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Heir to the Monado. Shulk General Discussion/Social Thread

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Harbinger of smut and drag queens
Aug 13, 2013
Emphasis on the Xenoblade discussion lately :p

I'm not sure a chain attack Final Smash would work myself (since you'd want at least one AT for Xenoblade I'm sure). However, I don't have exact attack names, but it'd be cool if the party worked the system of Topple/Daze/Break/etc; into the Final Smash. Inflicting the statuses to inflict more damage, while leaving the enemy vulnerable at the end.

Basically what ZX just said :p
Unless you gave the AT spot to someone not in the party, like Alvis or D!ckson. Alvis plz.

I've been thinking that a chain attack final smash could have every party member in it if executed properly, since Smash is more than willing to bend canon, but frankly, it might take too long to show all of them.


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
Unless you gave the AT spot to someone not in the party, like Alvis or D!ckson. Alvis plz.

I've been thinking that a chain attack final smash could have every party member in it if executed properly, since Smash is more than willing to bend canon, but frankly, it might take too long to show all of them.
Nah, Diqson wouldn't work as an AT. The only spot he deserves is a playable one.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Wait, you mean people played Awakening and didn't realise who Robin was? :joyful:Wow.
Sadly, there seems to be a large number of people who either haven't played Awakening and only know Lucina and Chrom, or actually played Awakening and couldn't recognize Robin. Just looking at a number of reaction videos, there are a lot of people who get all excited about Lucina, saying how much they love her character, and then have absolutely no clue who Robin is. I've seen a few people who mistook Robin for Tharja while he still had the hood on, and for Shulk when he took it off.


Linkle Linkle Little Star
Mar 28, 2014
How could anyone mistake Robin for Shulk? Dammit, what is wrong with people? They're nothing alike. *long sigh*


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013


1. SmashChu
2. yani
3. Guybrush20X6
4. foolssigma
5. Zzuxon
6. DragonSniperNintendo
7. yoonb
8. Ember Reaper
9. R-Trigger
10. Final Smash Gamer
11. XStarWarriorX
12. Xenoblaze
13. Brawler610
14. BluePikmin11
15. egaddmario
16. DaDavid
17. TitanTeaTime
18. Lamasis
19. TaichiYaegashi
20. MooseSmuggler
22. SkittleE
23. GuyWithTheFace
24. bentendo222
25. Solfiner
26. Severn
27. BluePsychic
28. ZXMechonHunter
29. Staarih
30. fogbadge
31. Creo
32. ChibiIceClimberz
33. Oracle_Summon
34. SmashLover777
35. Banjodorf
36. KingBro1
37. MorbidAltruism
38. Nonstop Hype Train
39. Blue Rogue
40. Mistress Nicole
41. Sheddy
42. HyperSlash
43. Spazzy_D
44. NonSpecificGuy
45. CrimsonVallier
46. Muster
47. Interloper
48. RawstyleEevee
49. Rikobomo
50. Jje09
51. Pega-pony princess
52. The Curious Volnutt
53. Megadoomer
54. Whit
55. Pacack
56. Raccoonman_900
57. FinalStarmen
58. BigAxle
59. SpindaMaster
60. Mechonis
61. Cereal Bawks
62. AuraWielder
63. Kikwi-kiwi
64. DraginHikari
65. APC99
66. Drclaw411
67. Altais
68. Ariand/AEM
69. Louie G.
70. Renji64
71. TCT-Phantom
72. Mirron
73. Mishudo
74. Reila
75. DustyPumpkin
76. CardiganBoy
77. WonderSmash
78. Es. Dinah
79. Mr. Seven
80. Oz37
81. Gengar84
82. Chandelure
83. Jerry Applesauce
84. 8-bit man
85. GuyWithTheFace
86. BlastState
87. JaidynReiman
88. GloriousV
89. ThatWasPeachy
90. False Sense
91. Mega Bidoof
92. Alvis
93. Plain Yogurt
94. HylianRaider
95. IronFish
96. Mega Hawlucha
97. CheeseBroJoe
98. Vegito2727
99. ultimatekoopa
100. Banjo-Kazooie
101. Neon Borealis
102. skaaaa
103. Hokori
104. ScatmansWorld25
105. obeymalleo
106. Zhadgon
107. Skyfox2000
108. Sonic Poke
109. ArcticWolf
110. WingedSnagret
111. Scoliosis Jones
112. shinpichu
113. XLemmy-KoopaX
114. JediSuperSonic
115. CrusherMania1952
116. Weeman
117. Spinosaurus
118. Gravitational23
119. Miffa
120. Shorts
121. Drakonis
122. RogersBase
123. DilowcsNollsnn
124. Ussi
125. ChronoTempest
126. Enlong
127. vanderzant
128. sheik93
129. 8-peacock-8
130. TheTizzler
131. Inawordyes
132. DarkAres
133. Weeginji
134. Wondra
135. kikaru
136. LaniusShrike
137. Omega-Smasher
138. Neanderthal
139. Captain Hotcakes
140. stevenchina
142. Vintage Creep
143. TerraRizerKing
