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Halloween Party Mafia ~ Over! Who drowned bobbing for apples? Who won Best Costume?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@J. For the alliance name I think we should all be characters from L4D, but don't make me Zoey please. (Been playing zombies on Black Ops lately so idea came from that but the characters aren't the same).

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I'll flip around noon tomorrow, EST. Sorry to disappoint anyone who's eager, but I need my sleep!

Meanwhile, players can put their nightowl energy to good use by puzzling out the game's theme! For those who already have (if such people exist), continue with the game, already in progress.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Now, I go to bed with tears in my eyes due to no-flip till tomorrow.

@Sang: =o Really good theme cuz L4D is just so legit.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008

Let's bring up the fact that most of his post is him throwing reads out the wazoo with no reasoning behind it to support any of them.

FoS: Swiss
J, I've been saying this all game. This is literally one of my main points for attacking him.


Reads from Swiss based on his catch-up post from what I can surmise are as follows:

Scum: J, DH
Dislikes: Joey, Gova, EBR
Like: TC
Town: Ran, July, Swords, AA, Swords, Moth

No mention of a Sang read nor a few others. Weird he didn't comment on Circus. So I assume Sang/Circus are null with the rest of the players like Raz/Acro/Soupa. -Minus himself cuz lol duh.

But what changed so many things for him?
J, push Swiss with me toMorrow. I'll be your Terra but without the betraying (maybe. I still have a mild scum read on you but this push with me might change that).

@Swiss: I'm not liking what I've seen from you so far. You're reasoning for your picks Swiss (J and DH) are quite frankly lazy. You've incriminate both for meta reasons (and one extra vague reason for J). That's really simply not scum hunting Swiss.


Moth: I'm actually going to move this guy up to slight town. The fact that I'm not liking Swiss now who he hasn't liked helps. Has steped up his town game since his 407.
I'm expecting you on my Swiss push toMorrow too.

Now to those who weren't invited to the alliance can speak about it.

Look at each individual person and their joining posts into the alliance and tell me what you get from them. I'll dig each thing up in a second.
I don't like the idea of alliances. Especially when I'm not in them. Looks like this is gonna happen no matter what I say though so I just want to say to everyone who isn't J in that group, be careful of him. He could easily be scum taking advantage of people's town reads on him.

And for you, J: Why did you want Circus? I don't really remember him doing much. Can you point out the posts that made you think he was town?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Night 1!

The rain poured down outside. It streamed down the windows, doing its best to drown the dark forest, to flood the dark lake. Lightning cracked as if an author were foreshadowing.

Slowly at first, the party mob weighed their options. Finally, a number of them decided on a hairy gentleman who seemed dressed for summer weather. Despite his attire, he wasn't shivering... until they told him that he would be the one to die.

"N-no," stammered the man, "no, it is not me!"

But the partygoers seemed to disagree. With a strong heave, his detractors bodily tossed him out the window, screaming, to fall too many feet to the ground below. His body crumpled like paper on impact, his shirt looking like a stain against the wet grass below.

Dark Horse was dressed as Italian Guy at Vatican, as seen in Eurotrip (2004), and was Town.​

Although you should not speak ill of the dead, everyone privately agreed that his outfit was terrible. It seemed plain after the fact that there had been some truth to his screams, that he hadn't been the culprit. But why had it felt so right? Everybody settled in amidst the bookshelves for an uneasy night.

Who are you under that costume? Get your mind cranking, philosopher-style.

Night 1 begins and lasts 48 hours!
Get all Night actions or N1 theme guesses in to me by Tuesday, August 23rd at 1200h Eastern Standard Time.

Note: At any time, you can of course ask me questions about the game or about your role PM. I will always answer questions I feel to be common or easily-gained knowledge.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Day 2! 9/16 to lynch!

Everyone woke up to the bright sunlight streaming in through the window.

The sunlight warmed the bookshelves.
It warmed the lake outside, and the trees.
It cast shadows on the grassy field, shadows of far-off wooden towers.
It illuminated the gleaming white body of a fallen friend.
And it spoiled the shrimp tray.

Circus was dressed as Marvin, as seen in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), and was Town.​

What an adorable and pitiable robot costume... when not pulled apart limb by limb, revealing the bloody, tightly-packed corpse within it. You cast your eyes around with suspicion anew.

