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Gurren Lagann Mafia - Game Over - Who Lost the Most?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Man, though, not counting D4, I had this. Kinda salty I let it end like this. Like, I called Broto as a PR and killed him for it because I didn't want him walking around (totally didn't account his flavor). I called Zen and Soup as scum and JTB became obvious at that point. I definitely leaned JTB over Tandora due to the differences in JTB and Tandora's pushes on inactives to enter D2 (I felt JTB definitely knew better, wasn't sure if Tandora did or didn't, JTB was definitely strong enough to be pushing players over inactives at that point in the game). I figured that the Vig was an inactive, which it was (Glyfe), but it was for the wrong reasons. Only one I didn't call was Gova as the cop.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
worst part of what happened at the end

4th post in our qt



#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Also this:

flippin' tables
flippin' *****es
count my money
flippin' switches
got the doctor
got the cop
***** the scum
and then got dropped


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Yeah, the set-up was really good.

But most importantly Kamina wasn't a safeclaim.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Probably the only thing positive about this endgame is that Kamina and Yoko can finally be together.


MAAANN koozy bby, you gave me a hard win-con! ;_;

Alright, so i said i would talk about this in endgame, so i will.

I had a seperate win-con of killing JTB, the game could not end without him dead and i couldn't succeed my win-con, when Zen died, i knew that all hope was lost and that it was best go out with somewhat of a bang, i literally lost from the point zen died, as it was either i kill JTB, or he kills me, i went latter anf felt he had a better chance of surviving.


you kept making me think i was being role-blocked, i searched day and night for Jailer crumbs and glyph just happened to the cop Kamina.

So guys? besides my NKJFSNDKJSNLK win-con, how do you feel i did my first time as mafia? i thought i did great and if it wasn't for that win-con we coulda won >_>


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
You probably would have if you didn't claim PGO lol. Just because you couldn't achieve your win-con doesn't mean you had to kill yourself and lower JTB's chances of winning.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I admit it's some what of a salt move, was really salty by N2.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
th3kuzinator said:
Hello WashedLaundry and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Viral, Independent Master-Switcher

As a boy you were raised as a loyal Beastman who's main purpose in life was to serve Lord Genome. You have devoted most of your life to this pursuit and have rarely stepped off this path of servitude. Once the Beastman were defeated, however, you began wandering aimlessly until you ended up being conscripted to fight for Team Dai-Gurren against the Anti-Spiral. At this point you have no real alliance and only look out for your own well being. You could care less who you're fighting for, as long as you come out on top.


Information: Because you've spent so much time with both factions, you know a little bit about each of their defenses.

You know the following roles are in this setup.

-Town Cop
-Town Doc
-Town Vig

-Mafia Cop Switch
-Mafia Doc Switch
-Mafia Vig Switch

Switch Master:
You still have some pull within the Beastman organization, so you also have power over all three switches.

Each Night you can send me one PM with the command Disable: ____ Switch. That Switch will rendered disabled that Night. By default the ability to use that switch is turned on so if I do not receive a PM telling me otherwise, they will be left on. You can turn off/leave on any combination of those three switches.

Death to all that oppose: You may send me a second PM with the command Kill: Playername. That player will be killed that Night.

You're familiar with both factions and thus know how to talk your way out of tough situations. During the Night you can send me the command Stop: Lynch. The following Day's lynch will be stopped regardless of the target. This can only be used once and it comes at a price. Though you may still operate the switches, for every Night following the Day you stop the lynch, your Night kill will be permanently gone.

Alignment: You are independently aligned and win when you're the last one standing.

Safeclaim: Because of you shady history, some members of the Spiral may suspect you of being anti-spiral aligned. You know this is preposterous but for your own sake you play along anyway.

You know Attenborough Cortitch is not in this game.

If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a PM or talk to me on Skype.

Good Luck!
Most every other role followed its name if you just make the connections between them.

