Yeah probably, tournament noobs always go under pressure. But i remember my 3rd tournament (melee) i got 5th, but i couldn't focus the last match because people were yelling. Oh yeah, that reminds me.
You will NOT be able to focus if you are paying attention to other people. Only with experience are you able to talk or at least pay attention. For instance, since nobody will know you, you will probably not have a crowd cheering for you or rooting for you. That means you will have to ignore everybody when you are playing. Do not get distracted. This is MUCH different from online because you can only be bothered by your family, but for they most part you probably leave you alone. At tournaments, people will most likely leave you alone, but trust me, focus solely on the game. When you aren't playing, try to go to the brackets and see who you might be playing next. Then, watch those people for their characters/playing style so you will know how you can play against them. GL