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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Have you been reading my posts?

Look back at where I called Gheb townie, and where I previously said I would put you over him when it came to the lynch. (590 for reference)

Nothing has changed since then when talking about either you or Gheb.
Your right, Gheb hasn't posted at all since then.

I read that you would put me over him, don't get why because you/RR are acting like I haven't been doing things after your 590 which is a load of rubbish.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
You haven't done things that make me think you're townie after my 590...

I'd have to read back to pull specific examples, but you haven't done a single thing to make me put Gheb above you when it comes to lynch priority.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You haven't done things that make me think you're townie after my 590...

I'd have to read back to pull specific examples, but you haven't done a single thing to make me put Gheb above you when it comes to lynch priority.
Well how am I supposed to know when you don't even mention my new posts at all?

I can't believe I'm gonna be lynched because of deadline and people not wanting to go against what others say. Silly numbers game. ToMorrow, this town's gonna need it's act in shape especially with the path it's on.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Well how am I supposed to know when you don't even mention my new posts at all?

I can't believe I'm gonna be lynched because of deadline and people not wanting to go against what others say. Silly numbers game. ToMorrow, this town's gonna need it's act in shape especially with the path it's on.
I thought it would be implied when I said "Nothing has changed since then".

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

No one's really going to listen to me? The people I didn't think are trying to lynch me and the others who I thought would want me to live. So very odd.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
J is more on the table than Gheb is, and people brought him up, soo...

Vote: J

Unless there are other options besides J and Gheb, this is where my vote will be.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, I don't even think you are on the table anymore. Where is this coming from?
I have 3 votes.


Swords said he'd vote me. Joey is gonna vote me because it will come down to J/Gheb. Tanny said she would vote me over others. Ori has his gut on me and will vote me. You'll vote me for not having a NL. Felipe will vote me cuz he's Felipe. Kuzi who knows, depends how high he is. Balatro = ???

The only one who has super strong, no J votes are myself and TM.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I can't believe I'm gonna be lynched because of deadline and people not wanting to go against what others say. Silly numbers game. ToMorrow, this town's gonna need it's act in shape especially with the path it's on.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J is more on the table than Gheb is, and people brought him up, soo...

Vote: J

Unless there are other options besides J and Gheb, this is where my vote will be.

Why not try and find other options instead of leaving it up to others to give you options Joey? J/Gheb isn't set in stone but you are making it that way so tell me Joey, who are your scum picks if they aren't J/Gheb.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I have 3 votes.


Swords said he'd vote me. Joey is gonna vote me because it will come down to J/Gheb. Tanny said she would vote me over others. Ori has his gut on me and will vote me. You'll vote me for not having a NL. Felipe will vote me cuz he's Felipe. Kuzi who knows, depends how high he is. Balatro = ???

The only one who has super strong, no J votes are myself and TM.
I get ya. Gah. We've done a complete 360.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Auspher and The Man.

I'm not good enough of a player to convince people in the 5 or less hours that I will have to be online tomorrow that either of those people are great lynch candidates. I'm simply working with my boundaries and weaknesses to benefit the town the most.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Ugh, this thread has like, 200 more posts in it than it did when I left it, and I'm not even done with my homework yet.

Man, I just wanta watch more Higurashi episodes (I'm already on season 2!), but this game forces me to focus on it.

Reading up, kinda.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
1 vote vs 3 votes in the most recent post count.

2 votes vs 4 votes if you include mine and yours.

Red Ryu brought you up with his vote.

What part is a lie?
Saying that Gheb is less on the table in forms of a lynch candidate than I am.

Votes can change Joey. I've proved that toDay already and to say such things and act like that is what is going on is a lie. Gheb is just as much on the table as I am. So is everyone else yet you say you can't do anything about it.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I'm not good enough of a player to convince people in the 5 or less hours that I will have to be online tomorrow that either of those people are great lynch candidates. I'm simply working with my boundaries and weaknesses to benefit the town the most.
I was referring to statistics and facts when I was referring to you being on the table more than Gheb, not the idea that people can change their minds easily, since confidence comes into play along with people changing their reads and people randomly voting. I tried to make that obvious through my reasoning. Sorry if it wasn't.

Quote above is why I'm not pushing TheMan and why I feel that I can't do anything about it in the time frame that I have. Its a skill level and communication thing, which a lot of people know that I lack in that area (example: Ryker's meta on me saying that I get away with being a ****** because people expect it from me).

