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Heroes, a reason to watch NBC this fall


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Hmmm...He tried to do that for the waitress and said that there was no way he could have saved her; no matter what she ended up dying.

Speaking of which, if that was the case, Sylar doesn't have her power; she died of the brain tumor instead, no?


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Well we will see then...

...an thats a good question, I assumed that since he went back to the present time an the murder had still taken place then Sylar did have it though I've yet to see him do it in situations where it would be useful so I dunno really.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Yeah, if he did he would only have to steal Mohinder's little name book for a couple of seconds and he would be set, but he hasn't even attempted that so far.

Any speculations as to Claire's father's past? I'm guessing he was trying to go after Claire's real mother, she fought back and burned the house down and left because she thought Claire was dead and Mr. Bennet, once realizing she was special, decided to keep her (whether or not due to business lines I won't venture).


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Nathan is Claire's dad right, well I really had no clue what to think Claire's dad's past but I think you may be on to something there but what kinda mom leaves her baby to die :/


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
He didn't reverse time when he tried to save Charlie he travled back into time. More of a jump instead of a rewind. Similar but not the exact same.

Sylar can't just kill Mohinder and take his lsit of names. Mohinder is his credibility. When alone Mohinder is a quack and Sylar would be a phsyco. But if there together people are more likely to open up to them. Evidently, Sylar needs to know what someone can do before he kills them.

The vision probably isn't entirely accurate. It's unlikely it will happen exactly as he saw it. Why would Claire show up in her cheerleading uniform?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Has Sylar ever been known to disown an ability so far in the series? I've missed a few episodes. It seems like the super sensitive hearing could be his Achilles Heel if he doesn't get rid of it.

There need to be more bad guys.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
^ I dont think so about Sylar

Chill that prolly right but I was just going on what I've gathered so far lol

y0 Virgilijus seems NBC has comics of Heros an it wa sconfermed that sylar did get Charlies power


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
Commonyoshi, it's possible that Matt will be a bad guy too. Which I think he should, since so much **** has happened to him that he should get a little revenge...
Hopefully on Nikki.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
^ I dont think so about Sylar

Chill that prolly right but I was just going on what I've gathered so far lol

y0 Virgilijus seems NBC has comics of Heros an it wa sconfermed that sylar did get Charlies power
So he can remember everything...hmm, I wonder why he hasn't really used it yet.

I just noticed the dichotomy of Sylar and Peter; both can harness others powers but one succeeds only when he kills them while the other gains them because he has to think of them. Definite light and dark contrast there.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Peter is officially the most broken character ever. At least Sylar has to put in some effort when he gains his powers (a la his whole slicing heads open and purported brain-eating), but all Peter has to do is just be in the person's general proximity.

And the whole fight with HRG/Haitian, and later on with Issac simply proves that Peter is unstoppable. Using all those powers in such quick succession is like Sheik on steroids: broken.

Although, to be honest, the reason why this episode was the greatest Heroes so far is that we actually got to see lots of powers being used. Thank you, to whomever directed that episode. It was good stuff. Hopefully we can finally get some info on what HRG is up to. And Matt, please don't be evil. You're cool enough as you are, being the good guy.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I would say tonight's episode was the best so far: We learned a great deal of backstory, found out that Claire's Dad is actually a loving man, and that the Haitian and Claire are heading off together while Parkman is probably going to be Mr. Bennet's new partner.

Hopefully next episode will keep up the streak. The "Head of the Company" looked like the architect from the Matrix Trilogy, though I believe that actor is dead.



Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
Not to nitpick, but...
Everyone in the episode should be dead (except for Claire) due to Ted's explosiveness. If he accidentally killed his wife without using his power consciously, then everybody in Texas would be a crisp if things were kept in proportion.

It definitely was the best episode in terms of story. It's impossible not to have sympathy for Mr. Bennett now.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
random thoughts:

We don't know who that person is, but someone above said his name is Thompson. He's one of the bosses, that Mr. Bennett work for. Why did the Hiatian shoot him in the end? what you think? Mr. Bennett doesn't want to give them Claire, the Hiatian works for a different boss now I guess, and will keep Claire self and in order to do that, they have to make it seem Mr. Bennett got betrayed and put up a fight to bring them Claire. He also got his memory cleaned because Matt Parkman is now with them.