Every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps, it becomes more important to figure out who you truly are. Do not be blinded by how you appear! Look within -- somewhere in a locked chamber of your mind lies the secrets of your identity. Don't be a prisoner within it; light a fire and get your mind in order.


Day 2 begins! Deadline is August 31st, at 0001 E.S.T.
With 16 players remaining, it's 9 votes to lynch.

X1-12 replaces JO_OEY!
Vult Redux replaces Soupamario!


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories

EBR, start posting, you hid behind your 'i don't like D1' excuse, you'd better start pumping out content.

X1 and Vult, please catch up as soon as possible. I'd also like you to look at Sang v J (430 to 450 or thereabouts) and say a few words on it.

this alliance thing is meh, please don't blindly trust one another


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Looking into EBR and Swiss toDay.

@aa: I don't plan to blindly trust anyone, the alliance is only a temporary thing as far as I understand, until D3. And since we all seem to share a suspicion or at least distrust of EBR/Swiss I'm willing to give it a try toDay.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
im more concerned that there's an alliance of any sort at all, especially if it'll make anyone think twice about voting somebody in said alliance

i'd rather you all be 'people who distrust EBR/Swiss'

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?

EBR, start posting, you hid behind your 'i don't like D1' excuse, you'd better start pumping out content.

X1 and Vult, please catch up as soon as possible. I'd also like you to look at Sang v J (430 to 450 or thereabouts) and say a few words on it.

this alliance thing is meh, please don't blindly trust one another
I have a better idea. Explain to me why despite our excuse we have 10~ more posts than you, almost all of them full of content whereas the majority of your posts are hissy fits with circus complaining about getting vigged.

Besides that blatant hypocricy why do you single us out for needed to post content when there is a vast majority of the player list who have far less content than we do (yourself included)?

However, since you feel so comfortable saying we need more content, how about you give us some scum picks?

Skimmed the thread during the Night. Nothing major changed for me except Ranmaru is probably town. Took a more in-depth look at the posts made by Sword wrt Ran and re-read many of Ran's post. I have to admit I see what he was getting at with intent. However the main thing that got me was Circus' explanation of him holding strong to his reads. ScumRan is all over the place usually but Ran made several posts saying "just make sure you go after X after I'm dead" even when it was clear that he was going to be lynched (or so I thought). In retrospect looks like a townie trying to get his scumpicks pushed after his death instead of just a stubborn scum push. I would know, I have a hard on for the latter.

Vult is still scum and needs to die. Explained my read on his slot yesterDay. Mad he wasn't modkilled.

Vote: Vult Redux

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
Also noticed this in my skim.

July said:
His extensive #334 wasn't per se bad, but it was just a lot of information and not a lot of analysis. His reasons for the Ran lynch seem like simple complacency and he doesn't want to let players be excused for acting stupid. Which is fair enough, and I don't agree with people having a town read on Ran "because he's Ran" and dismissing his actions. However, that is not the case for some people, myself included, who think Ran had pro-town intentions in mind with his actions. Furthermore most of his reasons for a Ran lynch divulge into things EBR doesn't like about Swords, and his Soup read seems to be based solely on his post about Sang v. J which isn't convincing. Also I don't like his #337 and #338 because they are pretty abrasive, however J and Kuz often battle it out to get a read on each other so I'm going to put those posts as null.
This is probably one of the most blatantly misconstrued pieces of garbage I have ever seen.

First off, there was plenty of analysis in my 334. I said I had a scum read on Ran and I backed that **** up with multiple in thread references where he was doing things that I thought were scummy. In addition to just stating there was analysis of why I thought that information was scummy and was congruous to my ScumRan read.

My reasoning for the Ran lynch was definitely not just complacency. Makes me wonder if you ever read that post because anyone who even skimmed it could have figured out that wasn't at all what I said. If I just wanted to policy lynch him for action stupid I would have tunneled the **** out of him for that supposed scum slip. If I jut wanted to policy lynch him for his stupid actions, I would have tunneled the **** out of him for announcing that he didn't get the flavor guess for N0 right. My reasoning was clearly stated in my 334 that I didn't like the explanation behind his pushes and they were very reaching and opportunistic. He would argue an ambiguous situation from one side only and push that as his major reasoning for his scum pick at such an early time in the game where those types of concrete reads couldn't have taken form with genuine reasoning.

