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Hall of Gaming 3 results


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
eggm no worries ima def be trying to help qpac level.

slox gave me the 3rd best compliment ever.(2 beinng alukards and 1 being wife telling me that I remineded him of the laste Azen Zagenite)

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
yea i talked with qpac and he said if we ever needed a place to play we could go to his dorm or whatevs but he doesn't have a ride (i'm sure this wouldn't be a problem for smashfests though).

oh god, the urge to play.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
On some real ****, Mikael is the best Falcon that no one knows about. He rarely travels, if ever and is beast as ****. If he had more experience he would **** on Nando almost as much as I do....

Nah thats ****ing impossible.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
I want to say I'm sorry to Rep.
I was reviewing the pools and realized I had made a mistake. He should have placed into Bracket and not Andy. They had the same Set W-L, and the Match W-L was 1 win apart, so it went to Rep for 4th in the pool. Andy, however, was the one I marked as 4th.

That was a mistake, and Rep will be getting free entry to the next tournament he attends.

Full pool results will be up later tonight.

Also holy **** thank you so much shoutouts:

Matt and AXEL SLAM (CAPS, *****) - Thank you for letting me house with you two. I'm wicked thankful. Good games Matt. Don't be thinking you are not ready to enter a tournament. I wish I got to play you more Axel. Next time :)

Dave - Dude.. Thank you so much for getting me to the train station. I hope I wasn't an inconvenience. See you next tournament (or Joe Smashfest)

Thanks for getting me here, Kartel. We'll definitely smash soon. It'll be a ton of fun. :D


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
i thought andy won the head to head vs rep. in that case andy def made it out.

i was operating in this regard:

1. set W-L
2. head to head
3. games W-L

by apex rules I believe wouldve made it out.( assuming that andy beat rep which i thought I saw happened)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
i thought andy won the head to head vs rep. in that case andy def made it out.

i was operating in this regard:

1. set W-L
2. head to head
3. games W-L

by apex rules I believe wouldve made it out.( assuming that andy beat rep which i thought I saw happened)
I do head to head last.
Andy lost to Rep


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
i found this in the first post

In the case that there are pools. They are to be standard and adjusted given the turnout. Tie breakers will be broken as follows:

1. head -to- head
2. individual game win loss ratio"

remember typing that and putting it in the first post of the thread when we started i have no prob if you intended on doing it the other way but lets change the first post to avoid confusion.

damn yo my bad rep.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
i found this in the first post

In the case that there are pools. They are to be standard and adjusted given the turnout. Tie breakers will be broken as follows:

1. head -to- head
2. individual game win loss ratio"

remember typing that and putting it in the first post of the thread when we started i have no prob if you intended on doing it the other way but lets change the first post to avoid confusion.

damn yo my bad rep.
Thanks for pointing that out. I'll change it once the next thread is up. Shoot me a PM with the dates you'll be able to be there for the entire tournament.

Either way, Rep won.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
If I know Rep, I'm pretty sure he's alright with the out come.

He was beasting my sheik in friendly matches tho. **** was ridic. That is, till I started baiting his full jump aerials like a pro.


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2010
Boston/Amherst, MA
I want to apologize to Rep for taking his spot, sorry bro, your luigi is crazy good though. Next time I'll try to beat you fairly, so you better be ready because next time the result will definitely be in my favor <3
Oh and shout outs to everyone because i'm too lazy to do a write up >_>. Just assume I love everyone because you guys are too good :D



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
KevinM/Eggm - Thank you two for assisting with pools. Always good seeing you both. I'd like to play you again soon, Eggm. I always learn a lot whenever I play against you.

Mafia - Good stuff in bracket. Try harder ;)

Arc - You played really solidly. I don't think you missed anything. Definitely deserved that win.

Yedi - MM me

OTG - I'm glad you enjoyed the tournament. Your doc is a beast. I hope I'll be seeing you at Pound

Mikael - Nice meeting you. Definitely try to come out more and keep playing, cuz from what I heard you're a beast.

Alu - Get at me at Pound. $10 mm? Falco dittos/Bo5

r00r - Pound5 man. We'll do that thing we were talking about.

$mike - Next time he's mine haha

Alex/Silas - You rock. Good luck with teaching, man. See you next time I'm in CT for sure

Joe - If you keep up playing consistently you're going to be amaaaazing at this game.

s l o x - you're good. play me more.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
...................uhhh you sure u want to lose 10$? i could just try and u can still learn stuff =\

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
eggm is in NE?

also 'sup NE?

also also moose bites are nasty

also also also I've decided that "quitting" will be a long *** break, i'll be back after life stuff is done but it won't be for a while yet. not like anyone has missed me I'm sure :p

EDIT: what happed to maf? did he get a hard opponent mad early?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
Nah, I'm thinking he just wants to beat you for cash.
the thing is he needs to get on my level first ... :D

seriously though money matching doesn't make u better especially when we homies ... just saying ... i'll still try just as hard ... if u still want it sure thing bro LOL

now g$ and $mike money matching was sumthing that shoulda happened and did ... and G$ LOST! LOLOLOL good **** $mike now g$ and a couple of nyc wants to practice more ... which makes me want to play singles ... i dont like entering when everyone is like omg <3333 i can't wait to play u bro ur amazing LOLOL get that gay a$$ **** outta here! LOLOL


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
sorry i couldn't make this after so much smack talk, I called out of work for mass madness the morning of....

and **** went DOWNHILL from there. so i gotta get a solid job and worry about other stuff, then probably i'll see you bros in the future if melee is still kicking. new england: keep getting better and stuff

farewell for now
-9th in New England for all eternity, Banks


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
the thing is he needs to get on my level first ... :D

seriously though money matching doesn't make u better especially when we homies ... just saying ... i'll still try just as hard ... if u still want it sure thing bro LOL

now g$ and $mike money matching was sumthing that shoulda happened and did ... and G$ LOST! LOLOLOL good **** $mike now g$ and a couple of nyc wants to practice more ... which makes me want to play singles ... i dont like entering when everyone is like omg <3333 i can't wait to play u bro ur amazing LOLOL get that gay a$$ **** outta here! LOLOL
lol.. it seems like ur trying to make the smash community more like the SF community and.. idk. There shouldn't be that much animosity between people who enjoy playing a game..

