Smash Apprentice
Bah, I really hoping to help town, if I couldn't win for myself. Oh well.
Vote: No MVP
I did enjoy the conversation toDay at least :D
Vote: No MVP
I did enjoy the conversation toDay at least :D
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Sorry, were you actually in this game?We are NOT awarding MvP for this under any circumstance.
Private with scum-favoring abuse-able mechanic.
Cool.I know I know lol... but Marshy did so much nonsense and managed to get away with it I loved it.
RR has honorary Town MVP had Town actually pulled through.
While true, why didn't you just tell him that?RR, I thought J was RB so I wanted to lynch him first. SO July could have shot
Ace of Hearts:
Greetings John, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The Ace of Hearts, Town 1-Shot Cop
You've made quite the name for yourself in this town as an ace detective, and your skills are worth their salt. They don't come cheap though, you can't just be handing out these services for free after all... You've only been paid to handle so much, but you'll be darned if you're going to fail everyone now with these Spades running on the loose.
Special Abilities: Once a game during the night phase you may send in the command Sleuth: Playername to visit one player and check for any signs of Spade activity. Come the following morning you'll receive a report determining whether that player is an honorable Heart, or a filthy Spade in disguise. You may only use this skill one time during the course of the game. Your result is guaranteed to be accurate.
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
Greetings Ranmaru, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The King of Hearts, Town Even Night Watcher
It's fair to say you're pretty important around here. Heck you're the bloody King! No one so much as spits in this town without you knowing about it. From atop your throne you can see just about anyone you want, perfect for ferreting out the Spades bent on destroying the very way of being a Heart, and all you love. Unfortunately... you've got this rather nasty problem of this sword you accidentally stuck in your own head, which makes it rather hard to concentrate on what's going on sometimes... or continue to live. What a bother.
Special Abilities: During the night phase of every Even numbered night (Night 2, Night 4, and so forth), you may choose to send in the command Lord Over: Playername to observe them. In the morning you will receive a report of what players, if any, visited the targeted player. Every Odd numbered night however, you'll be too busy tending to your grievous head wound to do anything else of merit.
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
Greetings Raziek, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The Queen of Hearts, Town Doctor
You're quite the upstanding presence in this town. You could even say you're the backbone of the community. Without your kindly influence, many a townsfolk would be in dire straights indeed. Luckily for them you're the epitome of what it is to be a Heart, and your benevolence is unequaled.
Special Abilities: Once a night during the night phase you may send in the command Tend To: Playername to protect a player. You will visit the targeted player, and if for any reason they were to die during the night, that death will be prevented. You may not protect yourself.
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
8 of Hearts:Greetings Bardull, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The 10 of Hearts, Vanilla Town
Let's be honest, you're nothing special. You're a Heart, and a good one like all the rest, but you don't have anything unique to contribute like some of the others might. Not to be disparaging though, you've still got plenty to bring to the table in rooting out the Spades, and you won't let them take over without a fight! You're going to show them you're more than just a rank and number, and send them home packing!
Special Abilities: Your special abilities are your vote and your voice, use them well!
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
7 of Hearts:Greetings JTB, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The 8 of Hearts, Vanilla Town
Let's be honest, you're nothing special. You're a Heart, and a good one like all the rest, but you don't have anything unique to contribute like some of the others might. Not to be disparaging though, you've still got plenty to bring to the table in rooting out the Spades, and you won't let them take over without a fight! You're going to show them you're more than just a rank and number, and send them home packing!
Special Abilities: Your special abilities are your vote and your voice, use them well!
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
6 of Hearts:Greetings Sokr, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The 7 of Hearts, Vanilla Town
Let's be honest, you're nothing special. You're a Heart, and a good one like all the rest, but you don't have anything unique to contribute like some of the others might. Not to be disparaging though, you've still got plenty to bring to the table in rooting out the Spades, and you won't let them take over without a fight! You're going to show them you're more than just a rank and number, and send them home packing!
Special Abilities: Your special abilities are your vote and your voice, use them well!
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
3 of Hearts:Greetings Gorf, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The 6 of Hearts, Vanilla Town
Let's be honest, you're nothing special. You're a Heart, and a good one like all the rest, but you don't have anything unique to contribute like some of the others might. Not to be disparaging though, you've still got plenty to bring to the table in rooting out the Spades, and you won't let them take over without a fight! You're going to show them you're more than just a rank and number, and send them home packing!
