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Heroes, a reason to watch NBC this fall


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
NBC has a new preview airing and online. It looks like we get a glimpse into the future. One of the scenes show Nathan in office speaking with an older Claire.

So it looks like the world doesn't end (obviously) but it's hard to place certain scenes in a timeline based on a 30 second preview. Sylars scene at the end for example.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I thought Chill would be all over this topic the second the episode ended.

I didn't like the epsiode that much, or maybe it was because I was playing Pokemon at the same time. The fight with Sylar and Peter was boring and anti-climatic... again. We all knew he was going to survive. The rest of the episode had a bunch of boring stuff.
I'm trying hard to remember something cool about the episode. It's hard.

The only thing of interest was the .07% decision.

Oh, and once again, Sylar sucks. And Mohinder... what the heck? That guy's a moron. The writers who created the scenerio were morons. Blargh! Finish him off you fool!


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
I don't really see the point to having an episode taking place five years in the future. It really doesn't matter in the overall scheme.

Okay, question. Earlier before Peter realized he could use powers by remembering the people, did he use the powers because he was NEAR the person, or since he was near them he THOUGHT about them.
Basically is it possible he could use his powers subconsciously. >_> Either that or he should still be dead.

The Peter vs. Sylar fight was definitely better than their first one. *shudders*
Still, Peter didn't DO anything. He just let the glass hit him with his (invisible) back turned! o_O


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Yeah, that was the worst part. If you're going to turn invisible use this to your advantage, don't turn your back on the guy you're fighting.

I liked most of the episode save for a few parts. I thought it was kind of funny how Issacs death kind of meant nothing. At first he was an interesting person but he devolved into DL status. Did anyone else notice that except for a few moment's Issac spent the entire season in his apartment? Hiro told him he would die, he knew it himself and yet he stayed there.

At least Jessica is becoming interesting again.

I'm kind of confused on the whole New York thing. Let's say that New york does blow up and Nathan is elected. According to the graphic novel (which confirms what we thought about Claire) the world hates "heroes". So why would they elect one into office? It seemed like the whole point of electing Nathan was that Linderman wanted someone "like" him in office.

And why does New York sit demolished for five years? Would everyone really just give up on the city after it blew-up?

Meh. I'll just wait for more episodes.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2005
Maine (NSG)
When is Peter going to use Hiro's powers? Wasn't he with him on the train and in the cafe? Is he super smart from being around that waitress?


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
I'm kind of confused on the whole New York thing. Let's say that New york does blow up and Nathan is elected. According to the graphic novel (which confirms what we thought about Claire) the world hates "heroes". So why would they elect one into office? It seemed like the whole point of electing Nathan was that Linderman wanted someone "like" him in office.

And why does New York sit demolished for five years? Would everyone really just give up on the city after it blew-up?
Well, you'd think that after 5-6 years after 9-11, NY would finish making whatever memorial it had planned, but that didn't exactly work out now, did it? Same goes for Heroes--just because NY is demolished doesn't mean it'll magically recover in 5 years. It seems pretty realistic that construction would be kind of slow.

Linderman wants Nathan because he wants someone like him in office, but he also wants someone that he can control so his plan of a united world can be carried out (read The Watchers; it's a good reference). Remember, the explosion happens the day after Nathan's elected; the people won't know about his abilities. And even if they did, having a mutant working against mutants (knowing how they act/feel/think) would be a huge asset. See the Company hiring Miss-Terio or Claude or the Haitian.

I thought the episode was amazing. Again, we see Mr. Bennet's resourcefulness with his prison break (he's friggin' Batman, I tell you), we see Sylar being awesome (the glass trick was smart), and we see the true purpose behind the explosion. Nice stuff.

