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How is falco against snake?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
It's pretty even. Snake can get out of falco's chaingrab. Snake just ***** though. I don't know. Snake isn't one I worry about, more like Kirby and a really good luigi.

Shy Guy 86

Smash Ace
May 8, 2008
I see it in falco's favor, but maybe not?
Falco might rack up snakes damage without much problem, and the reflector can reflect Snakes projectiles, and you can easily spike him when hes recovering, but I don't know Snake's ups against Falco.


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
Falco does nicely against Snake since you can out-camp him, which forces Snake to approach. Defensive options in brawl are plentiful so you'll almost always be in a better position than Snake. Your shdl can hit Snake out of his Mortar Slide if you time it correctly. Snake also has a very gimpable recovery and Falco has an amazing spike. With practice, Snake will never stand a chance at recovering from under the stage against Falco. Your throws can launch Snake into the air where your aerial game is superior. Snake easily has a better ground game, but you can always stay out of Snake's range with phantasms and lasers. Just shield grab Snake if he ever gets too close.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
eventually snake will crawl, than just shine him. Idk tho, if your playing a smart snake, he will be able to counter you because of how strong he is. And of course he is one of the better defencise characters,


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
I lost in a tournament to a Snake.

His crawling dodged my SHL & SHDL, And his AAA & forward tilt AA is annoying to get around when your close up, Plus the grenades took out my CG.

Though i did Spike him very easy,

I mostly did.


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
Snake cannot get out of Falco's chain grab with grenades if you time it fast enough.

Beetle Juice

Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2008
New York City
actually even without the chain grab falco can **** snake in my opinion. A boost smash, up tilts and nair will easily keep snake off the ground, lasers prevent him from throwing nades and mortat sliding, and finally his dair ***** snakes recovery.

simply put the faster you get snake off the ground the better. =)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
eventually snake will crawl, than just shine him.
You can't shine Snake out of his crawl on even ground, he is too low.

Falco's lasers put a lot of pressure on Snake, and can even make him drop grenades on himself. This usually gets the Snake to start working on tilts though, which **** Falco. Snake's up tilt out prioritizes every aerial Falco has, and it'll kill Falco at ridiculously low percentages. I find that I can usually rack up plenty of damage on Snake, but getting the kill is entirely too hard. A good Snake will know to stay on the ground against you, and when he does enter the air, the fall speeds of both characters make it fairly easy for Snake to air dodge most of what you can throw at him. Like Tommy G said though, if you do it perfectly, Snake can't get out of Falco's chaingrab. This, however, is difficult and predictable. All in all, I think Snake still holds a strong advantage. Falco seems to be able to shut down a lot of Snake's tricks, but when it comes down to it, Snake doesn't even need those tricks when he has tilts that rack up massive damage and can kill Falco at such low percentages.


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
When he crawls, you have won the camping mind game. The last thing he could resort to was crawling which means he gave up on everything else. Short hop aerial phantasm works wonders against the crawling. Laser spam him until he crawls then phantasm through him if he gets close. If he up smashes for a ledge guard remember you can reflect it.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
Toronto, Canada
i actually find myself abusing the Dtilt against snake. cant say i use it against many other characters, but it is deadly on snake. decent range, quick, and pops him into the air.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Chapel Hill, NC
Falco seems to have a slight advantage, in my experience, and from what I've seen. Just know where his range stops, and when you can kill him.


Smash Rookie
Jun 11, 2008
bx nyc
with me i get owned agaisnt snake i dont know what it is yet but when my falco really gets good snake wont be a threat


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Doesn't falco's neutral jabbing out prioritize snakes jabs/and even up tilt? So far the Snakes i've played against got frustrated because they couldn't jab me at all, anytime I shielded their attacks i'd use those jabs and they couldn't do squat about it but get out of there.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
The jabs are a good point. I've implemented them a bit, but they don't out prioritize anything of Snake's... they simply ping. The problem is that it's a push in terms of who will get through. Sometimes it'll be you, sometimes him. When you get through, you get a few hits in and rack up maybe 10-20 damage. When he gets through... he can kill you. I'm not saying we can't deal with Snakes, I'm just saying he has the advantage in almost every situation.


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
Falco has the camping advantage. You can win with just that. :) B and Side B wreck snake.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Falco has the camping advantage. You can win with just that. :) B and Side B wreck snake.
Lets face it, even though lasers are awesome at disrupting the tempo of our opponent's game, they don't rack up much damage. If you're spamming them, which is what you're suggesting, then they are doing 1% damage each time it hits. Take into account that any competent player is going to be shielding most of them, and you're looking at pathetic amounts of damage. Not only that, but we are talking about Snake here... He is heavy as ****. So let's say we DO get 100% on him... are you honestly thinking that we were able to land 100 lasers on him without taking any damage ourselves? Not a chance. We can die to Snake at 80% or so, easy. If Snake is playing it smart and keeping to the ground and shielding, we'll have to get him to upwards of 150% before kills become likely, and even that is being generous.