144. Venus of the Desert Bloom
145. Holder of the Heel
146. Sabrewulf238
147. Z1GMA
148. ShichibukaJimbe
149. Bowserlick
150. TumblrFamous
151. Chris Baker
152. Weedy Spyze
153. Maxoxpower
154. FastBlade5035
155. Sonicguy726
156. Jocario Zero
157. YT123
158. Wanderer From Roseyard
159. DeadlyBlade999
160. Oblivion129
161. FirstBlade
162. soviet prince
163. Stompman
164. HotFeet444
165. Chromvoy
166. TwentyTwo
167. dezeray112
168. Aguki90
169. 106Ghost
170. Neo Zero
171. Sol_Vent
172. M23-X0
173. Rioni
174. ClinkStryphart
175. Omniomega
176. Fandangox
177. TS
178. KumaOso
179. A Lucky Person
180. samsparta21
181. Serpdrako
182. Karmantix
183. Tackman91
184. Sun Sol
185. GM_3826
186. Blue Fang
187. GOofyGV
188. R.O.B.
189. ErenJager
190. jaytalks
191. GraveEclipse567
192. MetalMario128
193. Non-Specific Action Hero
194. Makaronileo
195. hinata2000100
196. Glaciacott
197. Valyoda
198. Aurora Jenny
199. Lizardon
200. Zoroarking
201. Rosalina
202. LeeYawshee
203. Noiblade
204. Rebellious Treecko
205. TechPowah
206. ToothiestAura
207. simpleglitch
208. LEGOfan12
209. Supermodel from Paris
210. TheSmasher916
211. SiLeNtDoOm
212. ThomasTerminator
213. tehponycorn
214. CliffJumper
215. cephalopod17
216. Goesasu
217. Earthbound_PKMN_Trainer
218. Protom
219. Vann Accessible
220. DaUsername
221. UberMadman
222. Bladeviper
223. AncientBaby
224. sunfallSeraph
225. Grimnir
226. Artorias
227. Master of Blades
228. Robertman2
229. Gamer YTP
230. kaliskonig
231. Senselessbreak
232. Shrekitralph
233. Sazarith
234. Ascended
235. Cheesedork
236. Cheezey Bites
237. TheTuninator
238. Godzillathewonderdog
239. Cutthemac
240. Swampasaur
241. LadPrime
242. Chalphy
243. ZanZero
244. PITe
245. KaBlamJamDan
246. Laniv
247. KingofZeroX
249. Rosalina
250. ItsRainingGravy
251. X-IkeSama-X
252. Opposum
253. Onyx Oblivion
254. Starphoenix
255. AgatioGanon
256. nessokman
257. BillyTheKid
258. Lightosia
259. slambros
260. Redmagpie93
261. cool mario bros
262. Lautsuu~
263. Luugyhero12
264. MasterWarlord
265. youngsora1
266. Deviddo
267. bilbo43
269. Connery
270. Beatness
271. Delzethin
272. Flaxr XIII
273. Project Angel
274. artisticgamerxl
275. Narwalgod
276. PurpleExcadrill
277. SureNsync
278. RODO
279. ZeldaMaster
280. MexM
281. King Orfut
282. -Rhythm-
283. JosukeM
284. Darkrai Lv. 1000
285. JediSuperSonic
286. AfricanSanta
287. colder_than_ice
288. Blazeth
289. deuxhero
290. Zaxis
291. Robotic Wind
292. Tetra's Tracker
293. Gingerbread Man
294. goldglover5
295. aldelaro5
296. Tillie-152
297. TheRandomCities4
298. Frank Weast
299. MegaLagann
300. a Link to the Forums
301. AndyJoe522
302. AvionFinch
303. Xavier :D
304. domokl
305. GmanSir
306. Rosalina&Greninja
307. skstylez
308. CaptainCrisb
309. Ingoro
310. CaptainLucario
311. erico9001
312. Kikkipoptart12
313. Dunban
314. Thekewlusername
315. Valkyrie_Nyx
316. SchAlternate
317. Minato Arisato
318. Bebe Mignon
319. Furil
320. DukeNapoleon
321. Pokechu
322. DuwangAnon
323. Iggy K
324. Rie Sonomura
325. neoHopeStF
326. DarkRyu
327. ToasterBrains
328. Serpdrako
329. SamTheMan711
330. Turokman5896
331. Lucimar
332. fenyx4
333. Makrrrrrr
334. Haydossy
335. Link_enfant
336. ChosenZelos
337. Random name is random
338. magnobssed
339. AlvisCPU
340. WertQuadNine
341. NoJohnsJabroni
342. SilverSoul24
343. Thebluecomet
344. FinkRat
345. zippy3214
346. BlueHunterZero
347. Kind Dedede
348. Shyolk
349. Fistex
350. Cheesedork
351. Icedragonadam
352. Swords4Life
353. SnapDrake_Games
354. SolarKirby
355. continuityOfficer
356. PhilosophicAnimal
357. JakeBaker
358. Starlight42
359. Metal Face (Mumkar)
360. SilverSun247
361. SolemnDivine
362. fefe1688
363. SethTheMage
364. Robotic Wind
365. Melia
366. Mumkar
367. Flynn.Scifo
368. Fiora
369. Mysterious Face
370. Sharla
371. DarkStarStorm
372. DoubleDeeEddBoy
373. XLIFE
374. T.R "River"
375. Bunny8093
376. Zwzchow
377. TailsLuigi
378. CharleeAlex
379. OblivionWolf
380. Theotakugirl9
381. monadoboy
382. Mewtwoultima
383. Burrino
384. Xenado
385. Flying-Maro
386. BoxedCookies
387. oni333
388. derrickd95
389. TheFearsomeRyan
390. firebrand38
391. IVIr.G
392. Killswitch0078
393. AuraBlade
394. Shun_one.
395. Sandfall
396. sunnyman
397. ThatLunaticFeline
398. Subliminal
399. FiXalaS
400. MangoTwist
401. berserker01
402. Samuel Intrater
403. Evello
404. XenothiumX
405. DarkChaoseGames
406. Da Black Rabbit
407. BandanaWaddleDee
408. TBuster222
409. AlgusUnderdunk
Last edited:


