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Hasbro Game Night FIGHT! - The Final Season

Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Lord Zedd

"I am Lord Zedd, Emperor of all I see. You have failed to complete the mission assigned to you. I will now resume command. Prepare the palace for my return."
Lord Zedd is the true leader of the evil space aliens and one of main antagonists from Power Rangers series. He was used to be guardian of Eltar and Zartus' and Zordon's mentor, corrupted by the power. When he chose the dark path, he changed his name just to get the Zeo crystal.

He is one of iconic Power Rangers villains after Rita Repulsa and Lord Drakkon. Plus, he looks cool.

His moveset would consist of the abilities that he is capable of. He would use his super strengh in kill moves, normal moves, aerial moves and throws. He would also conjure stuff from thin air like growth bombs or even teleport into random places as up special.
His one of super moves would cause him to summon his minions to attack the opponents.

I think have an another PR villain won't hurt the roster, considering that we have too much hero characters in roster, so why can't we just put Lord Zedd in?


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Furby
2. Galvatron

Power Rangers Character:

Resubmitting Evox (Power Rangers Beast Morphers)


I know Lord Zedd and Rita (who is already in as a fighter) are more iconic but I feel we should have a Power Rangers character from a Hasbro season. Why not have Evox from Beast Morphers who was also Venjix from Power Rangers RPM, so a Disney era Power Rangers rep as well, so heh. Basically, he can have various members of the Virus Army come as well as robots attack the various characters. His whole moveset can be themed around computer viruses and have some sort of virus gimmick that will give a status inflict to the other fighters. Overall, a more unique fighter with an unique archetype per say.
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Deleted member

1. Furby
2. Goldar


Pink Ranger

Specificly Kimberly Heart from the original MMPR series. More female characters is always a plus and I think the Pink Ranger is pretty damn iconic. She even leads the team in the recent comics books. Kimbery is a gymnast, and this could be reflected in her moveset. As a Ranger she uses a bow and arrow and a blaster type gun.
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
1. Destro
2. Goldar
Not sure about another Transformers boss

Power Rangers Character: Bulk and Skull
I don't know a lot about Power Rangers but I know these guys. They are recurring characters from the early seasons of Power Rangers. These "Monster Magnets" dress up as superheroes(Bulkster and Super Skull), are members of the Junior Police Force and they deserve a comeback.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
1. Furby
2. Goldar

I'll see what I can come up with for Power Rangers; my knowledge is limited, as I said earlier, but I can look into the Battle For The Grid game to see who stands out.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Gonna get my nomination in quickly before I move on to the new day.
This particular character fills out a lot of niches for what I feel the next PR characters should be.

Definitely, we need another actual Ranger besides Tommy, and for that there are plenty of options. Red Ranger is the obvious pick, but truthfully it's... too obvious; I also definitely want to branch out of just the Mighty Morphin' era of Power Rangers and pull in a fan-favorite from another show, and this is where I got the Time Force Pink Ranger: Jen Scotts.

The leader of the Time Force Rangers, Jen is a huge PR character post Time Force and has made numerous appearances in different shows. She actually plays a major role in Battle for the Grid as one of the leading plot characters with Tommy and Drakkon. Obviously, given the name, she is known for being able to travel across time and her main weapons are her dual Chrono Sabers and her V5 Vector Blaster.

The character herself can easily function as a solo fighter given the nature of her character, which I also feel is a big bonus as we don't need to worry about splitting up the teams too drastically with other Ranger picks. This is a huge pull for the PR series so I definitely want to play my hand here and see how it goes.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 27
Stage Nomination
Going to run through this real quick, since not a lot happened. Our next to bosses with the majority vote, are...:

Furby is a nice additions for me. Not too sure about Goldar; Drakkon is the definitive PR Boss to me, but if we go with the movie version of Goldar I can definitely see some nice foundations for a proper boss fight, otherwise just make him an assist.
Furby: 7
Goldar: 6
Galvatron: 3
Destro: 2
I definitely feel these round out our current 3 Bosses nicely.
Very excited to get into this; Power Rangers is huge and between our 7 nominees we have plenty of fitting additions alongside our currently residing Tommy and Rita.
As usual, vote for your top 3, and your own can't be in first. The Top 2 characters will join the roster this time around, which will also bump Power Rangers to having the most characters in this roster (for now, hehe)
My personal votes:
  1. Zedd
  2. Jennifer
  3. Jason
Wanted to experiment a little; While I could definitely wait until after these characters are added, this next job won't fit into Week 5's theme, so...