Responding to Sang now.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Alright Joey, humor me. Can you give me some reasons as to why you think these people are scum?
I need to re-think Auspher before I try to convince anyone anything about him, since I think hes gotten better recently, but that may just be because of the fact that people are going after Felipe. His early play was atrocious with his over defensive responses to Swords, his aggressiveness towards Felipe, and the idea of staying back and going inactive. Plus there really wasn't a middle play to compare to his early play. Thats the main reason for Auspher.

Ryker has had poor play all game. Its obvious that hes just trying to get what he wants instead of what the town wants, which can be seen in his RR push. He tried to present facts against RR, but they were fake and poorly made, and when asked to present a case, he flaked on us. He also had poorly made and fake facts about me as well, saying that I was here and active, when really I wasn't here at all. The only push hes had so far with any legit content behind it was his J push, which was weak in itself because J was too busy with Dracula, and when argued with, he had to refer to weak substance like post count = content, which shows how weak his argument was.

Poorly made, but lacking in time. I can try to pull quotes and stuff if you want to give me the time, but heres a short version.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I need to re-think Auspher before I try to convince anyone anything about him, since I think hes gotten better recently, but that may just be because of the fact that people are going after Felipe. His early play was atrocious with his over defensive responses to Swords, his aggressiveness towards Felipe, and the idea of staying back and going inactive. Plus there really wasn't a middle play to compare to his early play. Thats the main reason for Auspher.

Ryker has had poor play all game. Its obvious that hes just trying to get what he wants instead of what the town wants, which can be seen in his RR push. He tried to present facts against RR, but they were fake and poorly made, and when asked to present a case, he flaked on us. He also had poorly made and fake facts about me as well, saying that I was here and active, when really I wasn't here at all. The only push hes had so far with any legit content behind it was his J push, which was weak in itself because J was too busy with Dracula, and when argued with, he had to refer to weak substance like post count = content, which shows how weak his argument was.

Poorly made, but lacking in time. I can try to pull quotes and stuff if you want to give me the time, but heres a short version.
That, right there, can convince people that TM is the lynch. That's the point I was making. But, got some things I want to respond to. Just one thing to respond to because I think TM needs to respond to this by himself. Him wanting to get a lynch that he wants isn't necessarily scummy. If town is trying to get a townie lynched and somebody else wants another person lynched and that newly lynched person turns out to be scum, that other person isn't in the wrong. Sometimes going with the grain isn't the best answer.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Well, i cant sleep :/

And guys, goood, i am not dumb. I was trying to look scummy becausei didnt want to be killed, maf always left the Dumb/inactive/Scummy players alive at the end of the game.

And no J, i will not sheep you until someone states a solid case against you. I am not the "Wtf is happening here" felipe anymore.

mmm talking about that, is anyone using Engarde gifs xP?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
And guys, goood, i am not dumb. I was trying to look scummy becausei didnt want to be killed, maf always left the Dumb/inactive/Scummy players alive at the end of the game.
This is not always the case. There are plenty of people that look towny and/or are extremely active that last til the end of the game.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Just letting everyone know that I will not be available until tomorrow night around 6ish so don't expect too much more content from me until then.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Saw the claim. Saw the replacement. Have to sleep. Still not voting J or Gheb.

Request extension to accommodate Kuz.



Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
I tried to act dumb and scummy (That did work, sadly). In that way i could have survived until very late on the game. Everyone thinks i am dumb but thats not true, i have been playing mafia since 2009, i know how to play, i was acting dumb and acting scummy.
Oh god, it's like Soup's first game.

Felipe, please never play like this again regardless of role or alignment.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Saw the claim. Saw the replacement. Have to sleep. Still not voting J or Gheb.

Request extension to accommodate Kuz.

Ryker said exactly what I was going to bring up:

Activity and Deadline

[*]I do not expect to grant deadline extensions, barring extenuating circumstances. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player.
So calm yourselves and think clearly. Don't rush and don't panic. I want everyone to step back, reread, do some specific ISOs and ffs THINK!

Felipe, what do you know about Higurashi?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
If he thought RR was scummy previously, then it would make sense, but from what I remember, thats the first I've seen of him calling RR straight up scummy. Especially when compared to me, who he has called scummy all game, and when he calls my lynch far from impossible. His only mention of RR in any reads is a post saying that hes null and that he wouldn't want to lynch him before me/J.

Hey J. Hold my hand.

I don't want a lynch out of ANY of the current wagons. Nor do I want to lynch Balatro.

Vote Red Ruy
Initial RR Vote. No reasoning provided at all. Don't like the fact that he chose RR.