Bring me my booty!
Jun 9, 2014
Sadly, there seems to be a large number of people who either haven't played Awakening and only know Lucina and Chrom, or actually played Awakening and couldn't recognize Robin. Just looking at a number of reaction videos, there are a lot of people who get all excited about Lucina, saying how much they love her character, and then have absolutely no clue who Robin is. I've seen a few people who mistook Robin for Tharja while he still had the hood on, and for Shulk when he took it off.
Yes, she looks totally like Robin. Especially the dark veil over her skin and her skimpy clothing and... Uh.
Besides, how can Robin be mistaken for Shulk in the trailer when he doesn't even carry the Monado? And even without the Monado being there, Shulk doesn't look like Robin at all anyway.
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Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
Sadly, there seems to be a large number of people who either haven't played Awakening and only know Lucina and Chrom, or actually played Awakening and couldn't recognize Robin. Just looking at a number of reaction videos, there are a lot of people who get all excited about Lucina, saying how much they love her character, and then have absolutely no clue who Robin is. I've seen a few people who mistook Robin for Tharja while he still had the hood on, and for Shulk when he took it off.
Ha, I'd love to see these reaction videos just for a good laugh. I just really don't see how you can get Shulk and Robin mixed up from appearance...


1. SmashChu
2. yani
3. Guybrush20X6
4. foolssigma
5. Zzuxon
6. DragonSniperNintendo
7. yoonb
8. Ember Reaper
9. R-Trigger
10. Final Smash Gamer
11. XStarWarriorX
12. Xenoblaze
13. Brawler610
14. BluePikmin11
15. egaddmario
16. DaDavid
17. TitanTeaTime
18. Lamasis
19. TaichiYaegashi
20. MooseSmuggler
22. SkittleE
23. GuyWithTheFace
24. bentendo222
25. Solfiner
26. Severn
27. BluePsychic
28. ZXMechonHunter
29. Staarih
30. fogbadge
31. Creo
32. ChibiIceClimberz
33. Oracle_Summon
34. SmashLover777
35. Banjodorf
36. KingBro1
37. MorbidAltruism
38. Nonstop Hype Train
39. Blue Rogue
40. Mistress Nicole
41. Sheddy
42. HyperSlash
43. Spazzy_D
44. NonSpecificGuy
45. CrimsonVallier
46. Muster
47. Interloper
48. RawstyleEevee
49. Rikobomo
50. Jje09
51. Pega-pony princess
52. The Curious Volnutt
53. Megadoomer
54. Whit
55. Pacack
56. Raccoonman_900
57. FinalStarmen
58. BigAxle
59. SpindaMaster
60. Mechonis
61. Cereal Bawks
62. AuraWielder
63. Kikwi-kiwi
64. DraginHikari
65. APC99
66. Drclaw411
67. Altais
68. Ariand/AEM
69. Louie G.
70. Renji64
71. TCT-Phantom
72. Mirron
73. Mishudo
74. Reila
75. DustyPumpkin
76. CardiganBoy
77. WonderSmash
78. Es. Dinah
79. Mr. Seven
80. Oz37
81. Gengar84
82. Chandelure
83. Jerry Applesauce
84. 8-bit man
85. GuyWithTheFace
86. BlastState
87. JaidynReiman
88. GloriousV
89. ThatWasPeachy
90. False Sense
91. Mega Bidoof
92. Alvis
93. Plain Yogurt
94. HylianRaider
95. IronFish
96. Mega Hawlucha
97. CheeseBroJoe
98. Vegito2727
99. ultimatekoopa
100. Banjo-Kazooie
101. Neon Borealis
102. skaaaa
103. Hokori
104. ScatmansWorld25
105. obeymalleo
106. Zhadgon
107. Skyfox2000
108. Sonic Poke
109. ArcticWolf
110. WingedSnagret
111. Scoliosis Jones
112. shinpichu
113. XLemmy-KoopaX
114. JediSuperSonic
115. CrusherMania1952
116. Weeman
117. Spinosaurus
118. Gravitational23
119. Miffa
120. Shorts
121. Drakonis
122. RogersBase
123. DilowcsNollsnn
124. Ussi
125. ChronoTempest
126. Enlong
127. vanderzant
128. sheik93
129. 8-peacock-8
130. TheTizzler
131. Inawordyes
132. DarkAres
133. Weeginji
134. Wondra
135. kikaru
136. LaniusShrike
137. Omega-Smasher
138. Neanderthal
139. Captain Hotcakes
140. stevenchina
142. Vintage Creep
143. TerraRizerKing
144. Venus of the Desert Bloom
145. Holder of the Heel
146. Sabrewulf238
147. Z1GMA
148. ShichibukaJimbe
149. Bowserlick
150. TumblrFamous
151. Chris Baker
152. Weedy Spyze
153. Maxoxpower
154. FastBlade5035
155. Sonicguy726
156. Jocario Zero
157. YT123
