There we go again. How many times does it need to be said? Hacking doesn't grant super 1337 powers which enables a noob o be on par with pros. If you're honestly blaming your loss on a couple of hacked IV pokemon then you're quite petty and childish.
Meh, if I came off as implying it granted you god-like powers with the game, thats not what I meant. And though a couple of speed IVs can make the difference, I'd say you're right. A little more or less defense and attack here or there makes a very minor difference. What gets me (I dunno if my last post saved this edit, so I'll repeat it just in case) is people being able to pull out perfect counters to my team within a couple minutes. If I were to own a someone, and then five minutes later, they go REMATCH! with a perfect counter...yeah. Hasn't happened to me personally, but I've seen some friends go down to that. Needless to say, they weren't happy, hahaha.
That's right. In the end, it's about battling. You've proven my point for me. What's the point in pressing the up and down button for hours on end when, in the end, it's all about battling? Good, I see you're on my side.
Agreed. This is the part that does make me pro-hacking, which is why I'm not terribly extreme on the matter. I hate the time it takes to breed. You bet I'd be on the other side if I could hack. I'd be instant hatching eggs if I could...
And my point on cloning being bad like hacking still stands:
Some guy gets 31/31/31/31/31/31 Breloom!
He clones!
Are you suggesting that someone can get a hold of IVs like that without hacking? I know it's
technically possible, but in practicallity its never going to happen. Hell, even in theory...
He trades over and over and over. Now he has an army of 1337 pokemon with barely any effort!
You think it's that easy? Trust me, I've tried to do that, as you can see if you look at the trade thread. Only difference is I'm offering anything I've mastered, not just one uber IV pokemon... People stop buying it after like the first time, lol. But basically, just because you can
offer these clones for trading, doesn't mean you're actually gonna get anything. Hacking is guaranteed...
Some other guy has to spend literally HUNDREDS of hours to do what the cloner did in just five. How is that fair?
If you're implying that this (continuing with your example) Breloom with 31 in all IVs was obtained in a legit manner, do you think it took less than 5 hours to make that thing? Even if it inherited three perfected stats from the parents (which in itself is incredibly rare), the other three 31s would have been generated randomly. That would make a... 1 in 29791 chance that the egg has perfect IVs. And thats not factoring in the odds of actually inheriting 3 perfect stats....
Ok, so your example was extreme and in reality, the thing the cloner is sending off isn't that high in its IVs, blah blah blah. I'm going to reiterate the fact that trades aren't guaranteed. I can offer my clones all I want, but people have to actually want them and be willing to trade for it.
I've already gone through this already. The cloner has access to pokemon he didn't "work for", just like a hacker does. So what if the difference is an extra IV here and there? The point is that both are cheaters, and "It's less cheating because I never used action replay..." has no meaning. Cloning should only be acceptable if you clone, but never trade it nor battle with the cloned pokemon.
Um...I work pretty hard for the stuff I clone. And what's wrong with battling with clones? If someone has two of the same pokemon on my team, they are ********.
Soo... as long as it's "not as bad", it's acceptable, even though both fall under the exact same arguements? That makes no sense at all. It's like letting someone who killed one man go because the guy next to him killed two. If I were to train a pokemon and then hack one identical in every way, I would get an earful from people. "Oh my gosh, he's a haxors, don battle wit him!". But if a cloner cheats, "Oh mi gosh, gimme that brelloom. I trade you somethin for it, lets battle!"
Kinda extreme..with the killing example....its just a game, lol. If you hacked a pokemon the exact same way as you trained it, then it wouldn't have those IVs that everyone keeps complaining about, now would it? And if you've already raised it and just hacked a copy, you
have put in the effort for it, so that does satisfy the anti-hackers argument of effortless stuff. But I have no idea why you would hack clones of a hand raised pokemon, when you can just make it better altogether by hacking higher IVs and anything else you need.
For the record, I hope you all know I'm FOR cloning. It's just dumb to see people be for one, but not the other when both is cheating.
Really? Couldn't tell you were pro-hacking
Hacking can do everything cloning can, and then some. I'm getting tired of each side just repeating their points at each other though.
Cloning: Gets you anything you
already have. No more, and no less. Trades aren't guaranteed, but they are much, much easier when you can send off clones. Effort still has to be put into the
creation of the original pokemon. And it does take longer to do. Your gameplay is restricted to all other normal gameplay limitations and time consumers (statistics and luck, leveling up, hatching, etc.).
Hacking: Gets you what you need. Period. If it exists at all in the game (and even if it doesn't in some cases, haha Infernape with volt tackle, wtf?!), it can be created within minutes. Effortless.
Finer points of hacking though, are that it is not restricted to luck and statistics, and people who know what they're doing will have an exceptionally easy time doing it. It turns the game into a kind of portable netbattle. But you cannot say this kind of ability does not set many non-hackers, and even cloners, at a bit of a disadvantage.
So yeah, pros and cons to each. This topic would go very well in the debate hall, but personally, I'm kind of tired of it. Heck, if I had AR, I would be on the other side saying, well our advantage is
only slight, to justify myself. Or I might just laugh and say "sux 4 u" at all the non-hackers. I'm such a scumbag
My main issue against hackers is resentment towards the work I put into breeding, versus their snapping of fingers and perfect pkmn popping up. And the noobs who do 999 stats and the likes, but they're entirely different from the hacking we're discussing anyway.
Edit: @ RBinator, haha, posted right before me. I agree with most of what you said. But what I'm trying to get at is the fact that hackers are kinda in another category when compared to others who are legit or clone. Thats the problem with being legit, even minor changes can be really hard to do, so hacking gets another serious advantage there...