Smash Journeyman
Well i know there is the thread in the brawl discussion about Smash Brothers 4 but I'd like some thread where melee players share their ideas in the next smash brothers. I know it might be because Nintendo doesn't support competitive players and all so we melee players give up and stay with melee. But you never know some ideas from the melee community would help :D Even if it ends up like brawl (which i pray it won't) some people can mod it into a melee-ish feel. I still play melee a lot and i don't like mods but when i tried Project M it was the closest feel to melee. Its still not exactly like melee but its something. Please share your opinions about the next smash brothers whether it'll be a fail like brawl or that this thread is stupid or maybe Nintendo and Sakurai will make things right this time. Afterall Brawl was the first failure to be competitive and technical like melee or N64.