158. Wanderer From Roseyard
159. DeadlyBlade999
160. Oblivion129
161. FirstBlade
162. soviet prince
163. Stompman
164. HotFeet444
165. Chromvoy
166. TwentyTwo
167. dezeray112
168. Aguki90
169. 106Ghost
170. Neo Zero
171. Sol_Vent
172. M23-X0
173. Rioni
174. ClinkStryphart
175. Omniomega
176. Fandangox
177. TS
178. KumaOso
179. A Lucky Person
180. samsparta21
181. Serpdrako
182. Karmantix
183. Tackman91
184. Sun Sol
185. GM_3826
186. Blue Fang
187. GOofyGV
188. R.O.B.
189. ErenJager
190. jaytalks
191. GraveEclipse567
192. MetalMario128
193. Non-Specific Action Hero
194. Makaronileo
195. hinata2000100
196. Glaciacott
197. Valyoda
198. Aurora Jenny
199. Lizardon
200. Zoroarking
201. Rosalina
202. LeeYawshee
203. Noiblade
204. Rebellious Treecko
205. TechPowah
206. ToothiestAura
207. simpleglitch
208. LEGOfan12
209. Supermodel from Paris
210. TheSmasher916
211. SiLeNtDoOm
212. ThomasTerminator
213. tehponycorn
214. CliffJumper
215. cephalopod17
216. Goesasu
217. Earthbound_PKMN_Trainer
218. Protom
219. Vann Accessible
220. DaUsername
221. UberMadman
222. Bladeviper
223. AncientBaby
224. sunfallSeraph
225. Grimnir
226. Artorias
227. Master of Blades
228. Robertman2
229. Gamer YTP
230. kaliskonig
231. Senselessbreak
232. Shrekitralph
233. Sazarith
234. Ascended
235. Cheesedork
236. Cheezey Bites
237. TheTuninator
238. Godzillathewonderdog
239. Cutthemac
240. Swampasaur
241. LadPrime
242. Chalphy
243. ZanZero
244. PITe
245. KaBlamJamDan
246. Laniv
247. KingofZeroX
249. Rosalina
250. ItsRainingGravy
251. X-IkeSama-X
252. Opposum
253. Onyx Oblivion
254. Starphoenix
255. AgatioGanon
256. nessokman
257. BillyTheKid
258. Lightosia
259. slambros
260. Redmagpie93
261. cool mario bros
262. Lautsuu~
263. Luugyhero12
264. MasterWarlord
265. youngsora1
266. Deviddo
267. bilbo43
269. Connery
270. Beatness
271. Delzethin
272. Flaxr XIII
273. Project Angel
274. artisticgamerxl
275. Narwalgod
276. PurpleExcadrill
277. SureNsync
278. RODO
279. ZeldaMaster
280. MexM
281. King Orfut
282. -Rhythm-
283. JosukeM
284. Darkrai Lv. 1000
285. JediSuperSonic
286. AfricanSanta
287. colder_than_ice
288. Blazeth
289. deuxhero
290. Zaxis
291. Robotic Wind
292. Tetra's Tracker
293. Gingerbread Man
294. goldglover5
295. aldelaro5
296. Tillie-152
297. TheRandomCities4
298. Frank Weast
299. MegaLagann
300. a Link to the Forums
301. AndyJoe522
302. AvionFinch
303. Xavier :D
304. domokl
305. GmanSir
306. Rosalina&Greninja
307. skstylez
308. CaptainCrisb
309. Ingoro
310. CaptainLucario
311. erico9001
312. Kikkipoptart12
313. Dunban
314. Thekewlusername
315. Valkyrie_Nyx
316. SchAlternate
317. Minato Arisato
318. Bebe Mignon
319. Furil
320. DukeNapoleon
321. Pokechu
322. DuwangAnon
323. Iggy K
324. Rie Sonomura
325. neoHopeStF
326. DarkRyu
327. ToasterBrains
328. Serpdrako
329. SamTheMan711
330. Turokman5896
331. Lucimar
332. fenyx4
333. Makrrrrrr
334. Haydossy
335. Link_enfant
336. ChosenZelos
337. Random name is random
338. magnobssed
339. AlvisCPU
340. WertQuadNine
341. NoJohnsJabroni
342. SilverSoul24
343. Thebluecomet
344. FinkRat
345. zippy3214
346. BlueHunterZero
347. Kind Dedede
348. Shyolk
349. Fistex
350. Cheesedork
351. Icedragonadam
352. Swords4Life
353. SnapDrake_Games
354. SolarKirby
355. continuityOfficer
356. PhilosophicAnimal
357. JakeBaker
358. Starlight42
359. Metal Face (Mumkar)
360. SilverSun247
361. SolemnDivine
362. fefe1688
363. SethTheMage
364. Robotic Wind
365. Melia
366. Mumkar
367. Flynn.Scifo
368. Fiora
369. Mysterious Face
370. Sharla
371. DarkStarStorm
372. DoubleDeeEddBoy
373. XLIFE
374. T.R "River"
375. Bunny8093
376. Zwzchow
377. TailsLuigi
378. CharleeAlex
379. OblivionWolf
380. Theotakugirl9
381. monadoboy
382. Mewtwoultima
383. Burrino
384. Xenado
385. Flying-Maro
386. BoxedCookies
387. oni333
388. derrickd95
389. TheFearsomeRyan
390. firebrand38
391. IVIr.G
392. Killswitch0078
393. AuraBlade
394. Shun_one.
395. Sandfall
396. sunnyman
397. ThatLunaticFeline
398. Subliminal
399. FiXalaS
400. MangoTwist
401. berserker01
402. Samuel Intrater

