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Halloween Party Mafia ~ Over! Who drowned bobbing for apples? Who won Best Costume?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

EBR, start posting, you hid behind your 'i don't like D1' excuse, you'd better start pumping out content.

X1 and Vult, please catch up as soon as possible. I'd also like you to look at Sang v J (430 to 450 or thereabouts) and say a few words on it.

this alliance thing is meh, please don't blindly trust one another

im more concerned that there's an alliance of any sort at all, especially if it'll make anyone think twice about voting somebody in said alliance

i'd rather you all be 'people who distrust EBR/Swiss'
*taps foot*

The fact that you are two people and only have that many posts doesn't make you a shining star of activity either, especially given I was V/LA for the latter chunk of D1 and still am, to be honest.

I single you out because I think your slot will have significant insight. Additionally, you suggested you would get into the game starting toDay, whereas prodding travelling cat or Acrostic or another chronic inactive would get me nowhere. On that note, I do want to hear Acrostic's thoughts in general.

I haven't been engaged enough to offer proper scumpicks with reasoning off the bat and don't care to make up any to sate you. You'll get them eventually.

Okay that's it, I keep re-reading these posts and I cannot believe my vote is not on this slot and it's infuriating me I don't have two votes to use in a situation like this but this is making me annoyed at not having my vote on someone like this.

Vote: asianaussie

FoS: Swiss

I would really love if Acro/Raz did stuff toDay because I hate having nothing from those slots. Also something more substantial/concrete from Gova/TC would be great as well.

Oh, just so people know, I will not be allowing another lynch like yesterDay to happen and we are gonna be lynching someone who is actually scummy instead of inactive.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Hey EBR, I have a response to your post:

This is probably one of the most blatantly misconstrued pieces of garbage I have ever seen.

First off, there was plenty of analysis in my 334. I said I had a scum read on Ran and I backed that **** up with multiple in thread references where he was doing things that I thought were scummy. In addition to just stating there was analysis of why I thought that information was scummy and was congruous to my ScumRan read.
I see you are in a great mood Kuz, but before you yell at me for posting "garbage" look at your post again:

No. Sit down. Shut the **** up. Stop playing like a ******.

Ryker doesn't have a power cord to his computer so he hasn't been able to be around and therefore we havn't talked. I try not to involve myself in D1 play anyway because I only taint tells that I look for when I read through the thread (however I'm actually feeling in the mood to play some mafia today and my other game is closed so I guess I'll actually do something) so the argument that I should be more on top of this game considering the players in the hydra is complete ****. That also carries over to giving other players free passes because they are known for acting stupid as opposed to us where we're apparently supposed to be on top of things all the time and thus are scummy when we aren't. Have you read Dgray man? Asdioh tried to knee jerk a scum read of WL for those same reasons and look what he flipped. When in that game did we become productive? End of D2.

I'm not excusing my inactivity, its a null tell, but if you're trying to make an argument that this inactivity goes against our meta and thus makes us scummier than other inactives then you're either very stupid or scum.
All of this, your first two paragraphs? I don’t give a **** about, this is, once again information instead of analysis as you try to tell us that inactivity isn’t a scum tell, it’s a null tell and using yourself as an example. And also throwing some aggression in there just for the hell of it.

My reasoning for the Ran lynch was definitely not just complacency. Makes me wonder if you ever read that post because anyone who even skimmed it could have figured out that wasn't at all what I said. If I just wanted to policy lynch him for action stupid I would have tunneled the **** out of him for that supposed scum slip. If I jut wanted to policy lynch him for his stupid actions, I would have tunneled the **** out of him for announcing that he didn't get the flavor guess for N0 right. My reasoning was clearly stated in my 334 that I didn't like the explanation behind his pushes and they were very reaching and opportunistic. He would argue an ambiguous situation from one side only and push that as his major reasoning for his scum pick at such an early time in the game where those types of concrete reads couldn't have taken form with genuine reasoning.
I didn’t say that you were trying to policy lynch him, did you actually read my post? I said that you wanted to lynch him out of complacency. That means that you kept pushing him because he was an easy lynch, not because you genuinely thought he was scum. The fact of the matter is that here:

I have yet to actually read this thread yet though I've given it a good skim. Ran lynch is still where we are going and I have no idea why Sword is saying its a dumb idea. I disagree that the scummiest thing about Ran is his scumslip, though I don't like that all the same. You say his reads are backwards which, though true, isn't the main thing to focus on with his push. Its his reasoning for his reads. There simply isn't enough content in this game to warrant the reasoning he has given for some players and he is digging to find reasoning to make scum picks work rather than just stating what they have done that was scummy, even if there wasn't that much to comment on. For instance I disagree with his scum read on you in 218 because he is taking your dislike of my Ran pressure and using it to insinuate that almost surely knew that I was right and wanted to look pro-town by defending Ran instead of just speaking your mind. Instead of what he was reaching for, it could just as easily have been you just didn't agree with my Ran push and wanted to pressure me off it. However I find it interesting, and a town tell, that Sword is trying to emulate what I did in Kingmaker in trying to go after his largest scum read regardless of reputation. However I don't like that he's insinuating things about what our inactivity means in assuming ulterior motives. I explained above why using inactivity to explain why we're scum is dumb and we're no way trying to ride off our status, we're just not playing the game. Don't even try to stretch that.
You admit that you actually haven’t read the thread yet, but you “gave it a good skim” which I dislike already. Your points:

*Ran lynch is still where we are going- not dumb despite what Swords says
*don’t like Ran “scum slip” but not scummiest thing about him (also I don’t personally believe it was a scum slip, so this point is moot to me)
*Swords wrong for saying his reads are backwards- not focus of push
*REASONING FOR READS- so you say there simply isn’t enough content to warrant his reasoning, and you cite his #218. First of all I don’t get where you see this: “because he is taking your dislike of my Ran pressure and using it to insinuate that almost surely knew that I was right and wanted to look pro-town by defending Ran instead of just speaking your mind.”
From this:

Sworddancer – Scum. He doesn’t really give good reasoning as to why EBR’s vote on me looked bad. Plus he didn’t really state what scum intention EBR had. I found EBR’s push legit and I didn’t like Sword’s vote on there one bit.
You put a lot of words in Ran’s mouth there as to what he was insinuating that I did not get AT ALL.

