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Heir to the Monado. Shulk General Discussion/Social Thread

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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
I would like to know Titan, how come your Username is Purple?
It's purple because someone pranked me
now what I'd like to know is:
Who the **** pranked me? I liked my blue name, it was blue ;n;
(Well, at least it was blue in the thing I was using. But now it doesn't matter what thing I use because now it's always pink)
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Smash Cadet
Mar 7, 2009
Huntsville, Alabama
Honestly, guys, you are starting to make me miss those days... When Isaac and Shulk "flamewars" were something usual. During that time Smash Boards was interesting and fun. I never knew about Xenoblade before Smash Boards. And somehow, Shulk was brought to Isaac thread. During those days, some stupid things were said from both sides... Regardless, those discussion were possitive for both sides, because the whole forum was able to know the triumphs and flaws of both series, introducing those to new people.

I have to say, that Smart and Respectful are two words that describe correctly the Shulk supporters of the past. They had solid well constructed arguments, paragraphs of those. and it was good, they proved that i was wrong in somethings. I was underating Xenoblade, even before playing it and then they shown me facts and then i came here to this thread and i was able to see images, music, videos and arguments. And they made me want to play Xenoblade. And when i did it found an amazing game with a really deep options of exploration, inmense duration and an interesting concepts in game play, personally Action RPGs are not my favourite genre, but Xenoblade was convincing in anything, soundtrack, designs...

But the best thing of Xenoblade is the history and how the characters are builded. The history of Xenoblade is a great history. Great histories are about changing the apocalyptic, inevitable, obscure fate of the world. Great histories are about people being able to overcome impassable obstacles willingness, friendship and love, and im not talking of the love of the movies, im talking about a love that is beyond that.
And that is not something new, but Xenoblade aplied this correctly. With emphasis in the personality of the characters, making of Xenoblade an unique experience.

Nowadays, this thread has become just the spam hype thread of Smash, all what made great Shulk followers in the SSB4 character discussion section seems to be gone. They used to be the best fan base of this forum, but at some point the confidence turned in to arrogance and the greatests Shulk supporters are not active as they used to be, the strenght of Shulk followers today is based on number. Otherwise they would be defenseless, they seem unable to construct an argument instead the would dedicate one line to answer you, a random image and pointless links. And that is really sad for me, a part of my essence has banished with the disappearance of legit discussions.

Despite that i have to admit that my attitude towards an specific user was dumb, im a human being and humans usually do stupid things when they dont know what to do. And you know. Im not afraid of being like that, a human. Nintendo is something important in my life, is part of my childhood and Pokemon specifically was one of the most important parts of it. and some of the sentences of that specific user are a crime, heresy, there are not enough adjetives to describe it.

And im just dumb, but thats what my life is about, im a random dumb guy who loves videogames. For me, videogames are important. I have new goal that im going to pursue. And i know that is going to be impossible to reach, for that reason im going to accomplish that. Time is going to put everything in the place that it deserves to be, is going to take a long time, but i know that im able to do it. You will remember this post, you will remember my name.

And at the end, i just hope for Shulk being confirmed as soon as possible now, because that is the happy ending that everyone deserves. Have a nice day, people. Im leaving now, but im going to return, one day...


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2013
Well, take this.

Get it? It's a grain of salt.
Ha, I'm so tired it took me a moment to figure out if that was an image or if it was still loading. I mostly reference leaks in this thread to spur more conversation. The crazy gifs , Xeno lingo and everything else is great, but talking about Shulk in smash is the purpose of this thread...until the sub forum cometh


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
Meh. Another day, another leak. The fact that Shulk has come up in SO many of them makes me quite happy, though. :D

But. I'm not a big fan of it aside from Shulky-Poo. I don't want Lucas, Wolf, or even the Ice Climbers to be cut... :'(
I don't want characters to be cut too, I don't get it why not make DLC then it will be no need to cut character. Man I wish Capcom didn't give DLC such a bad name.:ohwell:

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Honestly, guys, you are starting to make me miss those days... When Isaac and Shulk "flamewars" were something usual. During that time Smash Boards was interesting and fun. I never knew about Xenoblade before Smash Boards. And somehow, Shulk was brought to Isaac thread. During those days, some stupid things were said from both sides... Regardless, those discussion were possitive for both sides, because the whole forum was able to know the triumphs and flaws of both series, introducing those to new people.