And the whole point of the 5 years in the future episode is that (spoilers)
it's showing that, like Hiro's experience with Charlie, the future is inevitable. If you read the graphic novel, you see that Future Hiro existed in a timeline where Sylar was the bomb, but was invincible because he had Claire's regeneration, so when Future Hiro tried to kill Sylar, nothing happened. Knowing this, he went back in time telling Peter to save Claire, thus rendering Sylar vulnerable. But we know now that Peter is the bomb--in a sense, just like with Charlie, there are things that you just can't change about the future. Even if you try to change it, Time auto-compensates for it, just like how Charlie was fated to die, either by Sylar's hands or by cancer. In the same way, the bomb is going to go off, regardless of what Hiro does to try to change it.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I didn't expect the city to be compeletely rebuilt but I thought something might be going on. Good point with the 9/11 reference though.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
Nikki is just as useless 5 years in the future as she is now. :chuckle:

So Peter never met Claire in the 5 Years Later timeline, right? Because Future Hiro never went back to tell him to 'Save the Cheerleader, Save the World,' so that explains the scar. But how did he survive the explosion he caused then?
So Sylar kills Peter, and he rules the world.
Do you suppose that Sylar, as Nathan, was trying to gather all the people with powers in those certain locations not for the gas chambers, but to go there himself and take their powers? It's sure easier than finding them one by one...


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Kick-*** episode. Frankly, after watching last night's episode, I WANT to see the bomb go off. . .just so I can see Future Hiro and a seemingly more mature, bad*** Peter start wreaking havoc in their fight for freedom.

And it seems that all of Future Hiro's efforts made no difference at all. He was trying to stop Sylar from gaining invincibility, but that was under the assumption that Sylar was the bomb. . .since Peter was always the bomb in every timeline, we can only assume that Sylar has little to no role to play in the actual explosion.

What's confusing (and inconsistent) is that if Future Hiro went back in time to save the cheerleader, Peter shouldn't have that large scar across his face, since he has regeneration powers at this point, and actually gaining a scar would be nigh impossible.

What's depressing is that it looks like the bomb really is going to go off. All of Issac's paintings, without fail, have come true (although a lot of them are deceptive--i.e. Claire's friend dying because of Sylar, "Nathan" but really Sylar as President). Include that with the Hiro/Charlie episode, and it looks like that predestination is inevitable. . .some minor things can be altered, but the future is already set in motion.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
OK, I thought it was a good episode, but there are a couple of things bothering me:

First off I want to say that I believe the future is a different world that isn't directly affected by the present. For example, in the present Peter met Claire and can heal yet in that future he has not, hence the scar. Essentially, stopping Sylar now would save their future, but the future Heroes we just saw would stay the same.

Now, here's my gripe: Future Hiro said he stabbed Sylar the day after Nathan got elected but Sylar revived himself with Claire's powers. However, we see Sylar, disguised as Nathan, finally get Claire's powers five years later in the flashback. Now, the whole reason Future Hiro started the "Save the Cheerleader" business was to stop this, but it hadn't even happened yet. So the question is, how did Sylar survive Hiro's attack? In one timeframe he never gets Claire's powers (the present one) while in the other he doesn't get them until after his failed assassination which supposedly only failed because of those regenerative powers. Do you guys see waht I'm saying? That's been bothering me.

I'm going to guess Sylar is defeated at the end of the season, after which Linderman becomes the main villain.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
OK, I thought it was a good episode, but there are a couple of things bothering me:

First off I want to say that I believe the future is a different world that isn't directly affected by the present. For example, in the present Peter met Claire and can heal yet in that future he has not, hence the scar. Essentially, stopping Sylar now would save their future, but the future Heroes we just saw would stay the same.

Now, here's my gripe: Future Hiro said he stabbed Sylar the day after Nathan got elected but Sylar revived himself with Claire's powers. However, we see Sylar, disguised as Nathan, finally get Claire's powers five years later in the flashback. Now, the whole reason Future Hiro started the "Save the Cheerleader" business was to stop this, but it hadn't even happened yet. So the question is, how did Sylar survive Hiro's attack? In one timeframe he never gets Claire's powers (the present one) while in the other he doesn't get them until after his failed assassination which supposedly only failed because of those regenerative powers. Do you guys see waht I'm saying? That's been bothering me.