In addition to this I wanted him dead because of the intent behind the RVS questions, not just the questions themselves. Yeah it looks pro-town because Ranmaru tried to stimulate discussion, but, honestly, any half decent scum could do that. If anything it looks more of an attempt to fake content than to genuinely contribute it (asking questions that have zero pro-town information that could be gained from the answer). This is what I didn't like and explained in my 334, which you obviously didn't read. Even on my re-skim this wasn't the thing that changed my read on him, it was what Circus said.

None of my reasoning on why Ranmaru was scum had ANYTHING to do with Soup. I talked about my Soup read because Sword either asked me my read on him specifically or he asked for my scumpicks in general, I forget which. This was why I talked about Soup at all, not because of my push on Ran. Again, you obviously didn't even read my post. And you're wrong that it isn't convincing. That slot's commentary on the J vs. Sang wagon is very grimy and I've already explained why it contradicts his usual play, but why the slot hasn't been contributing much content at all. Sword disagreed and I've since asked him to explain to me what type of content Soup did contribute but he hasn't yet responded.

So pretty much nothing you've said about my 334 is true in the slightest. At all. Your next points about me being abrasive are indeed null and if you acknowledge that then why bother bring them up at all. Plus you say at the beginning of your post that you don't think that my 334 was bad per say, but then go on to label 4 or 5 things you really disliked about it (which all happened to be false). I expect a response to all these things, July, since you've made these exact same erroneous points more than 3 different times now and have largely explained your scum read with them.

This avatar makes me want to post walls.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
The fact that you are two people and only have that many posts doesn't make you a shining star of activity either, especially given I was V/LA for the latter chunk of D1 and still am, to be honest.

I single you out because I think your slot will have significant insight. Additionally, you suggested you would get into the game starting toDay, whereas prodding travelling cat or Acrostic or another chronic inactive would get me nowhere. On that note, I do want to hear Acrostic's thoughts in general.

I haven't been engaged enough to offer proper scumpicks with reasoning off the bat and don't care to make up any to sate you. You'll get them eventually.

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
I haven't been engaged enough to offer proper scumpicks with reasoning off the bat and don't care to make up any to sate you. You'll get them eventually.
You expect me to pump out content while you havn't read the thread enough to provide me with any sort of scumpick. Wonderful.

And don't bother with that excuse cuz I'm technically V/LA as well. I'm taking time out of my night after packing for college for 9 hours to be here because I know I won't be come tomorrow. Ryker still hasn't gotten a laptop cord and is a lazy ******* but I'm hoping he'll do something in my stead while I'm gone.

You see this, Ryker? Get off your lazy *** and do something please. Bro hugs will be provided if this is done upon my return.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Man I can't sleep tonight before school tomorrow so I guess I'll post tonight.

@AA: It's an expereiment this alliance to see how things are. At the current time, we seem to have a common trust in one another plus you say we shouldn't have an allaiance besides, "Nooo they be bad." yet don't explain why. If people want to vote someone in said alliance, why should it matter? We aren't gonna defend one another, god no. We just aren't really focusing on each other and focusing on other people. Can you give me reason to not want to like Swords/July/Sang I'll listen but till then I have absolutely no problem behind it.

I also do not care for your 615 at EBR. You asked them to give stuff yet you don't comment on anything they say besides the stuff that is attacking your slot. Plus the "They are my scum-picks and I'll give them when ready." excuse is bad. What is the need to hide scum-picks from a town PoV? I can see the argument for not giving town reads but not giving scum-reads, why? You were here more than others and most of your content was telling me and others to stop flirting (thanks for making me sound like a **** ;_; ) aaaaand just overall sidelineing till your name came up for Viggy direction.

Side-note: Liking EBR a lil bit more based on their last 3 posts but I haaaate their Soupa Vult push.

Vote: Swiss

FoS: asianaussie

I, too, want something concrete from you, but the posts I have seen today make my stomach churn.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kuzi, while you're here, can I get your opinion on Swiss and is AA looking scummy to you based on his posts that you have seen?