I have to say, that Smart and Respectful are two words that describe correctly the Shulk supporters of the past. They had solid well constructed arguments, paragraphs of those. and it was good, they proved that i was wrong in somethings. I was underating Xenoblade, even before playing it and then they shown me facts and then i came here to this thread and i was able to see images, music, videos and arguments. And they made me want to play Xenoblade. And when i did it found an amazing game with a really deep options of exploration, inmense duration and an interesting concepts in game play, personally Action RPGs are not my favourite genre, but Xenoblade was convincing in anything, soundtrack, designs...

But the best thing of Xenoblade is the history and how the characters are builded. The history of Xenoblade is a great history. Great histories are about changing the apocalyptic, inevitable, obscure fate of the world. Great histories are about people being able to overcome impassable obstacles willingness, friendship and love, and im not talking of the love of the movies, im talking about a love that is beyond that.
And that is not something new, but Xenoblade aplied this correctly. With emphasis in the personality of the characters, making of Xenoblade an unique experience.

Nowadays, this thread has become just the spam hype thread of Smash, all what made great Shulk followers in the SSB4 character discussion section seems to be gone. They used to be the best fan base of this forum, but at some point the confidence turned in to arrogance and the greatests Shulk supporters are not active as they used to be, the strenght of Shulk followers today is based on number. Otherwise they would be defenseless, they seem unable to construct an argument instead the would dedicate one line to answer you, a random image and pointless links. And that is really sad for me, a part of my essence has banished with the disappearance of legit discussions.

Despite that i have to admit that my attitude towards an specific user was dumb, im a human being and humans usually do stupid things when they dont know what to do. And you know. Im not afraid of being like that, a human. Nintendo is something important in my life, is part of my childhood and Pokemon specifically was one of the most important parts of it. and some of the sentences of that specific user are a crime, heresy, there are not enough adjetives to describe it.

And im just dumb, but thats what my life is about, im a random dumb guy who loves videogames. For me, videogames are important. I have new goal that im going to pursue. And i know that is going to be impossible to reach, for that reason im going to accomplish that. Time is going to put everything in the place that it deserves to be, is going to take a long time, but i know that im able to do it. You will remember this post, you will remember my name.

And at the end, i just hope for Shulk being confirmed as soon as possible now, because that is the happy ending that everyone deserves. Have a nice day, people. Im leaving now, but im going to return, one day...
We're just talking about a video game, you know.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
Honestly, guys, you are starting to make me miss those days... When Isaac and Shulk "flamewars" were something usual. During that time Smash Boards was interesting and fun. I never knew about Xenoblade before Smash Boards. And somehow, Shulk was brought to Isaac thread. During those days, some stupid things were said from both sides... Regardless, those discussion were possitive for both sides, because the whole forum was able to know the triumphs and flaws of both series, introducing those to new people.

I have to say, that Smart and Respectful are two words that describe correctly the Shulk supporters of the past. They had solid well constructed arguments, paragraphs of those. and it was good, they proved that i was wrong in somethings. I was underating Xenoblade, even before playing it and then they shown me facts and then i came here to this thread and i was able to see images, music, videos and arguments. And they made me want to play Xenoblade. And when i did it found an amazing game with a really deep options of exploration, inmense duration and an interesting concepts in game play, personally Action RPGs are not my favourite genre, but Xenoblade was convincing in anything, soundtrack, designs...

But the best thing of Xenoblade is the history and how the characters are builded. The history of Xenoblade is a great history. Great histories are about changing the apocalyptic, inevitable, obscure fate of the world. Great histories are about people being able to overcome impassable obstacles willingness, friendship and love, and im not talking of the love of the movies, im talking about a love that is beyond that.
And that is not something new, but Xenoblade aplied this correctly. With emphasis in the personality of the characters, making of Xenoblade an unique experience.

Nowadays, this thread has become just the spam hype thread of Smash, all what made great Shulk followers in the SSB4 character discussion section seems to be gone. They used to be the best fan base of this forum, but at some point the confidence turned in to arrogance and the greatests Shulk supporters are not active as they used to be, the strenght of Shulk followers today is based on number. Otherwise they would be defenseless, they seem unable to construct an argument instead the would dedicate one line to answer you, a random image and pointless links. And that is really sad for me, a part of my essence has banished with the disappearance of legit discussions.

