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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Razer beat m2k was cool and all but it doesn't change a MU ratio or mean mk can all the sudden lose his position in the world of smash. Ally's snake has beat m2ks mk more than any other snake yet m2k/mk is still where he's at and only going up

Btw 3.5 years have gone by and mk is only dominating more, not less. The game is mk focused more than ever, not less.

PS: ally is now mk. Lol



Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
You've been looking at my post history?
Tbh I have but not a lot. I look at most Houston players post history. Pj/Illmatic are my personal favs to follow. They post the stupidest/funniest stuff.



Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
^ gay.

btw, m2k hasn't lost to a snake aside from me in the last 7 months i believe. a11y said he can't beat m2k with him anymore so he went mk.

btw, ban RC, brinstar, and PS2. letsago


Banned via Warnings
Jun 21, 2008
Nowhere lol, Houston
2 stocks is a terrible idea. Not only does it not give you time to adapt/learn your opponent it also screws with your mind once you get to your last stock(we all go thru the "crap, i got one stock left mentality") and thats just after losing ONE stock. It screws with lucarios aura and screws with wario's farts too(not that it matters). IMO it may even boost ICs cause a lot of the time the first stock the ICs take is the "learning stock" for the one who just died but by then its too late cause you are on your last stock already.

u have the whole set to learn ur opponent, wth lol, i learn opponents in one stock, step it up broski

Doing a 10min timer is also ********. The MAIN reason is because it is
guaranteed make ANY event last longer even when no one goes to timer. People whos goal is to run the timer or time out will do it no matter what the timer says.

No, it discourages timeouts, it would no longer be the best option, u have 2 more minutes and limited ledge grabs, why would u work ur *** out timing someone out in 10 mins when it`s actually easier to fight head on and win

Less counter picks only shortens the life of this game and reduces what characters are considered "viable" or "semi viable." Japes was fine in melee(you instantly die when u hit crocs. you auto sink when u hit water. nearly every char could combo to spike you into BOTH) its fine in brawl(you can swim/survive croc/ no auto combo to spike) . Brinstar is fine in melee and its fine in brawl. Rainbow Cruise is also fine in melee and fine in brawl. PS2 is fine IMO but only cause im used to stages like PICTOCHAT and stuff.

idk why ur trying to compare melee and brawl, they are different games imo, i know exactly what ur thinking, u prob think something like ` fd was the most balanced neutral on melee so it is the most balanced in brawl` , no lol...honestly how dumb does this sound? SERIOUSLY? Less counterpicks have made this game less ********, we could do sv/bf and be fine but cmo on, how boring would that be?

There is a reason why the USA is better than euro/***/the world. We dont do dumb **** like those 3 ideas^

nah u don't rlly know that


The real/only problem is mk. Scrooging rule wasnt created cause of charizard gliding.....its mk(MAYBE pit). LGLs were not created to stop SAMUS....its for mk(and MAYBE pit/gw). The banning of Plainking(unstopable ledge play) can only be done by mk. People dont want RC/Brinstar to be banned when they play snake/diddy/falco......they want it banned when they fight mk. Get rid of him and you can CP the entire cast by stage AND character. No more dreading RC/Brin/japes because they can all be CPed(by character). In other words, you can play smash the way we(the players) intended it to be played.....aka a game of CPing.

No one in their rightful mind is going ban an entire character to c mario vs samus on Skyworld lol, ban rc or brinstar, 1 stage ban, mk no longer has the gay stage lock, he`s perfectly beatable in the rest.

This **** has been easy to see since day one. Well, assuming you came from melee. Most "BRAWL ONLY" players have a hard time seeing this cause brawl is all they know.
u have mained samus since day one, of course it was easy to c ur character sucked ****, they are different games lol, opposite ends lol.



See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
I actually agree with Allan for once

Even though he has a rough way of getting his point across, it's pretty accurate for the most part


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
What does Ps2 have to do with MK? Or are you guys just saying its bad in some seperate way?


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
It's bad in a separate way, PS2 is probably one of MKs worst stages except for the Air transformation.

It's just a dumb stage in general. Like every transformation is unplayable in a sense.