Job: Nominate a Power Ranger stage
Outside of the Command Center, we currently have nothing really representing the series, but the potential for stages is there. I figure since we're doing this alongside the character nominations, the timing for this is perfect, so... go ahead and spew out those ideas for a second PR stage!

Movesets and Arcade Endings for any Character are open indefinitely!

Deleted member

1. Jason
2. Kimberly
3. Trini

Have Goldar be made gaint by Rita for the boss fight

I had already made Drakon a costume, though he probably should have been a boss too
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Jennifer
2. Kimberly
3. Evox

Jen is one of my favorite female rangers. Although, I feel our third Power Rangers character should be someone from the Hasbro era. Regardless, I have a stage that fits my need for sure for Hasbro-era Power Rangers representation.

Power Rangers Stage:

Rafkon (Power Rangers Dino Fury)


Straight from the latest installment of Power Rangers being Power Rangers Dino Fury, enter Rafkon. Surprisingly, the planet is restored for this game despite being destoryed by Lord Zedd. But, here you are at the home of Zayto and Aiyon (the Red and Gold Dino Fury Rangers) and Amelia (the Pink Dino Fury Ranger) as well. This stage would have a Town and City-esque layout if that layout has not yet been added making this stage competitivelly legal. The only hazards are the switching platforms. In the background, you get Rafkonians watching the fight or doing their own thing. You switch from the city to the grasslands based on platform layout. Overall, a simple competitvely legal stage dedicated to a huge franchise.

Deleted member


Angel Grove

The home to the Mighty Morphing Power Rangwrs and the number #1 city in America foe gaint monster attacks. This stage takes place on the beach of Angel grove. Locations like the school and and the juice bar are in the back. There's deck chairs and a hot dog stand to act as mini platforms. Even Bulk and Skull make a cameo. The whole thing looks straight out of a 90s sitcom. But eventually a giant monster will show up, causing people to scatter and run, and causing damage, changing the stage slightly. However the Megazorid will appear and fight the kajiu, giving this stage a great background.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 28
Merry Christmas Eve!
The past vote has been very interesting- 3 characters took the lead by storm, and it is extremely close between the final two. Honestly this has been an exciting vote so I don't want to delay this much further:

First up, the first place winner, by 14 votes, is none other than...
The primary menace of the Power Rangers himself: Lord Zedd! Congratulations Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds
He's been nominated before, primarily by Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer , but luck wasn't in his favor back then as he had steep competition; This time he swept the vote and will be making an inclusion as a playable character!

And for the second character, and wow this was close: 2nd Place had 12 votes, and 3rd Place had 11. But ultimately, by a single vote, the winner is none other than the icon himself...
The franchise's first Red Ranger, and leader of the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Jason Lee Scott! Congratulations, DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26
Lord Zedd: 14
Jason: 12
Jennifer: 11
Kimberly: 6
Evox: 2
Bulk and Skull: 2
Trini: 1
It was a pretty clear jump from the top 3 to the rest of the nominees, though ultimately I just decided to stick to my word and include only the top two; Jen will have her chance in a future round, after all. wink wink
Ultimately these two are very welcome additions and are sure to round up the Power Rangers team very nicely.
I considered nominating the Time Force Clock Tower if Jennifer had won but that will have to wait another day. We did end up getting 3 stage nominations though, all of which are hugely iconic PR locales.
I will ask that only the top two make in, so vote for just your top two, and your own nomination can't be in first.
Job: Nominate an Item based on a series from the roster!

Job: Create a Moveset for any Character!
While this is normally open indefinitely, I am moving it up as a regularly scheduled job just to see if I can boost the amount of movesets done.

Job: Create an Arcade Ending for any Character!
Same as above

Life has gotten in the way quite a bit so my running of this thread has been taking a hit. I apologize for not being able to do it as properly as I had been before; With that said, Christmas Weekend is now upon us. I'm moreso going to use this day to break in all the new content I haven't really added to the first page and whip up a much more proper schedule for Week 5; Announcement on what Week 5's full schedule is tomorrow, by the way.