Special Abilities: Your special abilities are your vote and your voice, use them well!
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
Greetings Circus, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The 3 of Hearts, Vanilla Town
Let's be honest, you're nothing special. You're a Heart, and a good one like all the rest, but you don't have anything unique to contribute like some of the others might. Not to be disparaging though, you've still got plenty to bring to the table in rooting out the Spades, and you won't let them take over without a fight! You're going to show them you're more than just a rank and number, and send them home packing!
Special Abilities: Your special abilities are your vote and your voice, use them well!
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
Part 2 (given N1):Greetings Red Ryu, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The 2 of Hearts, Drunk Town
It's rough being at the bottom... no one looks up to a 2. That's as low as you can go, and it shows. No one treats you with the respect they should, and that just gets to you; you're still a Heart after all! It drives a Heart to drink... but no matter. You're so hammered right now you can can't even remember where you even live, let alone what your troubles are.
Special Abilities: You're wasted. So wasted, you're completely incapable of taking any special action other than vote and shout drunkenly at the rest of town who you think might be out to get you. Maybe in a few days you'll sober up some...
Win Condition: You are Heart aligned and win when all Spade threats to town have been eliminated. Good Luck!
Part 3 (Given N2):Ughhh, your aching head. What did you do last night? You can't think straight at all through this pounding headache. Looks like you still won't be able to do anything of note today either... but with a little luck you'll have sobered up completely by tomorrow.
Ace of Spades:Wait... things are starting to feel a little clearer now, your hangover must have finally lifted after a good night's sleep. You're starting to remember... something... you... Hey! Now you remember! You weren't just so low just because you're a 2, it's because you USED to be a Jack! You're actually The Two of Hearts, Jack of All Trades
You'd been taking the demotion pretty badly, but this little bender has shown you a thing or two and you've made up your mind: you can still give them what for and show them what you're made of even as a 2! No more wallowing in self pity, you've got Spades to fight.
New Special Abilities: Once per night during the night phase from now on, you may choose to take any of the following one shot actions by sending in the appropriate command:
Block: Playername to visit that player and roleblock them. If they attempt to use any night action, it will fail.
Track: Playername to visit that player and watch where they go at night. The following morning you'll receive a report of who they visited that night, if anyone.
Protect: Playername to protect a player. You will visit the targeted player, and if for any reason they were to die during the night, that death will be prevented. You may not protect yourself.
Greetings July, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The Ace of Spades, Independent Super Mafia
You're sick and tired of all these Hearts lording over you with their high and mighty "greater than thou" attitudes. It's time to show them who really runs this town, one way or another. You're the big daddy of all Spades and you know it. The other Spades just WISH they could hold a candle to you, but unfortunately for them: you work alone. You're bigger, you're badder, and you're more Spade than anyone else can handle. You're in this for you, and ain't no one else going to tell you what to do. Not even other Spades.
Special Abilities: Once each night you may send in the command Kill: Playername to visit and murder your target. You also know your way around the Spade world better than anyone, and as such: you're completely immune to fellow Spade Night Kills. However, your notoriety won't go unnoticed; if a wagon to lynch you forms up, you will be lynched at L-1 rather than the usual vote count total.
Safeclaim: You are the only player who knows that there is no 4 of Hearts in this game.
Win Condition: You are Independently aligned and win when you are the last man standing, or nothing can prevent this. Good Luck!
Greetings Nabe, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The King of Spades, Mafia Tracker
You're sick and tired of all these Hearts lording over you with their high and mighty "greater than thou" attitudes. It's time to show them who really runs this town, one way or another. With you and your Spade buddies, you'll take them all down a few pegs. You personally are going to track them down and make them pay, that's for sure. Not a single Heart is getting away.
Special Abilities: Once each night during the night phase you may send in the command Track: Playername to visit that player and watch where they go at night. The following morning you'll receive a report of who they visited that night, if anyone.
You also have free communication with your scum-mates: [PLAYERNAME HERE] Queen of Spades, Mafia Roleblocker and [PLAYERNAME HERE] Jack of Spades, Mafia Card Shark in the following quicktopic [QUICKTOPIC LINK HERE]
One of you each night may use the command Kill: Playername to visit that player during the night and murder them. You may choose who if any out of you will perform the night kill by simply stating so, or having only that Mafia member send the Kill command for the night.