Are some of these people from outside sites? There are plenty of people I've never even heard of ._.

It's understandable if they've only posted in here once or just PM'd you to get on though.

Your notifications are probably always in shambles.
Last edited:


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014


1. SmashChu
2. yani
3. Guybrush20X6
4. foolssigma
5. Zzuxon
6. DragonSniperNintendo
7. yoonb
8. Ember Reaper
9. R-Trigger
10. Final Smash Gamer
11. XStarWarriorX
12. Xenoblaze
13. Brawler610
14. BluePikmin11
15. egaddmario
16. DaDavid
17. TitanTeaTime
18. Lamasis
19. TaichiYaegashi
20. MooseSmuggler
22. SkittleE
23. GuyWithTheFace
24. bentendo222
25. Solfiner
26. Severn
27. BluePsychic
28. ZXMechonHunter
29. Staarih
30. fogbadge
31. Creo
32. ChibiIceClimberz
33. Oracle_Summon
34. SmashLover777
35. Banjodorf
36. KingBro1
37. MorbidAltruism
38. Nonstop Hype Train
39. Blue Rogue
40. Mistress Nicole
41. Sheddy
42. HyperSlash
43. Spazzy_D
44. NonSpecificGuy
45. CrimsonVallier
46. Muster
47. Interloper
48. RawstyleEevee
49. Rikobomo
50. Jje09
51. Pega-pony princess
52. The Curious Volnutt
53. Megadoomer
54. Whit
55. Pacack
56. Raccoonman_900
57. FinalStarmen
58. BigAxle
59. SpindaMaster
60. Mechonis
61. Cereal Bawks
62. AuraWielder
63. Kikwi-kiwi
64. DraginHikari
65. APC99
66. Drclaw411
67. Altais
68. Ariand/AEM
69. Louie G.
70. Renji64
71. TCT-Phantom
72. Mirron
73. Mishudo
74. Reila
75. DustyPumpkin
76. CardiganBoy
77. WonderSmash
78. Es. Dinah
79. Mr. Seven
80. Oz37
81. Gengar84
82. Chandelure
83. Jerry Applesauce
84. 8-bit man
85. GuyWithTheFace
86. BlastState
87. JaidynReiman
88. GloriousV
89. ThatWasPeachy
90. False Sense
91. Mega Bidoof
92. Alvis
93. Plain Yogurt
94. HylianRaider
95. IronFish
96. Mega Hawlucha
97. CheeseBroJoe
98. Vegito2727
99. ultimatekoopa
100. Banjo-Kazooie
101. Neon Borealis
102. skaaaa
103. Hokori
104. ScatmansWorld25
105. obeymalleo
106. Zhadgon
107. Skyfox2000
108. Sonic Poke
109. ArcticWolf
110. WingedSnagret
111. Scoliosis Jones
112. shinpichu
113. XLemmy-KoopaX
114. JediSuperSonic
115. CrusherMania1952
116. Weeman
117. Spinosaurus
118. Gravitational23
119. Miffa
120. Shorts
121. Drakonis
122. RogersBase
123. DilowcsNollsnn
124. Ussi
125. ChronoTempest
126. Enlong
127. vanderzant
128. sheik93
129. 8-peacock-8
130. TheTizzler
131. Inawordyes
132. DarkAres
133. Weeginji
134. Wondra
135. kikaru
136. LaniusShrike
137. Omega-Smasher
138. Neanderthal
139. Captain Hotcakes
140. stevenchina
142. Vintage Creep
143. TerraRizerKing
144. Venus of the Desert Bloom
145. Holder of the Heel
146. Sabrewulf238
147. Z1GMA
148. ShichibukaJimbe
149. Bowserlick
150. TumblrFamous
151. Chris Baker
152. Weedy Spyze
153. Maxoxpower
154. FastBlade5035
155. Sonicguy726
156. Jocario Zero
157. YT123
158. Wanderer From Roseyard
159. DeadlyBlade999
160. Oblivion129
161. FirstBlade
162. soviet prince
163. Stompman
164. HotFeet444
165. Chromvoy
166. TwentyTwo
167. dezeray112
168. Aguki90
169. 106Ghost
170. Neo Zero
171. Sol_Vent
172. M23-X0
173. Rioni
174. ClinkStryphart
175. Omniomega
176. Fandangox
177. TS
178. KumaOso
179. A Lucky Person
180. samsparta21
181. Serpdrako
182. Karmantix
183. Tackman91
184. Sun Sol
185. GM_3826
186. Blue Fang
187. GOofyGV
188. R.O.B.
189. ErenJager
190. jaytalks
191. GraveEclipse567
192. MetalMario128
193. Non-Specific Action Hero
194. Makaronileo
195. hinata2000100
196. Glaciacott
197. Valyoda
198. Aurora Jenny
199. Lizardon
200. Zoroarking
201. Rosalina
202. LeeYawshee
203. Noiblade
204. Rebellious Treecko
205. TechPowah
206. ToothiestAura
207. simpleglitch
208. LEGOfan12
209. Supermodel from Paris
210. TheSmasher916
211. SiLeNtDoOm
212. ThomasTerminator
213. tehponycorn
214. CliffJumper
215. cephalopod17
216. Goesasu
217. Earthbound_PKMN_Trainer
218. Protom
219. Vann Accessible
220. DaUsername
221. UberMadman
222. Bladeviper
223. AncientBaby
224. sunfallSeraph
225. Grimnir
226. Artorias
227. Master of Blades
228. Robertman2
229. Gamer YTP
230. kaliskonig
231. Senselessbreak
232. Shrekitralph
233. Sazarith
234. Ascended
235. Cheesedork
236. Cheezey Bites
237. TheTuninator
238. Godzillathewonderdog
239. Cutthemac
240. Swampasaur
241. LadPrime
242. Chalphy
243. ZanZero
244. PITe
245. KaBlamJamDan
246. Laniv
247. KingofZeroX
249. Rosalina
250. ItsRainingGravy
251. X-IkeSama-X
252. Opposum
253. Onyx Oblivion
254. Starphoenix
255. AgatioGanon
256. nessokman
257. BillyTheKid
258. Lightosia
259. slambros
260. Redmagpie93
261. cool mario bros
262. Lautsuu~
263. Luugyhero12
264. MasterWarlord
265. youngsora1
266. Deviddo
267. bilbo43
269. Connery
270. Beatness
271. Delzethin
272. Flaxr XIII
273. Project Angel
274. artisticgamerxl
275. Narwalgod
276. PurpleExcadrill
277. SureNsync
278. RODO
279. ZeldaMaster
280. MexM
281. King Orfut
282. -Rhythm-
283. JosukeM
284. Darkrai Lv. 1000
285. JediSuperSonic
286. AfricanSanta
287. colder_than_ice
288. Blazeth
289. deuxhero
290. Zaxis
291. Robotic Wind
292. Tetra's Tracker
293. Gingerbread Man
294. goldglover5
295. aldelaro5
296. Tillie-152
297. TheRandomCities4
298. Frank Weast
299. MegaLagann
300. a Link to the Forums
301. AndyJoe522
302. AvionFinch
303. Xavier :D
304. domokl
305. GmanSir
306. Rosalina&Greninja
307. skstylez
308. CaptainCrisb
309. Ingoro
310. CaptainLucario
311. erico9001
312. Kikkipoptart12
313. Dunban
314. Thekewlusername
315. Valkyrie_Nyx
316. SchAlternate
317. Minato Arisato
318. Bebe Mignon
319. Furil
320. DukeNapoleon
321. Pokechu
322. DuwangAnon
323. Iggy K
324. Rie Sonomura
325. neoHopeStF
326. DarkRyu
327. ToasterBrains
328. Serpdrako
329. SamTheMan711
330. Turokman5896
331. Lucimar
332. fenyx4
333. Makrrrrrr
334. Haydossy
335. Link_enfant
336. ChosenZelos
337. Random name is random
338. magnobssed
339. AlvisCPU
340. WertQuadNine
341. NoJohnsJabroni
342. SilverSoul24
343. Thebluecomet
344. FinkRat
345. zippy3214
346. BlueHunterZero
347. Kind Dedede
348. Shyolk
349. Fistex
350. Cheesedork
351. Icedragonadam
352. Swords4Life
353. SnapDrake_Games
354. SolarKirby
355. continuityOfficer
356. PhilosophicAnimal
357. JakeBaker
358. Starlight42
359. Metal Face (Mumkar)
360. SilverSun247
361. SolemnDivine
362. fefe1688
363. SethTheMage
364. Robotic Wind
365. Melia
366. Mumkar
367. Flynn.Scifo
368. Fiora
369. Mysterious Face
370. Sharla
371. DarkStarStorm
372. DoubleDeeEddBoy
373. XLIFE
374. T.R "River"
375. Bunny8093
376. Zwzchow
377. TailsLuigi
378. CharleeAlex
379. OblivionWolf
380. Theotakugirl9
381. monadoboy
382. Mewtwoultima
383. Burrino
384. Xenado
385. Flying-Maro
386. BoxedCookies
387. oni333
388. derrickd95
389. TheFearsomeRyan
390. firebrand38
391. IVIr.G
392. Killswitch0078
393. AuraBlade
394. Shun_one.
395. Sandfall
396. sunnyman
397. ThatLunaticFeline
398. Subliminal
399. FiXalaS
400. MangoTwist
401. berserker01
402. Samuel Intrater




Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Ha, I'd love to see these reaction videos just for a good laugh. I just really don't see how you can get Shulk and Robin mixed up from appearance...
This must be what they are seeing:

Edit: Robin is way more pale than Shulk:

Last edited:


Bring me my booty!
Jun 9, 2014


1. SmashChu
2. yani
3. Guybrush20X6
4. foolssigma
5. Zzuxon
6. DragonSniperNintendo
7. yoonb
8. Ember Reaper
9. R-Trigger
10. Final Smash Gamer
11. XStarWarriorX
12. Xenoblaze
13. Brawler610
14. BluePikmin11
15. egaddmario
16. DaDavid
17. TitanTeaTime
18. Lamasis
19. TaichiYaegashi
20. MooseSmuggler
22. SkittleE
23. GuyWithTheFace
24. bentendo222
25. Solfiner
26. Severn
27. BluePsychic
28. ZXMechonHunter
29. Staarih
30. fogbadge
31. Creo
32. ChibiIceClimberz
33. Oracle_Summon
34. SmashLover777
35. Banjodorf
36. KingBro1
37. MorbidAltruism
38. Nonstop Hype Train
39. Blue Rogue
40. Mistress Nicole
41. Sheddy
42. HyperSlash
43. Spazzy_D
44. NonSpecificGuy
45. CrimsonVallier
46. Muster
47. Interloper
48. RawstyleEevee
49. Rikobomo
50. Jje09
51. Pega-pony princess
52. The Curious Volnutt
53. Megadoomer
54. Whit
55. Pacack
56. Raccoonman_900
57. FinalStarmen
58. BigAxle
59. SpindaMaster
60. Mechonis
61. Cereal Bawks
62. AuraWielder
63. Kikwi-kiwi
64. DraginHikari
65. APC99
66. Drclaw411
67. Altais
68. Ariand/AEM
69. Louie G.
70. Renji64
71. TCT-Phantom
72. Mirron
73. Mishudo
74. Reila
75. DustyPumpkin
76. CardiganBoy
77. WonderSmash
78. Es. Dinah
79. Mr. Seven
80. Oz37
81. Gengar84
82. Chandelure
83. Jerry Applesauce
84. 8-bit man
85. GuyWithTheFace
86. BlastState
87. JaidynReiman
88. GloriousV
89. ThatWasPeachy
90. False Sense
91. Mega Bidoof
92. Alvis
93. Plain Yogurt
94. HylianRaider
95. IronFish
96. Mega Hawlucha
97. CheeseBroJoe
98. Vegito2727
99. ultimatekoopa
100. Banjo-Kazooie
101. Neon Borealis
102. skaaaa
103. Hokori
104. ScatmansWorld25
105. obeymalleo
106. Zhadgon
107. Skyfox2000
108. Sonic Poke
109. ArcticWolf
110. WingedSnagret
111. Scoliosis Jones
112. shinpichu
113. XLemmy-KoopaX
114. JediSuperSonic
115. CrusherMania1952
116. Weeman
117. Spinosaurus
118. Gravitational23
119. Miffa
120. Shorts
121. Drakonis
122. RogersBase
123. DilowcsNollsnn
124. Ussi
125. ChronoTempest
126. Enlong
127. vanderzant
128. sheik93
129. 8-peacock-8
130. TheTizzler
131. Inawordyes
132. DarkAres
133. Weeginji
134. Wondra
135. kikaru
136. LaniusShrike
137. Omega-Smasher
138. Neanderthal
139. Captain Hotcakes
140. stevenchina
142. Vintage Creep
143. TerraRizerKing
144. Venus of the Desert Bloom
145. Holder of the Heel
146. Sabrewulf238
147. Z1GMA
148. ShichibukaJimbe
149. Bowserlick
150. TumblrFamous
151. Chris Baker
152. Weedy Spyze
153. Maxoxpower
154. FastBlade5035
155. Sonicguy726
156. Jocario Zero
157. YT123
158. Wanderer From Roseyard
159. DeadlyBlade999
160. Oblivion129
161. FirstBlade
162. soviet prince
163. Stompman
164. HotFeet444
165. Chromvoy
166. TwentyTwo
167. dezeray112
168. Aguki90
169. 106Ghost
170. Neo Zero
171. Sol_Vent
172. M23-X0
173. Rioni
174. ClinkStryphart
175. Omniomega
176. Fandangox
177. TS
178. KumaOso
179. A Lucky Person
180. samsparta21
181. Serpdrako
182. Karmantix
183. Tackman91
184. Sun Sol
185. GM_3826
186. Blue Fang
187. GOofyGV
188. R.O.B.
189. ErenJager
190. jaytalks
191. GraveEclipse567
192. MetalMario128
193. Non-Specific Action Hero
194. Makaronileo
195. hinata2000100
196. Glaciacott
197. Valyoda
198. Aurora Jenny
199. Lizardon
200. Zoroarking
201. Rosalina
202. LeeYawshee
203. Noiblade
204. Rebellious Treecko
205. TechPowah
206. ToothiestAura
207. simpleglitch
208. LEGOfan12
209. Supermodel from Paris
210. TheSmasher916
211. SiLeNtDoOm
212. ThomasTerminator
213. tehponycorn
214. CliffJumper
215. cephalopod17
216. Goesasu
217. Earthbound_PKMN_Trainer
218. Protom
219. Vann Accessible
220. DaUsername
221. UberMadman
222. Bladeviper
223. AncientBaby
224. sunfallSeraph
225. Grimnir
226. Artorias
227. Master of Blades
228. Robertman2
229. Gamer YTP
230. kaliskonig
231. Senselessbreak
232. Shrekitralph
233. Sazarith
234. Ascended
235. Cheesedork
236. Cheezey Bites
237. TheTuninator
238. Godzillathewonderdog
239. Cutthemac
240. Swampasaur
241. LadPrime
242. Chalphy
243. ZanZero
244. PITe
245. KaBlamJamDan
246. Laniv
247. KingofZeroX
249. Rosalina
250. ItsRainingGravy
251. X-IkeSama-X
252. Opposum
253. Onyx Oblivion
254. Starphoenix
255. AgatioGanon
256. nessokman
257. BillyTheKid
258. Lightosia
259. slambros
260. Redmagpie93
261. cool mario bros
262. Lautsuu~
263. Luugyhero12
264. MasterWarlord
265. youngsora1
266. Deviddo
267. bilbo43
269. Connery
270. Beatness
271. Delzethin
272. Flaxr XIII
273. Project Angel
274. artisticgamerxl
275. Narwalgod
276. PurpleExcadrill
277. SureNsync
278. RODO
279. ZeldaMaster
280. MexM
281. King Orfut
282. -Rhythm-
283. JosukeM
284. Darkrai Lv. 1000
285. JediSuperSonic
286. AfricanSanta
287. colder_than_ice
288. Blazeth
289. deuxhero
290. Zaxis
291. Robotic Wind
292. Tetra's Tracker
293. Gingerbread Man
294. goldglover5
295. aldelaro5
296. Tillie-152
297. TheRandomCities4
298. Frank Weast
299. MegaLagann
300. a Link to the Forums
301. AndyJoe522
302. AvionFinch
303. Xavier :D
304. domokl
305. GmanSir
306. Rosalina&Greninja
307. skstylez
308. CaptainCrisb
309. Ingoro
310. CaptainLucario
311. erico9001
312. Kikkipoptart12
313. Dunban
314. Thekewlusername
315. Valkyrie_Nyx
316. SchAlternate
317. Minato Arisato
318. Bebe Mignon
319. Furil
320. DukeNapoleon
321. Pokechu
322. DuwangAnon
323. Iggy K
324. Rie Sonomura
325. neoHopeStF
326. DarkRyu
327. ToasterBrains
328. Serpdrako
329. SamTheMan711
330. Turokman5896
331. Lucimar
332. fenyx4
333. Makrrrrrr
334. Haydossy
335. Link_enfant
336. ChosenZelos
337. Random name is random
338. magnobssed
339. AlvisCPU
340. WertQuadNine
341. NoJohnsJabroni
342. SilverSoul24
343. Thebluecomet
344. FinkRat
345. zippy3214
346. BlueHunterZero
347. Kind Dedede
348. Shyolk
349. Fistex
350. Cheesedork
351. Icedragonadam
352. Swords4Life
353. SnapDrake_Games
354. SolarKirby
355. continuityOfficer
356. PhilosophicAnimal
357. JakeBaker
358. Starlight42
359. Metal Face (Mumkar)
360. SilverSun247
361. SolemnDivine
362. fefe1688
363. SethTheMage
364. Robotic Wind
365. Melia
366. Mumkar
367. Flynn.Scifo
368. Fiora
369. Mysterious Face
370. Sharla
371. DarkStarStorm
372. DoubleDeeEddBoy
373. XLIFE
374. T.R "River"
375. Bunny8093
376. Zwzchow
377. TailsLuigi
378. CharleeAlex
379. OblivionWolf
380. Theotakugirl9
381. monadoboy
382. Mewtwoultima
383. Burrino
384. Xenado
385. Flying-Maro
386. BoxedCookies
387. oni333
388. derrickd95
389. TheFearsomeRyan
390. firebrand38
391. IVIr.G
392. Killswitch0078
393. AuraBlade
394. Shun_one.
395. Sandfall
396. sunnyman
397. ThatLunaticFeline
398. Subliminal
399. FiXalaS
400. MangoTwist
401. berserker01
402. Samuel Intrater