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
^ That. The only one playable is the ground type one and even still, some characters can get INSIDE the rock.

Also, I disagree that 10 min timer would reduce less time outs. Camping for 2 more minutes isnt that hard. Plus you don't need planking to time someone out. Refer to Dojo vs Larry at Genesis. It was mainly air planking and they both had 2 stocks still...with 2 more minutes, someone still would of gotten timed out. This happens a lot.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Yeah I was thinking of the rock transformation, but even then it's kinda like the fire transformation on PS1, where it's still playable but there's that one side someone will camp and if you go over there you're probably gonna get ****ed


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Except air?

I can see why people wouldn't want to play on it, but I think people (with some effort and understanding) would agree its just a "campy" stage like Delfino and Ps1.....and Castle Siege imo.

You just have to be smart and....not approach cuz ur probably gonna get *****. Same as Ps1 really. Sure there are a few gimmicks, but most stages have unique tricks to them.

At higher level play, its just smarter to...not approach. Just like on most transformations/segments on any dynamic stage. Its gonna favor one guy based on positioning or character traits and the other guy is gonna camp to minimize the effect.


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
No little Tesh. No.

Air part...like do I have to explain that? Snake can't C4 recover on that part.

Ice part...again so I have to explain? Sliding when attacking..********.

Electric part...you already know. It auto moves you off stage...dumb.

It is NOT the same as PS1. PS1 just switches it's appearance...PS2 actually directly effects you.



Banned via Warnings
Jun 21, 2008
Nowhere lol, Houston
It's bad in a separate way, PS2 is probably one of MKs worst stages except for the Air transformation.

It's just a dumb stage in general. Like every transformation is unplayable in a sense.
what??!!! no he **** that stage, i cp that all the time and win lol, if u went more specific then perhaps i could get an argument going.

@razer, it is harder to time someone with 10 mins than 8, it is natural since whoever has the leads needs to hold it for 2 long minutes, 10 minute timer would itself deal with planking, yeah air camp is good but not unbeatable like mks gay as planking, mk eventually has to land when air planking, if u make the right reads of have good ground control, u could **** that lead back, or prevent the time out, there`s prob much more things u can do to



Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
u have the whole set to learn ur opponent, wth lol, i learn opponents in one stock, step it up broski
yes you do have the whole set to learn ur opponent but with 2 stocks you pretty much have to "write off" the first match as "experience" in hopes that you learned them in time for the 2nd game. lol by that time your morale is low. With 3 stocks you have one extra stock to figure it out(and many people do by the 3rd stock) and you may or may not have to go to game 3. plus your morale will be a bit higher.

And no, you dont learn your opponents in one stock(if so, you would be WAY better than you currently are in your region cause not even top players like adhd and anti learn people in one stock). you will forever be bent over and brutally ***** by gnes/razer/trela(and they will all look you in the eye and say "DEAL WITH IT") when u come to houston(fact). Your arrogance/lack of intelligence will be thrown in your face every tournament when you always get 4th-5th(or even worse if ILLMATIC beats you). Dont worry though, ill be there every time and laugh in your face just to remind you of how dumb u r.

No, it discourages timeouts, it would no longer be the best option, u have 2 more minutes and limited ledge grabs, why would u work ur *** out timing someone out in 10 mins when it`s actually easier to fight head on and win
This is only true to the people who go into a match saying "if things go south, im gonna time them out" because those people consider timing out as an OPTION. When you get into a match with a person whos GOAL is to win by time out...no time increase will prevent them from attempting to achieve that goal. Also, lets say the matches NEVER reach time, even if just 15 matches(5 sets) go to the 9 min to 9:30 mark, congrats you just made the tournament run THAT much longer. Side events like mid tier and low tier who normally take a long time may even go longer too due to that 10min rule. Not sure if you TO or not but me being a VERY experienced TO wants to cry if a 10min timer is added. I now gotta figure out how to get 2-4 events done on ONE day with limited setups. It makes it extremely hard and impossible in some cases.