And I don’t understand how there is not enough “content” to warrant his reasoning; his reasoning is obviously weak because it was so early in the game, but that doesn’t mean that the content behind his reads isn’t real content and valid. Anyways it seems like you think there is not enough information to make such strong reads. However you never address the fact that I give a list of full reads in my one post in response to J and Sang gives full reads in her #268, so there was clearly enough information for town/null/scum reads to at least tentatively be formed even if you yourself didn’t think so. It really seems like you just focused on Ran’s reads because once again, that’s already where you were heading and threw out an accusation that there wasn’t enough content to warrant his reasoning, put some words in his mouth then called it a Day.

Also the first line of this I assumed was directed at J, considering J was the most recent person to post and call you out for your crappy play. But then the entire paragraph above was directed at Swords, which wasn’t apparent at the onset of this post that it was a response to Swords and I find it strange that of all the posts asking you for content and trying to get reads/reasoning out of you, you explain your read on Ran directly to Swords while pointing out things you like/dislike about his play in particular. Also this line, “However I find it interesting, and a town tell, that Sword is trying to emulate what I did in Kingmaker in trying to go after his largest scum read regardless of reputation”, completely random, not sure how it’s a town tell, don’t like what are getting at here. First of all, how is it a town tell? Second of all, you make it sound as if it could damage his reputation to push you even though tbh you were inactive, your only participation in the game so far had been your crappy reasoning behind Ran RQS scumminess, and pressure on you was well deserved. How that could come back and harm his reputation is a stretch and I find it strange you are willing to so poorly misconstrue something into a “town tell”. Rest of this paragraph is about Swords, and ultimately you leave this post with an ambiguous read on him, crediting him with a “town tell” here but then immediately calling into question his push on you for activity.

Anyways I digress. Your reasons for Ran scum here are, minorly his “scum slip” which was discussed and for the most part ruled as most likely confusion on Ran’s part rather than an actual scum slip, so moot point. You say that his reads being backwards isn’t the focus of the push, which well it shouldn’t be. So then we have the keystone of your case, that there is not enough content to warrant the reasoning behind his reads. That is a lie however, as there was enough content to warrant reasoning behind my reads and Sang’s reads near the same time Ran provided his reads. Now you clarify that his reads were opportunistic and reaching, points that were not clearly drawn out in this post. Nevertheless, you reach yourself to show Ran’s read on Swords in his #218 as scummy, and Ran has reformed his reads after he stopped connection hunting yet you don’t seem to care about that or notice that anyways. As for the opportunistic claim, I don’t see any support for that in either of these posts and would like you to provide support for that as well.

In addition to this I wanted him dead because of the intent behind the RVS questions, not just the questions themselves. Yeah it looks pro-town because Ranmaru tried to stimulate discussion, but, honestly, any half decent scum could do that. If anything it looks more of an attempt to fake content than to genuinely contribute it (asking questions that have zero pro-town information that could be gained from the answer). This is what I didn't like and explained in my 334, which you obviously didn't read. Even on my re-skim this wasn't the thing that changed my read on him, it was what Circus said. .
Alright pulling up your post again:

As for 104

I'm not judging Ran's questions of RVS just on the surface level, I'm looking at the intent behind them. I still don't know what type of answer Ranmaru hoped to gain from asking specific people who they found the hardest to read as well as who people's rivals are. What townie intent is there found to knowing everyone's answers to those questions, ie, what does he plan to do with those answers. Nothing should be the apparent answer because there is nothing good you can learn from them. Ran being well, Ran shouldn't explain away why that's excusable. This exact same thing happened in DGray where JTB asked a question to Bardull with no pro-town direction behind it and it got explained away by JTB just being JTB and he freaking survived until D4.
Yes, you do say you want him dead because of his RQS questions, unfortunately your reasons are much too shallow despite your claim that you are looking into intent. Explain to me, why would Ran as scum draw attention to himself by starting RVS? What did he gain from those questions that he could use for scummy intent? And why would Ran scum purposefully push town out of stagnancy and put himself in the limelight in the process? Also, keep in mind that his question about who would you hold hands with was used by Circus to gain a read on me, so clearly there was the potential for pro-town use of the Ran’s questions. Ultimately the likelihood that town Ran started RQS to stimulate conversation is higher and makes much more sense than scum Ran trying to fake content.

None of my reasoning on why Ranmaru was scum had ANYTHING to do with Soup. I talked about my Soup read because Sword either asked me my read on him specifically or he asked for my scumpicks in general, I forget which. This was why I talked about Soup at all, not because of my push on Ran. Again, you obviously didn't even read my post. And you're wrong that it isn't convincing. That slot's commentary on the J vs. Sang wagon is very grimy and I've already explained why it contradicts his usual play, but why the slot hasn't been contributing much content at all. Sword disagreed and I've since asked him to explain to me what type of content Soup did contribute but he hasn't yet responded.
Clearly you haven’t read my post which IS QUOTED RIGHT THERE IN YOUR POST:

His extensive #334 wasn't per se bad, but it was just a lot of information and not a lot of analysis. His reasons for the Ran lynch seem like simple complacency and he doesn't want to let players be excused for acting stupid. Which is fair enough, and I don't agree with people having a town read on Ran "because he's Ran" and dismissing his actions. However, that is not the case for some people, myself included, who think Ran had pro-town intentions in mind with his actions. Furthermore most of his reasons for a Ran lynch divulge into things EBR doesn't like about Swords, and his Soup read seems to be based solely on his post about Sang v. J which isn't convincing. Also I don't like his #337 and #338 because they are pretty abrasive, however J and Kuz often battle it out to get a read on each other so I'm going to put those posts as null.
I NEVER accused your Soup read of having anything to do with your Ran read. At first I thought you got this wrong because of my ambiguous use of the pronoun “his” in that line but considering you addressed my point on his, being Soup’s commentary on J v. Sang clearly you either misread or misconstrued this. I saw Swords ask you if you had a “real good post with updated reads is on its way” if that’s what you are referring to, once again why you chose to address your catch-up post entirely to Swords is beyond me. Anyways for continuity’s sake, here’s your part about Soup:

