To everyone who said my argument is ciruclar:
It's not wanting to have children that makes it right, because then gays could have it too.
You guys are straw-manning my argument by claiming I said sex is ok if you want to have kids. That's not what I said.
Sex is meant for procreation, that's why it exists. Sexual pleasure is there to entice you into the act. Given the nature of the act, it should only be done with someone you are willing to commit your life too.
The infertile couples (old couples count as that too I guess) are still practicing the act the natural way, the only thing which prevents procreation is a defection (infertility), which isn't a matter of choice. Their intentions are no different to an ordinary couple, their act is no different to an ordinary couple except the for result.
I've said this a few times before, sex is an objective good, so all that is required is that humans have sex the natural way.
Also, you have to remember that natural law for humanity originated for the first humans. There was no technology back then, so infertile couples wouldn't have known that they were infertile, they probably just thought they were really unlucky. Plus people didn't live to 60 back then (the average life-expectancy of an ancient Egyptian peasant was only 35, so you can imagine what it was like before that).
So I'll say it again, infertile couples are having sex in the natural way, they are fulfilling the criteria of what good sex is.
Homosexuals aren't. They are taking sexual pleasure, meant for the natural act which results in procreation, and by choice using a completely different act, an act which itself is not aimed at procreation to obtain sexual gratification.
I'm not saying you should only have sex when you want to have kids. The nature of the act, and the nature of our desire means that we should be having sex regularly. The criteria I've laid out still alows for regular sex. Sex is designed to be frequent, all that is required of humans is to have sex the way it is supposed to be done, and infertile couples aren't corrupting any of that, but homosexuals are, because they're taking sexual pleasure, which only exists for the procreation act, and seeking to obtain it in an unantural way.
I don't understand how you guys think that it is at all the same as an infertile couple. There are several distinctions. I know there's no circularity in my logic because I guarantee that if I asked any of you to lay out my argument for me you'd straw-man it, as some of you have already done when you claim I say 'gay sex is wrong because they don't want kids'.
You're just saying 'pedophilia is harmful'. Yes it is harmful, but why should we prevent it? Because it's an objective good.
In allowing things such as homosexuality, you're saying the only objective good that there is in humanity is to protect social order and not harm others.
You've yet to justify to me your belief that this is the only good in the world that 1. exists, and/or 2. is worth upholding.
I've been barraged with questions long enough so I want to see some answers from your side now.