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Heroes, a reason to watch NBC this fall


Jul 10, 2007
West Jordan, Utah
Yeah, I don't like any of D.L.'s actors rolls: Drum Line, Buffy, and Heroes. I know there is more.... can't remember though.

I don't like Nikki's actor either, too much of a s-l-u-t.


Smash Rookie
Oct 6, 2007
Haha, i absolutly love heroes. I bought the Box set on the day it came out "ultimate collectors 8 disk edition" haha im such a nerd. I love peter's actor, he's really into it and a good actor. I don't mind d.l. at all.

one thing i found aweful was when i watched the unaired piolt. Everyone who is a heroes fan should be glad that heroes turned the way it did. The original episode had a lot to do with terrorists, and not too much sylar. So it probably would have turned into a show where they save the world from terrorists, which would have been horrid.

also, as far of season two.. i've found it to be rather boring. With clair being a total ***** and all, for no reason. Hiro's plot is kinda boring, and a lot of the other plots are boring. I'm not too sure, but i hope the season goes better than this.. so im waiting to make a real opinion. Peters plot, is starting to annoy me..why was he there? how'd he loose his memory? didnt he go boom?

haha :)


Jul 10, 2007
West Jordan, Utah
WTF?? What happened to Syler?? I sorta felt bad for that girl he killed, and that she was fat... poor girl. I'd change my appearance too. But wow, crazy!!!!!!

AND YAY, I was happy to see Claire find out she wasn't alone in all of this. ;) Crazy about her dad though. Thats going to cause some drama in the future....


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I'm mad they didn't bring back Candace... the actually actress who played her. She was a looker.

God this Fairy boy moving in on Claire though, I hope he's not just a simple flyer. Watch him end up as another glorified sperm donation from Nathan Petrelli.. Yuck.

What a twist with that Mr. Bennett prediction though... They better change that outcome seriously! He's one of my favorite characters.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
^ The actor that played Candice (Missy Perigren or something) must have been up to bigger and better things

And what's up with Sylar? I hope he hasn't lost his powers for good, it kinda seems like it he didn't even eat new Candice's brain!?


Jul 10, 2007
West Jordan, Utah
Well, we don't know if he eats it. We don't know what he does to their brains. Not even the comics reveal that, but yeah I didn't see her head off...

And maybe what happened to Peter is the same thing that happened to Sylar, except they took his powers away and blocked them completely. OR, transfered EVERYTHING into Peter, because he had a look of evil in his eyes when he attacked that guy in the bar.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
That crazy kid that has a thing for Claire really gets on my nerves. The kid has no common sense whatsoever...

Also, I kind of feel sorry for the 90 Ronins thta were guarding that scroll; their whole life that is all they trained for and then one day an immortal guy who doesn't even want to take the scroll slaughters them all. I bet they wished they had been sushi vendors instead...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
It looks like Sylar either temporarily/permanently lost his powers or Candice has him in another illusion which would have Sylar believing she is dead while she really isn't. I really liked Candice though, the form she was most known for anyway. If Sylar got a hold of her power, the episode 'Five Years Gone' would have some truth to it.

And yeah, that West kid needs to die. Claire was my favorite character on the show until he came and ruined it. I'm interested in seeing how Claire reacts when she finds out Peter is alive but doesn't have any memory of her. :p

Virgilijus said:
Also, I kind of feel sorry for the 90 Ronins thta were guarding that scroll; their whole life that is all they trained for and then one day an immortal guy who doesn't even want to take the scroll slaughters them all. I bet they wished they had been sushi vendors instead...
Lol, I hadn't though of it that way. Ah well, I'm sure they were bored staying there all day long sitting next to a scroll anyway.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I liked yesterdays episode, the whole claire and the guy thing bored me, but found it funny when: "But what if a normal person were to mate with the lizard girl?" lol...

hope they dont kill claires dad hes awesome, and the whole sylar thing was kinda wacked...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
The wonder twins are so annoying it hurts. Three weeks in and theyve repeated the same thing each week. They need to intergrate into the main storyline and quick.

Sylar is back and thankgod.

Peter story must be leading to something bigger.

HRG wont die. We need a kick *** character without a power (I like Ando and Mohinder but they hardly classify as bad ***).

West needs to be Sylar'd or to be revealed as a plant for the company. Everyone despises the smug little **** so im sure hed make a great villain (one you actually want to die unlike Sylar).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
In the painting I thought I saw Claire with somebody in the background. Maybe not though, I'll re-watch it to make sure.
My guess though, West has a grudge on HRG and tries to take him out, whilst wooing Claire.
Probably not, but possible.