Soup is scum. His vote on me is absolute trash and he knows it. He admits in the post right before he votes me that he thinks that my vote on Ran is warranted in his own way but still thinks that it is more shallow than other people who he thinks have boarded with little reasoning. If he thinks our vote is warranted then how does he think its also shallow at the same time? There have been hop-ons to the Ranmaru wagon that had half the reasoning we provided. Literally the only reason for his vote on us over another player for his same reasoning is to try and show that he wasn't afraid to vote for a power player and had backbone. Not to mention his commentary in his 319 is absolutely terrible and reeks to all hell. That post literally has no inferences or deductions. It is just quoting the back and forth between J and Sang and throwing in sideshow commentary in an attempt to make it look like he's contributing. There didn't need to be an analysis of the interaction. If Soup felt so strongly that said interaction was TvT why didn't he just say that and explain his reasoning instead of making a large post full of nothing. Not to mention he's selectively applying tells to Sang that he isn't doing to J throughout that post which I heavily dislike.
Actually he admits that in the post right after he votes you, just making sure we don’t misconstrue anything here. While I’m not sure what his purpose was with that comment, you once again throw in how important it is that you are a power player and people are trying to demonstrate their ability/sturdiness by how they interact with you, which makes me think that your ego is really clouding your ability to look at intent and motivation in an unbiased manner. Also you say that his #319 has no inferences or deductions; however isn’t his claim that it was T v. T a deduction? Or where he accuses J of strawmanning Sang, isn’t that a deduction about J’s play?

Back to your response post way up there, where you say you point out how his play here contradicts his usual play aka meta aka blah blah blah not good enough. I would like more reasoning. You say that Swords still has to get back to you about where Soup has contributed, fair enough. I agree with Swords and await his response to you on the subject.

So pretty much nothing you've said about my 334 is true in the slightest. At all. Your next points about me being abrasive are indeed null and if you acknowledge that then why bother bring them up at all. Plus you say at the beginning of your post that you don't think that my 334 was bad per say, but then go on to label 4 or 5 things you really disliked about it (which all happened to be false). I expect a response to all these things, July, since you've made these exact same erroneous points more than 3 different times now and have largely explained your scum read with them.
You should check yourself, because you’ve had some pretty major issues in your posts of misconstruing things, and where that’s not the case you just have downright ****ty reasoning. I bring up your abrasive attitude because it’s something that I know you and J do all the damn time and belongs as a null read, however if people haven’t ever seen Kuz v. J they might take that abrasiveness as a sign of alignment which I know it’s not. Your #334 wasn’t bad per se because it wasn’t, it had the appearance of content and you gave updated reads, which is a hell of a lot better than your other posts from D1. However, unfortunately that appearance of scumhunting is lie, its just you piecing together what you’ve skimmed to make an easy little accusation on Ran that makes no sense and pull a Soup scum read out of your *** based on one post and some handy meta. Once again I will wait for Swords to get to you about where Soup provided content, and if he doesn’t then I will. Honestly I didn’t realize the depths to which I disliked that post, how worthless the beginning was, how weak your reasoning on Ran and how full of **** you were on the “there is not enough content to warrant his reasoning” accusation, or how blatantly you let your ego get in the way of analyzing intent wrt Swords and Soup. Also, you act as if I wouldn’t provide you with a response to all these things? That is a very silly thing to think, and I now await your response EBR.

I started this post of pretty angry, and then I got really happy as I realized just how terrible your post was and catching all the things wrong with it that I didn't get on my first read of it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Vote: asianaussie

Vote: Swiss

Vote: asianaussie

Both need to die at the current time, but who first is the question.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Nevermind that point. :awesome: I thought you meant DH hopped onto me, and I then said it didn't matter what he did, scum would have a reason to push him or leave him for others to push. Misunderstanding on my part.

Ok, the wagon can be town driven, or scum driven. Thus why we need to look at each person's reasoning (on and off the wagon). Essentially, you say that alot of people can say "Yeah I only voted DH because of deadline or over NL/ Ran" and use that as an excuse. Then, that point is null. They should then explain who they would have pushed for, and who they would push for ToDay. If they didn't get enough attention on their top scumpick, then they should explain why they didn't push for it hard enough. If they were afraid of a no lynch, why didn't they ask for a deadline extension? If they chose DH only because he seemed like a better choice than Ran, than who besides DH and Ran did they push? Did they push hard for that person? (Unless that person was pushing for Ran in the first place, then look as to why they switched to Ran)

There are only a select few who can say "I didn't have time to vote DH", so I do think that point is weak. I'm sure there were some that had scumreads on him, and some that just hopped on. If someone was busy, ok, I'd just state it as null. What's the big deal? I know deadline is shorter in this game, but we shouldn't let that stop us from looking at motivation. If the majority of the voters was busy and voted just for a lynch, then we'd push for them to post more. We'd keep an eye on them. I don't find this to be generic.

If the wagon is town driven, that means scum is off it. If the wagon is scum driven, it would mean town is off it.

With the people who voted DH just for Deadline, I'd also request they get to voting as soon as possible, or at least give 2-3 scumpicks as soon as possible. I also want to see a vote from people who still have an RVS vote on.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also, J I'll get to you on Vult shortly.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I have never in my life read a post with such.....idk what to call it but that made me laugh the hardest I have ever laughed in my mafia career ever. This is talking about July's post because of so many call-outs and so many just ****-slapping some pure logic down it's astounding.

