It seems as if Dre. is arguing homosexual practice as being evil because it corrupts natural law.
Phew... well that may actually be a viable standpoint based on your definitions of "evil" and "natural law" and "corruption."
I tend to disagree, however. I've found that sex among humans is an act by which we have applied our intellects (something unique to humans), and in so doing, have rationalized its purpose as being capable of more than "just to make babies." I also feel that animals who have same-sex intercourse typically are doing so to establish dominance. ****, in other words. As for the dolphins, well I believe this has been fundamentally proven, using tests on their endocrine systems. Basically they enjoy orgasm, so they have sex. But duh, that's why sex feels good (generally, there are a few exceptions in the animal kingdom where sex=death actually) good = more likely to do it, thus propagation becomes more guaranteed.
Sex for pleasure isn't only common, it's commonplace in society. It may be looked down upon in certain circles, like in Christianity, ... there's a strict moral code of "virginity" and waiting until wedlock, all this... but honestly, that's NOT because of the ramifications involved with violating natural law, or even God's law (though it's spelled out as such as a means to and end), it's honestly to do with not making a bunch of illegitimate kids. That harms society, whereas strong family units promotes a strong society (and piggy bank, strong family values=higher taxes paid).
When I was about 10 years old, and getting my hair cut, I asked my mom... "Why do people use condoms? Isn't that interfering with God? It's a man-made thing, it's blocking the ... you know... I bet he doesn't like that."
Her response: "Why, what a mature attitude to have. You're far too young, though to understand why people have sex for reasons other than procreation."
Sex as an act of love, a symbol of affection, these sorts of things, preclude the "intent" of sex for procreation. Humans have an itch to scratch. This itch does not discriminate, either. Usually it'll be for "good breeding stock" because that's what we're programmed to look for. But sometimes, it'll be a member of the same sex. On super rare (and unfortunate) occasions, it'll be for kids, or ... animals. -_-
This itch is so ... dominant in our lives that we masturbate! We actually have sex with ourselves, because we want that systemic reaction of orgasm. Pure biology at play here, even if you want to argue the emotional/mental/or yes even philosophical implications of it, it really does just boil down to plain 'ole biology.
So no, same-sex sex isn't "wrong" or "evil" or anything. It just is. It's a fact of life, Ya know lions have sex with their own offspring? Yeah... incest. The programming is in biology to do all kinds of stuff, the only reason sodomy is so looked down upon is because of the christian value system. If we recall our ancient Greek history, it was not uncommon for same-sex relationships to take place and it was certainly not looked down upon. It was an honor actually to be hooked up with a philosopher, who often would take young teenage males as their bedfellows in a ritualistic transfer of ... well everything, right down to their very souls.
Oh yeah, and why are we (or other mammals) engineered so that anal sex in males can feel good? Why is our prostate exposed in such a manner? Weeeeel as it turns out the prostate is required for ejaculation. It just so happens to be located in such a place that it can be directly stimulated through anal intercourse. This "discovery" goes back to biology. An animal will be less likely to rebel against their dominant aggressor if they experience a pleasurable sensation during ****. Not to condone the action (far from it) but women are reported to experience orgasm during ****, and often feel guilt over this. This systemic reality can be seen as the body's natural defense system. During orgasm the adrenaline levels in the blood are elevated, which can lead to a female **** victim being able to overpower her attacker, and escape.