The dumb priority moves is Nair and Jab, his biggest disjoint which thankfully they kept from brawl is Uair.
His only invincible moves is Usmash which lasts for 3 frames
And I mentioned his hitbubbles moving all over the place during his moves, thank goodness for that too.
DownB fishes are dangerous and only break shields if they held it for a second maybe or if any move that deals prolly 5-7% hits it
Oddly enough people still also never spotdodge the second hit of Down B, it boggles the mind when they shield the first hit and continue shielding or let go of it thinking they're safe.
If you think I'm bad by underselling Yoshi you should've seen how other yoshi mains reacted the first few weeks with him and absolutely foaming at the mouth in annoyance from people putting Yoshi at top 3 at the time, I think Yika is still on the train of thinking Yoshi is, if going by xyro's list, bottom of B tier.
Forgot, Not disagreeing with a few things you said RT, just pointing some things out in those statements but otherwise on paper it does seem good but where are the results?
Where the Yoshi mains.
Even japanese Yoshi mains are losing most of the time in their videos cause they get far enough but then lose to ZSS Rosalina sheik diddy etc.
Diddy A tier when people play the match up right.
Diddy F-tier when you respect him.