I'm going to guess Sylar is defeated at the end of the season, after which Linderman becomes the main villain.
Well, that's the whole point. . .the reason why that inconsistency you raised exists because it's not separate alternate universes, but variations of the same timeline. In the future that Future Hiro originally lived in, Sylar killed Claire and stole her regeneration power. Because of this, he couldn't kill Sylar when he had the chance. Then he goes back in time, tells Peter to "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World."

Well, after he does that, Claire really does get saved--and we see the altered future that Future Hiro created: Claire Bennet is still alive, Sylar doesn't have regeneration, and the bomb still exploded. That's why it makes sense that Sylar finally meets up with Claire (again) and finally gets a hold of her. There's really no contradiction here.

The only contradiction is how the heck Peter got that scar. Maybe it's the Molly girl that Parkman saved. . .?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
Kick-*** episode. Frankly, after watching last night's episode, I WANT to see the bomb go off. . .just so I can see Future Hiro and a seemingly more mature, bad*** Peter start wreaking havoc in their fight for freedom.

And it seems that all of Future Hiro's efforts made no difference at all. He was trying to stop Sylar from gaining invincibility, but that was under the assumption that Sylar was the bomb. . .since Peter was always the bomb in every timeline, we can only assume that Sylar has little to no role to play in the actual explosion.

What's confusing (and inconsistent) is that if Future Hiro went back in time to save the cheerleader, Peter shouldn't have that large scar across his face, since he has regeneration powers at this point, and actually gaining a scar would be nigh impossible.

What's depressing is that it looks like the bomb really is going to go off. All of Issac's paintings, without fail, have come true (although a lot of them are deceptive--i.e. Claire's friend dying because of Sylar, "Nathan" but really Sylar as President). Include that with the Hiro/Charlie episode, and it looks like that predestination is inevitable. . .some minor things can be altered, but the future is already set in motion.
When Hiro (or anybody else) travels through time, I don't think they go back and forth in their OWN timeline, but they jump to another, seperate one. So if Hiro goes back and causes Peter to have Claire's powers, then only in the timeline where he tells Peter that, Peter has her powers. So the timeline from whence he came is completely seperate.
Hiro wasn't trying to save his own timeline, but was trying to ensure the safety of another. In theory.

Maybe Sylar somehow causes Peter to be the bomb, so killing Sylar would inadvertantly keep the bomb from going off?

Wow Virgilijus that's a major hole they left open. Claire shouldn't even be alive in the future timeline.
And Peter should be dead if he never even met Claire since Future Hiro never told him to save her in the 5 Years Later timeline.

Edit: Oh, well you explained that very well Maelstrom. I wasn't so sure about the seperate timelines, so your reasoning makes much more sense.

Edit2: Also I forgot that Mohinder said he remembered Peter meeting Future Hiro in the subway.
So I guess Future Hiro did all he could, but in the end it didn't stop catastrophe. Now it's Hiro's (and Ando's) job to use what he found out in the future to find what Future Hiro missed, and save the world.
But if he actually stops the bomb/kills Sylar/kills Peter, wouldn't we have ALREADY seen the aftereffects of what he's done, in the future? Or has what Hiro plans to do in the past not happened yet in the future? :dizzy:


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I think you've got it right with that last question. What Hiro needs to do has not yet happened.

While the future should contain everything that already has happened, that doesn't seem to be the way they are doing it with this show.

Remember when Hiro went back to save Charlie? When they first walked in Charlie should have said something like 'Hiro where have you been' before splashing him with hot coffee. Hiro's should have been recognized by everyone there, his picture should have been on the wall. But it wasn't.

Hiro's picture did not appear and the other employees did not know who he was until after he went back in time. Variations of the same timeline.

It's the same thing with this episode. We've seen the affects of their faliure but also the affects if their success. Claire is alive in this future. Mohinder remembers what Peter said.

