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Honest Notes From an Honest Gentleman: 13 Ways Women Accidently Attract Men


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Link to original post: [drupal=3332]Honest Notes From an Honest Gentleman: 13 Ways Women Accidently Attract Men[/drupal]

*I wrote this on my facebook account a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to bring it here to spread it to a larger audience. Hope you guys like it and, if enough people like it, I may post more of my facebook notes here in the future.*

I love women. I always have and I haven’t really been that open about it until about a year and a half ago. In that period of time, I’ve met a lot of great girls and have talked to a few quite extensively. Needless to say, I’ve learned a lot from the women that I’ve been in contact with. I’ve learned a decent amount about their lives and the problems they have faced. One of the problems that seemed to come up again and again is guys being interested in them that they aren’t interested in them at all. In this note, I wanted to address this problem in full.

“Men are stupid; women are insane.” Whenever I see problems in relationships or when one party exclaims “I just don’t understand the opposite sex” I usually say this. Why do I say it? Because I believe it’s true and, because of I believe in it, I don’t find anything women do to be confusing anymore. People usually get mad at me when I say this because they see it as a jab to both sexes. Well, it’s supposed to be and if you can’t laugh at your own faults, you’ll never learn how to overcome them. So what do I mean by this exactly?

From how I see it, men will do stupid things and not even be aware of it. They don’t see how things could become bad in the future or possible mistakes they made in the past. “I've admitted to sleeping with like 4,000 girls but there’s absolutely no way that will bug her in the least or cause any tension” or “Because we live 200 miles apart, I haven’t been able to talk to her in 3 months but there’s no way that she’s lonely or the least bit resentful” are classic examples. Now for women, they tend to do stupid things, be fully aware that it’s a bad idea, but still do it anyways. “He’s got an extensive criminal record, is a full blown alcoholic, and eats live puppies but I’m sure I can turn him around” or “I’m going to wear a bikini to a frat party and I’ll be the only girl but there’s no way that any of the guys will ogle me” are slightly exaggerated examples. If reading this hasn’t caused you to smack yourself upside the head from remembering a past occurance, you’re not being honest with yourself, you’re a complete shut in, or you’re actually a dog/cat and are somehow reading this.

Now that I’ve explained that, I’m going to move on to the point of this note: explaining things that women do to attract guys that they unintentionally do or do on purpose but not to attract a guy. Consider this my break out article. I’ve actually studied dating and relationships as far back as elementary school when I’d randomly read books at the local library on the subject (and try to understand them which I really didn't until years later). I’d say that I know quite a bit and, as they say, no time is better than the present to share my knowledge.

*Before reading this, take note that this doesn’t apply to: your friends that are gay, your friends who have already said that they are not interested, or friends that are currently dating someone else (but it could so just be careful unless you want to land yourself in a soap opera situation).*

1. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t hug him unless you’ve completely established and made clear that you’re not interested in anything outside of a friendship. Touch establishes a connection regardless of your intentions. That’s just how guys are wired because of the magical man juice called testosterone. Yes, this is college and everyone seems to grope everyone but don’t fall into the habit with guys. If he’s the one doing the hugging, don’t encourage it if you’re not interested or else you will establish in his mind false hope. You don’t have to be mean about it like knee him in crotch (although that would get the point across); just be passive about it and it won’t be likely that you’ll hurt his feelings.

2. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t ask him for favors. To a vast majority of guys this says “I need you and even though there are other people who could have done it, I chose you.” Don’t personally single him out if you need help moving something, doing a project, continous help with a certain subject, etc. If the action requires him to spend money or spend more than an hour of his time, it’s not a good idea unless there are multiple people involved. If it’s pretty obvious that the guy would willingly set himself on fire for you, don’t take advantage of it unless you actually want someone who pretends his pillow is your face every night and steals your hair/fingernails from your trash.

3. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t accept an invitation to something where it will be the two of you like a dance/movie/wedding reception/etc and could easily be classified by any onlooker as a date. Situations like this make it all too easy for the guy to picture you as a couple and will give him the wrong idea if you’re not interested. If you feel like you “have” to go, don’t assume that he knows that you’re “just friends” at said event. When in doubt, act like he’s completely ******** (which some guys are). Tell him straight up that “this isn’t a date.” Unless he really is ******** or deaf (pro-tip: make sure his hearing aid is on), he should get the message. Either way, it’s a high risk situation so it’s probably just best to avoid it altogether if you can.

4. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t do any of the following: hold his hand, massage his shoulders/back/neck/tonsils/etc, glomp him, use him as a pillow/flotation device, poke him, pet him, kiss him on the cheek, put your hands/arms on his shoulders/neck/waist/face/etc, play with the hair on his head/face/back, rub any part of your body against him especially your face or chest, jump on his back, or latch on his face like an evil koala. Rule of thumb, if it feels good for him, don’t do it. Also, don’t let him do the same to you. Allowing it says to him that you’re interested even if the thought of dating him makes you want to commit hari-kari.

5. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t talk about stuff with him that you’d normally talk about with your girlfriends like your boobs or how wonderfully divine your time of the month is. Even if you’re normally open about this stuff, this creates the illusion that he’s someone in your “inner circle” or that you trust him the same amount as your girlfriends. His naïve Peter Pan side will tell him “this is private stuff she’s telling me. I doubt she talks to other guys about this stuff so it must mean she likes me.” No, it probably just means you’re comfortable talking about your chest and/or mother nature is being a particular mother this month and you just need to blow off some steam. Even if a majority of your friends are guys, this is still the case. They’re still guys so don’t mistake them for girls.

6. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t give him gifts and especially don’t give him a gift if he gave you one first. Birthdays can be an exception but only if you’ve known each other for several years and, once again, have clearly established that you’re just friends. As a rule of thumb, it’s probably not a good idea to accept a gift that’s worth more than ten bucks if it’s from one individual guy. Despite popular belief, it is possible to refuse a gift from someone without them bursting into flames. It should be easy with something small but I imagine that if he yanks out something like a pearl necklace or the charter to your own private island, things could get hairy like your father’s back. Hopefully, you won’t get stuck in one of those worst case scenarios because I can’t really say anything aside from being a better judge of character and screening for psychos early on to avoid the situation altogether.

7. If you’re not interested in a guy, be careful of what you wear around him. Showing off a lot of leg, midriff, and cleavage around him will instinctively draw his attention. It’s called animal magnetism. Some guys have a lot of control over it (simply giving a quick glance as a hot girl walks by), others don’t (completely turning around as said hot girl walks away). Time for a reality shattering truth: all your straight guy friends have pictured (or have tried to because, I’ll admit, some girls are really hard to) you naked at some point in time.

A vast majority of guys will not admit to this and really shouldn’t have to because in most cases it’s usually a once or twice thing that lasts like a few seconds unless he’s genuinely interested. The more attractive you are, the sooner this probably happened and even if you’re not attractive, he probably has for the same reason that people will willingly watch infomericals at 3 in the morning: boredom or a cheap laugh. Now before you freak out and go into a seizure, it’s not that big of a deal. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Justin Timberlake was always secretly gay. Want to prevent guys from doing this? Too bad, you can’t but don’t give him more of a reason to do so. This doesn’t mean to start wearing garbage bags or burkas, just be aware of what you wear around certain guys. If you dress too sexy, he’ll think that you’re doing it specifically for him even if that’s just how you dress on a regular basis.

8. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t throw around compliments. Don’t just spontaneously tell him he’s handsome or how sweet he is or anything like that. If you’re going to compliment him, make sure there’s a reason behind it instead of just throwing it out from nowhere. For example, if he’s dressed nice, you can simply compliment his appearance and just leave it at that. Don’t gush or carry on and on. If he is interested in you, he’ll be thrilled. If he isn’t, it’ll just annoy the crap out of him and be the equivalent of poking him in the side of the head with a stick. In either case, compliments are best used sparingly; not every time you see each other.

9. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t talk about your dreams (like the one you had last night about being 500 pounds and destroying New York City with your monstrously huge butt) or lifelong goals especially if they’re not something you talk about regularly. Again, this shows that you’re comfortable enough to tell him about potentially embarrassing/private things. In his mind, the fact that you’re risking him full out laughing in your face shows that you’re willing to take that risk to be closer to him. Again, this is another fun case where you need to be careful not to mistake your guy friends for your girl friends.

10. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t give him your phone number so you can just call him up for a chat. This singles him out and gives him the idea that you want to talk one on one privately. If you have to, clearly specify why you’re giving him your number. For example, “When you decide what time you want to meet at the library to start researching famous elephants for our project, give me a call at *insert phone number here*.” This is really just a matter of common sense. You don’t just randomly give out your number in any other case so don’t do it to a guy unless you are interested or have clearly stated why you’re giving it to him.

11. If you’re not interested in a guy, be aware of your body language around him. A lot can be told from body language. Here are some of the text book examples of signs of attraction: fiddling with your hair or trying to keep it neat while he’s around, looking directly into his eyes most of the time while he talks, positioning your body to be completely pointed at him (key parts: face, chest, and feet), looking down to the left periodically while talking/listening, standing closer than arms’ length apart to him (unless it’s a really crowded area), touching your face/lips while he’s talking (as in keeping your hands there for longer than it takes to wipe your mouth with a napkin), smiling with your teeth for longer than a few seconds at a time while he’s talking to you, leaning forward while he’s talking (unless it’s a situation where you have to in order to hear better)etc.

Some of these you may simply do out of habit and do them with everyone. Some of these you do out of instinct. Attraction is a subconscious thing so even if you think the guy is a complete douchebag and the idea of him getting hit by an ice cream truck puts a smile on your face, you may still do some of the things I listed because, in your mind, you think he’s drop dead gorgeous and your body’s being a snitch. Yes, you can hate someone and still subconsciously find them attractive. Yes, your body sucks but there is some good news; everyone is like this and a vast majority of guys aren’t aware of these signs consciously but they may pick up on them subconsciously or if, like me, they actually study this kind of stuff. Now that you know, be aware of them because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

12. If you not interested in a guy, do not talk about sex around him ESPECIALLY when it’s just you and him. This is probably the biggest pitfall that a lot of girls fall into. Once again, do not think that your guy friends think the same way as your girl friends. Even if it’s jokes, his mind will wander to that. Again, like in the naked example earlier, it probably won’t be for a long period of time unless you repeatedly do it (talking about sex, not having sex in front of him which would be unbelievably weird unless for some strange reason you both work in porn). Don’t jokingly offer sexual favors because that will make the mental image all the easier to make. This should be common sense but this is one of the most common examples of “women are insane” that I’ve come across. If your gut is telling you that it’s a bad idea, it probably is. Again, I fully realize that some people talk about it all the time but you should still be aware of it regardless.

13. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t laugh at his jokes if you genuinely don’t think they’re funny. Believe it or not, some guys tell crappy jokes on purpose because they know that girls laughing at crappy jokes is a sign of attraction, even if it’s a subconscious thing. You don’t have to give him a death glare and say to his face “that joke was bad and you should feel bad; why are you still alive?” if you don’t think his jokes are funny. Making people laugh is a sign that the person making the jokes wants to make the people listening in happy so if it’s directed at you, he’s trying to specifically make you happy. There’s definitely a difference between laughing at something you think is genuinely funny and laughing just to be polite. Don’t laugh to be polite. If his jokes truly suck, make him aware of it by your silence. Ever hear the expression “make him work for it?” You should definitely apply that to this. Have him earn your laughter, don’t just give it to him or you’ll, once again, be sending the wrong messages.

So, that’s that. Did you learn anything? To the guys reading this, you may want to take notes because despite the things I told girls not to do, I listed plenty of things that should be looked for. Keep in mind what the point of this note was though, to point out how signals can be misleading so don’t just stupidly follow things unless you start noticing a lot of the signs. If you find yourself in that situation, she’s either interested or completely oblivious that she’s sending out those signs. (Yes, the later can happen but don’t let it completely discourage you.) For the girls, I think I’ve said enough and I hope what I have said will help you in future interactions with guys. It’s a crazy world but things are made a lot clearer when we come to terms that we all are just a little bit crazy. Admit to it, be honest with yourself, and you’ll learn a lot.