Plus it's to Kuzi of all people which is like O_O in itself (no offense broskii) which makes it even funnier.

July, I love you like regardless of whatever you are this game and will always be one of my fav players ever. sorry Ran, she's miiiiine =P

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Raaaaan, I already gave you my opinion on those questions and I'm gonna leave it at that than rather try and beat a dead horse that it seems neither of will agree to, kay? I think they won't be helpful and that's that.

I look forward, however, to your Vult read explained. No rush though. :p It is 5am and I am only up cuz damn alarm went off early. ;_;

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I think the reason that one post is so funny because the fact of the matter is it's July of all people doing it. IDK may just be me, but I'm done meatriding her for now.

July, it seems based on that response you despise the very existance of EBR to his very core. You planning on voting them due to it or you think they just may be that dumb according to your logic? After EBR who is your next scum-pick that isn't Swiss?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@Alliance: Opinion on AA. July/Swords, you two said you would be pushing EBR toDay correct? How are his current posts looking for you and would you consider joining me instead to get at Swiss over EBR? Sang, your DH wagon came up bust but that kind of was to be expected due to the nature of it. Can you also give me an update on AA since you said last he was leaning-town or null. (I can't remember which) Can you give me a second scum-pick as well? We need to do well for our fallen brethren. ;-;
AA is leaning scummy for me. His reaction to Circus suggesting that he be vigged seemed over the top to me, he didn't handle it very rationally and that's one of the few times yesterDay I've seen a reaction from him about anything. And he's been here, like I remember him being present yesterDay and so far toDay and yet there just aren't any stances coming from him. I support you on this read J.

As for Swiss over EBR...I would like to see EBR's response to my last post because he has a lot of explaining to do for his #334 and his #614, as well as his case on Soup and his "town tell" on Swords. I will consider Swiss however, you/Sang's/Moth's/Swords' suspicions of him do have merit.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It was interesting. Very. Also, I think it fits with July's playstyle. Ryker/July clash alot.

Vult because I do feel Soupa didn't really push hard when he should have. D1 he stated dislike of Circus with a reason, yet pushed on EBR with only "I think his vote on Ran was shady" which was the same reason I had Swords as scum. For not really giving a good reason for EBR scum. That's why.

And I'm still up. :awesome:


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also fine with agreeing to disagree on the DH wagon analysis. I'll think about it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
It was interesting. Very. Also, I think it fits with July's playstyle. Ryker/July clash alot.
That wasn't Ryker, that was Kuzi fo sho. But tbh, I can see where you get that since they have similar playstyles.

What is your take on this EBR vs. July thing? Who is looking worse atm? Do both have good PoVs or is one scummy?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I have never in my life read a post with such.....idk what to call it but that made me laugh the hardest I have ever laughed in my mafia career ever. This is talking about July's post because of so many call-outs and so many just ****-slapping some pure logic down it's astounding.

Plus it's to Kuzi of all people which is like O_O in itself (no offense broskii) which makes it even funnier.

July, I love you like regardless of whatever you are this game and will always be one of my fav players ever. sorry Ran, she's miiiiine =P
Lol well thank you J I'm flattered, and I love you too regardless of your alignment in any game : D


I think the reason that one post is so funny because the fact of the matter is it's July of all people doing it. IDK may just be me, but I'm done meatriding her for now.

July, it seems based on that response you despise the very existance of EBR to his very core. You planning on voting them due to it or you think they just may be that dumb according to your logic? After EBR who is your next scum-pick that isn't Swiss?
Lol I don't despise EBR to his core, I just think that he needs to explain a lot of things that aren't logical, don't add up, or have been misconstrued. He wanted answers from me and now I expect answers from him. I will wait for his response before deciding rather or not to put a vote on them, but no I have not ruled out that they might be just that egotistical to not see the flaws in their own logic. Next scum-pick after EBR and Swiss is AA.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm lol'd and will be leaning torwards EBR as scum. :awesome:

There were somethings I didn't see from my angle, and that post convinced me.

This would change my reads on others as well.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I will explain what exactly convinced me after EBR responds though. If you'd want me to do that before EBR responds, I can do that.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also, I know that was Kuzi. I just said that because I know that July and Kuz play the same way. Kuz prolly get's her agitated still though.

I know he can be just GAH. ;o (that's what July would say, not me)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
i don't have the time to play

i don't want to leave people with an dead slot and give scum another freebie

i also don't think much of my chances of redeeming myself

i don't like J and i'm starting to think EBR and july are town


Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
J, help me with swiss toDay and I'll help you with AA.

I'll make a post responding to everything that was asked to me from today and yesterday when I get home.

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
Tried to write a complete response to July this morning but I couldn't finish. Only halfway done. Have to step out the door right now and drive up to college. I'll get at it when my V/LA is over.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Would like to lynch Sang, J and Soup(Vult)

Sang's defence to J pushing her is completely terrible. She is completely deflecting and giving very little worthwhile content. She accuses DH for tunnelling the player who looked most scummy, but she then tunnels the player who is probably the easiest to ML in this game (and was V/LA). Some of her knee-jerk reactions look very much like newb-scum to me "uhh, what I'm scummy? No your doing that too eh!"

J should probably die for how easily he is willing to drop his pushes. His attack on EBR seems completely legit but then he completely dismisses it as a pressure case. He also attacks Sang, and correctly points out that she was being massively deflecting but does nothing to follow up on this, later asking Sang to join her alliance? I dislike this alliance intently because it reads to me as people J wants to manipulate + Sang. J also has a habit (which admittedly someone already pointed out) of asking without offering her own opinion ("Look at each individual person and their joining posts into the alliance and tell me what you get from them. I'll dig each thing up in a second."#572). Furthermore, she just asked these people to join an alliance, she already thinks they are town, why the hell does she then feel the need to help people get reads on them? She's no need to try convincing people of anything wrt: people in her alliance.