Each town PR had a mafia role that was supposed to check it. However the mafia member who sent in the NK could NOT operate his switch. When I originally came up with this setup it was indy-less and that was all there is to it really. I kept thinking about it, though, and realized that after one of the town PRs was dead, the mafia could just use that switch to send in the NK with not backlash. Once the mafia pulled ahead right there, it would landslide in their victory.

Same thing in the other direction. Say the cop switch or the vig switched got lynched D1 and then the mafia were shot/investigated N1. It would have landslided into town's victory because of the free reign on the town PRs.

Therefore I put the above indy in place to fix all those balancing errors. The indy keeps all the mafia prs in check, and the mafia prs keep the town in check. Not only did I add this, I added someone other checks into both factions to make sure a full out landslide didn't happen when one faction pulled ahead (that was the major problem with this setup at its origin).

I gave a mafia member the usurper added wincon which I'm sure you're all familiar with as Soup needing to kill JTB before endgame. This ensured that if Soup wanted to win at all, he would have had to get rid of JTB somehow before endgame which would have flipped one of the PRs and hopefully given town something to work with.

I also added t-blocks role. However, this was not a role designed to be a boon for town. It was actually designed to paint the doctor as a nk target. If I told T-block Boat's actual role he might not have claimed his information due to not wanting to out the doctor. But as it was, he claimed the information that was given to him, which was the Boat was confirmed town. This essentially puts huge pressure on the one role that can't be protected as a NK target if T-block is ever forced to claim.

The most important thing that kept the indy in the game was information. He pretty much know everything about how the setup worked and what he needed to do to make sure he survived. I didn't give him any type of bulletproof (which seems harsh with a mafia nk and a vig) but I did give his kill absolute priority. In the even of a crossfire, he would shoot first.

This combined with everything else I game him, imo, gave him a decent shot at winning if he played his card right. He just had to analyze how the game was going and decided if he wanted to play pro-town or anti-town.

IMO Laundry did pretty damn well with the role and if the conversation that had happened outside of thread had only happened inside of thread and he had actually convinced JTB to shoot town with him, he would have won over JTB in an endgame crossfire.

Hope you guys liked it. Other stuff later.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Doc switch was a little too OP imo with there being 2 NK's each night.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I was considering lying about the information I had actually, since I was thinking Boat would be a powerful PR since he's miller. In the end, I wasn't confident in my ability to lie without hurting town after it all, so I just told what I knew.

I am still REALLY mad about Boat claiming Nia in his first post before I had the chance to crumb it -_-

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
No, I would've died. I didn't have a BP. :v

Gova's got a good point, there probably should've been at least a BP or some other protective mixed in with rest of them. It wasn't so much a town nerf as it was a scum/me nerf.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Shoutout to RR for claiming and making the scum think we have a pr.

I tried my best in laying low and being town. I is sad I couldn't really get reads, and I was kinda displeased with the activity. : [

Zen: I noticed you stating X1 should have been lynched without much reason. I forgot I asked you and you never answered. ;o

X1: Your lynch was dumb. Knowing Zen, I KNOW he doesn't read you well. I mean, look at FE. I think. Even I can't read you well. I forget how he got you lynched. Guys, don't be dumb and follow lynches based on meta plz.

Tandy: Yay you were town. I might have had a paranoid feeling of you being scum later on, but your slot was pretty townie and I liked it. I hope to play with you again. ;3
AA: I didn't really have a read on you. Maybe cuz u were still in catch up mode.

Tblock: Sorry for lynching you. You were a bit scummy, and your role was also a bit weird. I was expecting Boat to defend you, but meh.

Soup: K, i'll keep an eye on you the next time you fail to contribute. When soup does stuff, he's most likely town.

WL: I was wrong about you. GG's. Bad WL for talking outside of the game.

JTB: I didn't think you were indy haha. Bad JTB for talking outside of the game.

Joey: I thought you weren't scum. : P You did fine. Gud stuff.