Why would Mr. Bennett die? he's inside the corporation and in the corporation eyes he hasn't betrayed them. Well they can't find anything out now because Mr. Bennett memory got erased.

Claude aka Mr. Invisible man was Mr. bennett partner just like the Hiatan was to him. The Hiatian is basically acting like Claude, Claude hide someone with powers from the corporation that's why Claude needed to die unless he confess who he stole which he didn't.

I want to know who's that woman towards the end, holding the clipboard.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I think that everyone on Claire's street should be checked for side-effects from the radiation.

So Hiro's dad is in the company too.

Was Simone a Hero? She came back from the dead in the preview. And she looked a little mad.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Why did the Hiatian shoot him in the end? what you think? Mr. Bennett doesn't want to give them Claire, the Hiatian works for a different boss now I guess, and will keep Claire himself and in order to do that, they have to make it seem Mr. Bennett got betrayed and put up a fight to bring them Claire. He also got his memory cleaned because Matt Parkman is now with them.

I want to know who's that woman towards the end, holding the clipboard.
Im pretty sure that the Haitian shot him, as you said, to make it look as though Mr. Bennett didn't want to give up Claire and he had part of his memory erased so he could get past Matt's psychic interludes. Now the question is where is the Haitian going to go with Claire? Are they going to try to find Peter since Claire knows he is one of them and has her best interest in mind or will they just try to play it low key?

The woman at the end wasn't the internet woman, so I have no idea. We'll probably find out about her in the next couple episodes though. I say chances are she has a power.

So Hiro's dad is in the company too.

Was Simone a Hero? She came back from the dead in the preview. And she looked a little mad.
Hiro's dad being in the company (and being rather high in it, from what we saw) makes me wonder what his company (the one Hiro was working at in the beginning) actually does because we know these writer's love twisting plots into themselves. Regardless, the effort is now international.

And I always felt Simone was a plant, that she was just there for Isaac and Peter to bring them in, ever since Persuasion woman (Eden, was it?) tried to do the same for Mohinder. I don't know what her power could be, as she did seem awfully bloody and evil as she stood back up. I'll have to dwell on that one.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Well, last night's episode was less of the whole comic-book geek-out moments (i.e. power spamming) and more characterization a la LOST. Which isn't a bad thing. It's probably the second-best episode out of the whole season so far, with all those emotional/character moments.

Yeah, I really have to nitpick this point: if you know that a guy has the power to explode like a nuclear device, wouldn't you want to GET YO' *** OUT OF THE AREA ASAP?!?!? I'm pretty sure its common knowledge that the range of a nuclear blast--and the range of radioactive fallout--is significantly larger than 20-30 feet from the blast point. Silly Mr. Bennet and family.

And I must have missed this, but why did the Haitian refuse to wipe Claire's mind again? He said to HRG that he had orders to preserve her memory that preceded his. . .but I thought that the higher-ups in the company just wanted to take Claire in general. *is confused*

And HRG is now officially awesome. Thinking in Japanese to throw off Parkman? Thinking fake thoughts to manipulate BOTH Parkman and Sprague so he could reach for a gun? Holy cow. This guy is top-tier for just a normal human.

And props to Parkman for still staying the good guy. I <3 Parkman. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Im pretty sure that the Haitian shot him, as you said, to make it look as though Mr. Bennett didn't want to give up Claire and he had part of his memory erased so he could get past Matt's psychic interludes. Now the question is where is the Haitian going to go with Claire? Are they going to try to find Peter since Claire knows he is one of them and has her best interest in mind or will they just try to play it low key?

The woman at the end wasn't the internet woman, so I have no idea. We'll probably find out about her in the next couple episodes though. I say chances are she has a power.
I think they will try an stay on the downlow while trying to find some others(Peter prolly) but of course they dont wanna direct attention to themselves so it will be interesting.

Yeah I wonder what kinda power she will have, should be good.

Oh yeah an just 2 side notes, I think that clip of Simone was either a dream type thing someone was having or like she aint die :/ also little Hiro was cute =P


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
And I must have missed this, but why did the Haitian refuse to wipe Claire's mind again? He said to HRG that he had orders to preserve her memory that preceded his. . .but I thought that the higher-ups in the company just wanted to take Claire in general. *is confused*

I believe it was because he said her importance to her memory preceded Mr. Bennett's need to have it erased. I guess the Haitian developed some sympathy for Claire and felt that doing it would completely destroy the family.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I loved this episode. Mr. Bennet really suprised me. I had always assumed he wanted to wipe Claire's mind for selfish reasons. You have to feel for the guy now.

