First off, i didnt spell check ANY of this so plz keep that in mind.
At least I hope you didn't vote McCain purely because of Obama slander.I hope that you actually believe in free trade, the war in Iraq, and some of the other various nuances of McCain.
i agree with 85% of McCains views. However, i wil be the first to stand against him on his illegal immigration views and his views on torture. I can go furher into that later on if need be.
however, have an encyclopedia of reasons to vote for Obama (more regulation is good, what else do we have a government for? can bring confidence to the people, ie. he is a figure-head; can bring back our standing in the world; I was secretly hoping he was Sunni Muslim anyway.. least that way Iran would prob. be a thing of the past (kidding);
Ill be honest, i dont give a shiz if hes black/white/green or muslim/hindu/catholic. In all honestly, he may be a great loving father/husband/guy but what he wants to do while in office is scary and what hes been associated wit is even worse.
From the top.
1. Bill Ayers. This man ADMITS to bombing the NYC police sation and several other places(this man admited on the NEWS that he wished he had done more bombings, you tube or research old NYC newspaper articles for more info. He is a terrorist who obama sits on a board with and has even sat in the same living room and had dinner with. SO obviously obama doesnt think Bill ayers is a bad guy.
2. His health care plan. Wether you like it or not it doesnt matter. Here are the non biased facts. Its free health care to all americans(yes all). This means the 40% of americans that DO NOT pay taxes and the 13 million(estimated) illegal immagrants in the USA. Now tell me, how will he pay for this? RAISE everybodies taxes......(now im gonna stop and remind you that he said he will only raise taxes on the people who make over 250k a year). Ok first off, thats a rigged statement. If u dig deeper into his meaning and actually READ more you will find that any BUSINESS or COUPLE or INDIVIDUAL that makes 250k(not bring home....but MAKES) will be taxed more. For business that horrible, almost and business can make that much money....but after expenses and payroll they dont bring home that much...too bad they are getting taxed. How is this good?
2a. Now, even having all of that said. There is still NO WAY to give free healthcare to all those millions of people(and the 13 million illegals) so what do u do? Raise taxes for the rest of the people(not a huge increase but an increase still). Its common sense.....its IMPOSSIBLE to give FREE health care to all people with out raising the taxes of the people who DO pay taxes. Its basic math.
2b. BTW, dem are FAMOUS for raising taxes(which even i can argue is good at times) but in times like hikes(of any kind) are not needed at all.
3. Father Wright( or right). This man is the MAIN religous influence of obama's life(after all, he spent 20 years in his church). This man has been RECORDED saying that the usa needs to be the US of KKK(infering that the USA is STILL VERY MUCH racists...when isnt as bad as he makes it out to be) and that white people created AIDs just to wipe out the blacks( i kid u it). Now tell me, 20 years of this type of racial commentary from a very respected person(its your pastor, you would respect and look up to him) and NONE of it has effected his views or character........? It has.
4. Experience. Now before i go on, i like to point out that PALIN has a higher security clearance than obama OR McCain.....go figure....AND she has been a gov longer than obama has been in the senate. Now back to obama. He has been running for prez for about 2 years now....hes been a senator for about 2.5-3 years or terms.......what has he accomplished in his time as a senator. Not even the dem tv stations can find something. But why is that important? It shows that he hasnt been there long enough to do anything(so he shouldnt even be considered for prez). Oh and the times hes been there to vote on stuff.....he voted "present" instead of voting on a subject.
5. ACORN. ill go into that late ron if i need to.
6. ill save this for later.
7. ill save this for later.
Capitalism is broke and he has more of a chance at fixing it; he's smart; etc.. These are all maybes just like maybe McCain could do.. something.. and hopefully he doesn't die in office, Palin would have ***** us all. Honestly.. I could have gone for McCain before Palin foreseeably, in all honestly, McCain is a good guy (and actually, quite bipartisan in spite of him waving that around purely for votes). I had no problem with McCain, it's not like I'm an Obama radical, really. And if Mccain's campaign advisors showed anything about him, it was that not only is McCain coming to office, but a bunch of Republicans are coming with him too, and McCain is very willing to let them make many of their own decisions unquestioned by McCain. It's either that or he's just as dirty as his campaign was, but I doubt that..
Capitalism is not boke. all those other systems that have failed and keep on failing(facisim,socialism,communism,empirialism...ect) have failed for a reason. The reason why capitalism get the heat that it does is because there is no punishment when people mess with it.
Also, I guarantee you Obama is the better politician. He reminds me of Bill Clinton actually in that regard (the best politician of the 20th century). Also he's young, and I'm confident he won't stop working, and that he has the resolve and desire to truly help the situation. Sometimes that's all you can do in an election, just vote based on character.
Wont stop working and wants to help out our countries situation.....that sounds like the JOB of a president.....not a bonus.
Yes hes young.....i view that as a person with little or in obamas exp. Again, name one MAJOR thing hes accomplished.