Also, since tomorrow is Christmas, it will just be a reflection day, for those who want to participate, but otherwise enjoy your weekend. Happy Hanukkah as well, for those who celebrate it, as I know we are in the midst of it currently.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
  1. Angel Groove
  2. Rafkon

The moveset is mostly based in his appearence in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid.
Attack NameDescription
Z Smash (Forward)​
Zedd strikes the floor with his Z Staff, is an overhead with long range but most damage goes to the top.
Z Slasher (Up)​
Zedd uses his Z Staff and swings it upwards, great anti-air.
Z Wave (Down)​
Zedd crouch and swings his Z Staff around him attacking both from the front and from the back.
Special Move NameDescription
DaggerZ (Neutral)​
Chargeable delayed projectile, the more you charge the more orbs appear until stock 4 that makes the shape of a Z. If you form the Z shape all projectiles would home to the nearest opponent with increased damage.
Zedd Slicer (Up)​
An original move based in one of Zedd's normals in Battle for the Grid, he ascends spinning his Z Staff has an helicopter slicing the opponent multiple times.​
Prepare the Palace (Side)​
Zedd summons one of his minions from the ground to attack the opponent, works similar to Zelda's Down B in Sm4sh/Ultimate but does less damage since the minion is very easy to eliminate.​
Catalyctic Jolt (Down)​
Zedd covers himself in red lightning, he does more damage under this status but dissapears if he is attacked, if he taps the down special again he will release all the power in a electric shockwave.​
Super Move NameDescription
Level 1 - Hail of Fire​
Zedd stabs the floor with his Z Staff surrounding himself in a pillar of electricity similar to his Down Special but enhanced, after that a series of lightning bolts fall from the sky damaging the near opponents.​
Level 2 - DESTROY​
Zedd does an explosion around him, if hits then the opponents are send to a cinematic where he snaps his fingers calling multiple minions to stomp the opponent while he laughs in his throne, after that he finishes with a final bolt with his Z symbol appearing behind him.​

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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Moon Palace
2. Rafkon

Ultimately, I was hoping for a non-MMPR rep but realistically, Hasbro would push for as much MMPR representation in a Hasbro platfighter as much as possible.

Now, onward to my item that sticks with the Power Rangers theme.


Chromafury Saber (Power Rangers Dino Fury)


When used, it is similar to the Beam Sword in the Smash Bros games. I believe we still don't have a sword as an item so why not use the sword from the latest Power Rangers season? You can unleash some dino-mite power. Also, if you press the special button while using the Chromafury Saber, you can perform a Fury Strike. Appearance will vary from the attack representing one of the five core Dino Fury Ranger finishers being T-Rex, Tricera, Ankylo, Tiger or Stego but properties are all the same regardless of what prehistoric animal you get.
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Deleted member

1. Rafkon
2. Angel Grove


All Spark (Transfomers)

A powerful, rare item. Picking this up will grant a power boost to your character and will make them hard to damage for a limited time. But overusing it or using it too quickly will damage you instead.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
So yesterday I did end up missing a day due to both family events and work (Yes, I work on Christmas). Not a big deal because it was mostly just a reflectionary day and would not have been indicative of any of Week 5's jobs immediately afterwards. But, I have an announcement.

I have been missing deadlines for myself due to irl circumstances and I believe this bleeds into the activity of this thread. I want it to be more consistent, more punctual, and Week 5 is a big week that I want to do proper justice and excitement for. I do not feel, with the way things are currently going, that I want to push ahead into the 5th week just yet.

So, for the next week, I am putting an official Thread Break in between Weeks 4 & 5. We won't be having any new jobs until the new year, which I personally feel is the right way to go. I'm going to spend this time to reorganize and update the thread to a level in which my personal management is more satisfactory than it has been these past weeks, and I also believe that the thread taking a break in general is a good way to recharge enthusiasm and ideas for when it resumes.

TL;DR: Thread is officially on Break until January 7th, 2023. This will be the date of the Week 4 Reflection, and after that it is entirely Week 5 jobs.

FYI, this is non-negotiable. See you all in the new year
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 29
We are officially back in action, everyone! After a much needed break, this thread is now set on course for a finished base game, starting today!

Since we've been out so long, I figure Day 29 will encompass both today and tomorrow before we officially move in for a return to regular jobs. A lot of reflection will be held based on what progress we've made in the first half of this thread, but before we get to that, we have a few things to wrap-up...

