these posts are getting ridiculously long and kinda difficult for me since I have to quote two people so I'll just try to defend myself without quotes for the time being since I don't want to get any mix-ups going on...
to arrowhead, if someone is easily swayed by topics on a forum, then their foundation for their belief wasn't strong to begin with. I'm not saying the side presented wasn't logical or enough for them to be swayed, but anyone who is strong in their faith and feels the spirit(which non-believers will never get this) strongly they will stand firm in their beliefs. I definitely do believe that everyone should be open minded and I am not saying all christians should stay that way if they don't truly believe in it anymore. I am just saying anyone who is obviously firm in their views...its just not worth trying to cut their beliefs down if you know they have legitimate reasons behind their beliefs. Which I am one of those people. Despite what you think, what I feel is just as real as what is logically happening. To me, my spirit is just as much a part of me as the physical me. And thats all I'm really saying.
And yes, spiritual connections are well, illogical, one cannot explain them. They unapprovable, and you can't see or touch them. They are just something you feel inside yourself. And usually, for most people, guys in particular...(not being sexist, but if you took psychology you would know that guys go more off logic than girls) they go off logic, which would make just the spiritual feelings you get seem miniscule and not really enough to make you believe. But to me, my spirit is the biggest part of what I choose to believe. So, while that may not be the logical choice, its what I feel is right for me. I'm not saying its right for everyone, but its definitely right for myself. And the point of this? To say, that there are people who have legitimate reasons to believe. This to me, is a legitimate reason, not everything has to be logical to be a legitimate reason why you believe in something. This whole thread is about "how can anyone believe in god?" well thats my answer, if you can find a way to tear that apart go for it, but chances are you can't since you yourself do not feel anything spiritually. And before anyone jumps the gun and is saying being religious is the only way to be spiritual, I mean about believing in there being a God. If you don't believe, you cannot relate to the spiritual feeling because if you felt it, you would believe. And you don't.
about the hitler thing, come on, anyone familiar with the spirit of god knows he wouldn't want a genocide on his own people. He's done some messed up things...and especially in the old testament, but if you have read exodus(which I doubt you have since your unfamiliar with what you flame most likely) you would know that God states nothing like what happened in that chapter would ever happen again. Killing everyone? Pretty darn similar to the events that happened. I doubt they would happen again. Maybe you should read into religion on a neutral standpoint(not for the spiritual side)
and you can't rely on just the bible for pure facts, but to me I rely on my own spirit to guide me when it comes to reading it. As hypocritical as it may sound, I take what I feel is right for me from the bible and leave it at that. I take a lot of heat from the christian community for this viewpoint, but I don't blindly follow the bible word for word and agree with everything in. I pray about everything and also use my brain a bit on some of those contradictions believe it or not.
about the contradictions thing...don't really get what your trying to imply there....sorry.
and as for politics.....yah 80% of totally biased christians right? because all christians let their religion decide how they vote. yep, thats exactly why huckabee is our presidential candidate for the republicans. oh wait a minute...he isnt. not all christians are blind followers.
and I know thats not the case for most people, which I think isn't right myself. I do wish people would believe because of what they honestly feel is right. but unfortunately people go with what is comfort. Its not the evidence against it, its all the other perspectives you can take. Usually you go with whats presented, however...I must admit in teens most of us don't seem to believe in a God anymore. The number of Agnostics and Atheists just keeps rising it seems. I hardly knew any people who were christian AND practiced it. People who "believe" in God that you are talking about, usually just blindly believe. They haven't tried to feel the spirit and they are the ones who doubt and are easily pushed over because they haven't looked into it. They are the ones(sometimes, not all the time) that when something goes bad they ask "why would god let this happen" and I think thats where most "christians" are flawed. God isn't the reason behind everything in my own opinion. Quite different than what you probably thought I believed huh?
And as for the "flaws" in my argument. You are presenting the logical stand point, which as a christian I have admitted is there, but I don't care about. How is that a flaw in my argument. I'm not arguing believing in God is logical. I'm arguing that people can believe because of what they feel in their spirit. If you can take a spiritual feeling away from someone or prove that those are false, or find evidence that spiritual feelings aren't real or something dramatic. hell anything. I'd more than be happy to say my argument is more than flawed. It'd be destroyed. I'd have nothing to say back. But the thing is. you can't. the beauty of it is, spiritual feelings are self specific to that person, and that person only. so there's no counter argument you can really say that destroys that, which is why I say people have a right to believe in God and its not "stupid". Its illogical in some ways, but its definitely a perspective one should be able to take without a slew of criticism.
and as for you marthanoob...since this already ridiculously long I'll try to keep this short, but knowing as passionate as I am about how I feel, it probably won't be. sorry.
first, your absolutely right. I do think I am right based off everything I feel. Logical? No. Undeniable reason to believe in God...yes.
The bible doesn't control me, if someone lets it be a control mechanism they are not living their lives the way they should. but thats just my own perspective.
And I do have no leeway, I don't encourage anyone to be anything they are not. I have my own spirit and if people want to believe in God they can. Its all your choice. I'm not a nuisance. that was a little rude IF thats what you were saying. but I'm not someone who believes everyone should believe in God for the same reasons I do. I'm defending people who also believe in God because of what they feel spiritually. which is what everyone tries to destroy yet I see nobody coming back with anything except logic, which I already explained...does not matter when it comes to spirituality since its based mostly off what you feel. Your logic is just used for how you live your life not necessarily every little thing you believe in. At least for me. Not saying this applies to everyone, but to anyone who believes, I can confidently say that I think most aren't swayed by simple logic. The only logic that could sway someone is factual evidence. something that proves there isn't a god. Because until then, we are going to feel what we feel. You can't change that. you can give us your perspective, which we will take whole heartedly and understand, but what we feel tells us otherwise. sorry.
and for being agnostic, I can see why. For one, you are absolutely right. We will never be able to prove it. Which is why I keep making the same point which everyone is not getting. I'm not trying to prove God. I'm saying, those who go off logic will most likely not believe in God, and those who go off their spiritual feelings and do feel something will have a legitimate reason to believe in God. which, again, answers the question to this thread.