Why won't someone kill Sylar? I know he is a liked character (by some) but the guy won't die. Why does the company keep wanting to use him, when he has a nasty habit of killing (or trying to kill) their employees.

Nightmare Man? If he sticks with that name I'll be upset. Kind of a generic name.

I think Peter might be getting corrupted by his powers.
"With great power..." don't know if he is aware of the second half of that yet.

Want to see the plots converge again. How is it that almost all of the characters got seperated after the first season? What happened to "divided we fall"?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
I'm not sure why, the instant West started flying with Claire I had some heavy FFX nostalgia rushin' back. Except, in this scenario the GIRL is the one with the emotional insecurity and annoying, whiny lines.
Maybe that's why West doesn't seem that bad.

'Divide and conquer' works just as well in cases Applejack. They're superhuman, after all. Give 'em some credit.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I've finally figured why I like watching Heroes so much. It's not because I like the plot or the characters. I like picking out the flaws in each episode. Weird.

Claire has become incredibly stupid. She seemed to dislike her father at the end of the episode after that second flying guy revealed he was "hunted" by her father. Oh please. She knows that was his job, and she also knows he's a good guy. Now there's this family drama out of nowhere. Lame. I really hope I misread the situation.

Flying boy number two had the best line in the whole show about mating with lizards. The only bad part about this was that it made Claire cry like an annoying baby.

Hiro has become lame. :(

I feel bad for the actress that played the real Candice. "Hey, you're ugly. You're fat. Here's some money to play the dead, fat version of her. What? No, your face isn't even shown. Just lay down and die, please."


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I love how Mohinder has a power, in that his blood is the cure for that disease. Its unorthodox.

I feel bad for the actress that played the real Candice. "Hey, you're ugly. You're fat. Here's some money to play the dead, fat version of her. What? No, your face isn't even shown. Just lay down and die, please."
Heavier actors know what they're doing when they get into the business. I don't feel sorry for her at all, lol. In fact, I'm happy that she got a spot on a hit tv show. Either you have to start somewhere, or its great on her resume. Take your pick. :)

I agree with ManBearPig on the reason why Sylar is having trouble. It makes the most sense to me.

it kinda seems like it [Sylar] didn't even eat new Candice's brain!?
I was always under the impression that he picked apart their brains, like he did with watches. He observed the differences and found out how the mutation worked. Thats his power, right? He can discover how things work?

I think that Peter is a "good soul", and although his previous personality was full of good intentions, I believe that when he suffered from his amnesia he lost that confidence in humanity.
Were going on the fact that after he exploded, his body put itself back together, right? So he lost little things like memories.
Now that he isn't a nurse for dying people, he's not so sure about himself.

I also think that the
new flying kid is a plant by the company.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Claire has become incredibly stupid. She seemed to dislike her father at the end of the episode after that second flying guy revealed he was "hunted" by her father. Oh please. She knows that was his job, and she also knows he's a good guy. Now there's this family drama out of nowhere. Lame. I really hope I misread the situation.
Agree, I was annoyed with Nikki for the same reason. "Oh Micah I have to go I need a cure!!1". Idiot, Jessica is gone now there is nothing wrong with you. She seems to have control over her strength as I didn't see her crush anyone to death. What's wrong with her now? I'm convinced she just wants to dump Micah.

Oh, and I thought she divorced DL. lol guess not.
Hiro has become lame. :(
Meh, I never liked him save for a few lines like "flying man".
I feel bad for the actress that played the real Candice. "Hey, you're ugly. You're fat. Here's some money to play the dead, fat version of her. What? No, your face isn't even shown. Just lay down and die, please."
Heavier actors know what they're doing when they get into the business. I don't feel sorry for her at all, lol. In fact, I'm happy that she got a spot on a hit tv show. Either you have to start somewhere, or its great on her resume. Take your pick
How is that great on your resume? Hi I played the dead,fat girl on Heroes. Oh yeah, there's a potential oscar winner. Playing the girl in Hairspray is good on your resume. This? Not so much.

edit: Oh,yeah before I forget. Candice better not be dead or else. Seriously, can't she just mind **** Sylar? Show his skin dissovling or something? If the illusion is convincing enough it becomes the truth.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
How is that great on your resume? Hi I played the dead,fat girl on Heroes. Oh yeah, there's a potential oscar winner. Playing the girl in Hairspray is good on your resume. This? Not so much.
I'm not an idiot... obviously it's not a great success like being overweight, being found at your job and being cast in such a star-studded movie like Hairspray. But "a job is a job" most definitely applies here. If you're an actor trying to find work, you're saying that not taking a role (no matter how minor, including only seeing your body) is better than taking it? 1) I'm sure she got paid. 2) I'm sure she learned something while on the set. 3) Yeah, I do believe that the word "Heroes" on her resume is helpful.