You mention illusions as a viable tactic too, and I can agree to some extent; however, it's just not probable that you're going to incur enough damage with illusions and the few lasers that get through. Rather, you may get enough damage, but Snake will have reached your kill point much sooner with his tilts and whatnot.

Omega Deman

Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2006
With the exception of shdl, a grounded laser against snake is asking for death. Snake can mortar slide have the stage before you put the gun away, thus doing 10+ damage against falco. Unfortunately, lasers don't make up for snake's tilt range nor killing power. I personally find that well placed Dairs that put you behind snake (if shielded) followed by either a grab or AAA flurry can easily rack 20-30 damage for each successful attempt. We know that virtually anyone caught close in the AAA flurry has little to no chance of shield grabbing of or dodging. However, once the opponent realizes that they must take damage and DI out of it, the falco player should have a planned followup attack.

Anyway, I believe that snake has the overall advantage.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
With the exception of shdl, a grounded laser against snake is asking for death. Snake can mortar slide have the stage before you put the gun away, thus doing 10+ damage against falco. Unfortunately, lasers don't make up for snake's tilt range nor killing power. I personally find that well placed Dairs that put you behind snake (if shielded) followed by either a grab or AAA flurry can easily rack 20-30 damage for each successful attempt. We know that virtually anyone caught close in the AAA flurry has little to no chance of shield grabbing of or dodging. However, once the opponent realizes that they must take damage and DI out of it, the falco player should have a planned followup attack.

Anyway, I believe that snake has the overall advantage.
1) Falco's lasor STOPS (and punishes) mortar slide. No competent snake will ever use it when Falco's lasor spamming...ever.

2) Falco's reflector > Snake's tilt range. If Snake wishes to stand in one spot and spam tilts, he will be punished for it.

-Falco's D-Air beats Snake's U-Smash.
-Snake is extremely gimpable and any good Falco will take advantage of Snake's inability to recover near the stage. Snake is easier to gimp than Falco. That's huge.
-Falco's reflector beats Snake's AAA range.
-Falco's F-smash has a farther range than Snake's F-smash.
-Falco wins the air game
-Falco has a better projectile game.
-Falco's Side-B destroys Snake's crawl.

The only thing Snake has going for him is he can kill Falco at as low as 70% while Falco needs to get him beyond 150%. That's significant, but it's not enough of an advantage for Snake. An intelligent Falco can get around this.

How does Snake have the advantage here?


Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2008
Culver City
falco does pretty nice against snake his lasers can stop the grenades thrown at you you can reflect his boost smash spike or cypher grab when he recovers. The bad things are snake is very strong his ftilt is just as good as his smash if not better (its fast) his utilt has incredible priority and range (horizontally in front and behind him). i think its a pretty even matchup to me

Omega Deman

Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2006
1) Falco's lasor STOPS (and punishes) mortar slide. No competent snake will ever use it when Falco's lasor spamming...ever.

2) Falco's reflector > Snake's tilt range. If Snake wishes to stand in one spot and spam tilts, he will be punished for it.

-Falco's D-Air beats Snake's U-Smash.
-Snake is extremely gimpable and any good Falco will take advantage of Snake's inability to recover near the stage. Snake is easier to gimp than Falco. That's huge.
-Falco's reflector beats Snake's AAA range.
-Falco's F-smash has a farther range than Snake's F-smash.
-Falco wins the air game
-Falco has a better projectile game.
-Falco's Side-B destroys Snake's crawl.

The only thing Snake has going for him is he can kill Falco at as low as 70% while Falco needs to get him beyond 150%. That's significant, but it's not enough of an advantage for Snake. An intelligent Falco can get around this.

How does Snake have the advantage here?
To some extent I agree with what you stated, but a decent snake will laugh a Falco who uses the laser within a mile of of him as the gun takes forever to put away... Using the laser on the ground against an obvious mortar slide is a bad move from my experience simply because snake can walk a few steps and Utilt you before you put the gun away.

Yes, the reflector has more range than snake's tilt and AAA, but with it being blocked/dodged = Walk + Utilt to face.

Yes, Falco wins airgame, end of story.

Basically, a competent snake can easily take laser damage in exchange for tilts. Fortunately, snake can be gimped fairly easily if he tries to recover within jumping distance from the stage. No, snake is not unbeatable, overall he has the advantage.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
falco could just shoot and run and never be caught by snake ez win imo
i think you need to play some waaaayyy better snakes. IDK who your playing but that will never work. Snake has ALOT of approach options. Not to say we dont have the advantage, but in no way is it an easy win.
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