...I just realized that @ GuyWithTheFace GuyWithTheFace is two times in the list.
And all the roleplay alts are still in here too. :awesome:


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
Yeah, I'm still salty about Elwind... :salt:


Harbinger of smut and drag queens
Aug 13, 2013
...I just realized that @ GuyWithTheFace GuyWithTheFace is two times in the list.
And all the roleplay alts are still in here too. :awesome:
Shulk's the guy so nice I'm supporting him twice!

Although yeah that list probably needs to be cleaned up a bit. I remember someone else saying they were on it twice. I'm number 23 and 85.


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
This must be what they are seeing:

I'd say that's Shulk using Robin's moves. Maybe it's just because I already know better? :ohwell:

I can see how people see Robin in Shulk. I hear "straw grasping" is a common condition after all.
You're right. It's a condition you may develop from having too much speculation in your diet.
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*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
When people say that Robin and Shulk look the same my brain literally can't compute. How? Why? They really, really don't look similar.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2014
When people say that Robin and Shulk look the same my brain literally can't compute. How? Why? They really, really don't look similar.
I love how when you ask them how, or show them THAT gif (you all know the one), they can never come up with a valid answer. Just "shut up get your eyes checked".


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
I love how when you ask them how, or show them THAT gif (you all know the one), they can never come up with a valid answer. Just "shut up get your eyes checked".
Their hairstyles are completely different, not the same hair color, Robin's eyes are more squinty while Shulk's are big and round-ish, they don't have the same eye color or clothes. I don't understand.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Monado Purge and Elwind mix up at the beginning didn't help.
Yeah, I'm still salty about Elwind... :salt:
When I saw Elwind, I thought it was Monado Purge too. I don't remember Elwind's animation.
I still think that it should have been clear it wasn't Monado Purge, even if you weren't familiar with Fire Emblem. The fact that the entire trailer was styled after Awakening's cutscenes, and the fact that Lucina was revealed (while Chrom was taking a nap) should have made it obvious that any additional newcomers in that trailer would be from Fire Emblem.

But I suppose all that "Monado Monday" hype would have gone to your heads.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2011
I had read who the newcomers were because I was at work at the time of their announcement, so when I saw the trailer finally I knew what to expect.

I was a bit bummed it wasn't Shulk but I was quite happy to see Robin.


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
I knew #MonadoMonday hype went out the window the moment the trailer started since I immediately recognized the Arena Ferox background.

But still, including reasons you mentioned False, I don't see how anyone could have thought Shulk was going to be in that trailer.

Time to look up reaction videos :laugh:


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
I still think that it should have been clear it wasn't Monado Purge, even if you weren't familiar with Fire Emblem. The fact that the entire trailer was styled after Awakening's cutscenes, and the fact that Lucina was revealed (while Chrom was taking a nap) should have made it obvious that any additional newcomers in that trailer would be from Fire Emblem.

But I suppose all that "Monado Monday" hype would have gone to your heads.
Yes, Monado monday was the thing. Almost all of us were expecting Shulk, so as soon as something that looked even remotely similar to one of Shulk's arts popped up, our brains were tricked.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
I still think that it should have been clear it wasn't Monado Purge, even if you weren't familiar with Fire Emblem. The fact that the entire trailer was styled after Awakening's cutscenes, and the fact that Lucina was revealed (while Chrom was taking a nap) should have made it obvious that any additional newcomers in that trailer would be from Fire Emblem.

But I suppose all that "Monado Monday" hype would have gone to your heads.
It was mainly those people who thought Lucina/Chrom would be the only newcomer that Fire Emblem would get that thought Shulk would be in the trailer. Robin was not expected by those people.
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T.R "River"

Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2014
My Computer
I like the idea of Chain Attack as the Final Smash, but I can see people are debating on who it should be....What if there were...Customizable Final Smashes? #1 Reyn & Sharla, #2 Dunban & Fiora, #3 Riki & Melia


Bring me my booty!
Jun 9, 2014
Their hairstyles are completely different, not the same hair color, Robin's eyes are more squinty while Shulk's are big and round-ish, they don't have the same eye color or clothes. I don't understand.
The Smash community seems to have a thing with comparing characters to other characters to find an excuse why they don't like them and "why no one should like them".
Peach and "Rosaline"
Ridley and Charizard
Lucario, Greninja and Mewtwo
Shulk and Robin
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Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
How did people who played Awakening not know Robin? I mean they might not know the name but they definitely knew the character...
To be fair, Robin is customizable, so some people might have heavily customized their avatar to the point where it looks a lot different to the default one. All I did was change the hair color to blue, so I instantly recognized him when he was revealed. :laugh:

F-Zero GX didn't sell well cause of the lack of advertisement, Xenoblade sold well because it was advertised by the fans through a campaign, so if anything gets in "un-prioritized" its Nintendo's fault, and by the looks of it they're gonna advertise the crap out of Xenoblade X.
Yeah, I'm aware of that. Alhough I personally want Shulk's presence in Smash to advertise Xenoblade X since it's essentially free. Marketing in general can be more expensive than the game's production itself, so if Xenoblade X costs $30 million to produce and Nintendo's willing to advertise the hell out of it, it could be more than double the cost of production.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
The Smash community seems to have a thing with comparing characters to other characters to find an excuse why they don't like them and "why no one should like them".
Peach and "Rosaline"
Ridley and Charizard
Lucario, Greninja and Mewtwo
Shulk and Robin
Marth, Ike, and Chrom.