Angel Grove
The Moon Palace
2 new Playlets are being added in the form of Angel Grove and Rita Repulsa's Moon Palace, rounding out our sets of Power Rangers locales (for now, anyway!) Both are extremely iconic and important to the Mighty Morphin' series, so it's only natural they are the primary inclusions!

Not doing a new vote just yet... Instead, I will carry over a job from the last time we've had one!

Job: Nominate an Item based on a series from the roster!
So far, we have Optimus Prime's Ion Blaster (nominated by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap ), The Allspark (nominated by @Darkonedagger), and the Chromafury Saber! ( AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
All of these will be carried over into the next vote, but I'd say these still aren't quite enough... so, the job will remain open, and additionally, I will be allowing 2 nominations per user, meaning all 3 users who did submit can do so again!
This should be an easy way to get back into the grove of things. So uh, get to it!

Now, as for new jobs...
Open Discussion: Roster Reflection!
Since it's been a while this thread has been active, I want to take a moment to look back on the progress we've made on the roster thus far. We are 23 characters into a 35 character roster, and doing the math, that means we're 65% of the way to the finish line!
Our most recent additions between the 3rd and 4th weeks were a Play-Doh Cup, Lord Licorice, Scarlett, Rom, the Cranium Gang, Lord Zedd and the Red Ranger! How do you feel about these characters and the jobs that were held most recently involving them? (Oddballs, G.I. Joe, Obscure, and Power Rangers). We're still a few days off from the next character additions, so any thoughts about what we currently have now would go here.

Job: Write an E3 Trailer!
Separate from the Reveal trailer and the Villains trailer, the HGNF Development team have taken to E3 (or any other Major gaming convention) to show off a new trailer to showcase the updates made during development, revealing tons of content, including game modes, stages, items, and of course, new characters!
The only restriction I have is that only 3 characters can be revealed in addition to the current 12 revealed so far; For those who enjoy writing trailers, this is your shot!

Job:... Nominate any Hasbro Stage!
We're still a little behind on stages in comparison to characters, so... f*ck it! Nominate any idea for a Hasbro stage based on anything from their (or Tomy's) catalogue of toys and IPs!

Aaaand, that's it. This will cover both today and tomorrow whilst I map out the schedule for Week 5; Since the break ended up being longer than anticipated, I'm debating on changing what the original plan was (mostly just swapping Week 5 and 6, with a potential new character job). We'll cross that bridge when it gets there.

And of course... Welcome Back to the thread!
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

The House on the Hill
(from Betrayal at House on the Hill)

I only just found out through playing this game recently that it was published by Hasbro, so I'm pretty sure it would be eligible for this. Betrayal at House on the Hill is a game where up to six players explore a spooky mansion, but as more and more of the building is uncovered, it becomes clear that one member of the group is a traitor. (most of the time; there are some cases where the objective is just to survive)

The threats that are lurking in this house can range from Halloween staples like Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, or mummies to dragons and Cthulhu-esque monstrosities, to a regular house cat (the other survivors are shrunk down to the size of mice).

The map will be semi-randomized, with two rooms on the upper floor, two rooms on ground floor, and two rooms in the basement randomly chosen from a selection. (there's also an upper landing, entrance hall, and basement landing in the center for some consistency) As a result, the layout would be something like this:

Upper Room AUpper LandingUpper Room B
Ground Room AEntrance HallGround Room B
Basement Room ABasement LandingBasement Room B

Upper Rooms: Master Bedroom, Study, Operating Laboratory, Attic

Ground Rooms: Dining Room, Charred Room, Kitchen, Gymnasium

Basement Rooms: Furnace Room, Pentagram Chamber, Catacombs, Crypt

The rooms are functionally similar, though the stage hazards depends on which rooms you get. There will always be at least one of the following, or two at most: Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, Operating Laboratory, Charred Room. The stage hazards will be confined to a room for a limited period of time before they disappear, but their presence will cause other effects to occur throughout the house; they can be beaten, and they'll drop items upon their defeat.