Raziek: Again, I read you wrong againnn noooo. RR told me something about u which I will keep in mind. U tend to try to clarify things. U did do some good stuff, I just felt u were a bit late in doing them. Try to hurry up and talk less about claims as much. ;o Other than that, u did good.

Gova: Hmmm. u were cop. Nice. I don't know what else to say. : P

Kuz: Great game and flavour man. u did a great job! At one time, I wasn't in the flow of posting... but u prodded and kept things going. Gud stuff mah man. Hope to see u host more stuffs.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
No, I would've died. I didn't have a BP. :v Gova's got a good point, there probably should've been at least a BP or some other protective mixed in with rest of them. It wasn't so much a town nerf as it was a scum/me nerf.
Scum had the mafia vig switch though.

Ah for town. Got it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup: K, i'll keep an eye on you the next time you fail to contribute. When soup does stuff, he's most likely town.
That's a bad incentive to go by, look at what i do not how much of it i do it, aforemention that i was V/LA the whole D2.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Oh ya, i forgot that.

I kno, but it makes soup not want to make ppl think he's scum so he'll contribute alot. ;o

But ur rite. I will look at what u do. Trust me. U kno i will.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I tried taking everything I did wrong in dgray and not do it in this one.

I should stop trying to lead faulty cases and blend more, i.e Raziek/Glyph push


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah. I mean I know how u feel. Like u always try to adjust your game, and someone always attacks you for being different. It sux. But I'm sure if you keep changing/adjusting, you'll get better. So do not fear the results of you playing differently here. In fact, I liked your play.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
btw joey

aggression isn't always a scumtell



Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
WL has just outed himself as one of either the indy or the mafia member.
vote: No Lynch

calling bull**** on confirming i'm the indy though. you don't know how gova reads indies.
I never said you were indy. ;) I said you were scum but thanks for telling us.
bbl weeping over my newbie mistake
Pro status.

I need to get better at catching things like this.

@WL: voldemort


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
th3kuzinator said:
Hello X1-12 and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Boota, Town Vanilla

You're team Dai-Gurren's faithful pig-mole! You have been through hell and high water with your Spiral comrades and have a missing chunk out of your rear to show for it! You're also very delicious and are often considered a delicacy to the Spirals of the underground.

Abilities: You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!

th3kuzinator said:
Hello LAK and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...


Leeron, Town Vanilla

You're team Dai-Gurren's trusty mechanic and navigator! You have an immense knowledge of all things mechanical, which includes the various gunmen you've stolen from the beastmen! Known for your flamboyant nature and startling intellect, you're a valuable asset to fight againt the Anti-Spiral!

Posting Restriction:
You must post as flamboyantly as possible at all time.

Abilities: You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello T-block and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Old Coco, Town One-Way Mason

A mysterious old man who seems to follow Team Dai-Gurren around, you were charged by your superiors with the protection of Nia and you carry this mission out from the shadows.

Abilites: You have mod confirmed information that Nia, Boatchouli, is town aligned. She does not know of your existence nor the fact that you possess this information.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello JO_Oey and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Zorthy, Town Vanilla

Known for your pervasive smoking habits and "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude, you're a valuable asset to the Spiral movement! There's no obstacle imaginable you can't overcome...unless it's the Anti-Spiral. They're scary!

Abilites: You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello Raziek and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Dayakka, Town Vanilla

You're the former leader of Littner village who abandoning his post when most of Littner joined Team Dai-Gurren during the struggle against the Beastmen! You're a faithful member of the Spiral resistance and a courageous, compassionate individual.

Abilities: You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello Boatchouli and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...



Nia, Town Doctor

You're a mysterious young girl found sleeping in a discard capsule in the middle of a dump site. After being picked up by Team Dai-Gurren, you became one of their strongest allies and protectors. Though a little childish, you can be very forceful at times and you are always given respect from the other team members. You also look amazing in a one piece swimsuit!

Abilities: Each Night, you may send me the command Safeguard: Playername and that player will be protected from any lethal actions that Night.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!