Despite that i have to admit that my attitude towards an specific user was dumb, im a human being and humans usually do stupid things when they dont know what to do. And you know. Im not afraid of being like that, a human. Nintendo is something important in my life, is part of my childhood and Pokemon specifically was one of the most important parts of it. and some of the sentences of that specific user are a crime, heresy, there are not enough adjetives to describe it.

And im just dumb, but thats what my life is about, im a random dumb guy who loves videogames. For me, videogames are important. I have new goal that im going to pursue. And i know that is going to be impossible to reach, for that reason im going to accomplish that. Time is going to put everything in the place that it deserves to be, is going to take a long time, but i know that im able to do it. You will remember this post, you will remember my name.

And at the end, i just hope for Shulk being confirmed as soon as possible now, because that is the happy ending that everyone deserves. Have a nice day, people. Im leaving now, but im going to return, one day...

By the way I do see the spelling errors I just stole this off the internet
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The Boss of Pon
Jul 12, 2014
The Future
It's purple because someone pranked me
now what I'd like to know is:
Who the **** pranked me? I liked my blue name, it was blue ;n;
Dear sir, would you happen to remember many pages back when @Solfiner got pranked and then he asked somebody to prank you?

"Riki listen because Riki is the Heropon."

I am the Heropon.

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Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2014
St. Louis, MO
Switch FC
I don't want characters to be cut too, I don't get it why not make DLC then it will be no need to cut character. Man I wish Capcom didn't give DLC such a bad name.:ohwell:
Yeah, Capcom did kinda royally eff up DLC's reputation... Still want Nintendo to buy them, though. :p

Also. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the leaks made no mention of Jigglypuff? A member of the original twelve? If not then... Something's up, methinks.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
We're just talking about a video game, you know.
You clearly did not readed, videogames are something important for me, and for many persons in the world. "Just a videogame" is something invalid and that is my last response.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
You clearly did not readed, videogames are something important for me, and for many persons in the world. "Just a videogame" is something invalid and that is my last response.
No, I read it all. But when you talk about things like how something a person said is a "crime" and "heresy," life aspirations, and how, maybe someday, you'll return... It seems overdramatic.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2014
Endless ocean.
Thanks for clarifying, but I got curious and found this http://grammarist.com/usage/funner-more-fun/
Turns out fun is an adjective now, and funner/funnest is used correctly in literature. But fun used to be a noun so it's still common to think that funner/funnest is slang or incorrect.
Shulk thread confirmed for learning.

Yes, if Shulk is unlockable I'd like him to be the last or hardest to unlock. It seems a lot more cooler that way. I remember feeling like that for Melee unlockables. I used to think Roy was better than Marth because he was unlocked later.
Well, you see... they wanted to use Shulk's normal costume for the final fight, but for some strange reason there was a glitch that made it impossible to beat him. The only way around this glitch was to change his colors to gold and white for the fight. What did the glitch involve you ask?

Well... it was something about all of your attacks missing him. :troll:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
No, I read it all. But when you talk about things like how something a person said is a "crime" and "heresy," life aspirations, and how, maybe someday, you'll return... It seems overdramatic.
If you dont give weight to the words, they will never become true. And stop making me talk :/

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
If you dont give weight to the words, they will never become true. And stop making me talk :/
Still don't see the reason why we have to make such a big deal over a game. Can't we all just get along and speculate in peace?

Also, it doesn't look like you're leaving anytime soon.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Honestly, guys, you are starting to make me miss those days... When Isaac and Shulk "flamewars" were something usual. During that time Smash Boards was interesting and fun. I never knew about Xenoblade before Smash Boards. And somehow, Shulk was brought to Isaac thread. During those days, some stupid things were said from both sides... Regardless, those discussion were possitive for both sides, because the whole forum was able to know the triumphs and flaws of both series, introducing those to new people.

I have to say, that Smart and Respectful are two words that describe correctly the Shulk supporters of the past. They had solid well constructed arguments, paragraphs of those. and it was good, they proved that i was wrong in somethings. I was underating Xenoblade, even before playing it and then they shown me facts and then i came here to this thread and i was able to see images, music, videos and arguments. And they made me want to play Xenoblade. And when i did it found an amazing game with a really deep options of exploration, inmense duration and an interesting concepts in game play, personally Action RPGs are not my favourite genre, but Xenoblade was convincing in anything, soundtrack, designs...

