So I just thought of an interesting way to techchase with Ganon.
First what I'll do when I downthrow for the first time is see what direction they DI in and what direction they tech. I will stand in place or in the area that I downthrowed and I will dair in the spot that would hit my opponent if he DI's away, but techs back. This would be the only option that I couldn't cover in what I'll explain in a bit. Basically with this first throw, I'm trying to condition/manipulate my opponent into thinking "Okay, don't tech that throw like that or you will get punished badly." This will go into the person's head whether I hit the dair or not. It might be more occurrent to them if I hit them, but that's still what I want to put in their head, that that option to DI away and tech back is a bad idea.
Here comes the next part. I will downthrow them again. This time, I will cover the 3/4 options by dashing in the direction that my opponent DI's in (which is reactable) and then jump. Right as I'm jumping is when I should see where my opponent teched or if he teched at all. If he techs froward, then I continue my jump forward and land a fair where their tech roll ends. If they tech in place, I hold back after the jump and bair them. If they don't tech, they can't getup attack quick enough to combat my bair, so I'll also bair them in this position.
The only way they can get out of that tech chase is if they DI away and back, which I manipulated in their head that they shouldn't do that. So I could screw with my opponent by doing the dair techchase first, then the one that covers 3 options, then back to the dair one. People tend to think one step at a time and tend to go back and forth or repeat things twice or more. So if I hit with the dair techchase first, then they immediately change their DI and tech, I can predict they'll do that and adjust accordingly. If they DI and tech the same, then I can keep using the same way to chase until they change it or until I feel like they finally have it occurred to them that the way they are DIing and teching isn't working (which is usually the 3rd or 4th time in a row, not to say they won't go back and do it again.)
Just something I thought I'd share that I kinda learned today about techchasing with Ganon. Sure, there are other ways like with side-b, but I think this one is unique to me, plus I don't have trouble executing it. Maybe I'd like input or maybe I just want to have this written down in case I forget, but this is just one of the few examples of theorycrafting that I do in my head with Ganon.
Of course this is against spacies and heavy characters.