Unless you genuinely hate someone because they're a douche bag..

like most of the SF community.



Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
lmao im all for rivalries and hype. thats what melee's been losing these past few years


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
I've only been part of the SF community for like 7 weeks, and I love it. I wish the melee community were more like them and as big. Its just more exciting.

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
rivalries i think is gud for the community beecause u want to get better to have 1 up on ur rival. it also adds sum spice and excitement to the fights. i def approve of more of them. time to start now hax fucck yo sneakers(even tho i wud so rock them anywhere)


Smash Ace
May 21, 2007
Mur-mur-murder Capital Awesome Level: 9000+
I want to apologize to Rep for taking his spot, sorry bro, your luigi is crazy good though. Next time I'll try to beat you fairly, so you better be ready because next time the result will definitely be in my favor <3
Oh and shout outs to everyone because i'm too lazy to do a write up >_>. Just assume I love everyone because you guys are too good :D

itg reference for the name?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
the thing is he needs to get on my level first ... :D

seriously though money matching doesn't make u better especially when we homies ... just saying ... i'll still try just as hard ... if u still want it sure thing bro LOL
I'm not tryin to get better by MMing your Falco. I'm confident I'll be walking away with that money.



Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
sorry i couldn't make this after so much smack talk, I called out of work for mass madness the morning of....

and **** went DOWNHILL from there. so i gotta get a solid job and worry about other stuff, then probably i'll see you bros in the future if melee is still kicking. new england: keep getting better and stuff

farewell for now
-9th in New England for all eternity, Banks
Good luck. Let's play when you get back.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
1: Eggm - good stuff winning man, we didn't play any fox dittos this time around though :(

2: Hax - HoG broke the quantity of women per Smasher per square area, we shall publish our findings in the next Time magazine "Miracles" column.

3: Swift - Nice Marth, I need to play you more :(.

4: Alukard - Didn't play, but I know your grape.

5: Yedi - Doing work as usual.

5: $mike - crappy circumstances but that was such an epic combo on Eggm I didn't care about anything the rest of the day.

7: OTG - Nice set, sorry about the SD. I don't know why I didn't play any friendlies with you guys.

7: G$ - I didn't hear "YOU DEAD" this time.

9: Phish-It - Nice to hear DK/Ganon repping it up again.

9: Arc - Natural

9: Spawn - Haven't seen you in ages. Didn't watch any of your sets D:

9: Hazzard - didn't play

13: KevinM - We need to get more games on, so we can start not losing to Yedis and Marsupials.

13: Nando - Good stuff in pools, next time no comebacks!

13: MattDotZeb - Good set man. I really just felt that it went the other way this time. Still mad even and I'm sure it will keep going back and forth.

13: QPac - Your awesome. If you ever want to come up to Boston and play feel free to send me a pm :D

17: HaileyM - Thanks for the ride and future promise of homemade peanut butter cups! If you learned how to edgegaurd with Peach you would win so many more matches XD, Kevin get on that.

17: $Andy - If this is the Andy I'm thinking of. Good stuff, Sorry I've been playing a lot more now = less opportunities to grab me! Victory.

17: $Diesel - At least once within the next few weeks I want to have a 1 on 1 coaching session with you. Maybe it will amount to nothing but I feel like I could help you a ton with a specific understanding of the game I don't think you may be paying attention to. Let me know if you want to do that shiz.

17: $Mafia - Didn't see you play, We definitely will start playing more providing you let me know!

Everyone else, good stuff.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
As much as M.Z is my boy, Alu's got this.
homie ... real talk

lol.. it seems like ur trying to make the smash community more like the SF community and.. idk. There shouldn't be that much animosity between people who enjoy playing a game..

Unless you genuinely hate someone because they're a douche bag..

like most of the SF community.

ahh c'mon jaden u know if niqqaz call u out it makes u want to make sure u win ... or if u've been losing to that person u want to go home and find out why ... melee just needs that umph to make u come back ... i mean doubles has the fun part ... but for me to sit there and get chain grabbed or to have to play vs friends from outside the community and beat them or w.e ... ima need to hype LOL ... ima need to find that player that says u suck so u can be like WHO WHAT WHERE ... BRING HIM ... also u know back then we had o d rivalry cuz we would go back and fourth ... which imo can still happen i just dont get tournies that i'm not TO'ing to enter

Or like me and Vanz
LMAO .. this guy yo!

lmao im all for rivalries and hype. thats what melee's been losing these past few years
it really has yo

I've only been part of the SF community for like 7 weeks, and I love it. I wish the melee community were more like them and as big. Its just more exciting.
glad ur enjoying the hype from SF cuz i mean majority of them are *******s tho he's right ... but we know we aren't is wat i'm saying ... just a little rivalry would be awesome ^_^

I'm not tryin to get better by MMing your Falco. I'm confident I'll be walking away with that money.

LOLOL this ***** ... alright then ... find me at pound ... i didn't know me busting that booty in friendlies hurt u so bad LOL

also btw where can i find matches at ... i want to see doubles matches and stuff
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