Although that one actually kept a character from being playable.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2014
I still think that it should have been clear it wasn't Monado Purge, even if you weren't familiar with Fire Emblem. The fact that the entire trailer was styled after Awakening's cutscenes, and the fact that Lucina was revealed (while Chrom was taking a nap) should have made it obvious that any additional newcomers in that trailer would be from Fire Emblem.

But I suppose all that "Monado Monday" hype would have gone to your heads.
In my defense, the last thing I expected was four Fire Emblem characters.
Also, out of all the spells of all the elements in Awakening, they chose the ONE spell that could be mistaken for one of Shulk's Monado arts. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2014
In my defense, the last thing I expected was four Fire Emblem characters.
Also, out of all the spells of all the elements in Awakening, they chose the ONE spell that could be mistaken for one of Shulk's Monado arts. :p
Likely just Sakurai doing his trolling business as usual. I mean how many fanboys cried when Chrom said "Guess Ill get my chance next time"?


You must find your own path to the future.
Jul 13, 2014

Well when I edited the image I never thought people would gather Shulk looked like Robin from it. The faces are pretty much in the exact same position except I missed that Robin's is behind the collar a little bit. Good for comparing the faces, but not really anything else

And... yeah, they don't look much like each other. First, Robin's skin is really pale. I actually thought that he had a white glove on his hand because of the paleness, but he doesn't. Then, the hair color, length, and style are both completely different. Also, Robin's eyes are much thinner (no, it's not that he's squinting in this pic). Finally, there would be the clothes/weapons.

To go more into clothes and weapons... Shulk is holding one of Robin's books instead of the Monado. Additionally, the full length of Robin's clothes is not seen in this pic. Robin has a full black trench coat which in actuality would look completely different from Shulk's short vest, shirt, and shorts, especially when viewed from the side.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2011
Likely just Sakurai doing his trolling business as usual. I mean how many fanboys cried when Chrom said "Guess Ill get my chance next time"?
honestly I was super happy Chrom wasn't playable. But yeah, who really knows what's going through Sakurai's head, he has this nasty habit of being unpredictable.


Linkle Linkle Little Star
Mar 28, 2014
honestly I was super happy Chrom wasn't playable. But yeah, who really knows what's going through Sakurai's head, he has this nasty habit of being unpredictable.
I don't believe in the idea of getting happy when characters aren't playable (with the exception of, like, Goku/Shrek/Master Chief), because I find it repulsive to get happy about something that makes other people sad. Makes me think about how I'd feel if Shulk was deconfirmed and people got happy about it. Like, deconfirmations for other characters make me sad because I know how important those characters were to people. That's part of the reason I can never list characters I oppose the inclusion of (non-Nintendo 3rd parties and "4th parties" aside). I like seeing people be happy, unless the thing making them happy is something that upsets other people, then it squicks me out.

Tl;dr: I don't get how a person could be happy about other people being sad. It's pretty gross, sorry not sorry.

Sorry for the rant. I believe I've made my thoughts on this matter clear in the past. I can't help but voice my opinion, y'know?


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
I don't believe in the idea of getting happy when characters aren't playable (with the exception of, like, Goku/Shrek/Master Chief), because I find it repulsive to get happy about something that makes other people sad. Makes me think about how I'd feel if Shulk was deconfirmed and people got happy about it. Like, deconfirmations for other characters make me sad because I know how important those characters were to people. That's part of the reason I can never list characters I oppose the inclusion of (non-Nintendo 3rd parties and "4th parties" aside). I like seeing people be happy, unless the thing making them happy is something that upsets other people, then it squicks me out.

Tl;dr: I don't get how a person could be happy about other people being sad. It's pretty gross, sorry not sorry.

Sorry for the rant. I believe I've made my thoughts on this matter clear in the past. I can't help but voice my opinion, y'know?
I'd like to think that TFR was happy because it went against Gematsu, but I dunno. If so, it probably should've been worded differently.

But yeah, who really knows what's going through Sakurai's head, he has this nasty habit of being unpredictable.
Which is why I'm still excited to see exactly how much Xenoblade representation we'll end up having in this game :)


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
I don't believe in the idea of getting happy when characters aren't playable (with the exception of, like, Goku/Shrek/Master Chief), because I find it repulsive to get happy about something that makes other people sad. Makes me think about how I'd feel if Shulk was deconfirmed and people got happy about it. Like, deconfirmations for other characters make me sad because I know how important those characters were to people. That's part of the reason I can never list characters I oppose the inclusion of (non-Nintendo 3rd parties and "4th parties" aside). I like seeing people be happy, unless the thing making them happy is something that upsets other people, then it squicks me out.

Tl;dr: I don't get how a person could be happy about other people being sad. It's pretty gross, sorry not sorry.

Sorry for the rant. I believe I've made my thoughts on this matter clear in the past. I can't help but voice my opinion, y'know?
Mainly, those who wish this believe in the "Limited Roster" stance. They think having another character that is not their own diminishes the chances of their Candidate.

I don't agree with it, but people will always have this mindset.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2011
I don't believe in the idea of getting happy when characters aren't playable (with the exception of, like, Goku/Shrek/Master Chief), because I find it repulsive to get happy about something that makes other people sad. Makes me think about how I'd feel if Shulk was deconfirmed and people got happy about it. Like, deconfirmations for other characters make me sad because I know how important those characters were to people. That's part of the reason I can never list characters I oppose the inclusion of (non-Nintendo 3rd parties and "4th parties" aside). I like seeing people be happy, unless the thing making them happy is something that upsets other people, then it squicks me out.

Tl;dr: I don't get how a person could be happy about other people being sad. It's pretty gross, sorry not sorry.

Sorry for the rant. I believe I've made my thoughts on this matter clear in the past. I can't help but voice my opinion, y'know?
Well I'm not happy for the people bummed he's not in. I was expecting Chrom to be in the game just as much as everyone else did and had accepted that, so when I saw that it wasn't him but Lucina and Robin I was super excited. It's not like I dislike Chrom I just thought he couldn't bring much to the table. If they had made him the clone instead of Lucina with Robin I would have probably been just as happy.

It'd be almost like getting two playable Xenoblade reps instead of Shulk (although I do want Shulk) but I'd be really happy to see Xenoblade getting that much representation because I love that game just like I love Awakening.

if you find it repulsive I guess you're entitled to your own opinion.

EDIT: and like hokori said the disproving of the Gemastu leak was also really cool because that means Sakurai will keep surprising us.
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