Side-note: Circus, bro, you will be missed from this alliance.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
And for you, J: Why did you want Circus? I don't really remember him doing much. Can you point out the posts that made you think he was town?
Doesn't really matter since he's dead now but let's get this answered. :p

Circus, push on Ranmaru and back off of Ran I liked. I'm kind of surprised you didn't remember much of him because I thought him to be one of the more active people in this game doing things. Also it wasn't just like one post in general that made me think, "Wow Circus so town yo." it was more of a collaboration of what he did. I explained my CircusTown read I thought a bit ago when I was asked but there you are again.

Can you give me a second scum-pick that isn't me when you have the chance? Thanks.

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
Hate it all you want. He needs death more than I need sleep. And boy do I need sleep.

Trying to read Swiss is like masturbating with sandpaper. I know this is such a cop out answer but he's pretty null to me. He's posting in his usual catchup fashion and being fairly generous with his stances, most of them I agree with. Only one I concretely remember disagreeing with was his scum read on you. I also don't really remember your reasoning for his push though. A re-hash or a link would be nice.

I don't like aa for reasons we've both already stated. I also don't like July on a similar note that that post I answered to in 614 was so bad.

And I do agree with the MothTown train of thought. I didn't like his first post because of the unwarranted abrasiveness but since he has calmed down his intent has looked townie. I still hold that Soup's reasoning for his town read on him is absolute trash, though. Isn't genuine.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kuzi, just ow at your explanation to your reading Swiss thing. :facepalm: Also w.r.t. his usual catch-up manner, I can bring up Mafia Royal Sleepover where he did the same thing on my scum-team heh.

While going back through posts for Ran/Sang, I found this gem. Whatever happened to that SangScum read from Swiss? He doesn't give a read on her in his catch-up post but talks to her iirc. Plus both Moth/Sang have dropped off his scum-list and got replaced with DH for what seems to be a meta reason...?

Like he seemed to want Sang dead purely because she had voted him and plus if he "ctrl+f'd" his name to find posts, he would have seen her being the person mentioning him the most. Plus I'm finding his suspicions a bit weird when looked at again. His Moth vote was because Moth disliked Swiss. Sang hate seems to stem from the dislike he is sending her. J dislike comes out of nowhere and primarily made up of meta (wrong meta at that >.>)

Let's bring up the fact that most of his post is him throwing reads out the wazoo with no reasoning behind it to support any of them.

FoS: Swiss
This is pretty much a combo of Mine/Sang's/Moth's/Sword's reasoning for disliking Swissy. Also @ Moth read, his last post he made at the day is very telling, wouldn't you agree? Can I get a Sang read if you have anything from her read?

I also read what you had to say w.r.t. July and I'd like to see her respond before I comment.

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
It's painful indeed :mad:

And since when have you been so considerate of meta? Finally taking my advice and putting that **** to good use?

I don't remember that last post Moth made yesterDay. I'll go find it. Sang was null yesterDay don't remember reading anything during the Night that changed that. Despite you telling me the convo between you and her was very telling I didn't pick up any town slips from either party during that exchange. Just Soup's scum one.

And I would hope you would abstain for a bit because there are some serious contradictions between my 334 and her post detailing it and I want an explanation from her directly.

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
Oh you mean that he was the first one to actually voice concern about not liking the alliance/not being in it? I do remember making a mental note of that during my skim, now that I've read it again, and yes I like it.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
im more concerned that there's an alliance of any sort at all, especially if it'll make anyone think twice about voting somebody in said alliance

i'd rather you all be 'people who distrust EBR/Swiss'
I don't see how you were afraid of people attacking the alliance? I have already stated that I didn't like some of the people in the alliance and I wouldn't hesitate from attacking them in fear of getting quadruple or triple omgused. If they DID defend each other it would look bad for them. I don't like your attempt to put doubt of the alliance for the reason you used because people HAVE attacked it (Me at least) and you haven't said anything about said alliance YeSterday. [I checked to see your posts and I didn't really see you comment on the alliance, if you did please quote it and link it]

Vote: AA I also don't like your first post, makes it seem like you are trying to get town cred by saying "HEY GUYS LETS DO THIS" when you weren't really interested in people catching up or whatnot YeSterday. Don't like your 'meh alliances' statement without really ever addressing it before ToDay. Seems like a change of heart? Also didn't like your 'wtf is that claim' business.

: I support your Vult Redux push.