Fatmanonice, April 24th 2010

“Love is a serious mental disease.” –Plato

"Always laugh when you can. It's cheap medicine." -Lord Byron

“The first symptom of love in a young man is shyness; the first symptom in a woman, its boldness.” -Victor Hugo

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
7. If you’re not interested in a guy, be careful of what you wear around him. Showing off a lot of leg, midriff, and cleavage around him will instinctively draw his attention. It’s called animal magnetism. Some guys have a lot of control over it (simply giving a quick glance as a hot girl walks by), others don’t (completely turning around as said hot girl walks away). Time for a reality shattering truth: all your straight guy friends have pictured (or have tried to because, I’ll admit, some girls are really hard to) you naked at some point in time.
I bet most people will deny this, but it's very true.
Nice blog! I hate it when I get those 'signs' but they turn out to be nothing. x.x

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Excellent read.

Stickied for great justice.

EDIT- Although I would add that most men look at anything requires him to spend time and/or money on a woman as simply a down payment for eventual sex.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I bet most people will deny this, but it's very true.
Nice blog! I hate it when I get those 'signs' but they turn out to be nothing. x.x
For the last girl I pursued, she actually did 12 of the 13 things that I mentioned. :laugh: Yeah, there are times where you can find a girl that does a large number of these and is not interested at all. Some girls are just wired that way and don't even know it.

What inspired me to write this article was a conversation that I was a part of with two of my girl friends. Both are huge flirts but they had no idea why guys fell over them all the time. I was laughing almost the whole time just because they upfront said some of the things I mentioned here but thought nothing of it.

Dai Tian

Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2008
Phendrana Drifts, SoCal
*Starts slow clap* That was an excellent read. I agree fully on the phrase you came up with concerning our half being stupid and the other half being insane. We both screw up somewhere down the line. :laugh:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
its easy to make grand sweeping generalizations seem true. Its why sexism and racism are so easily spread.
As the song "Everyone's Just A Little Bit Racist" from the musical Avenue Q goes "Ethnic jokes might be uncouth but you laugh because they're based on truth." Obviously, sexist and racist comments are not always right but they're based on repeated observations. That's essentially what I'm doing here. Yeah, my comment "Men are stupid, women are insane" is indeed sexist but its based on truth. Problems arise only when you CAN'T see the exceptions or flat out deny them.

About 10 years ago, I was extremelly racist against blacks and jews. Whenever any black or jewish person did something wrong, I acted like it was a crime of the entire race instead of just that one particular individual. When you're racist, you go out of your way to find stereotypes in every single member of a particular group. You don't believe in exceptions or even think that one of your stereotypes may be outdated or hardly shown by any members in a particular group. (For example, a popular black stereotype in the early 1900's was that black people liked to steal chickens; obviously this really doesn't fit in our society today but some racists still try to run with it.)

Political correctness has its purpose but I think a lot of people go overboard with it creating what is commonly called reverse racism. Just as you can't flat deny that there are exceptions to stereotypes, you also can't flat deny that certain stereotypes can be seen in a large percentage of a certain group. If you can completely destroy a stereotype and show, like I said earlier, that its outdated or hardly shown by any members in a particular group, then by all means do it but to be politically correct in fear of offending someone is just as bad as being racist/prejudice. Contrary to popular belief, it is indeed possible to be politically correct and be just as dogmatic and as much as a bigot as a Klansmen or Black Panther. As a former racist, I've learned that it's important to be aware of stereotypes but to not let them decide whether or not you befriend/interact with them.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Yup, it wouldn't be a thread without the Thought Police showing up.
especially when an article clearly exhibits sexism.

And no, its not based on truth. Not at all. You can try to pass it off as, but the truth can be known, what you are stating can not.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2009
The OP is truefax.

Mostly. xD Generalizations are not a good thing... generally. <<


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
especially when an article clearly exhibits sexism.

And no, its not based on truth. Not at all. You can try to pass it off as, but the truth can be known, what you are stating can not.
As Friedich Nietzsche once said “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” You're telling me that my observations and opinions are wrong despite the fact that opinions are subjective in nature and vary from person to person. Things become even stranger in how my opinions and observations are automatically wrong because they conflict with your own. What's beautifully ironic is that's what intolerance is in a nutshell. Again,, political correctness can only stretch so far without it snapping back like a rubber band.

