Do you own the game so you can practice? It'll help a lot if you can mess around in training mode for characters.
There are some ideas and mentality that carries over from both games. You can't block asap after running, so there's something called FD brake. So running and then holding back to block plus 2 attack buttons for the green block is sort of like running and shielding. Also air teching out of combos isn't always good if you do it asap. Sometimes it's about delaying and finding the right moment, sort of like using your double jump or air dodge.
People say Guilty Gear is a difficult game, but if you don't overwhelm yourself with the game, and rely on fundamentals, the game is actually not that bad. I've met a lot of smashers that enjoyed Guilty Gear, I think they share a similar feeling.
Goldenrody's channel has a lot of high level play from Japanese players. Don't try to copy too much at the start, but it'll give you a good idea on how characters are usually played