FoS: Vult I don't get why J doesn't like EBR pushing onto Vult? :s What's wrong with that?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
ridiculous amount of crap and i am in no mood to sift through this ****

wrt the huge J vs EBR, i again implore J to stop flirting in-thread

wtf is that claim
I'm bringing attention to this again. I want everyone's thoughts on this.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
10/18 to lynch.

Dark Horse [11]: asianaussie, SangfroidWarrior, July, J, Circus, Sworddancer, Shadow Moth, Soupamario, traveling cat, EBR!, Swiss
Ranmaru [4]: Acrostic, Joey, Dark Horse, Red Ryu
Acrostic [1]: Gova
Circus [1]: Ranmaru

Not voting: Raziek


[collapse=Vote Log] Swiss > Shadow Moth > J > Dark Horse
Joey > Shadow Moth > Ranmaru
Gova > Acrostic
Acrostic > Ranmaru
Circus > SangfroidWarrior > Ranmaru > Dark Horse
Red Ryu > Joey > Ranmaru
July > Ranmaru > Gova > Dark Horse
EBR! > Ranmaru > Dark Horse
Dark Horse > Ranmaru
Soupamario > EBR! > Circus > Shadow Moth > EBR! > Dark Horse
Sworddancer > Swiss > EBR! > Dark Horse
Ranmaru > traveling cat > traveling cat > Circus
J > Circus > Unvote > EBR! > EBR! > EBR! > EBR! > EBR! > Dark Horse
asianaussie > Soupamario > Dark Horse
Shadow Moth > Joey > Swiss > Swiss > Ranmaru > Dark Horse
SangfroidWarrior > J > Unvote > Swiss > Dark Horse
traveling cat > Dark Horse

Ok, here's D1 Final Day Vote Count

  • I want everyone to give me thoughts on what sticks out in the quote.
  • I also want thoughts on DH's wagon.
  • Is there scum on it?
  • Is there scum off it?
  • Who is scum on that wagon if there is and why?
  • Who is scum off the wagon if there isn't and why?

Hey, let's play a game? We all popcorn to the person to give answers to this.

AA, you go first. I want AA and Sang to go before I answer. If people request I go before them, I shall accept.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
oops I forgot to put circus in green xD

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
It's painful indeed :mad:

And since when have you been so considerate of meta? Finally taking my advice and putting that **** to good use?
You know how it feels...? Ya know what, never mind, don't wanna continue this convo.

Anyways, I have told you this before, meta can be used as a sprinkling on things. I don't necessarily care for it and in this situation it works as a diffuser to you saying it's his "normal" manner because he can do it as scum and I can't remember a town-game he has been so flippant on things without explanation. (can't bring up TT) *shrug* I'll use what I can get to make my case stronger in some scenarios in different variations. Plus being so rigid with my train of thought is no fun considering I wanna just have fun these last few games.

Ok, here's D1 Final Day Vote Count

  • I want everyone to give me thoughts on what sticks out in the quote.
  • I also want thoughts on DH's wagon.
  • Is there scum on it?
  • Is there scum off it?
  • Who is scum on that wagon if there is and why?
  • Who is scum off the wagon if there isn't and why?

Hey, let's play a game? We all popcorn to the person to give answers to this.
Raaaaaaan ;_; Didn't you learn from the beginning what these types of questions do? These don't really help much of anything because they are generic and don't give much tells based on people. To me, nothing sticks on in the quote, DH's wagon was a hop on wagon so there would be a NL over someone such as yourself, there could be scum on it because it was a hop on and same with off it. You honestly cannot tell from that sort of wagon because we got the votes just to get the votes and have a lynch.

Can you tell me what you get that is indicative of finding out someone's alignment based on those bulleted questions? Your last question to Sang/AA is good however so I'll let that one go.

Could I possibly also get some details as to why you support a Vult push-lynch? Explain the push to me, someone who doesn't agree/doesn't get it, in detail. Thanks. I've also explained why I don't like the Vult push. :p

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

*neutral face*

*awaiting explanation face*
I really don't get this response to that sort of thing you highlighted because it's true. So tell me, what's so weird about what they said?

Will catch up tonight, am at work.

Is it bad I've forgotten all of my stances other than J?

Vote J

Should probabaly re-read.
Well when you have absolutely 0 real reads I'd assume it's hard to remember what order the RNG popped them out of.