Add in: What further confuses me is why this is even an issue when I had several disclaimers throughout the article that:

1. These are my opinions and observations.
2. There are exceptions to all the things that I stated.
3. This article isn't politically correct.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
2. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t ask him for favors. To a vast majority of guys this says “I need you and even though there are other people who could have done it, I chose you.” Don’t personally single him out if you need help moving something, doing a project, continous help with a certain subject, etc. If the action requires him to spend money or spend more than an hour of his time, it’s not a good idea unless there are multiple people involved. If it’s pretty obvious that the guy would willingly set himself on fire for you, don’t take advantage of it unless you actually want someone who pretends his pillow is your face every night and steals your hair/fingernails from your trash.

3. If you’re not interested in a guy, don’t accept an invitation to something where it will be the two of you like a dance/movie/wedding reception/etc and could easily be classified by any onlooker as a date. Situations like this make it all too easy for the guy to picture you as a couple and will give him the wrong idea if you’re not interested. If you feel like you “have” to go, don’t assume that he knows that you’re “just friends” at said event. When in doubt, act like he’s completely ******** (which some guys are). Tell him straight up that “this isn’t a date.” Unless he really is ******** or deaf (pro-tip: make sure his hearing aid is on), he should get the message. Either way, it’s a high risk situation so it’s probably just best to avoid it altogether if you can.
oops? I just spent ~25ish hours in the last two weeks helping a friend out and had a few dinners with them too. Contrary to popular belief, two people of the opposite sex can be friends and do stuff that normal friends do too! I agree with most of your other points but they can probably apply to both sexes.

...I've probably made some of the mistakes you've written with female friends in the past :ohwell:.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Okay Fatmence, continue thinking that all men are stupid because you're ****ed up little logic said its okay to think that because its just your observation. Well, it was the southerners observations that black people weren't actually people, so if you want to have that kind of logic, then so be it.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2009
Well, it IS his opinions Crashic. If you don't like it, then just leave the blog.

Plus, it seems more like he was just joking about "all men are stupid" thing. Lighten up.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Okay Fatmence, continue thinking that all men are stupid because you're ****ed up little logic said its okay to think that because its just your observation. Well, it was the southerners observations that black people weren't actually people, so if you want to have that kind of logic, then so be it.
What? I do think most men are stupid when it comes to relationships. :laugh: I'm a male feminist myself and I practice the code of chivalry. Because of these two things, I see problems with both sexes when it comes to relationships and I believe I can point and laugh at them accordingly. Do I hate men? No especially with the fact that I am one. :laugh:

See, the problem here is that you're interchanging "most" and "all". Again, being prejudice is not only when you refuse to see exceptions but also when you refuse to see certain stereotypes. Also, let's dissect what I said and what you said.

"Most men are stupid when it comes to relationships."

Note how I said most as opposed to all. As I've already stated, this is my opinion and I'm not trying to pass it as a universal truth. If I said "all men are stupid" then I could understand why you'd be so upset.

"It was the southerners observations that black people weren't actually people..."

Again, in your example, every southerner was racist against black people. There's no exception. The world is, pun intended, black and white. Also, why did the southerns not see black people as humans? There's no specifics. Did they all feel the same way and have the same reasons? How do you know? It kind of like saying "All Americans were against the British during the American Revolution?" Then what do you call the Loyalists? It's these quagmires of thought that get you trapped even worse than being politically incorrect.

Also, you don't need to be mad. Everything's fine. While I won't change my work because you find it to be politically correct, I won't hold you accountable for not liking it. As the french philosopher Voltaire once said "Well sir, I may not agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death your right to say it." It's your opinion, after all. Now, if you want to debate that then we'd probably be here all night and the sheer amount irony the conversation would probably produce would kill us both just by looking at our computer screens. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Okay Fatmence, continue thinking that all men are stupid because you're ****ed up little logic said its okay to think that because its just your observation. Well, it was the southerners observations that black people weren't actually people, so if you want to have that kind of logic, then so be it.
Wait, so you were actually offended when he said: "Men are stupid; women are insane?" Woooooooooooow. And then you go and compare it to slavery. I'm pretty sure you must be so ******** that it's not even measurable. You are like two extra chromosomes ********.