-if the Crypt is present, then Dracula will rise from a coffin, sending out a swarm of bats to fly back and forth diagonally from where the Crypt is (either lower-left to upper-right or lower-right to upper-left, passing through the entrance hall either way) to gather blood for him.
-if the Operating Laboratory is present, then Frankenstein's Monster will get off of the operating table and roam through the room, with his revival causing electricity to spark sporadically in the central rooms.
-if the Charred Room is present, then the ghosts of those who died there will rise, and fire will spread on the same side of the map that the Charred Room is on. (so if it's on the right side, then the upper-right and lower-right rooms will catch fire, along with the Charred Room)
-if the Pentagram Chamber is present, then Cthulhu will rise from the chamber. The room is too small to fully summon him (only his head is visible, sticking out of the floor of the Pentagram Chamber), but his presence causes fish-people to spawn in three random rooms.

Only one hazard will be active at a time. Much like the Tekken stage in Smash Bros., the walls of the outer rooms on the ground and upper floors can be broken so that players can be launched out of them, or they can be launched off of the top of the map. Players can pass through floors similar to most floating platforms in Smash.

(hopefully this isn't too complicated; I wanted to reference the randomized nature of the map in this game)
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 29 (Cont.)
Just a reminder that all of yesterday's jobs are still open! If you have not nominated a stage. item or trailer write-up, now is your chance to do so before we move back into a regular schedule tomorrow!

On that note... I've done some thinking, and the job layout I had originally planned for Week 5 will be changed, but for the better. All the jobs are still happening, albeit in a different order.

Tomorrow will be a return to character jobs, as expected since Monday is a character day. In fact, tomorrow will be very open in terms of characters, as I will be doing a job for Any Hasbro Character! Any idea you've had beforehand can be thrown in for this job, whether from a new series or an already existing one, so start brainstorming ideas if you haven't already.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Item Nomination: Chance Deck (Monopoly)

Represented as a single Chance card, this item can have one of several effects when picked up. Some effects are good, such as a stat buff or (in rare cases) a free Level 1 Super, but some can be worse, such as a stat nerf or being sent to jail, leaving the fighter immobilized for a few seconds.

Stage: Bop It!

I cited this game when I was first discussing stages early in the thread, so why not introduce it now! This is Hasbro GNF's WarioWare equivalent, with gameplay being interrupted every so often for fighters to play microgames based on Bop It. Those who complete a microgame gain some sort of reward, such as a stat buff.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Stage: Smooze Flood

Taken from the G1 MLP movie, this is an upwards scrolling stage similar to Melee Icicle Mountain, albeit with the scrolling being very periodic and frequently stopping like Dream Land GB - you climb up a waterfall that's been caught by the Smooze. The platforms are all debris of the once-magestic buildings and fauna trapped in the creature, with the left and rightmost sides of the stage being safe areas with static tree platforms and no Smooze. You can get caught in the mouths of the smooze, which will chew you up, requiring you to mash before they go to the blast zone. The friendly G4 Smooze will sometimes appear, caught up in the waterfall as a blink-or-you-miss it cameo, but has no gameplay effect
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Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Stage: Hippo Dome

The Hungry Hungry Hippos will reach out to eat you on this stage. Their heads also count as platforms.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

Mini-Buzz Boar (G.I. Joe)

A miniaturized version of the Cobra Buzz Boar vehicle - once released, it slides along the ground. If it reaches the edge of a platform, it launches off of the edge.

Tactical Football (G.I. Joe)

A weapon used by the member of the GI Joe (and real world football player) William "The Refrigerator" Perry. It's a giant metal football attached to a stick. Effectively a hammer, it's a hard-hitting melee weapon.
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Personally, I love the roster. I just wish Power Rangers had a non-MMPR rep but I feel Hasbro would push primarily for Mighty Morphin' given they release a lot of merch based off of that season. Alongside this, I love the additions of all the others. The Cranium Gang feels like the coolest fighter since I grew up with the lovable gang.


Licorice Space Stopper (Candy-Land)


Based on the Licorice Space from Candy Land, you will get a special card (colors will vary only for aesthetic appearance) based on the space seen in the image. When picked up, you can throw the swuare of licorice at an opponent causing them to be stunned (like losing a turn in Candy Land). It's like the Deku Nut item in Smash.


Playskool Crib Rail Boat Toy and Playskool World (Playskool)


We do not have any representation yet for any Playskool/preschool properties Hasbro owns. I feel Playskool would be best represented via a stage with one of the older toys from the line. On this stage, you will fight on a wooden ship similar to this on the railing of a crib. The baby's hands function as hazards. In the background, you can see other Hasbro toys make an appearance as well. The stage is kind of small but fear not, some other Playskool toys will appear as additional platforms. Basically, a fun stage representing a subsidiary of Hasbro meant for preschoolers.