I wonder where Claire and the Haitian will go now? I want them to got to New York. But if they want to hide it seems like another country ,let's say Mexico, would be the best place to go. Of course this would allow them to bring Claire's mother back into the picture.

I'm unsure about Simone. The artist who paints the pictures for the character Issace has a few of them on the website. One of them shows Simone with a very evil expression holding a "two-face" briefcase.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Wow. I just saw the episode, and it is by far the greatest episode yet. It even rivals Lost at its best moments.

The only question I have is, will they all die from cancer?


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Man, the writer's have kept the streak of good episodes alive. I really liked tonight's episode: it resolved quite a few things without just dancing around them for forty five minutes and the suspense is really kicking up.

I don't know exactly what the situation with Claire and the Haitian will end up being, but Peter's mother seems to know of their super powers; maybe she has one?

The morphing girl just savors being evil. I feel sorry for Mr. Bennet now, with all the lies, deception, and treachery he has to go through.

Hiro's got his sword and Ando finally got to see what happens to New York. It would be a little more suspenseful if we didn't know Hiro was so chipper when future him came to Peter on the subway in the first season. Needless to say, I am pleased he got his confidence back and will be stopping time and teleporting again.

Mohinder caught Sylar, then Sylar caught him and then Peter. I'm pretty sure Sylar is going to be surprised when Peter starts to kick his ***, which I'm absolutely sure he can. And I'm betting the forehead incision is the scar future Hiro mentioned on the subway train.

Any thoughts?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
It didn't seem to me that Mrs. Petrelli had any powers (unless speaking Haitian is her power =P), but she did know a lot about Claire's current status. Same deal with Mr. Linderman, too. (Funny how the 'NPCs' always know more than the main characters...)

I thought the parts with Sylar and Mohinder were the best. Especially the way Mohinder got Sylar to confess his name. XD
In Isaac's new painting, was that Mohinder with his head cut off, or Isaac?

Sylar reminds me of Dane Cook. His alias' name is a pretty weird coincidence too, eh?

Oh, and Harry Osborn looked pretty bad*** in the Spider-Man 3 preview.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I have a feeling Linderman has a ridiculously powerful ability; a death dealing ability. He said himself that if Nathan shot him that he would die seconds later. Maybe he can transfer his injuries or something ludicrous like that.

And I believe that was Isaac with his head scooped out in the painting, which would explain why Hiro also saw him dead in the future and why Isaac was scared to death when he looked at it.

Harry did look cool, but I wanted to see Venom :(


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
The morphing girl is like Mystique from X-Men. 'Bout time we got someone with those kind of powers lol

I don't know why, but I was really happy to see Ando again. >.> I had a feeling he wouldn't be able to leave Hiro like that.

At first I thought Mohander owned Sylar, but it would have been kinda lame for Sylar to get caught like that. I hope Peter gets him next time.

I wish we didn't have to wait to long for new episodes though. =[


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I think that when Lynderman said Nathan would be dead moments later he meant that his security would kill Nathan. That pie looked good.

She doesn't morph, she creates illusions. Makes people see what she wants them to.

Wouldn't Peter just heal, so no scar?

Does anyone know what Haitian and Mrs. Petrilli said?

How did Sylar stop the IV?

I want to see Spiderman 3. That trailor made it worse.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2007
....... Oh, you were talking to me?
It was a pot pie.

Hiro finally got his sword, and joined once again with Ando. They saw the future, and they think they failed.

The part with Suresh(Mohinder) and Sylar was the best. "What's your name! Let me hear you say it!"


Spider Man 3 looks awesome, as well.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
You know, I love Spider-Man and what Raimi's done with the franchise, but the Green Goblin design has always irked me. Norman was basically a Power Ranger villain, and now Harry's leeching off of the X-Games franchise with his flying snowboard. WHY DO THE GOBLIN DESIGNS SUCK.

. . .as for the Heroes episode, it was pretty darn good. I hope Bennet lives, because he's just way too cool to go down now.