Even thought the future was still bleak it doesn't mean it will always be this way.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
People have assumed that the Haitian (and Parkman, who would be able to mindread through Sylar's disguise) were deliberately kept at a distance so that Sylar's cover would remain intact. i.e. all conversations were held over the phone, or through messages/messengers.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I hate time travelling shows. They make my head hurt.

Anyone ever see Back to the Future? This episode reminded me of that. By changing the past Hiro created a completley seperate timeline. Mealstrom said something like.

I think NBC got confused too. Sylar should have died when Hiro stabbed him, like he should have died when Parkmen shot him in the second episode (I don't know if he stopped those).

Why didn't Parkmen (or anyone else) think it was wierd when Nathan was able to reach through the wall, or the fight? Or when Sylar dropped the illusion? Did none of them look behind them?

Why doesn't Hiro just go back 15 or so years and get rid of Sylar when he was weak?

Does anyone have a guess as to what Molly can do? The show said she was the only one who could stop Sylar, which I disagree with. Mohinder beat Sylar, twice, Bennet beat Sylar, Peter coud beat Sylar, The Hatian could beat him. Everyone is just too lazy to finish him.

Does Nikki have any powers? Or does Jessica have them all?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I bet they mean [about the girl] about the powers, maybe she is unafected by the powers, or can maybe make people use their powers againt their will, if molly where to have that she can make sylar use all the powers at once, a massive overload, super hearng, able to c paint the future, telekenisis, transform mater into liquid, and all of those abilities, maybe he wont be able to stand them all and collapse...

Thats my theory anyway...


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
I think NBC got confused too. Sylar should have died when Hiro stabbed him, like he should have died when Parkmen shot him in the second episode (I don't know if he stopped those).
Well, think about it this way: Future Hiro's original timeline consisted of Future Hiro stabbing a ready-to-explode Sylar, but he regenerated, and the bomb went off. But because Future Hiro went back in time and said to Peter "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World," massive repercussions resulted: Claire didn't die, Sylar didn't gain regeneration, and now Peter is the bomb.

Something so minor caused a major shift and changed Future Hiro's timeline. That said, it's entirely possible that other things changed--for example, maybe Hiro never got around to stabbing Sylar, especially when you consider that now Peter is the bomb. We just don't know the details of the new alternate future that Future Hiro created, and you can't assume that the previous timeline's events are exactly replicated in the new timeline.

And Sylar used TK to stop Parkman's bullets.

Why didn't Parkmen (or anyone else) think it was wierd when Nathan was able to reach through the wall, or the fight? Or when Sylar dropped the illusion? Did none of them look behind them?
Meh. Parkman did give Nathan/Sylar a weird look, but he decided to focus on getting through the door to Hiro. Not surprising; he had a job to focus on, and was under pressure--if he didn't catch Hiro, his head would be on a platter. And by the time Sylar dropped his disguise, those ice/fire explosions probably knocked everyone out, including Parkman. Heck, the door practically blew off the hinges if Mohinder didn't try to stop it.

Why doesn't Hiro just go back 15 or so years and get rid of Sylar when he was weak?
Again, the general idea--which Future Hiro hinted at--is that you want to cause as little repercussions in the timeline as possible. Killing off Sylar that early would screw up lots of things; saving Claire would, hopefully, cause fewer ripples in the timeline. And as you can see, even something that minor drastically changed the future.

It's like the whole "why didn't the eagles fly Sauron's Ring over Middle Earth and just drop it into the Cracks of Doom instead of forcing Frodo to walk a thousand miles." >_> Just don't ask these kinds of questions, I guess.