@Joey - Just trust me on this one. J isn't scum and Felipe isn't scummy enough to be lynched. Your post voting him is the laziest wagon hop on I've ever seen. Assuming those two options are removed, where would your vote go?
Calls my vote a lazy hop on without any reasoning or showing any signs that he read my post. Which shows later on.

He gets a free pass for being ******** because he has a history of being ********. Same as Joey.
This is his response when asked why he voted RR specifically (the first time). This is his only reasoning given for voting RR besides the fact that he doesn't like the J/Gheb/Felipe wagons. He even mentions me in his reasoning post! Poor reasoning first off, second, he chooses RR, someone he has had as null, over someone that he has had as scummy. I'm sure getting reads is not an issue, since we've both interacted with pretty much everyone.

Because these wagons suck ***. Joey or Sang would be acceptable alternatives.
Asked the same question again, his response changed completely, and he mentions two alternatives. One of which he has been calling scummy the whole game! Weird.

You have yet to post a reason for voting Felipe.
Shows the fact that he was skimming, since I posted a page ago showing that I thought Felipe was scummy.

I didn't say you hadn't shared your thoughts. I said you haven't posted a reason for voting him.
Which he shows again here. Neither quote alone looks that bad, but when put together, something shows: He realized that I posted something and that I voted Felipe, but hes trying to put pressure on me for it even though he didn't read the content of the post at ALL. The post obviously had reasoning as to why I was voting Felipe, yet he was still pressuring me, saying that I have shown no reasons at all? Example of BS facts.

I asked Swords (and other active people) if I posted reasoning for Voting Felipe. Swords said yes. Ryker asked where, and this is Swords response:

Ori is more scummy, and I would honestly be fine with either his lynch or vig.

Pretty much I don't like the way he has been posting when he does post. He's more concerned about letting us know that he can't post and when he actually did post that one time it felt kind of forced.

Also to answer your question, it was in Joey's 590.
This proves that I did indeed post reasoning and that he was skimming me, trying to push something that wasn't really there, which doesn't benefit anyone but himself.

None of that is a reason to be voting Felipe.
When presented with the reasons, this is what he says. I posted more than enough reasons as to why Felipe was scummy, yet apparently I didn't post any reasons at all? Looks like hes trying to push something thats not really there.

I ask him to explain how I didn't have any reasons, he says this:

Not scummy.

The only thing you have are his limited reads. I don't expect earth shattering reads from him. Not a reason to vote him.

The saving his own hide thing is certainly not scummy.
Look at this, then look at my reasoning post:

Gheb is townie to me. Seriously, the only things I could dislike about him would be his Swords push early game and the unhelpful crap, both of which don't make me go "OH HES SCUM!" and they don't outweigh what he has done to help town. His Acro push, while I don't agree with it, made a lot of sense and I like it as a whole. His J push (along with TM's after re-reading... sorry TM :'( ) also makes a lot of sense.

J > Gheb for sure when it comes to who I'd prefer to lynch. However, there is another person on the table...

And this alone makes my vote want to go here.

Felipe has done absolutely nothing this whole game.

Lets take this for example. No explanation what so ever on how unhelpful images helped him gain reads (and thats very unbelievable and looks bs'd as well, since from the looks of it, he hasn't shared any reads at all!)

Unsure about J, yet voting J just to save himself? Instead of pushing someone that he actually thinks is scummy when he had 3-4 days to do so? No thank you!

The only actual scum reads he has had so far this game are:

Auspher - Sheeping and not having his own opinion (even though iIrc he had his own opinion on Felipe, which was thinking that he was scummy).

Me - ???

RR - ???

Seriously, those are the only three people that he has called scummy. Note that Gheb started posting the "unhelpful" crap after these 3 people were called scummy. BS much?

Now here is where it gets fun.

J and Felipe. Remember what was pointed out against them earlier when it came to their reasoning for mixed feelings towards Acrostic's Felipe suspicion? It was logical, yet he was looking too deeply into it? Felipe parroted him perfectly.

Then Felipe votes J just to save his own ***. Very bad reasoning to vote a null read? Welp.

After that, J "convinces" him to vote Gheb just like that even though Felipe called Gheb town earlier? Plus J calls him most likely town right after that in a VERY weird way, even though he just called Felipe out as scummy in his 576? WELP...

Vote: Felipe

He has been useless in many ways, contradicting, and his flip will reveal a lot towards J and others as well.
Realize that my reasoning is as follows:

Hes been useless
Contradicting himself
Voting one of his town reads over a scum read when they're both options
Whole J & Felipe thing
EXTREME lack of reads.
Poor reasoning for the reads he does have, making them look BS'd.
Lack of reasoning in reads altogether.