Also make your damn hydra account ASAP.
th3kuzinator said:
Hello Gova and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Simon, Town Cop

Though weak and underdeveloped as a child, you've come a long way with your Aniki and have since become the great Simon of Team Dai-Gurren. Your trademark drill is always on your chest just as you always carry the spirit of your fallen comrades in your heart! You have faith that one day your drill will be the drill to pierce the heavens and nothing, not even the Anti-Spirals, can stand in your way!

Abilities: Each Night, you may send me the command Investigate: Playername and you will receive information back regarding that player's alignment.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello asianaussie and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Yoko, Town Vanilla

You're a young sharpshooter from the village of Littner who joined the Dai-Gurren brigade seeking adventure and freedom for her people. You have considerable combat experience and work best with a long range weapon, saving your comrades form certain doom time and time again. You're also the team's #1 source of eye-candy!

Abilites: You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello Glyph and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Kamina, Town One-Shot Vigilante

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

You're the most ****ing epic creature to ever exist in the entire universe and everyone, beastman and human alike, know your name. It strikes hope into the hearts of the Spirals and fear into the hearts of just about everything else. Yes. You're that epic. Upon your death, everyone throughout the universe began crying instantly and spontaneously. This includes many a weeaboo who mourned so loud they woke their landlords living 5 floors down. Yes. You're that epic.

A symbol of pure awesomeness while alive, your posthumous spirit still inspires Team Dai-Gurren long after you're gone. You're determined to inspire your friends and hope to truly reach the heavens one day.

Abilities: During the Night, you may send me the command Kill: Playername and that player will be killed that same Night phase. However, due to your untimely epic demise, you may only use it once. Make it count!

Alignment: You are Spiral-Aligned and win when all threats to the Spirals have been eliminated.

Good Luck!

th3kuzinator said:
Hello WashedLaundry and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Viral, Independent Master-Switcher

As a boy you were raised as a loyal Beastman who's main purpose in life was to serve Lord Genome. You have devoted most of your life to this pursuit and have rarely stepped off this path of servitude. Once the Beastman were defeated, however, you began wandering aimlessly until you ended up being conscripted to fight for Team Dai-Gurren against the Anti-Spiral. At this point you have no real alliance and only look out for your own well being. You could care less who you're fighting for, as long as you come out on top.


Information: Because you've spent so much time with both factions, you know a little bit about each of their defenses.

You know the following roles are in this setup.

-Town Cop
-Town Doc
-Town Vig

-Mafia Cop Switch
-Mafia Doc Switch
-Mafia Vig Switch

Switch Master:
You still have some pull within the Beastman organization, so you also have power over all three switches.

Each Night you can send me one PM with the command Disable: ____ Switch. That Switch will rendered disabled that Night. By default the ability to use that switch is turned on so if I do not receive a PM telling me otherwise, they will be left on. You can turn off/leave on any combination of those three switches.

Death to all that oppose: You may send me a second PM with the command Kill: Playername. That player will be killed that Night.

You're familiar with both factions and thus know how to talk your way out of tough situations. During the Night you can send me the command Stop: Lynch. The following Day's lynch will be stopped regardless of the target. This can only be used once and it comes at a price. Though you may still operate the switches, for every Night following the Day you stop the lynch, your Night kill will be permanently gone.

Alignment: You are independently aligned and win when you're the last one standing.

Safeclaim: Because of you shady history, some members of the Spiral may suspect you of being anti-spiral aligned. You know this is preposterous but for your own sake you play along anyway.

You know Attenborough Cortitch is not in this game.

If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a PM or talk to me on Skype.

Good Luck!

th3kuzinator said:
Hello Zen and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Lord Genome, Mafia Doc Switch

Yourself a Spiral power, you were defeated by the Anti-Spiral and his fleet long ago and thus have come under control of his omnipotence. You are now forced to eradicate all spiral life that touches the surface so that the Anti-Spiral do not return. You command a vast Beastman army including Thymilph (Soupamario, Mafia Vig Switch) and serve The Anti-Spiral (JTB, Mafia Cop Switch) himself.