idk why ur trying to compare melee and brawl, they are different games imo, i know exactly what ur thinking, u prob think something like ` fd was the most balanced neutral on melee so it is the most balanced in brawl` , no lol...honestly how dumb does this sound? SERIOUSLY? Less counterpicks have made this game less ********, we could do sv/bf and be fine but cmo on, how boring would that be?
Only people who have not been apart of the melee scene think im comparing brawl to melee. Ill clarify it AGAIN.....In melee, one could argue(and win) that a stage like japes should be banned. In melee, falling into the water=death. Hitting a croc(di or not)=death. Combos that lead to spikes into the water or croc=death. Even though all of that is fact, it stayed legal for YEARS. Yet in brawl, you can SWIM(so water is not really an issue), survive a croc hit(with DI) and next to no char can combo to spike in brawl so being auto sent to water/croc is rare......yet people want it banned in brawl? Do you understand what im saying? People want it banned cause they cant combat camping on that stage or just because they dont like it. Thats not a reason....thats wimp status.

Also, FD is NOT the most neutral stage in melee so GTFO.

Less CP stages shortens the number of viable characters and thus prevents growth for those chars/ this game. You wouldnt know that cause you have not been around as long as i have.....all you know is brawl or post 08 melee. In general, it will also make the game a little less enjoyable to watch(yes the is my opinion but i guarantee 90% of the world will agree with me)

No one in their rightful mind is going ban an entire character to c mario vs samus on Skyworld lol, ban rc or brinstar, 1 stage ban, mk no longer has the gay stage lock, he`s perfectly beatable in the rest.
1. No one is going to allow skyworld in a legit tournament setting.

2. Banning mk will not bring out legions of samus or mario.

3. MK still can be "gay" on SV/BF/halbert/delphino or any other stage he wants. Whether its scrooging/ledge stalling just under the LGL/air camping or just general timeouts.

4. Being beatable has nothing to do with this arguement. Its the fact that rules/payouts/results all focus on mk. Its the fact that more and more people are going mk. Its the fact that no matter how good you are, mk can still beat you(do i really need to post examples?). Its the fact that at the end of the day, METAKNIGHT is the focus of this game.

u have mained samus since day one, of course it was easy to c ur character sucked ****, they are different games lol, opposite ends lol.
Me being samus has nothing to do with with mk. mk isnt even her hardest MU so yea, you dumb.

Now since you come from EC and you MAIN mk, i am confident this will all go right over your head. And if you are serious about what you posted, i can already tell i wont like you.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
I'm like 90% certain you can just pull a nade and wait for it to blow you up because you fall so slow. I saw Ally do it in normal gravity, not to mention its pretty hard to get gimped when your double jump does 3x distance.

I've NEVER seen a metaknight score an early kill with a ruffio here. Things like that don't even link like than in low grav. You would have to be at ridiculously low percents for uair-tornado to combo. I'd be surprised if you have ever even done or seen that happen on this transformation. I'd be even more surprised to see it set up in a way that doesn't work in normal gravity.

Learn how to move on ice? Its not like the mechanics are random. I could say "ps1 has a wall, i ran into it and there was this CRAZY animation wtf that never happenes when i run into ...not walls", I understand its a set of skills not useful on any other legal stage, but so are water tactics and playing on RCs circuit.

In any case, stages are definitely an issue where I can usually understand where people are coming from, even if I don't agree. I can't really argue against "we don't like that stuff". I'm just wondering if you guys actually know anything about the stage, or if you are just assuming.

@xyro, MK can be limited enough to be kept in line. And I'm being serious when I say scrooging rule+much lower lgl (and maybe some select fixes) would make him less of a problem. Its a decent compromise and its not like you HAVE to ban him to fix the problem.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I actually agree with Allan for once

Even though he has a rough way of getting his point across, it's pretty accurate for the most part
i can SAY it better than i can type it. sorry foo

It's bad in a separate way, PS2 is probably one of MKs worst stages except for the Air transformation.

It's just a dumb stage in general. Like every transformation is unplayable in a sense.
i kinda agree. its like picto imo. it can be legal or it can be banned. both are poop

Learn how to move on ice? Its not like the mechanics are random. I could say "ps1 has a wall, i ran into it and there was this CRAZY animation wtf that never happenes when i run into ...not walls", I understand its a set of skills not useful on any other legal stage, but so are water tactics and playing on RCs circuit.