Saying that my only reasoning is because he lacks reads is completely BS and shows that he just hasn't paid any attention at all to everything and that hes trying to push something that isn't there.

It's not. His saving grace is his wagon.

He has reads. They're malformed, but they exist. Why you mad though?

You stop your own lynch. When you know your own alignment, you KNOW that you'll flip town. Lynching your town read gives you more of a chance to hit scum than letting yourself be lynched.
Tries to excuse his lack of reads by saying they're just bad. He doesn't talk about how he lacks reasoning completely in half of his scum reads and how his only true town read is completely BS'd.

He tries to argue about why Felipe voted Gheb, but ignores the whole idea that he voted a town read over one of his own null/scum reads. Trying to get what he wants through BS'd facts even though it won't benefit the town at all.

Falsity false false falsey-false.

I won't cry over a Felipe vig, but he's not the play today. None of that "info" you gain is going to stick and I find it highly unlikely that scum would let him get this close when there are so many other options?

Why do you disagree with this paragraph?
This is where he probably gets the most desperate. He resorts to general things that don't apply to this situation at all. "Nothing you gain will stick" and "Scum wouldn't let him get this close to being lynched" are things that could be said about ANYONE. Its a general statement that doesn't apply to any thing at all whatsoever. Especially since J/Gheb were the main lynch discussions at the time before I came in with Felipe.

What will you push on an RR townflip?

What will you push on an RR scumflip?

How did RR's flip affect this?

Close is measured in more than number of votes. Had I not stepped up and pushed an RR wagon after deciding J wasn't going to be lynched, then Felipe was general consensus lynch. Hell, before Swords got off the wagon, he was general consensus lynch with or without me. Scum would not let a null scum get to the point where deadline shenanigans could leave Felipe with the biggest wagon.

Joey, you're ********. It's easy to deflect a wagon early on. The easiest way would be to chainsaw in a scenario like this.
Completely ignores the fact that Gheb was being discussed at the time more so than Felipe. At the time he posted his RR vote, the Gheb wagon had 3 people, with one more person jumping on soon (me). It was just as much as Felipe had even though it was only formed just before Ryker posted. It was also the biggest thing discussed when he posted.

Looks like BS to me.

Note: Don't know what Chainsaw is, so I'm not gonna bother calling this pro or anti town. Would Chainsaw apply in this situation

Challenge accepted.
Still waiting on this by the way.

I would summarize why I view TM as scum, but its 1 am soooo no. Goodnight lol.

Deleted member

I honestly don't know what to do anymore. If Felipe isn't a newbie to mafia, then I feel he could very easily be lying about his role. But maybe that's not the case...

Either way, I don't feel comfortable voting J, and I feel Gheb is more town after reading Joey's reasoning.

The-man I would feel more comfortable lynching, but I'll wait until his defense from RR's and Joey's posts.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Deadline has been extended one day to accommodate kuz' entry into the game.

There will be NO more extensions after this for this Day.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
wtf is going on with these lynch candidates.

btw i skimmed this game a greeaaaat deal deal before replacing in and let me tell you the biggest thing that stuck out to me all game.

vote: j

idc if im already voting him this needs to happen. joey join me.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
hey look im aggressive meatnation

unvote; vote: j

hes seriously scum. ryker, idk why hes giving you a hard on all of a sudden but kid needs to die and you know that.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
kid completely disregards the game (and idc about dracula or some ****) and then makes a post saying "im just too busy I cant put in a full amount effort into this game good luck im so apathetic about it"

then posts a giant *** read list and makes a point to be sure everyone knows hes apathetic about everything and okay with his lynch. didn't look real at all, especially with his activity spike and his overhaul.

seriously. kid is scum. i can read j. he needs to die.

unvote; vote: j


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/24, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [0]
tHe-Man [2] MOD, JO_OEY
Tandora [0]
th3kuzinator [0]
Red Ryu [2] tHe-Man, felipe_9595
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [3] Auspher, Tandora, ORI_bro
Auspher [0]
J [3] Gheb, th3kuzinator, Red Ryu
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [1] J

Not Voting: Balatro, Sworddancer, SangfroidWarrior


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2011
Deadline is tomorrow. Put that vote back there, good sir.
I'll check the votecount before making a move this time!

Also, you never answered my question (in the big post).

wtf I just realised I have 30 pages to read
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