Does anyone have a guess as to what Molly can do? The show said she was the only one who could stop Sylar, which I disagree with. Mohinder beat Sylar, twice, Bennet beat Sylar, Peter coud beat Sylar, The Hatian could beat him. Everyone is just too lazy to finish him.
Well, there's reasons for all those situations. Mohinder is just stupid in general, Bennet/The Haitian/Eden got the jump on Sylar after he was severely injured, Peter was pwnd with glass. . .and you have to admit, Sylar is a pretty successful serial killer. . .except he has a one-track mind, with his brain-eating and all, which led him to make a few mistakes. All killers do, eventually.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Well, think about it this way: Future Hiro's original timeline consisted of Future Hiro stabbing a ready-to-explode Sylar, but he regenerated, and the bomb went off. But because Future Hiro went back in time and said to Peter "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World," massive repercussions resulted: Claire didn't die, Sylar didn't gain regeneration, and now Peter is the bomb.
The episode made it seem like it was always Peter who was the bomb. Hiro just thought it was Sylar because that's what Nathan wanted everyone to believe. He didn't change anything.
Thats my theory anyway...
I'm thinking the girl will be completely oblivious to any supernatural attack. She'll be able to generate some shield aura around her and her friends.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Sylar looked like he had ice powers in the future episode (Peter charged him with radiation hands while Sylar's turned blue). Maybe Molly can freeze rooms, buildings, towns.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
The episode made it seem like it was always Peter who was the bomb. Hiro just thought it was Sylar because that's what Nathan wanted everyone to believe. He didn't change anything.
Yeah, that's what I thought at first too. . .but if you read the online graphic novel "String Theory" you'll see that Sylar really was the bomb in Future Hiro's original timeline.

And Virgilijus, Sylar always had cryokinesis (freezing powers). If you remember the first time Parkman was introduced, he was at one of Sylar's crime scenes, and a man in front of a bowl of serial was completely frozen with his head open. So yeah, he's had it all along, but we've never seen him use it.

And I bet you that Molly just makes mutants normal. Kind of like that kid in X3, whom they made the cure from.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Yeah, that's what I thought at first too. . .but if you read the online graphic novel "String Theory" you'll see that Sylar really was the bomb in Future Hiro's original timeline.

And Virgilijus, Sylar always had cryokinesis (freezing powers). If you remember the first time Parkman was introduced, he was at one of Sylar's crime scenes, and a man in front of a bowl of serial was completely frozen with his head open. So yeah, he's had it all along, but we've never seen him use it.

And I bet you that Molly just makes mutants normal. Kind of like that kid in X3, whom they made the cure from.
Hmm, that is an interesting thought and very well may be.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Okay, so the new episode of Heroes was kind of. . .underwhelming. But that's only because it was mostly setup, and the fact that nothing could possibly surpass the crazy awesomeness of last week's in-the-apocalyptic-future episode.

Was it just me, or was Sylar's sudden change of heart completely out of character? I mean, obviously I don't understand the mind of a serial murderer very well (*looks around nervously while adjusts collar*), but why would someone who has no qualms about killing suddenly want to avoid being the bomb? Yes, Sylar did give the explanation of the explosion "serving no purpose," but you'd think that his obsession for superpowers would be at the top of his priorities, and any possible consequences (including taking Sprague's radioactive power and exploding) be ****ed.

Molly is adorable. I bet Parkman/Bennet/Sprague are going to have a hard time killing her.

Micah is still annoying, and DL/Jessica still contribute practically nothing to the story.

And is it just me, or is anyone else disturbed by the subtle romantic undertones between Peter and Claire? The constant longing smiles at each other, the touching, the soft talking. . .it's a bit weird.

And I think we should officially start betting on what happens for the series finale. My guess? Sylar kills Ted, and gains his radioactive power, but is killed by Hiro. Peter loses control and is about to explode, and Nathan is trying his best to help Peter, but fails--NYC is decimated, Nathan dies, and only some of the heroes survive because Hiro/DL teleport out/phase through the explosion.

And lol at Sprague aka "Geico Caveman:"
*Peter's hands starts to glow*
Sprague: "What is he doing?"


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Hahaha that last part is funny lol

Anyway, im bettin peter will somehow control the nuculear power (yeah i said nuculear), maybe radioactive ted tells him like "stay calm!" or something, showing him how to control it...

I was dissapointed with mollys power, was expecting something bigger, I dont know how is the "I can find anyone, anywhere" gonna stop a telekinetic, super hearing, matter melting, brain eating psycopath??

