Thanks for the replies (:
I've been trying to get better at smash, but some of the concepts allude me as I don't think I've reached that higher level mindset just yet. One such thing is Trading.
I hear Yoshi thrives on trading with NAir but how would this apply in game? How does one initiate a trade, or is it more of a reaction? What counts as a good or bad trade?
I'm probably already answering my own question, but... Ideally you'd want to know the match-up and what kind of range & damage the opponent can output and then play around that. Right?
People say Yoshi thrives on trading because he's heavy and his attacks do a lot of %. Therefore, theoretically, if we trade hits with say, Sheik, over and over, she'll get to 100% way before we do, meaning we should kill her first.
I disagree with this philosophy because Yoshi STILL can't kill well (against good characters). Therefore, trading is BAD because we actually die earlier than our enemy due to the fact that they can reliably kill us before we can get a lucky hit in with our heavily staled Nair or something to kill them.
If you think about it mathematically, say we kill Sheik at 100% guaranteed and she kills us at 200% guaranteed. Say our Nair does 15% and her Fair does like, 4%. And now assume we only trade these moves (no stale, etc).
Sheik dies after the 8th Nair (7 Nairs gets her to 105%, the 8th kills). We die after 51 Fairs (50 to get to 200%, the 51st kills) [or in 1 less move for each, depending on how we define "kill at x%"). In this case, we can trade all day and win easily. We'll have killed Sheik 6 times before we die once.
Now think of a more realistic situation. We get hit with 3 Fairs unanswered before each trade. This means trades happen every 4th Fair.
Now Sheik is doing 16% per iteration and we're doing 15%. She wins in percent, but since we're heavy, we still get to kill her basically twice before she gets to kill us once. Thus, the trading plan is still better.
Now let's get more realistic: We're bad at killing, we can't reliably kill Sheik till 150%. Now we can barely kill her once before she gets us (we'd be at 160% at the kill).
Now let's see some more tragic truths: Sheik actually combos us, meaning she can basically get the first 40%ish of our stock off for free before trading is viable. This reduces our "trading only model" to a situation where we die at 160% instead of 200%. Now we both die at the same time.
Odds are we won't even be strictly trading this often, meaning Sheik ends up ahead based on trades only.
Anyways, that was a very simplistic argument and obviously matches aren't that easy to think of in terms of trading. The general idea is that, since we hit hard, if we can get a hit in for every couple we take, we're pretty okay. I disagree because I think we need percentage advantages because we struggle to kill.
The reason Nair trading is AWESOME is because you're usually trading out of a bad spot. Now THIS works to our advantage, since we can afford that extra little percent in order to kick them for like, 15% and get out of a bad situation. Nair trading is usually good for combo-breaking, for example. Or if you're recovering, you can try to DJ Armor through an attack and counter with Nair.
A bad trade is a trade that puts you further back in percent or keeps you in a bad spot. Say you're trying to trade while offstage, but you trade Nair with an enemy's spike. Well, you just died. Awful trade.
Say Sheik is Fair chaining you and you trade with Nair to break free. Well, you just tacked on about as much percent as she just gave you, plus you're no longer being chained. Awesome trade.
In general, you want to be out-damaging your opponent. This doesn't always refer to what's displayed. Us putting 30% on, say Jigglypuff, is much more valuable than Jigglypuff putting 30% on us, due to killing percent differences. As long as you're putting more effective damage on the opponent than the opponent is putting on you, you're winning.
You should definitely ask me specific questions because I definitely lost focus and started rambling here.