You may chat with your brethren in this quicktopic.

Abilities -

Switch: Each Night you may send with me a PM with the command Switch ON: Doc or Switch OFF: Doc. When switched off, the doctor may not operate that Night. By default, the switch is turned ON and it will remain on unless I receive a PM otherwise.

Kill: In addition, one of the Mafia may send in the command Kill: Playername and that player will be killed that Night. However, this comes at a price. The individual Mafia member who sends in the kill may not operate their respective switch that same Night.

Alignment: You are Anti-Spiral aligned and win when all the Spirals have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Safeclaim: You know that Rossiu is not in this game.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello JTB and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

The Anti Spiral, Mafia Cop Switch


Little is known about your omnipotent presence except that you pretty much rule the entire universe with a cold iron fist. One thing is certain, though. You despise all Spiral life. Your lackeys include Lord Genome (Zen, Mafia Doc Switch) and Thymilph (Soupamario, Mafia Vig Switch).

You may chat with your brethren in this quicktopic.

Abilities -

Switch: Each Night you may send with me a PM with the command Switch ON: Cop or Switch OFF: Cop. When switched off, the Cop may not operate that Night. By default, the switch is turned ON and it will remain on unless I receive a PM otherwise.

Kill: In addition, one of the Mafia may send in the command Kill: Playername and that player will be killed that Night. However, this comes at a price. The individual Mafia member who sends in the kill may not operate their respective switch that same Night.

Alignment: You are Anti-Spiral aligned and win when all the Spirals have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Safeclaim: You know that Tetsukan is not in this game.

Good Luck!
th3kuzinator said:
Hello Soupamario and welcome to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Mafia!

You are...

Thymilph, Mafia Usurping Vig Switch

You're the beastman who killed the great Kamina! You should be proud of yourself, that was truly an amazing feat. Unfortunately, you're still fairly low on the Beastman food chain and thus serve your Beastman leader, Lord Genome (Zen, Mafia Doc Switch) and your ultimate ruler, The Anti-Spiral (JTB, Mafia Cop Switch).

You may chat with your brethren in this quicktopic.

Abilities -

Switch: Each Night you may send with me a PM with the command Switch ON: Vig or Switch OFF: Vig. When switched off, the vigilante may not operate that Night. By default, the switch is turned ON and it will remain on unless I receive a PM otherwise.

Kill: In addition, one of the Mafia may send in the command Kill: Playername and that player will be killed that Night. However, this comes at a price. The individual Mafia member who sends in the kill may not operate their respective switch that same Night.

Usurp: Though you loyally serve your Beastman ruler, Lord Genome, you have no ties to the omnipotent Anti-Spiral who is forcing Lord Genome to do his bidding. Even if you triumph over the Spiral resistance you won't truly win if the Anti-Spiral is still alive to manipulate your beloved Lord Genome. In addition to defeating the spirals, you have the added condition of killing the Anti-Spiral (JTB) before winning the game. Neither of your partners know of this condition and will be told you are simply a Mafia Vig Switch. Be careful who share this information with.

Alignment: You are Anti-Spiral aligned and win when all the Spirals have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Safeclaim: You know that Kittan is not in this game.

Good Luck!

Here are the role PMs. I enjoyed making Boat's


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
oh yeah

kuz, what alignment would have the sk shown up as if investigated?

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Soupy said:
i literally lost from the point zen died, as it was either i kill JTB, or he kills me, i went latter anf felt he had a better chance of surviving.
No you didn't, and no it wasn't.

Bus JTB, play well, you can win. It also helps if you don't tell them you're a usurper. ;)

EDIT: In fact, if you were to live on and switch the vig off on the night he was to shoot Tandora, and he actually did, you'd be looking at a more likely ML of Tandora in the future, whenever you should need it.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'd like some insight into why, if you don't mind. :)

Looking for things that I can use to improve my play.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
He said he had PR vibes from you and we decided to trust him on it =\
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