Soup I don't particularly like because as EBR has pointed out, he's done basically nothing. I'm not gonna regurgitate what EBR has already said so I'll leave it at that basically. He falls below J and Sang on the scum rankings

I think Circus and Sworddancer are Town for their responses to J and his Alliance. They clearly are joining it for a reason, rather than just because. Swords said he would it it would help get EBR (his biggest scumspect) lynched, and Circus agreed on the grounds that his vig target of AA (who he was already pushing) would be considered more seriously. They're each joining/saying they might join for their own reasons. Conversely July and Sang I feel look much worse for their joining of this alliance

[AA says wtf at this claim]
I'm bringing attention to this again. I want everyone's thoughts on this.
It means nothing, drop it. Continuing along this path will only lead to rolefishing imo.

Vote: SangfroidWarrior

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Votecount 2-1

9/16 to lynch.

Vult Redux [1]: EBR!
J [1]: Swiss
asianaussie [1]: J
SangfroidWarrior [1]: X1-12

Not voting: Gova, Acrostic, Raziek, Red Ryu, July, Vult Redux, Sworddancer, Ranmaru, asianaussie, Shadow Moth, SangfroidWarrior, traveling cat


[collapse=Vote Log] Swiss > J
X1-12 > SangfroidWarrior
Red Ryu
EBR! > Vult Redux
Vult Redux
J > Swiss > asianaussie > asianaussie
Shadow Moth
traveling cat

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Confirm. Rules read and whatnot.

I'll start reading this evening and will possibly be caught up by tonight or tomorrow.

What's the consensus on flavor discussion?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Why does in X1's post he starts off by using the pronoun "he" but then goes into the pronoun "she"? That's kind of a funny fail. I'll get to your post X1-12 and there are some things that you just aren't seeing like at all.

@Moth: B-b-but =< AA maaaan. I'll think about it later when I get home/on a cpu. Save me a seat on the bandwagon eh?

AA, don't give up because it really only makes me wanna lynch you more. Try when you come back to defend yourself and also is the reason you are starting to dislike purely because of my push on you, honest answer please.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Multiposting etc to boost my post count.

Scum Swiss lurks, you see.
Self meta much?

Don't recall you doing much but lurk funny enough.

Vote: Swiss

Confirm. Rules read and whatnot.

I'll start reading this evening and will possibly be caught up by tonight or tomorrow.

What's the consensus on flavor discussion?
Keeping it to ourselves.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
this alliance thing is meh, please don't blindly trust one another
I don't think any of us would be stupid enough to, and I don't think anyone should be afraid to vote any of us because, if you have a legitimate reason for it, there shouldn't be any backlash.

@EBR. You spent all that time defending why you thought that Ran was scum. Why change now?

The fact that you are two people and only have that many posts doesn't make you a shining star of activity either, especially given I was V/LA for the latter chunk of D1 and still am, to be honest.
Um... I don't know how to say this but that is a stupid argument. Even if there are two people, I would think that there would be times when a person is V/LA and the other person has limited access to a computer. I dislike this argument.

  • I want everyone to give me thoughts on what sticks out in the quote.
  • I also want thoughts on DH's wagon.
  • Is there scum on it?
  • Is there scum off it?
  • Who is scum on that wagon if there is and why?
  • Who is scum off the wagon if there isn't and why?
I don't like these questions. The last to are worded very oddly. You could have easily just asked us who we thought was scum. Of course there's probably some scum on the DH wagon, and there's probably some off of it too. I dislike Swiss, who was on the wagon, AA who wasn't (because he's been pushing a lot of weird arguments that don't really help town at all), and Raziek who wasn't on any vote at all. You know my thoughts on a DH wagon, and I'm not sure what you're trying to point out about that quote, besides the fact that you didn't have Swiss underlined. These questions, to me, aren't really going anywhere. Explain to me what you get from them, please. Also, my I stated my reasons for Swiss and Raziek yesterDay.

Sang, your DH wagon came up bust but that kind of was to be expected due to the nature of it. Can you also give me an update on AA since you said last he was leaning-town or null. (I can't remember which) Can you give me a second scum-pick as well? We need to do well for our fallen brethren. ;-;
Look above at my response to Ran. I'll probably do a re-read of AA when I get the chance but I'll be busy for a while.

If the wagon is town driven, that means scum is off it. If the wagon is scum driven, it would mean town is off it.
Am I correctly understanding what you are trying to say here? Explain it, please, because, atm, all I'm seeing is a lame argument.

Sang's defence to J pushing her is completely terrible. She is completely deflecting and giving very little worthwhile content.
Okay, I understand the deflecting thing but, outside of those posts, where do I not have content? Where is my content lacking?

X1 said:
She accuses DH for tunnelling the player who looked most scummy, but she then tunnels the player who is probably the easiest to ML in this game (and was V/LA). Some of her knee-jerk reactions look very much like newb-scum to me "uhh, what I'm scummy? No your doing that too eh!"
I thought that DH would turn out scum. I do feel bad about lynching a dude that was V/LA but if I had wanted a mislynch I could have easily jumped on the Ran lynch with so little excuse it's not funny. Instead, I got on a lynch that only had 1 person on it and got it going. I'm not saying it's a feat to get a mislynch, but I thought DH was scum and I wanted scum gone. As per the knee-jerk reactions, I would like you to point out any other posts that you think are knee jerk reactions besides the ones that I was deflecting stuff back at J because I was getting annoyed at him. That post that you quoted was pure sarcasm because I was annoyed he was gonne come in and joke about not posting anything and, yeah, the joke went right over my head, but I was legitmately annoyed and pissed off.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Would like to lynch Sang, J and Soup(Vult)

Sang's defence to J pushing her is completely terrible. She is completely deflecting and giving very little worthwhile content. She accuses DH for tunnelling the player who looked most scummy, but she then tunnels the player who is probably the easiest to ML in this game (and was V/LA). Some of her knee-jerk reactions look very much like newb-scum to me "uhh, what I'm scummy? No your doing that too eh!"