E3 Trailer

This Game's Stakes Have Been Raised!

We start the trailer off similar to the E3 trailer. However....we zoom into a Dungeons and Dragons game with toys representing the 12 characters revealed thus far. We then cut to the Hasbro Boy and his family playing the campaign with the characters they have been with so far until....his dad says as this text comes on the screen:

Time To Raise the Game's Stakes!

We then cut to gameplay footage of Tommy Oliver fighting Rita on the Angel Grove stage revealing a new stage siletnty. Then, we cut to an Easy-Bake Oven appearing when Tommy gets attacked by Rita. Then, he uses it on Rita causing her to be cooked.

We then cut to another text line that says with the announcer saying:

Items Come Forth!

We then see Snake Eyes use the NERF Launch Gun on Bumblebee and Mr. Potato Head on Mr. Boddy's Estate. It then cuts to more gameplay footage of various fighters revealed. Then, we see a Taboo Squeaker appear on Candy Land where then Twilight Sparkler throws it at Cobra Commander. The trailer then cuts to CGI where we zoom out to the toys of Twilight Sparkle and Cobra Commander clashing. That is until...a. certain gentleman with a red colored suit with a cape and a sword comes....it is revealedto be none other than Lord Licoirce.

Lord Licorice:

So...you two want to see the king? Well, come face through the greatest Candy Lord anyone has ever seen!

We cut to an introducing text of Lord Licorice with the announcer saying his name with him standing by the text. We see him fighting on the Candy Land stage showcasing off his moveset on various fighters as well as his Supers.

Then, we cut back to CGI where Twilight Sparkle gets assisted from Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle: We will not lose to that evil lord!

Rainbow Dash: Not with the power of....

Suddenly, we zoom back out onto the game where the Hasbro father drops in a....SORRY Pawn that attacks Lord Licorice.

Another text line appears that says:

Assists Lend a Hand!

We then see the SORRY Pawn in action attacking Lord Licorice. We also see Doggie Crueger assisting Tommy Oliver on Battleship attacking Drizzt Do'Urden and Bumblbee. Then, we see Ratchet assisting Optimus Prime on the Cybertron stage when he got attacked by Mr. Potato Head.

Then, it zooms back to CGI. We see the family playing with the toys....it zooms back into the board game of Candy Land where Twilight Sparkle is still fighting. However, we see a hand place down another certain pony being none other than...Apple Jack.

Rainbow Dash: Wow! The power of friendship really works!

Apple Jack: It seems I am here to help my friends!

We cut to an introducing text of Apple Jack with the announcer saying her name. We see her fighting on the Sweet Apple Acres stage with it being revealed as well as her moveset being showcased via fighting various fighters as well as her Supers.

We then get more footage with Mr. Potato Head, Apple Jack, Mr. Monopoly and Mr. Potato Head on the newly revealed Mouse Trap stage. Then, we see Twilight Sparkle fighting Lord Licorice and Drizzt Do'Urden on the newly revealed Littlest Pet Shop stage.

While more gameplay footage goes on...we cut to now Optimus Prime being swarmed by the already revealed fighters.

Another text line appears that says:

More Ways to Have A Game Night Fight!

We see footage of the All Versus One Mode as well as with Bumblebee fighting Apple Jack on The Toybox stage revealing Stamina Mode by her dieing after being attacked with her HP going down.

Finally, we cut to Twilight Sparkle and the other ponies hearing a certain villain appear being...Discord. We then see gameplay footage of Rainbow Dash fighting Discord revealing bosses. We also see The Dungeon Master fighting against Drizzt and Goldar fighting against Tommy. It finally cuts to all 14 revealed fighters thus far clashing with the title of the game being read. We see the title being read.

It cuts to copyrights.