But the best thing of Xenoblade is the history and how the characters are builded. The history of Xenoblade is a great history. Great histories are about changing the apocalyptic, inevitable, obscure fate of the world. Great histories are about people being able to overcome impassable obstacles willingness, friendship and love, and im not talking of the love of the movies, im talking about a love that is beyond that.
And that is not something new, but Xenoblade aplied this correctly. With emphasis in the personality of the characters, making of Xenoblade an unique experience.

Nowadays, this thread has become just the spam hype thread of Smash, all what made great Shulk followers in the SSB4 character discussion section seems to be gone. They used to be the best fan base of this forum, but at some point the confidence turned in to arrogance and the greatests Shulk supporters are not active as they used to be, the strenght of Shulk followers today is based on number. Otherwise they would be defenseless, they seem unable to construct an argument instead the would dedicate one line to answer you, a random image and pointless links. And that is really sad for me, a part of my essence has banished with the disappearance of legit discussions.

Despite that i have to admit that my attitude towards an specific user was dumb, im a human being and humans usually do stupid things when they dont know what to do. And you know. Im not afraid of being like that, a human. Nintendo is something important in my life, is part of my childhood and Pokemon specifically was one of the most important parts of it. and some of the sentences of that specific user are a crime, heresy, there are not enough adjetives to describe it.

And im just dumb, but thats what my life is about, im a random dumb guy who loves videogames. For me, videogames are important. I have new goal that im going to pursue. And i know that is going to be impossible to reach, for that reason im going to accomplish that. Time is going to put everything in the place that it deserves to be, is going to take a long time, but i know that im able to do it. You will remember this post, you will remember my name.

And at the end, i just hope for Shulk being confirmed as soon as possible now, because that is the happy ending that everyone deserves. Have a nice day, people. Im leaving now, but im going to return, one day...
to be fair we have talked about shulk to death we Shulk fans have pretty much all agreed together on everything about him from his move set to his stage to his taunts to even his victory theme. It's not that we don't have good points it's the fact we talked about them so much it's hard think of anything we missed. Also while we go off topic alot true we are all still true fans not "power in number" as you said is not true we have brought up plenty of points and reasons shulk will be in from

1. He is a new IP one Nintendo seems to really want to support with xenoblade X
2. Shulk has so many different ways he could play from his monado arts to his visions to even the status moves like topple and break he could use
3. He is one of the most requested characters globally
4. the company retweeting all the directs seems odd don't you think you don't see gamefreak doing that till Greninja was announced or Nemco with Pacman
5. both the english and japanese voice actors of Shulk saying they are doing some big voicing but yet refuse to say who

what I'm getting at is yes we joke around on here but we are still massive supporters of shulk and when the moment comes to talk about shulk we do.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
Yeah, Capcom did kinda royally eff up DLC's reputation... Still want Nintendo to buy them, though. :p

Also. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the leaks made no mention of Jigglypuff? A member of the original twelve? If not then... Something's up, methinks.
I don't know but Jigglypuff seem too obvious to me.


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
Honestly, guys, you are starting to make me miss those days... When Isaac and Shulk "flamewars" were something usual. During that time Smash Boards was interesting and fun. I never knew about Xenoblade before Smash Boards. And somehow, Shulk was brought to Isaac thread. During those days, some stupid things were said from both sides... Regardless, those discussion were possitive for both sides, because the whole forum was able to know the triumphs and flaws of both series, introducing those to new people.

I have to say, that Smart and Respectful are two words that describe correctly the Shulk supporters of the past. They had solid well constructed arguments, paragraphs of those. and it was good, they proved that i was wrong in somethings. I was underating Xenoblade, even before playing it and then they shown me facts and then i came here to this thread and i was able to see images, music, videos and arguments. And they made me want to play Xenoblade. And when i did it found an amazing game with a really deep options of exploration, inmense duration and an interesting concepts in game play, personally Action RPGs are not my favourite genre, but Xenoblade was convincing in anything, soundtrack, designs...

But the best thing of Xenoblade is the history and how the characters are builded. The history of Xenoblade is a great history. Great histories are about changing the apocalyptic, inevitable, obscure fate of the world. Great histories are about people being able to overcome impassable obstacles willingness, friendship and love, and im not talking of the love of the movies, im talking about a love that is beyond that.
And that is not something new, but Xenoblade aplied this correctly. With emphasis in the personality of the characters, making of Xenoblade an unique experience.

