Inui at Whobo i played many people before u, dont act like we had to play first round or something(oopps...thought u were talking about this...disregard). Second, tyrant was not that good back then. MY MK was beating him in doubles back then, to the point where DSF told him to get on the ledge and that he would take me.
Ive noticed the pattern of seeding(at least Texas goes like this). At HOBO 18 we had 4 high priority seeds, Me/Razer/Zac/Flip. Everyone else was then nitpicked so they wouldnt have to play people in their city, people they play often, etc. in the first round/second round. Also we took care of special request like Inui, who was initially placed in Razers bracket(they would have played in winners quarters or something like that.) Its hard to please everyone.
Plus its kind of difficult when everyone and there mom wants changes made here and there, to's rushing, god...
Ive mean ive had bad brackets too...Oh SNAP i got wonderful Dojo 3rd round...who then proceded after 2-0ing me to playing jerm. Im pretty sure im ranked higher than jerm(who played UTD Zac for that spot)...