I hope they dont kill radioactive ted, I find him awesome, the nucular powers and all that, I find it cool, and not to mention the beard, I hardly c a beard like that around here...

Hiro and sylar confontation = awesome


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I really did not see Linderman's death coming. This guy was set up to be such a huge part of this everything that I was sure he would live into the next season. I wish they hadn't killed Ted, he was a good character but I can see why they killed him. The only concern I have is that death becomes pointless when a show kills of too many characters. It hasn't happened yet but I think they are dangerously close.

I will be very dissapointed if Molly is killed. :p

It's interesting to see how the past (or present) is beginning to change already. In the future Sylar had DL's power but can't get it now. Next week will be the last episode and I'm very excited.

IGN has a story up on season 2 of Heroes. It says the season will have 30 episodes compared to the usual 22. My favorite part is that they will have episodes specifically about new characters who fans can then vote on to join the cast.

Here's the link.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Oh my gosh! Nathan's wife is XENA! I didn't even notice until Monday's episode.

Darn, they killed off two characters I really liked this week. My awe of Linderman was at an all time high when he offered the money to Jessica, and when she refused, just shot DL. That was so cool. He had the gun the whole time but chose not to use it and instead pitted Jessica against her family. That was great!

Erm, violence is bad. <_< >_>

I'm also dissapointed that they killed Ted off too. I was just starting to like him because I thought the fact that he involuntarily killed people around him was something the writers could have used to discuss how people deal with regret and stuff like that. His character would have made for an interesting phychology study. But then he died without resolving his issues about accidentally nuking people... meh

Haha, Molly. :) I dont know exactly how her powers work since I missed last week's episode. Could anyone fill me in? All I know is that she tracks people somehow.

And I think that girl who can change her forms is fat. (forget her name) I dont want to sound mean when I say this. I just noticed that during the scene where she was talking to Micah, she had a glazed look on her face at one point, noticing something sad or troubling, and directly proceeded to stuff a bunch of french fries in her face. Compulsive overeater? It's ok. I've been there too, girlfriend! ;)

*crosses fingers and hopes Sylar dies the next episode becasue he's the worst main villian ever*


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
The way Molly finds people is that she knows where they are when she thinks of them. Not too much goin' on there.

Wouldn't it have made more sense for DL to, instead of taking a bullet by stepping around (through?) Nikki, shared his power with her so it went right through them?
Good thinking, DL.

I would be excited about next week, but honestly I'm more worried it'll just be another anticlimactic letdown. =/


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
And I think that girl who can change her forms is fat. (forget her name) I dont want to sound mean when I say this. I just noticed that during the scene where she was talking to Micah, she had a glazed look on her face at one point, noticing something sad or troubling, and directly proceeded to stuff a bunch of french fries in her face. Compulsive overeater? It's ok. I've been there too, girlfriend! ;)
It's possible. They kind of hinted at it when Micah said that he had a cousin who ate like her and was fat. She got this kind of sad look when she said Linderman would make it so people aren't judged based on their appearance. The writers could also have been trying to allude that she has a mystique-like appearance. But she was eating alot...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Im pissed cause they killed off Radioactive ted, he was one of my fav. for some reasons, also can someone fill me in, how did Peter manage to control teds power? I missed the 1st 3 minutes...

Yeah DL could have just used his ability with jessica to judge the bullet, but u gotta love how he kill Linderman, haha I love the part where jessica saw the cop dude (forgot his name rite no) and goes : Didnt I push u out a window? lol...

Hiro + samurai skills = pwnage!

Cant wait for the next episode, im hopin sylar and peter give us one hell of a fight...


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
Peter didn't do anything really; he just needed time for Ted's power to sink in. Which is funny because Peter never showed any previous signs of absorbing powers.

What's the metaphor along with the painting of the giant Micah walking through New York? Does it represent the beast that he makes by ensuring Nathan gets into office...?