Good **** FMOI.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
CiC, he's not trying to beat anyone down or establish his opinion as absolute truth.

Originally posted by Fatmanonice

From how I see it,


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2009
Fatmanonice, that was, without a doubt, one of the more entertaining essays I have read all year. I loved how you expressed your thoughts without showing bias towards one sex than the other.

Great work, bro.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
This made so much sense and I found myself nodding my head to each of the examples you gave. To realize this much and be able to express all of it into words is quite a feat, to be honest. You remained impartial while still being informative.

Excellent job.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
So much truth in the OP, well done. Saving it. +rep Fatmanonice

This blog has made me realised my friend likes me...


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Okay Fatmence, continue thinking that all men are stupid because you're ****ed up little logic said its okay to think that because its just your observation. Well, it was the southerners observations that black people weren't actually people, so if you want to have that kind of logic, then so be it.
Most men are stupid.. And this is coming from a straight guy. Ha you can't be sexist against your own gender!............Can you?

Wait don't answer that <.<


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Haven't posted in the UB for a while. Time to break that lurker chain.

Although this will probably be my only post in here; I fear that if I were to compliment this blog, it just wouldn't be enough to describe how much win it is and how much sense it makes. In fact I'd go as far as to say that this should be locked because it makes too much sense and reading anything else would just kill it. :(



Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
This thread assumes that everyone around me wants to bang me.


[This thread makes too much sense.]
If they find you attractive, it has probably crossed their mind at some point even if, like I said in my post, it's only a thought that lasts a few seconds. Also like I mentioned in my post, it also has a lot to do with how you act and how you dress too. Sometimes its unavoidable and some people will still find you attractive even if you go against a lot of people's standards for attractiveness. Attraction at its most basic level is based on face symmetry and then it kind of just builds up from there going off of things that are instinctual, then going off of society's or ethnic groups standards (studies have shown that both generally look for particular traits) and then going off of their own opinions.

Does every guy around you want to "bang" you? It's doubtful. Even if you worked in porn and banged for a living, there would still be guys that would be like "yeah, I'm just not into you." Instinctually, maybe they want to but, in the end, it's their opinions that make or break the deal. For example, I find a lot of girls attractive but I'm extremelly turned off by women who cuss excessively. That's my opinion. My body could say "dude, go for it, she's soooooo hot" while my mind will say "but she just cussed her grandmother out. No thanks." In the end, there's a lot of things to consider.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Yup, it wouldn't be a thread without the Thought Police showing up.
You stuck this thread while I'm on break?

You really are my hero.

Also with that comment too.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
I find this thread to be funny, informative, and surprisingly impartial.

I'd personally like to broaden your original stance to: "Most people are stupid. Everyone else is insane." Again, that's just my opinion and it doesn't apply to all people, but it's my cynical approach to life. :laugh:

This blog is very, very well-written by the way.

I came to this thread not knowing who Fatmanonice was; now I don't know what Fatmanonice isn't. :lick:


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm glad you don't concern yourself with being "PC" FMOI.

Anyways, good read. I don't know how you do it, but right now I'm admiring your writing skills. I like all the random and amusing little details you put into srs business stuff.


Smash Chachacha
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
wow... you really thought about this a lot.

there's a lot going on in your idea... your list... and it will apply differently to teens than to 20-somethings and then 30-somethings (generally).

For teens, there's no way they won't do those things. If teen girls lived honestly by those points, they'd lose their ability to have that one or two or more guy(s) on the side that they use to boost their self esteem. Guy's do it too, they have that 1 fat chick they're friends with, or 1 whose not as attractive or popular... the "safe" friend. Having a friend that you'll never have sex with or date, makes you feel safe. You can explore the other gender from behind a shield. The trick is to find someone whose self esteem is so low, that they won't rebel against this treatment. It's fairly twisted of people to act this way, but it's nature. Even in the lowest of circles this treatment exists. It is considered a highly immature practice (mainly an age-defined behavior) by comparison, yet it is common.

