--stop with this narrow victory crap--a loss is a loss.

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
You didn't even beat him in pools. I'm sure your Ganondorf did really well against him lol. Come on man--stop with this narrow victory crap--a loss is a loss.
yeah i get that, a loss is a loss, but i'm just some lowly big ****** user. shouldn't be much trouble for someone that's apparently as amazing as you make him out to be.

oh and apparently he should have tons of bowser/ganondorf practice :troll:
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Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2008
yeah i get that, a loss is a loss, but i'm just some lowly big *****s user. shouldn't be much trouble for someone that's apparently as amazing as you make him out to be.

oh and apparently he should have tons of bowser/ganondorf practice :troll:
It's like you shot yourself in the leg and then fought someone and said, "See! If I didn't shoot myself in the leg I would definitely win!"

Come on man--don't **** with me now. You're a good Ganondorf, but Animal out performed you. It's whatever. I have beaten him in friendlies too. It's not that hard to beat in in friendlies...he's always ****ing around. Tournament is a different mindset for him. He never plays even close to serious in friendlies lol.

But anyway, Animal is not amazing--he's GOOD. That's about it. Amazing lies in the realm of the top 50 best players. If he breaches that I'd be amazed. Otherwise he's just a very solid Fox.

Also, I never play Animal really. I see him once every few months so he probably got a quick refresher in that Apex match up. I play at least as fast as you if not faster--a lot of our style is pretty similar, except I go for more movement. You're more spacing oriented--you try to wall harder than me. I concede space a lot and go for ledge options when it gets pretty bad.
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Thanks bro! I'm almost over the MacD wall. It went to the last match, last stock, over 100% each. Main thing against MacD is not to jump as much because he is really good at predicting jumps no matter what character you pick.

Set against Jeff was last stock, last match over 100% also. SS and I keep taking turns beating each other.

Bizz was at TNE I missed his matches (off to youtube!)
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