The writers need to be consistent with Nathan's character. Half the time he's portrayed as an *** because of his political ambitions and out-of-wedlock child, and the other half he's made sympathetic because he cares so much about his brother and his family (i.e. revenge against Linderman). . .and now he want to be in league with Linderman.

The (admittedly hot) Primatech girl definitely isn't morphing. She's affecting the person's perception of reality, which was seen when she made Simone's body vanish when she took on her shape. She's more like Mysterio (from Spider Man) than a Mystique.

And Mohinder is officially the Stupidest Doctor Ever. It took him a while to figure out that "Zane" was Sylar. And then when he finally has the chance to kill him, HE STARTS MONOLOGUING. Just get the spinal fluid AFTER the telekinetic psycho-killer/brain-eater is dead. And when Mohinder does get the sample, he turns his back to Sylar and spends a huge amount of time focused on codons instead of taking care of the crazy supervillain guy. Jeez.

I can't believe that Future Peter's scar is from Sylar's finger saw. Having a horizontal line across your forehead isn't THAT disfiguring. And I still think that Sylar eats brains to get powers. :chuckle:


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2005
Towson, MD
wow dude
I hate when shows do this... they make you wait
and what about future peter?
i only saw the last 20 minutes....


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Here are a couple of reasons why I think this is the scar that Hiro mentioned on Peter:

1) If the archetypal hero has a scar, it is almost always from his arch enemy or nemesis; it stays with him throughout his journey to remind him and push him. Frodo got stabbed by a Wringwraith, Luke got his hand cut off by Darth Vader. Sylar is Peter's nemesis and this will always keep it that way.

2) Peter can heal. He could heal any wound any one caused by the time Future Hiro saw it. It only makes sense that if he has a scar in the future that he chose to keep it. So, he decides to keep the scar that his archnemesis gave him to spur him on, especially at a turning point of the series.

3) It is visible and can easily remind people of Sylar's danger. If it was on his back or chest it would not be as profound. And, how would future Hiro see it if it were hidden by clothes?

Despite all of these reasons, I will still probably be wrong.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
Wait, so Sylar had his powers the whole time, right? Because he blocked the IV as soon as he woke, but you'd think he would have stopped Mohinder from taking the spinal fluid.

The Haitian got to NY pretty fast, too.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Wait, so Sylar had his powers the whole time, right? Because he blocked the IV as soon as he woke, but you'd think he would have stopped Mohinder from taking the spinal fluid.

The Haitian got to NY pretty fast, too.
I think it was that at a point, Sylar started developing a small tolerance for it and for a moment was able to telekinetically turn off the IV. Then he pretended that it was still working so he could get the drugs out of his system (so he could be at full strength) before stopping Mohinder's bullet and escaping.

And I have no idea how the Haitian got to New York so quickly, despite knowing that Claire was probably going there.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I only saw the second half of the episode because SOMEONE was keeping me on the computer. You know who you are. (Or maybe you dont. :urg:) I'll just watch the first half over the weekend on YouTube.

Stupid Sylar! You dont deserve to be the main villian. You are constantly being defeated by those weaker than you. Muhinder? Bloody Mohinder got you?! You suck!

I probably wouldn't be so annoyed if there were ten villians or soemthing. Having only one supervillian so far in the series and making him so lame/weak/foolish is rediculous.

PS: Mohinder rocks. He's actually my second favorite character after Hiro. I was just stating my annoyance at Sylar getting defeated by someone who possessed no powers.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
commonyoshi said:
Stupid Sylar! You dont deserve to be the main villian. You are constantly being defeated by those weaker than you. Muhinder? Bloody Mohinder got you?! You suck!
Well, it's not really that much of an issue. You have to remember that Mohinder is a doctor, so he's *supposed* to be smart. . .ignoring the fact that it took a while for him to realize "Zane" was Sylar, and his apparent love for monologuing.

Plus, Sylar is so obsessed with satisfying his brain-eating lust, that it's perfectly understandable that his overeagerness would lead him to make a few mistakes. Hell, he couldn't even hold off killing that super-hearing woman before getting a hold of the whole list. And he certainly didn't take care of Zane's body properly.

I think Sylar needs to learn a few lessons from Dexter. >_>
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