When you reach your 20's or so, college age, things change a bit. You'll still find people in situations where you're befriending MOS that you have no interest in, but it really is just to have a good time with no drama attached. Rarely you may find repeats of the earlier pattern. However, it is still potentially frustrating and by this age, your ego is starting to tell you you're better than that. Unlike in your younger days, you'll tend to not put up with it for very long. And eventually you'll demand things progress to dating, or be called off. Generally at this age attitudes towards casual sex are more liberal, and the idea of mating for pleasure, bonding without "serious" commitment, etc is far more accepted. "Dating" is often a precursor to these types of relationships, a formality.

"They're not looking for a date, hon, these guys are looking for wives." That was my friend to another friend while at a club. They were both hot and ready to party, but kept getting approached by dudes in their mid-30's, doctors, and crap, not hot college guys, lol. Crappy club? Nah, this is just that age. By your 30's you're starting to lament being single (if you still are). You're starting to worry about the future a lot more, your biological impulse is to settle down and get hitched, make babies. The distant attitudes of the younger days are so useless to this end that it's highly rare to see.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
@ Crashic: Also, the question begs to be asked: why did you find me saying "men are stupid" as offense but not "women are insane" despite them both being sexist comments?
Its from the same sentence. Both are broad generalizations so that you can pretend to have some great insight about people, when its really no more valid than the ambiqidious statements of horoscopes. Its plain stupidity and ignorance of the most destructive degree, because it influences how you treat people on a day to day basis, and shows that you clearly treat men and women differently, and not as people, but as men and women, even if you aren't aware of it.


Smash Chachacha
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
I do see your point, actually CRASHiC... the idea that "(all) women are insane" has absolutely been said in another, more condescending fashion: "women are ruled by their emotions." Its funny but I had this exact debate while working in a testing lab with a young black female who was just trying to make it in the professional world, and an ex army lieutenant. He was probably one of the most misogynist blokes I'd ever met. And one day he exclaimed (as a reason why women should remain banned from combat zones) that women are ruled by their emotions. Of course the girl piped up in her defense. These types of arguments were common in the lab and between them. Her defense was poorly constructed, unfortunately, but I too disagreed, that all women are purely driven by emotion (ergo men are purely driven by logic). This type of remark definitely falls within the category of sexist misogyny. There was no changing his mind, really... despite bringing forth several examples of how he was incorrect. In general he really felt that women in a crutch situation would act on impulse rather than thinking things through, risking the lives and well being of their fellow soldiers, and the mission.

That was 10 years ago... it's not changed much, if at all since.

As for men being stupid, well heh... men who would allow themselves to be subjected to this kind of treatment may indeed appear stupid, but in all practical applications, its normally an act of desperation. Akin to... well at least this way I have a chick hugging on me. I may never get more action than that, but it's enough! I seem to recall a Simpsons episode about this very thing...


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
This thread is awesome and you, Fatmanonice, are awesome.

There's this friend of mine that pretty much does every single thing that you've listed. That made me think that I was someone special until she clearly stated: You're friendzoned, I like 18~20 years old guys. Hahaha.

I'd love to read a few stuff on that matter. Care you give me a few of the books's names?


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Very interesting read, Fatman. Very valid points, but the bottom line is, if a woman doesn't like you, she won't date you or have intercourse with you regardless of what she does or wears.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Its from the same sentence. Both are broad generalizations so that you can pretend to have some great insight about people, when its really no more valid than the ambiqidious statements of horoscopes. Its plain stupidity and ignorance of the most destructive degree, because it influences how you treat people on a day to day basis, and shows that you clearly treat men and women differently, and not as people, but as men and women, even if you aren't aware of it.
Men and women are not equal, you pretentious clod. To presume that a man can do everything that a woman can do, and just as well; and vice versa, is a completely ludicrous position to take.

Men are much better at women at certain things, just as women are infinitely better than men at other things. I know you perceive yourself as a crusader for equality: throwing yourself into issues of sexism and converting the heathens; but really, you are not any better than the rest of us.
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