Here's my guess about what happens:
Peter, using Claire's power, gets close to Sylar, who is about to blow up New York. Unfortunately he won't be able to do it so Nathan flies in with Hiro's sword and stabs him. However, we then find out that Sylar used long-distance TK to recieve Claire's power just previous to the stabbing, and thus Sylar doesn't die...
...Until Ando sneaks up behind him and kicks him in the shin, consequently making his head explode.


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
Here's my guess about what happens:
Peter, using Claire's power, gets close to Sylar, who is about to blow up New York. Unfortunately he won't be able to do it so Nathan flies in with Hiro's sword and stabs him. However, we then find out that Sylar used long-distance TK to recieve Claire's power just previous to the stabbing, and thus Sylar doesn't die...
...Until Ando sneaks up behind him and kicks him in the shin, consequently making his head explode.
that was amazing... anyway...I'm probably looking to much into this but how many of you have read The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams? let me quote something from it "One of the major problems encountered in time travel is not that of accidentally becoming your own father or mother. There is no problem involved in becoming your own father or mother that a broad-minded and well-adjusted family can't cope with. There is no problem about changing the course of history- the course of history does not change because it fits together like a jigsaw. All the important changes happened before the things they were supposed to change and it all sorts itself out in the end" lets apply this to Heroes...


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Wouldn't it have made more sense for DL to, instead of taking a bullet by stepping around (through?) Nikki, shared his power with her so it went right through them?
Good thinking, DL.
It was probably faster to take the bullet. Concentrating on using his power for the two of them could have taken too long. We know Hiro definitely has to do this so it may apply for DL as well.
What's the metaphor along with the painting of the giant Micah walking through New York? Does it represent the beast that he makes by ensuring Nathan gets into office...?
I didn't see this painting, (must have been busy playing pokemon) but it probably has something to do with the scene where Micah gets all weird after he messed with the polling booth. Maybe he's able to absorb all the information from the machines he talks to and becomes corrupt with knowledge and power.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
DL had a lame, predictable an unbelievable death considering what his power is, that really failed in my book.

Also Hiro's training was stupid, no one can learn to become a decent swordsmen in less then a day, I did not believe that for a second, another fail.

Ted dies w/o even trying to fight back? WTF he could have gave Sylar a great fight but he just sits there upside down an gets his head taken off, lame.

Does Mohinder really not realize that if he just shoots Bennet in the head he wont have time to react an get a shot off at Molly? idiot, but on the other hand I guess he does not wanna risk it, meh

Peter crys to much

I did not really like this episode at all, next week better make up for it.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
DL had a lame, predictable an unbelievable death considering what his power is, that really failed in my book.
How could it be predictable and unbelievable at the same time? >_> Linderman pulling out that gun was COMPLETELY unexpected for me.
Also Hiro's training was stupid, no one can learn to become a decent swordsmen in less then a day, I did not believe that for a second, another fail.
He's Asian. He can learn to be a decent swordsman in a day if he wanted to. He could get his WoW character to level 60in a day if he wanted to. He could master the Rubik's Cube in a day if he wanted to. He's Asian. Dont question it.

But yeah, I thought it was pretty stupid too. Lame!
Ted dies w/o even trying to fight back? WTF he could have gave Sylar a great fight but he just sits there upside down an gets his head taken off, lame.
I really couldn't imagine myself putting up a fight if I was shackled, just in some big accident, and hanging upside down. He was probably very disoriented. And he didn't "just sit there". His head was popped open in less than two seconds. He was screwed.
Does Mohinder really not realize that if he just shoots Bennet in the head he wont have time to react an get a shot off at Molly? idiot, but on the other hand I guess he does not wanna risk it, meh
I dont think he's properly used a gun before. He's not too sure of his abilities, and he's not a natural killer. (as seen in his pathetic attempt to kill Sylar) Plus, he and Bennet have spoken before. He's emotionally attatched. But yes, Bennet would be able to pull that trigger if he got shot.
Peter crys to much
Tru dat.
I did not really like this episode at all, next week better make up for it.
Me neither. :(
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