Smash Apprentice
I missed ya today >_< sorry bout that. I got the "Spore" PC game so I was poking around on that for a while. I think i'll have to take challenges on Wednesday night for sure.And, uh, BubbleTea! Wanna verse? We haven't got the chance yet. I gotcha added, and my FC is 0216-0507-6017 if ya wanna gopher it.
Okay I have a questions for everyone

1) What is your favorite Pika kill tactic? (the one that you just LOVE killing people with... Or something that is hard to execute, but extremely satisfying if done right)
2) What is the Pika move that you WISH you would do less of? (The one that gets ya killed or punished a lot >_<)
3) What character (besides pikachu/immidiate secondary) can you read really well? I myself have good experience fighting jigglypuffs due to my bf maining him.
4) What character do you hardly EVER fight? or wish you could fight more often for practice?
Now go answer these...and maybe make some of your own o_o!!!
I want to read some interesting posts alright?? I'm tired of people saying this place is dead