Ever tried to stop running on ice? u are in an extended animation that can get you punished. im also pretty sure that if u trip, you still slide. more punishment. its just a dumb transformation.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Ever tried running against the walls on Ps1? You go into this "lol i ran into a wall" animation and you could get punished. Or you could know the ice/wall is there and not.....run...on it? If something is a bad idea, just don't do it. You could also just run and then shield to stop. I do it all the time.

Like I said, I understand if you feel like "I shouldnt have to know how to do that to win". But, that could apply to alot of things in the game.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Yeah I know what you're saying Allan, that's why I agree with it :)

Picto and PS2 need to go, stages that alter your movement, gravity, and hurt you need to go.

And Tesh I've actually done it before, and that's the dumbest part of the transformation, say you come down with a fresh stock, air comes out, I Uair-Nado your fresh stock in 2.37 seconds and now it's gone just like that. Not only that but what if I were to pull it off again once you came back down on your last stock?

So you just lost a stock or two at retardedly low percents due to the stage being dumb.

MK isn't the only one that can do stupid stuff like this either, I know if Sonic can get you up there he can spring and read you then kill you with an Uair.

Or have fun getting thunder spammed by Pika after he Dsmashes, Uthrow, Utilts, or Usmashes you.

Dumb stage is dumb.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ever tried running against the walls on Ps1? You go into this "lol i ran into a wall" animation and you could get punished. Or you could know the ice/wall is there and not.....run...on it? If something is a bad idea, just don't do it. You could also just run and then shield to stop. I do it all the time.

Like I said, I understand if you feel like "I shouldnt have to know how to do that to win". But, that could apply to alot of things in the game.
You can avoid the mountain and even sit at the bottom of it for a chance at a GREAT advantage. you cannot avoid ice(NO ONE will stay on the platforms and fight from there) and the ice does not give you an advantage(unless your ICs?). Ice is literally a stage hazard while the mountain isnt.

ps: you are never in a position to where u need to run into the walk. u are almost always in a position to stop sliding on ice,


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
how much of the stage selection really matters if Pwii is just gonna body u guys regardless without timeouts ;]


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
You can't trip on ice if you walk. If you don't know how your character slides, LEARN. It's not that hard. Air stage sucks for MK if you have better air speed. You shouldn't be getting rufio'd unless you're being dumb and jumping. Increased verticle distance prevents strings. Conveyor belts can be used strategically, just like everything else in the game.

10 minute timer will allow long matches more of a chance to finish naturally. If you're worried about your tournament running long, here's a good tip: START **** ON TIME.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008

P4, I played you on this stage, and none of that stuff happened. I've played alot of people on this stage and none of that stuff happened. Can you even show me a video of those things happening?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 21, 2008
Nowhere lol, Houston
yes you do have the whole set to learn ur opponent but with 2 stocks you pretty much have to "write off" the first match as "experience" in hopes that you learned them in time for the 2nd game. lol by that time your morale is low. With 3 stocks you have one extra stock to figure it out(and many people do by the 3rd stock) and you may or may not have to go to game 3. plus your morale will be a bit higher.

morale? u learn alot about ur opponent in 1 stock, da **** u trying to say, ppl just throw moves out hopping they hit 1st stock or something, no *****h.

And no, you dont learn your opponents in one stock(if so, you would be WAY better than you currently are in your region cause not even top players like adhd and anti learn people in one stock). you will forever be bent over and brutally ***** by gnes/razer/trela(and they will all look you in the eye and say "DEAL WITH IT") when u come to houston(fact). Your arrogance/lack of intelligence will be thrown in your face every tournament when you always get 4th-5th(or even worse if ILLMATIC beats you). Dont worry though, ill be there every time and laugh in your face just to remind you of how dumb u r.

i understand the pride u have for texas, but unfortunately i don't think ill get booty rapped lol, i have beaten ppl in my region equivalent and better to some of texas, don't worry tho ill beat u in low tiers too so u can shut up