This trailer reveals:

  • Lord Licorice and Apple Jack as fighters, their movesets and Supers
  • Angel Grove, Sweet Apple Acres, Mouse Trap and Littlest Pet Shop as the newest stages
  • Easy-Bake Oven, Taboo Squeaker and the NERF Launch Gun as items and how items work
  • SORRY! Pawn, Doggie Crueger and Ratchet as assists and how assists work
  • All Versus One and Stamina Mode as other modes
  • Discord, Dungeon Master and Goldar as bosses and quick previews of their boss fights
Also, announcer announces each new thing as it is revealed.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DAY 30
We are back to the regular schedule! Woohoo!
Since there were no results to reveal from Day 29, we can jump straight into the new votes; and between items and stages it's a lot to sift through so bear with me here.
Oh, and AlteredBeast AlteredBeast 's E3 trailer will be used by default!
Alright, so first, for our item votes, between all 3 days this was held, we have quite a few items to sift through! Going down the list...
I believe this is the most amount of nominations for items in this thread so far! Perhaps I should do double items more often... Anyhow, for this I will be returning to the Yes or No format to determine the value of each item submitted.
Blaster: N
Saber: Y
Allspark: Y
Chance Deck: Y
Boar: Y
Football: Y
Space Stopper: Y

Since the Ion Blaster is already in Optimus' moveset my personal affliction is a "no" on that one, but all the others make sense to me.

And for the stages!

For the stages, we will be returning to a simple ranked voting format! We have quite a nice selection, so vote for your Top 3, and the top 2 winners will be added to the stagelist (top 3 if it's close enough)!
  1. Hungry Hungry Hippos​
  2. Smooze Flood​
  3. House on the Hill​
Alright, I think that about covers all of the nominations from the past few days. So all that's left is...
Normally, for a new character job, I'd make a huge write-up for the specific theme and it's history. But c'mon... this is a Hasbro job! It's the one thing binding every character here together, does it even need to be explained? Mr. Potato Head, Rom, the Red Ranger, Cobra Commander, Tyson, Drizzt... with a whole heap of iconic Hasbro character under our roster's belt, another open job like this to add to that coalition is nothing less than welcome!

Job: Nominate any Hasbro Character!
Similar to the very first job we've ever had in this thread, nominate any character owned by Hasbro or Takara-Tomy!
...I suppose I should put an asterick, because there is going to be one exception to this. No Transformers. Not yet; trust me, this restriction will make Week 6 run a lot smoother. wink wink

Other than that, this is an incredibly open job, so... run wild!


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Just real quick, I will be resubmitting my Action Man nomination from before! Third time's the charm, right?
Job: Hasbro Character
Franchise: Action Man
Who is Action Man?
Action Man is the U.K. equivalent of G.I. Joe, licensed in 1966 by Palitoy. Alongside G.I. Joe, these two are considered the world's first action figures, marking them as huge shifts in the toy industry across the world. Whilst G.I. Joe focused on a military theme that would then be rebranded into A Real American Hero in 1983, Action Man was a jack-of-all trades:
Space Rangers, Sailors, Jungle Adventurers, you name it! The legacy of Action Man was steadily built up over time.

His biggest break yet, however, would be in 1993, as the IP was rebranded into a spy-based thriller - a change highlighted by a brand new TV show, mixing both animated and live-action elements
Just 5 years later, in the 2000s, Action Man would see another revamp into a Xtreme Sports IP - a bizarre departure from the spy thriller, but not unfounded given the action figure's roots.
Both of these were followed by a toyline playing off of the show's premise, and even several different video games, perhaps quite a lot given the IP!

The spy thriller would continue to be a major aspect of Action Man into the modern day; In the 2016, the series was brought back by IDW Publishing and folded into their Shared Hasbro Universe, focused around their Transformers comics. A terrible idea, of course, but Action Man saw a return as a Mission: Impossible type IP, with new comics published within this universe (utulizing the original 60's logo, as well)!

Just to put a cherry on top of all of this; an Action Man figure was sent into space for his 50th anniversary, as part of a kickstarter campaign done to celebrate the figure.

Becoming both a media franchise and a staple of action figures, Action Man is a vital part of Hasbro history that deserves representation on this roster, and I'll be shooting for him right out of the gate!

Possible Moveset
Action Man has a variety of different appearances to pull moves from - whilst the Spy inspiration would be the best way to go, a mix of Xtreme sports, jungle adventuring, space voyaging and a little bit of Baywatch would go a long way to make a wholly unique moveset that you would not see elsewhere; Some more direct Action figure inspired attacks, referencing revolutionary features such as gripping-hands and figure construction, could definitely add a boost of creativity that would otherwise not be present on any other Hasbro character that would likely see nomination.

For those who are interested, a far more comprehensive history of Action Man, straight from the source, can be found here!
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