Nowadays, this thread has become just the spam hype thread of Smash, all what made great Shulk followers in the SSB4 character discussion section seems to be gone. They used to be the best fan base of this forum, but at some point the confidence turned in to arrogance and the greatests Shulk supporters are not active as they used to be, the strenght of Shulk followers today is based on number. Otherwise they would be defenseless, they seem unable to construct an argument instead the would dedicate one line to answer you, a random image and pointless links. And that is really sad for me, a part of my essence has banished with the disappearance of legit discussions.

Despite that i have to admit that my attitude towards an specific user was dumb, im a human being and humans usually do stupid things when they dont know what to do. And you know. Im not afraid of being like that, a human. Nintendo is something important in my life, is part of my childhood and Pokemon specifically was one of the most important parts of it. and some of the sentences of that specific user are a crime, heresy, there are not enough adjetives to describe it.

And im just dumb, but thats what my life is about, im a random dumb guy who loves videogames. For me, videogames are important. I have new goal that im going to pursue. And i know that is going to be impossible to reach, for that reason im going to accomplish that. Time is going to put everything in the place that it deserves to be, is going to take a long time, but i know that im able to do it. You will remember this post, you will remember my name.

And at the end, i just hope for Shulk being confirmed as soon as possible now, because that is the happy ending that everyone deserves. Have a nice day, people. Im leaving now, but im going to return, one day...
You just gotta watch how you come across some people. I know you claim that you were just being dumb, but taking the time to think before you post can help with that, honestly. People are still 'Smart' and 'Respectful' around here. The mood of the topic may be different, but that doesn't make anyone around here less intelligent or respectful. And a support group doesn't need to always have intense discussions/debates, especially not flame wars. A big part of it is just communing with fellow supporters, and that's what's happening around here. We've already touched on several points and it can get to a time where people don't want to sound like a broken record talking about the same thing. As long as the mood is pretty light-hearted, Shulk discussion still exists, and we're having fun at the same time, I'd like to think that we're doing a good job.

But anyways...I think you went a bit too deep with this. We just like Shulk man. All of the pages that contained 'the good ol' days' are still around if you want to read through them again...

Pega-pony Princess

Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
At any rate, let's talk more about Shulk. What do you guys see his custom moves as being? Personally, I can imagine a few of them being left over Monado arts that weren't readily part of Shulk's smash moveset.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
At any rate, let's talk more about Shulk. What do you guys see his custom moves as being? Personally, I can imagine a few of them being left over Monado arts that weren't readily part of Shulk's smash moveset.
I think Shulk's custom moves will just be altered versions of his regular specials. I doubt they'd give him entirely different arts for specials like with Mii Fighters and Palutena.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
At any rate, let's talk more about Shulk. What do you guys see his custom moves as being? Personally, I can imagine a few of them being left over Monado arts that weren't readily part of Shulk's smash moveset.
I could see manado shield replacing speed as a down b option maybe vision being the other choice


Linkle Linkle Little Star
Mar 28, 2014
At any rate, let's talk more about Shulk. What do you guys see his custom moves as being? Personally, I can imagine a few of them being left over Monado arts that weren't readily part of Shulk's smash moveset.
That would be cool, but I wouldn't get my hopes up for him to get the Palutena treatment. I'm expecting that, if my theory of a Talent Guage is correct, the customization will affect his Talent Arts only, and that his Monado Arts will always work the same.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2014
At any rate, let's talk more about Shulk. What do you guys see his custom moves as being? Personally, I can imagine a few of them being left over Monado arts that weren't readily part of Shulk's smash moveset.
Well, on the chance that Shulk does get the Palutena treatment, I'll post my idea from all the way back on page 189.
I still like my idea for a Prison Island stage from a few days back.

As far as moveset is concerned, the only issue I'm having is coming up with ideas for all of his custom specials. Before we knew about factors such as alternate specials and Little Mac's power meter, my idea was to have his regular arts serve as specials while his final smash switches them out for his Monado Arts along with giving him some stat buffs for around 15 seconds (or whatever the average time for a transformation final smash such as Giga Bowser or Wario-Man is). Now I'm kind of split on the idea of having his regular arts be represented by his smash attacks with the Monado Arts being his specials, and the idea of his regular arts being specials while having a talent gauge fill up to turn them into Monado Arts when full.

However, you guys, along with seeing Robin's final smash, have sold me on the idea of having the Chain Attack be his final smash (Smash Bros. could always use more Reyn Time).