J should probably die for how easily he is willing to drop his pushes. His attack on EBR seems completely legit but then he completely dismisses it as a pressure case. He also attacks Sang, and correctly points out that she was being massively deflecting but does nothing to follow up on this, later asking Sang to join her alliance? I dislike this alliance intently because it reads to me as people J wants to manipulate + Sang. J also has a habit (which admittedly someone already pointed out) of asking without offering her own opinion ("Look at each individual person and their joining posts into the alliance and tell me what you get from them. I'll dig each thing up in a second."#572). Furthermore, she just asked these people to join an alliance, she already thinks they are town, why the hell does she then feel the need to help people get reads on them? She's no need to try convincing people of anything wrt: people in her alliance.
Okay looking at these two picks, we have two very different looking things, based on the scales of these posts, he seems to have more ammo against my slot but not that much against Sang as scum-reads. By the very nature of the content in the posts he seems to be more sure of Jscum than SangScum, yet who does his vote land on?

X1-12 said:
Vote: SangfroidWarrior
Weird place to put his vote considering what he has said and I was honestly expecting a vote my way based on his posts. It seems like he is taking the easier route here by going after Sang who, to be honest, is a less experienced player than myself and one I think X1 thinks he can manipulate into doing what he wants more so than he can me who could get around his BS logic, which at this point is all I'm seeing for all his scum-reads. So I really don't like the fact he didn't vote me over Sang because it seems the easy way out.

Sang paragraph, "giving very little content"? Are you reading this game correctly because that is completely contradictory to the facts of this game? Sang has been giving content and sure as hell we wouldn't have lynched DH most likely because Sang was the one who pushed the DH lynch and got us all to rally onto him. She has also been answering questions and asking questions when she sees fit. I find what you are saying w.r.t. her not having content just utter crap.

I hate the next thing you do in your paragraph which was try and shove the blame of the DHtown flip onto her by saying, "Oh look, she pushed possibly the easiest ML and flipped town, major scum-points yo." First of all, she has really never fully played a game with DH nor has she heard the rumours about him being an easy ML. There goes your first point. Tunnels? How has what she done tunnel besides push a ML because there was not tunneling coming from her slot that meant she constantaly continued to bring up the fact that DH is scum for new founded reasons based on his new posts but actually continued to do other things and focus elsewhere, a.k.a. her Swiss scum push. Like to say she tunneled DH and compare it to what others had done is utter garbage. Plus you even have the gall to strawman her argument to say that she had said DH was tunneling Ran when that wasn't the point of the DH lynch at all nor was it her reasoning. Her reasoning was that he had hopped onto Ran for very BS reasons, summed up the majority, did a little fake push towards him, voted him, then left. Nowehere did she say that DH was tunneling Ranmaru. Show me where X1-12 and back up this ****.

My Paragraph, time for some fun. Willing to drop my pushes? Alright, what about that is scummy? You even state my reasonings for doing so, you say I was pushing EBR but that was for reaction and to get more out of an empty slot, not just drop it to drop it like it's hot. How is it scummy to drop something when I got what I wanted when I could have continued to push EBR and actually to be quite honest, get his lynch since people would have had to vote him because with quite a few votes and people not making up their mind and changing about Ran, what did I benefit from continuing something that I gained what I wanted from? You don't explain how "dismissing" (bad way to word it) is scummy in the least sense of the word and more or less just state it.

Let's go into the fact a bit more about dropping my pushes. You are saying as though I drop those pushes haphazardly and without gaining info and just to push people to push them. That is far from what I have been doing at all and if you actually look at what I am doing, I am pushing scum-picks as of late. You are going to try and bring up this "Oh well you dropped Swiss to go to AA." and the simply truth is, no I have not. I want Swiss dead as soon as I can but other people are focusing on him and not that many people are focusing on another scum-read of mine to whom I would like to get answers out of for his scummy behaviour. I even said I would love to have two votes so I could vote both of them but alas I can't because I am constricted to one vote. I am not just dropping my pushes but I am being capatilistic as to when would be the best time to follow another scum-read over another based on the info that is out there.

Does not follow up on the deflecting? What in the world are you talking about? Did you even read the debate or the funny side-show Soupa did in which he pointed out where I did follow up with said thing? Also what I garnered from that response was, to me, a town-read so why should I not invite her into an allaince that will not only help myself get reads, but also help others get reads on the slots because they are now going to be in the spotlight for agreeing to such a thing? Yet again, how is not going farther with things when I got what I wanted scummy? You are misconstruing my actions and I hate it.

Why I did the alliance was to manipulate all the players besides Sang? What in the world are you on man? Swords/Circus/July are possibly the next strongest players in the game besides like EBR when they will actually do some things maybe. Swords would be even hard for me to convince because he is always wary of my way of convincing because I have fooled him before and a strong player himself. Circus is constantly worried about me because of our track history and also a strong player himself who knows better. (Unless it's EE ~.~) July says I am one of the hardest people for her to read and she also has such strong admissions to whether I am actually town or not and constantly goes back and forth but she is not afraid to call me out if she thinks I am scummy, and yet again the strongest female player in this game and deffo top 5. Sang is one of my IRL friends who loves to see me lynched and has proven herself to be a formidable online mafia player in the games she has played, and she is definetely a headshot above some players in the game at the current time. Yet you think these are the people I would try and form an alliance with to purely manipulate them? If I wanted a manipulation alliance to which they would do my bidding and not independant thinkers really I would go...uuuuh...Soupa/Ran/RR/AA off the top of my head purely because they are inexperienced compared to the rest of the roster. Like this point is just so bad if you actually look at how it came about and what happened ya know?

Next thing, how is my compliancy to admit fault where I do have a wrong thing? Also I have given out my opinions and reads damn well because that is one thing everyone can know is my reads on pretty much everyone. I dare you to ask someone to tell you my reads and I bet they would get them correct. I mean to say that my opinions on things aren't known but I am asking others is just not true and a lie.