This is only true to the people who go into a match saying "if things go south, im gonna time them out" because those people consider timing out as an OPTION. When you get into a match with a person whos GOAL is to win by time out...no time increase will prevent them from attempting to achieve that goal. Also, lets say the matches NEVER reach time, even if just 15 matches(5 sets) go to the 9 min to 9:30 mark, congrats you just made the tournament run THAT much longer. Side events like mid tier and low tier who normally take a long time may even go longer too due to that 10min rule. Not sure if you TO or not but me being a VERY experienced TO wants to cry if a 10min timer is added. I now gotta figure out how to get 2-4 events done on ONE day with limited setups. It makes it extremely hard and impossible in some cases.

yeah good tio, thanks for letting will abuse ur ruleset, MAH MAN! but it`s all good, i place my trust in bizkit to stop ur dumb arguements, too bad keitaro quit the bbrc, i heard everything about u bro.

Only people who have not been apart of the melee scene think im comparing brawl to melee. Ill clarify it AGAIN.....In melee, one could argue(and win) that a stage like japes should be banned. In melee, falling into the water=death. Hitting a croc(di or not)=death. Combos that lead to spikes into the water or croc=death. Even though all of that is fact, it stayed legal for YEARS. Yet in brawl, you can SWIM(so water is not really an issue), survive a croc hit(with DI) and next to no char can combo to spike in brawl so being auto sent to water/croc is rare......yet people want it banned in brawl? Do you understand what im saying? People want it banned cause they cant combat camping on that stage or just because they dont like it. Thats not a reason....thats wimp status.

k then don't bring melee up, there are more stupid things on japes than the croc, i can tell u that much

Also, FD is NOT the most neutral stage in melee so GTFO.

i actually quoted u, seems like u don't even remember half the stuff that comes out of ur mouth so ...pro tip, keep it shut

Less CP stages shortens the number of viable characters and thus prevents growth for those chars/ this game. You wouldnt know that cause you have not been around as long as i have.....all you know is brawl or post 08 melee. In general, it will also make the game a little less enjoyable to watch(yes the is my opinion but i guarantee 90% of the world will agree with me)

i agree, ur trying to argue japes should be legal which makes all ur argument invalid

1. No one is going to allow skyworld in a legit tournament setting.

2. Banning mk will not bring out legions of samus or mario.

3. MK still can be "gay" on SV/BF/halbert/delphino or any other stage he wants. Whether its scrooging/ledge stalling just under the LGL/air camping or just general timeouts.

Yeah, it`s stoppable on those stages unlike rc and brinstar

4. Being beatable has nothing to do with this arguement. Its the fact that rules/payouts/results all focus on mk. Its the fact that more and more people are going mk. Its the fact that no matter how good you are, mk can still beat you(do i really need to post examples?). Its the fact that at the end of the day, METAKNIGHT is the focus of this game.

Lol it doesn't rlly matter since most mks aren't godlike, only m2k and ally, doesn't rlly matter if there`s a million mks that get booty rapped

Me being samus has nothing to do with with mk. mk isnt even her hardest MU so yea, you dumb.

Samus is booty, ur booty

Now since you come from EC and you MAIN mk, i am confident this will all go right over your head. And if you are serious about what you posted, i can already tell i wont like you.
salty as *****h!



Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
10 minute timer will allow long matches more of a chance to finish naturally. If you're worried about your tournament running long, here's a good tip: START **** ON TIME.
ROFL please get real. No matter what time you start an tournament, a 10min timer only HURTS events because most of them have time limits on the venue. especially a one day tournie with 2-4 events in that day/limited tvs. And dont be like "well dont do a one day, limtied set up, 2-4 event tourney" because NO ONE will change the way the do things just for a ******** idea like a 10min timer.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2009
In Belleville NJ, with Leap of Faith


Banned via Warnings
Jun 21, 2008
Nowhere lol, Houston
The day Pwii bodies Gnes, Razer, and Trela is the day I cut my wang off and become a woman
i have beaten just as good players, relazhr lol, not going say ima body! but it`s possible for me to win in this region, stop being region biased broski, pretty sure anyone can tell u that, also wang off ur balls is an exxageration.

also i cant bold the letters, im on my ipad, find **** up!

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