Now the only problem is thinking up a list of specials to cover all twelve custom specials. After all, Shulk only has eight regular arts and eight Monado Arts, and each character has 3 options for each special move (12 in total). The best way around this I can think of is to take a page from Ness and Lucas's book, and have Shulk borrow some arts and talent arts from his party members. Assuming we're going with the talent gauge idea, maybe borrow Wild Down and Magnum Charge (since I can't really think of how Mad Taunt would work in smash) from Reyn, Gale Slash and Blossom Dance from Dunban, Burninate and Yoink from Riki, and Final Cross and Butterfly Step from 7. (There are probably some better options for arts that he could borrow, but those are the ones that came off the top of my head.)


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
I dunno. I thought that the Ice Climbers would be obvious by this point. I guess no one's really safe, after all...
I think that the people that saying the ice Climbers will be cut because of the 3DS limitations like four zeldas, Sheiks, and zero suit Samus can't transform at the same time.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
I think we are all having a misunderstanding here.

Raetah is a Shulk supporter, and he has been in the beginning like he said.

The main problem is—to put it lightly—I think you, Raetah, are just a little too sensitive during debates. When you see someone's opinion that doesn't match yours, it's like you just rush in, make a response, and indirectly attack them. You called out Solfiner earlier when he wasn't even insulting you, and it was uncalled for. Maybe it's also because you're not a native English speaker, but like Hokori said, you need to take your time and read over your post so it doesn't sound condescending and flamebait'y. I honestly thought that you were anti-Shulk the first time I saw your posts, but you really aren't. Just be mindful next time when you want to respond to someone's opinion that may seem offensive you.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2014
Not where you think I am.
I'm sorry about that doublepost. I assumed that at the speed the thread was moving, I could get in my 200th post in a matter of mere seconds. I apologize. I will see to it that it doesn't happen again.

Wow, an apology for the big 200. Gotta say, I wasn't expecting that. But whatever happens happens.

In other words, Shulk.


Linkle Linkle Little Star
Mar 28, 2014
Okay, let's all drop it. One of the many things I like about this thread is the lack of conflict and drama. Don't take that away from me, please. I like having a safe place to hang out and talk about Shulk without a whole bunch of fighting and trolling and salt.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
At any rate, let's talk more about Shulk. What do you guys see his custom moves as being? Personally, I can imagine a few of them being left over Monado arts that weren't readily part of Shulk's smash moveset.
Maybe he get the Palutena treatment but if he don't, Monado Cyclone for Up and B, Monado Shield down and B, Monado Eater side and B, and Monado Purge for B and if we get a talent gauge when it full Monado buster for B, and Chain attack for final smash.


Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
I think we are all having a misunderstanding here.

Raetah is a Shulk supporter, and he has been in the beginning like he said.

The main problem is—to put it lightly—I think you, Raetah, are just a little too sensitive during debates. When you see someone's opinion that doesn't match yours, it's like you just rush in, make a response, and indirectly attack them. You called out Solfiner earlier when he wasn't even insulting you, and it was uncalled for. Maybe it's also because you're not a native English speaker, but like Hokori said, you need to take your time and read over your post so it doesn't sound condescending and flamebait'y. I honestly thought that you were anti-Shulk the first time I saw your posts, but you really aren't. Just be mindful next time when you want to respond to someone's opinion that may seem offensive you.
Yeah, it's clear that he supports the Shulk, which is why he's more than welcome to hang around here. That's how I feel anyway. I just like when things are kept cool, and people can have fun while showing love for the character that they're supporting. I really enjoyed that in the Robin group as well. It's a tight-knit family kinda thing. People just don't like when others seemingly try to ruin that.

As for the custom moves, my sentiments on the matter align with False's. I feel he'll have enough of his Arts in his default moveset, and the custom moves will just be variants like what most other characters have.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
Okay, let's all drop it. One of the many things I like about this thread is the lack of conflict and drama. Don't take that away from me, please. I like having a safe place to hang out and talk about Shulk without a whole bunch of fighting and trolling and salt.
Agree, I don't want that drama been dealing with that crap for as long I was a gamer don't need any of it and it will ruin your reputation and people will expect you to always do something drama related. I seen so many youtube channels suffer from this the can't grow because they started with attacking other people and now everyone want that from them and what they really want to do.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
Okay if we happen from some miracle to get another character who will it be and what will their move set will be.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
So, if there's a form of story mode, what do you think Shulk's role will be?
Shulk will have a vision of Link getting kill by a mechon and then he will save Link just in time before the mechon kill him, and Shulk and Link will join forces to stop stop the mechon from killing everyone.
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