Now you are seriously trying to question my questions of why I am asking others what they think of the said allaince and the people on them? Seriously? Just because I have my reads, doesn't mean they are everyone's reads and they could be different. I may think they are town but they are certainly not set in stone whatsoever and if someone wants to bring something to the table, I encourage it heavily. You are asking what do I gain on gauging reactions to the allaince and the people on said alliance and I find it shocking that someone of your aptitude cannot simply figure that one out by yourself.

X1-12 said:
I think Circus and Sworddancer are Town for their responses to J and his Alliance. They clearly are joining it for a reason, rather than just because. Swords said he would it it would help get EBR (his biggest scumspect) lynched, and Circus agreed on the grounds that his vig target of AA (who he was already pushing) would be considered more seriously. They're each joining/saying they might join for their own reasons. Conversely July and Sang I feel look much worse for their joining of this alliance
I dislike this paragraph actually. Why mention that Circus is town due to the nature of his answers when he has already appeared dead and he seems to have a knowledge of a lot of information? That info is even in the title that Circus is dead, well to be fair, it's heavily implied. How is joining something to get your "scum-pick" a towntell? How is joining something to get your vig target a town tell? If anything, those are null and the real weight of why they are town is to how they adressed the alliance in a sort of non-chalant manner but still wavering in full confidence of said thing or even expressing doubt with it.

However I am confused as to why Sang/July look worse for joining the alliance when July+I have been holding hands for quite some time and Sang said she was just joining to join. (Pretty much the same reasons Circus/Swords did), in fact, now that I'm remembering it, Circus joined way before it called time to try and get AA vigged and joined the alliance to join it.

The fact of this post is very weird because why do you feel the need to tell us more about explaining why people are town based on the way they acted to my proposal rather than why they are scum, especially when Sang is your #1 scum-pick. I don't get at all how July/Sang are scummy for joining my alliance based on this paragraph and seems more like a tacted on thing that you put at the end thinking people would just go with it. Explain how they are scum for how they acted.

X1-12 said:
It means nothing, drop it. Continuing along this path will only lead to rolefishing imo.
How is that rolefishing when it's his own role....?

This post would be bare without a simple:

FoS: X1-12

I also really have no idea how long this post is but I was tired/stressed from first day of school today soooo I decided to just have as much fun as I could with this post. I really felt like writing and idk why. Forgive the longness.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Because J, we don't know his real role, just who he's in costume as. Bringing attention back to it will result in rolefishing.

Haven't read anything else yet.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
J already said a lot but I've still got stuff to say. First of all I find it very interesting that you want both J and Sang lynched. And by interesting I mean scummy. IMO TownJ implies ScumSang and vice versa. If you actually think they're both scum at the same time I'd like to see your reasoning and evidence to back it up.

Second ur dum for thinking Sang has no content.

His attack on EBR seems completely legit but then he completely dismisses it as a pressure case.
heh... hehehe... BWAHAHAHAHAHA. You a funny guy, mang. Real funny. But there's no room for jokes once we out of RVS, capice? Saying his push on EBR is legit is like saying I don't like lolis: There's no room for discussion, you're just WRONG.

I think J, covered everything else. J is pretty town in my eyes right now. Lookin at scum Swiss/X1/???

Speaking of swiss, why isn't my vote on him yet?
Vote: Swiss

@Moth: B-b-but =< AA maaaan. I'll think about it later when I get home/on a cpu. Save me a seat on the bandwagon eh?
I got your seat right here next to me. Hop on man.

And I know how you feel about X1 but trust me, Swiss is the better lynch today unless something crazy happens. Same with AA unless you blow me out of the water with your argument.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
Also I've forgotten since a while ago anything anyone's asked me.

Feel free to ask again if you give a ****, otherwise don't make my life any more troublesome.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I'm scum because I'm inactive.


Well give me 'till Monday, maybe even 2mo night and I'll trip whip up some reads for you all to sheep.

Don't lynch me kids, you need to be good before you can lynch players like me.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
First you guys need to understand the distinction between "Content" and "Worthwhile content"

@Sang: did you not even question yourself pushing someone who's not even there for trying to lynch someone easy?? Also Just because you are legitimately annoyed or irritated doesn't mean that you aren't scum. In my first game I was just as irritated and I tried exactly the same tricks as you did (against the real Cello). I don't like you seeing my points, not defending against them but instead saying "yeah well I did that once but I do you have any other examples of it?" Because that's not a defence at all.

@J: I find you and Sang pretty much equally scummy. There's no point trying to lynch the harder of my two lynch candidates first, especially when lynching you toMorrow would be much easier with a connection case which anyone could easily build by reading your posts.

J said:
Sang who, to be honest, is a less experienced player than myself and one I think X1 thinks he can manipulate into doing what he wants more so than he can me who could get around his BS logic
This is completely unsubstantiated don't you think? So far I've attacked you and Sang and I vote Sang. Please show where you see "BS Logic".

To defend Sang you point out instances where she got DH lynched. Congratz, Sang said "Guys lets vote DH he jumped on the Ran wagon then disappeared" I do not call this worthwhile content. You also think I'm am shoving the blame of DH's townflip on to Sang? No, but I do think that as town she would have realised that doing trying to lynch someone for doing exactly what she is doing (but she's doing it worse) was a terrible idea
Nowehere did she say that DH was tunneling Ranmaru. Show me where X1-12 and back up this ****.
"Every single post he has made has been about Ran and he is tunneling in on the person that looks the most scummy atm."