Safeclaim: You are the only player who knows that there is no 5 of Hearts in this game.
Win Condition: You are Mafia aligned and win when you have eliminated all threats to your faction if any and outnumber town, or nothing can prevent this. Good Luck!
Greetings J, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The Queen of Spades, Mafia Roleblocker
You're sick and tired of all these Hearts lording over you with their high and mighty "greater than thou" attitudes. It's time to show them who really runs this town, one way or another. With you and your Spade buddies, you'll take them all down a few pegs. You're bad, bad luck to run into and any Heart is going to rue the day they have to deal with you. Whatever it is they're trying to accomplish: You're going to put a stop to it, and there's nothing they can do about it. Because let's face it: no one ever actually manages to shoot the moon.
Special Abilities: Once each night during the night phase you may send in the command Block: Playername to visit that player and roleblock them. If they attempt to use any night action, it will fail.
You also have free communication with your scum-mates: [PLAYERNAME HERE] King of Spades, Mafia Tracker and [PLAYERNAME HERE] Jack of Spades, Mafia Card Shark in the following quicktopic [QUICKTOPIC LINK HERE]
One of you each night may use the command Kill: Playername to visit that player during the night and murder them. You may choose who if any out of you will perform the night kill by simply stating so, or having only that Mafia member send the Kill command for the night.
Safeclaim: You are the only player who knows that there is no 9 of Hearts in this game.
Win Condition: You are Mafia aligned and win when you have eliminated all threats to your faction if any and outnumber town, or nothing can prevent this. Good Luck!
Greetings Marshy, and welcome to Hearts Mafia! Now let's get down to business, I'm sure you're anxiously waiting to see what card the fickle hand of fate has dealt you this game, so without further ado...
You are The Jack of Spades, Mafia Card Shark
You're sick and tired of all these Hearts lording over you with their high and mighty "greater than thou" attitudes. It's time to show them who really runs this town, one way or another. With you and your Spade buddies, you'll take them all down a few pegs. Luckily for you you're already one step ahead of them... no one even seems to have realized you've already disposed of your direct Heart counterpart and taken his place... You're in the perfect position to sabotage them from the inside out!
Special Abilities: Once, during the night phase, you may send in the command Cut Deck to cut the deck of available cards in half. The following day, the post limit to end the day will be cut in half from 676 to 338 posts. You may only use this power once during the course of the game.
You also have free communication with your scum-mates: [PLAYERNAME HERE] King of Spades, Mafia Tracker and [PLAYERNAME HERE] Queen of Spades, Mafia Roleblocker in the following quicktopic [QUICKTOPIC LINK HERE]
One of you each night may use the command Kill: Playername to visit that player during the night and murder them. You may choose who if any out of you will perform the night kill by simply stating so, or having only that Mafia member send the Kill command for the night.
Safeclaim: You are the only player who knows that there is no Jack of Hearts in this game. You already took care of that lout.
Win Condition: You are Mafia aligned and win when you have eliminated all threats to your faction if any and outnumber town, or nothing can prevent this. Good Luck!
...Even after you lost 4-0 on the scum finding thing eh?Cool.
Also though limited, Doc/Watcher is still not balanced.
This didn't occur to me until after D3, that is why.While true, why didn't you just tell him that?
Like, you picked the WORST possible way to go about that.
nah im pretty sure its jdietz/zens call. get the **** outta hear specially after not even playing razWe are NOT awarding MvP for this under any circumstance.
Private with scum-favoring abuse-able mechanic.
Nabe be afraid of dis tunnel.Night 1 Actions:
Nabe – KTrack: July; Kill: Circus
Same, especially after his role claim.This game....
I will never understand how anyone could think what marshy did could be town.
I am so sorry I killed you, let's play a game together sometime.For real though, how did Marshy get away with that D2 ****?
Me and Zen agreed Marshy was the choice if we are to have an MVP.Only reason I would say No MvP
Is because a lot of was scum wins is being awake when other weren't, it's less about mafia and more about irl tenacity on being awake and also doing something on D2 that wasn't available to the rest of the players, except me and Raziek.
Other than that I'll see what the mod say.