Once again, Swissy, where da heat at? No balls? :cool:


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Doesn't matter what DH did. Doesn't mean scum didn't get on the wagon. DH would be a prime opportunity to take for scum. Analyzing why people got on DH would be beneficial to the town. If there isn't, then we'd have to look at the people OFF of it, and why they stayed off it. We are looking at people's stances, and trying to fish out the fake reasons.

I don't think it's good to excuse people because it was near deadline. In fact, I was pretty much Kentucky Fried Chicken, yet people had the time to switch to DH, so I do think there CAN be scum influence in it, because people had the time to think about switching to DH, and did. So I think your point is invalid, but I await for you to try and prove me wrong. ;D

I think I explained it well enough in the above paragraphs. ;p

Something did stand out to me in the quote. I want AA and Sang to state if they see it too.

On Vult, I would like to, but I don't think I have seen you explain it? Can you quote it for me before I explain? (If you explained it ToDay, since I asked :3 )

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh you mean that he was the first one to actually voice concern about not liking the alliance/not being in it? I do remember making a mental note of that during my skim, now that I've read it again, and yes I like it.
There's actually more of a reason why I like it. It holds independant thinking and also trying to get people that very well could shoot him down and turn the heat back to him saying, "I expect you doing this with ME". He says me a lot and focuses around himself which, to me, is pretty damn towny considering a player such as Moth.

He can go to LyLo and I'd be cool.

@Alliance: Opinion on AA. July/Swords, you two said you would be pushing EBR toDay correct? How are his current posts looking for you and would you consider joining me instead to get at Swiss over EBR? Sang, your DH wagon came up bust but that kind of was to be expected due to the nature of it. Can you also give me an update on AA since you said last he was leaning-town or null. (I can't remember which) Can you give me a second scum-pick as well? We need to do well for our fallen brethren. ;-;

X1-12, heyo duder! We have not played a game together in the longest time. I would definitely care to see your opinion on Swiss this game and some thing surrounding the EBR vs. Soupa. By somethings, I mean everything. Is the push good? Is the defense poor? Who is looking worse and would you vote that party? Opinion on AA, then gimme one on Sang/Gova. Minimum 2 scum-picks as well please.

Vult, heyo dude. I would like to see your thoughts on AA mainly. Then tell me about July/TC in your own words. You played with TC before so I'd like to see what you think of her. Can you give me at minimum 2 scum-picks? Thank you very much.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Doesn't matter what DH did.
Yes it did, that's why the wagon happened haha.

Ran said:
Doesn't mean scum didn't get on the wagon.
WIFOM, Town could have done the same thing.

Ran said:
DH would be a prime opportunity to take for scum.
WIFOM again, Town could have done the same thing for a lynch over a NL.

Ran said:
Analyzing why people got on DH would be beneficial to the town. If there isn't, then we'd have to look at the people OFF of it, and why they stayed off it. We are looking at people's stances, and trying to fish out the fake reasons.
This is tainted reasoning Ran because simply put everyone on that wagon could say, "I didn't want a no lynch." or "My scum-pick wasn't getting attention." or "I didn't like the other lynch." and they can get away with that. The reads you get off of those questions would not help determine alignment and instead give answers that juts befuddle them. People who aren't on the wagon could simply say, "Woops, didn't log onto the cpu or I didn't feel like posting blahblahblah" ya know?

Ran said:
I don't think it's good to excuse people because it was near deadline. In fact, I was pretty much Kentucky Fried Chicken, yet people had the time to switch to DH, so I do think there CAN be scum influence in it, because people had the time to think about switching to DH, and did. So I think your point is invalid, but I await for you to try and prove me wrong. ;D
How is it not a good excuse for people to have a life and therefore did not vote/unvote near deadline? Deadline was the entire reason for the DH wagon pretty much. There could be Ran, I'm not denying that. But how can you prove said action without concrete evidence? What you are saying is pure conjecture and does not hold up whatsoever.

I think I've proven you wrong at this point. =P

Ran said:
On Vult, I would like to, but I don't think I have seen you explain it? Can you quote it for me before I explain? (If you explained it ToDay, since I asked :3 )
I asked you first and it's polite to give things before you ask things of others ya know. I can do this but the fact is it is more important for you to explain to me why Vult is scummy rather than have me explain one of my town reads which is initially anti-town. ^^
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