J your push on EBR WAS fake and you acted like you had some kind of case against him but realised when it wouldn't work that you would dismiss it as pressure. You specifically state you had your own reasons to vote for EBR but then later play it off as "oh well I never pushed him for being scummy". You say you could have got 10 people to vote for EBR which is simply not true. Your case against him was going nowhere, hence why you dropped it and played it off as a pressure case. This is scummy because you don't actually care to get your suspects lynched, nor do you have real scumspects. You're happy to push someone to give the appearance that you're doing something. Attacking Sang for deflecting then giving it up as soon as she says "no you're deflecting" "no wait I'm confused, probably my fault.. *giggle*" is another prime example of this, nothing here reads town at all.

The alliance is BS. You claim the players you asked to join are too good to manipulate, well buddying them like that would be a good way to start eh? You don't ask people like Soup/AA to join because they don't need to be included to be manipulated, either that or they're not even a threat.

You have a group of 5 players who you fully believe to be town. You ask them to join an alliance. You then say "what does town gain from their responses" - What does this gain you or town? Nothing at all. Does it help you catch scum?

I forgot that Circus was dead when I posted that, but regardless. They clearly have intentions to benefit town by getting their reads heard (the only reads they know to come from a 100% legit source, as well as the reads they probably believe in most). If someone does something to get their suspects lynched I take this as a town tell. I think joining alliances just for the hell of it is complete BS and is scummy.

@SM: When I say I think his push was legit I mean I think he was pushing it as a scum case and gave the impression of caring about it, not that I thought it was in any way a good case


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Attacking Sang for deflecting then giving it up as soon as she says "no you're deflecting" "no wait I'm confused, probably my fault.. *giggle*" is another prime example of this, nothing here reads town at all.
Why I feel Sang/J can easily be scum together


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
First you guys need to understand the distinction between "Content" and "Worthwhile content"

@Sang: did you not even question yourself pushing someone who's not even there for trying to lynch someone easy?? Also Just because you are legitimately annoyed or irritated doesn't mean that you aren't scum. In my first game I was just as irritated and I tried exactly the same tricks as you did (against the real Cello). I don't like you seeing my points, not defending against them but instead saying "yeah well I did that once but I do you have any other examples of it?" Because that's not a defence at all.
I'm not defending that part because there is no defense for it. I was responding to quick little things while trying to go through and make my DH case that J had been asking for. I'd like you to point out parts where you say I'm not posting content because it really seems like you're dogging that part of it. As for the DH lynch, he was my strongest scumpick besides Swiss and I knew Swiss wasn't gonna gain votes and I didn't have a really good case on Swiss. Why would I vote for somebody that I didn't think was scum?

Please, tell me the distinction.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Because J, we don't know his real role, just who he's in costume as. Bringing attention back to it will result in rolefishing.

Haven't read anything else yet.
But he's role fishing on his role. It may just be me not understanding what you are saying but how is role-fishing on his own role that we have claimed w.r.t. AA's reaction rolefishing? Are you talking about AA saying that is was completely different from his claim?

I'm scum because I'm inactive.
If you have read anything, that is completely not the reason and not what the actual argument is about you.

Getting to X1-12's post shortly.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Content thats not worthwhile = lists of null reads, sidelining comments crappy deflective responses to questions.

Worthwhile content = something which is likely to in some way benefit town and/or be useful

I'm not sidestepping the issue. I accuse you of having little worthwhile content and you tell me how you've done stuff, none of which I consider to be worthwhile, useful or productive

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Content thats not worthwhile = lists of null reads, sidelining comments crappy deflective responses to questions.

Worthwhile content = something which is likely to in some way benefit town and/or be useful

I'm not sidestepping the issue. I accuse you of having little worthwhile content and you tell me how you've done stuff, none of which I consider to be worthwhile, useful or productive
Question, have you even read Sang's posts? Honest question here because based on what you are posting about her, this is not even true.

It's hysterical you are attacking Sang over this issue instead of others who actually are doing this.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Because J, that's not his role. It's his costume. That's the whole gimmick of this game is that no one knows their role at the start. That's why I'm of the opinion that if someone guesses the theme that they should share that way this would just be a regular mafia game and we could do away with the gimmick.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
Yes, J, I would be either deluded or a liar if I were to say that my dislike for you wasn't because of your push. Another part is how your posting style irritates me when I'm already irritated, but these two points are personal and not to be considered if I pull up a case against you.

J your push on EBR WAS fake and you acted like you had some kind of case against him but realised when it wouldn't work that you would dismiss it as pressure. You specifically state you had your own reasons to vote for EBR but then later play it off as "oh well I never pushed him for being scummy". You say you could have got 10 people to vote for EBR which is simply not true. Your case against him was going nowhere, hence why you dropped it and played it off as a pressure case. This is scummy because you don't actually care to get your suspects lynched, nor do you have real scumspects.
Hm. I think J's been incredibly laid-back. He says this is because he just wants to have fun, but IMO that's no excuse and he shouldn't hide behind it, especially because he consistently brings EBR up as a scumspect or at least worthy of suspicion. The EBR vs J was already brought up by RR as a push with no belief behind it. Points like 'the word 'Interesting' is a scumtell' don't feel very probing, to be honest, and when you back off it seems you've judged him as town.

The alliance is BS. You claim the players you asked to join are too good to manipulate, well buddying them like that would be a good way to start eh? You don't ask people like Soup/AA to join because they don't need to be included to be manipulated, either that or they're not even a threat.
This is a good point. I want to see this responded to, and I want the opinions of everyone in the so-called 'alliance' on this. I don't care how frank you are, it's best if you go straight out and say people like me or Soup are insignificant.

I think joining alliances just for the hell of it is complete BS and is scummy.
J, was this alliance forged for funsies? I can certainly see you, the most assertive and active player, forging an alliance, but that doesn't say anything to me about your alignment, which is worrying. I can't believe that a player with 40 odd games could underestimate the effect of an 'alliance', even if it is just in writing, and even if all the members deny the alliance has any effect on them. I tossed out an offer of friendship to Sang early on in the game because I felt she would be a strong player, and that stopped me pushing seriously on her (moot point because I think she's town). Do you honestly believe an alliance was needed to recruit people for voting Swiss/EBR?
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