You didn't have to be so demeaning in your post. :x I didn't do anything to you.

If the illusion is convincing enough it becomes the truth.
Do you watch House?
The finale of season two had a lot to do with that.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I'm not an idiot... obviously it's not a great success like being overweight, being found at your job and being cast in such a star-studded movie like Hairspray. But "a job is a job" most definitely applies here. If you're an actor trying to find work, you're saying that not taking a role (no matter how minor, including only seeing your body) is better than taking it? 1) I'm sure she got paid. 2) I'm sure she learned something while on the set. 3) Yeah, I do believe that the word "Heroes" on her resume is helpful.

You didn't have to be so demeaning in your post. :x I didn't do anything to you.

Do you watch House?
The finale of season two had a lot to do with that.
I wasn't being demeaning I just don't agree. I didn't say she shouldn't take the job I just don't think it would be worth adding it to the resume. All she did was lay face down on the ground. So not only was she cast just for her (bad) body but her face was not shown and she had no speaking parts. She was just an extra. Now that I think about it I'm not even sure that was a real person.

One more complaint. The twins. What the heck? They had the exact same story as last episode. The two were seperated with the guy falling behind. She kills a few people and he fixes things. I thought they were across the border already? Are you telling me that in Mexico you can't even travel from town to town without getting shot?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
They got in trouble because Alejandro tried to steal a car, not because they were walking in the middle of town.
Also that shows that the sister is using her powers to meaningfully kill multiple people for what she thought was right, which is basically what Sylar was doing. That's some pretty important character development, no?
And now they have an American in tow, with a car.

And guys what do you think? Does the woman Micah is staying with have a power? :laugh:


Jul 10, 2007
West Jordan, Utah
Tom said:
I also think that the
new flying kid is a plant by the company.
Wow. Interesting! I can see that. He wants to get closer to Claire, to get closer to her father. Maybe, but, why would West tell Claire about HRG?

Joe C

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
You're right, Genius! West is a complete dork. I forgot what the profanity rules were on this board but I would call him a bunch of other things too. haha


Nov 4, 2000
Champaign, IL
The first two episodes of season 4 of The Office were only "okay" in my opinion. They seemed a little too .. packed. Sort of like any movie series or TV show where the cast and crew get more and more ambitious.

The third episode is better, though. Maybe they were just trying to bring things up to speed with the first two. Spoiler time:
Dwight racing a website for most sales was pretty good, especially when it started messaging him. The launch party subplot was a nice grounding theme that kept this episode more humble in my opinion, and made the office feel more believable, even if it did set us up for a pizza boy hostage.


Aug 19, 2001
Love never blows up and gets killed.
Omg. I have never seen heroes before thursday night at 6:45 pm central time. My friend had told me that I needed to watch it, but i was highly skeptical. he sat me down, and with the 1st season he had purchased, he showed me what i had been missing.


I love it. It's so well written, and not Super Hero based or anything! I mean they have powers but they don't put on capes and go running around, which makes it just as badass!

I LOVE Matt and Hiro and Ando and Mohinder, and Sylar is the best thing to happen to villians since The Joker.

The other characters with their individual struggles all coming together like that is just so crazy I just can't wait to begin watching season 2!

but yeah, this show made me happy.

and as a side note, Claire is SO ****ING HOTT I'm beside myself.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Out of all the wrestling moves that Monica could have mimic'd..... She mimics the 619... What? No Stone Cold Stunner?

Sylar is still awesome. "Golly!"

This Claire and West love storyline is such a dud right now. It reminds me of some Lois & Clark crap. I hope it gets to the juicy stuff soon.

I'm still rootin for Nathan to become a major protagonist. I've taken a liking to his character since the 3rd episode of last season.

I don't get how none of the heroes really remember each other..

Veronica Mars better impress me with the Peter Storyline.. that's been a dud so far too.

Of course I'm probably too nitpicky right now since it's only episode 4 or 5 right now.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I like this episode a lot, I mean the little black girl doin 619 = EPIC WIN

but seriously im GLAD they put the mexicans with sylar, thats how we roll mexicans, facing danger even tough we dont know where it is...


anyway the whole molly thing was awesome, ZOMG PARKMANS DAD IS DA BAD GUY!!1!1one = awesome

I give this episod 8/10, since there wasnt a lot of action, but glad the story is getting better...

and the whole claire and the boy thing bores me...


Jul 10, 2007
West Jordan, Utah
Haha everybody hates the Claire/West thing. I must be the only girl here. And girls like that kind of stuff. Even being married I still find it very cute and romantic. hehe :p
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