Better politician? thats an opinion. Or do u base that off of how many votes he got and how much more money he raised? Yea ACORN is his best friend you know.
Also, don't confuse me with a democrat. The 2 party system is ******** and a current fundamental weakness of America (the reactionary vote in the presidency creates America that is turned off, the 4 years later on, the 4 years later off, then 4 years later on, etc.) Also, I don't actually like politics.
you know, i agree with this.....100%.
obviously not.
The war in Iraq is hysterical btw. There's terrorists all over the world and we're trying to micro-manage them.. It's clear to me there are only 2 solutions. Leave.
DO you even remember why this whole "war on terror" and the "gulf war part 2 (iraq war)" even started? It started with september 11th and the destruction of afgan(which even u dems supported). Do u also remember Bush said that he doesnt not make a distinction between terrorists and those who harbor them? This is the CORE AND SOLE reason why the war on terror started(and if u deny this i wll never post here again because it show su are truly messed up). Now how does this have anything to do with iraq part 2? EASY! Originaly there were 2 reason to go into that country
1. To get the Weapons of Mass Destruction(wmd) and remove saddam(he IS a bad guy, dont deny it).
2. To remove any and all terrorist camps/presence in iraq.
Now Ill be the FIRST to admit we found items that can be used to form WMD but we DID NOT FIND ANY wmd.....this is a MASSIVE hit on Bush...even though its the people who surround him who are the ones who gave him the intel.
We did remove saddam. He is a sick twisted man. Hes tested out biological weapons a a hurdish town that had LITTLE or NO weapons of any kind just cause he wanted to see what it would do(look it up, its fact). He also cut off the left legs of iraqs soccer team decades ago because they didnt make it into the olympics. This man is a waiting time bomb and he WOULD HAVE attacked the USA or our allies in the and i both know this.
I prefer to take out the trash before it starts to stink.....and Bush did the same thing.
On top of all that...the terrorist camps.....they were there and we decimated them. But yet no one focus on that stuff.....they focus on what the biased dem media puts out. "omg more troops died in iraq today"...........its war....duh. "omg 3000 troops have died now"........look up vietnam/ww1/ww/sept 11/ciil war.....far greater numbers.
again, people forget the 3 reasons why we went there. to remove terrorits/wmd/saddam. we did 2 of the hoo we missed one.
oh and the "we should just leave"........thats classic "cut and run" and "wave the whit flag of defeat" you dem love to do.
Or we could violate all territorial boundaries in the world and assassinate these bands of terrorists and make many friends among the countries whose territory we violate.
good idea. we decimated germany and japan in look at them...they are our buddies.
Hmmm... I mean.. there's no reason why Bin Lauden couldn't just.. move to another country and transcend the war.. yet.. with such a clear alternative for the enemy, we still start the fight anyways?
We start the fight because yor little CLINTON didnt get osama when h had the chance...and yes this was DEEPLY documented.
I dot know about you but i love to be the one to take out the enemy before they take me out.....but maybe its just me. and guess what, we are doing that and its working....notice no more attacks on our soil.
Now, I'll throw the president (though all officials in Washington more accurately) a bone and say that what's done is done and how do we fix it (although our leaders are supposed to be brilliant, so "we didn't think about that" is simply ********).
A president is only as good as the people he surrounds himself with.....i agree that things have gone wrong during bush term.....the people he choose fed him bad info and he acted on it because he TRUSTED them.......
To fix it.. well, that just goes back to option number 1 directly.. but I suppose if a victory is what we need to revitalize America, I suppose we could (this is where the specifics actually matter, which of course I'm not in the know, and therefore can't make a decision, but in the future when all information is divulged to the people, I'll be sure to criticize then.)
we have victory but its not the CLEAR CUT victory you(and me) want. Terrorism is an enemy you CANNOT beat but u must keep them in low numbers.....and if u do this.......its a victory but not a CLEAR CUT victory.
Leave. Cut and run tactics of the dems......whats new?
on, and as an aside to everyone, these oil prices (the high ones) aren't changing ever again, get used to it, it may well scale back the American power we all know and love
yes oil prices will rise onc again to 4$ and beyond. NONE of this is to be blame don presidents or the oli companies. the STOCK MARKET is to blame. They speculate. the speculation is what has made th prices so high. if u dont agree with that....then you need to watch the stocks more often(your smart so i know u agree)
Forget everything you've heard, there is an oil shortage (in the fact that it will be much harder in the future to get oil, previously the earth has just been pouring the stuff out at us..) Also demand has skyrocketed in the world (somewhat ironic, cause we're partly to blame for the rise of everyone else..)
I agree 100% that oil will be harder to find. any geologist will agree. Thats why WE(as a people) must find new places to drill untill the technology exsists to REALISTICLY bring our oil imports to basicly zero....personaly, this will take YEARS to accomplish and it wont happen with obama or the next pres. it will take longer.