Then you shouldn't be where you are ^^
Referring to technical skill jpak. I maybe should've been clearer. OBV there is something else but learning to how use champs abilities is not hard at all. Knowing when, where, why, memorizing cds, routes, etc ad infinitum is something different.
this is what i thought you'd say.
and this is what i would have replied.
you think you're a lot better than you actually are, turaz
I think we talked twice and I have never claimed to be good anywhere in this thread in a serious manner. (May have joked about having godlike xxx champ when I did insert awesome thing here)
Depends. He could have been talking in general like Dota/HoN has a higher skill ceiling for their champs/compared to other Games LoL is easy. Not "I'm the ****in **** and can play every character at a good level"
Also true. See Invoker, Chen.
I think there is a lot of misconceptions with the skill ceiling in this game.
For pretty much all champions save straight up skillshot champions, it's easy to learn and understand how to champs work and understand their skills.
The real skill in this game is about positioning, timing, and awareness (imo as a low elo player take for what's worth).
Some champs have this easier in others in this regards such as Annie can simply blow her combo whenever and its pretty easy to be safe or at least covered somewhat by your team whenever you do it unless your really stupid.
Then you have champs that need to be more cautious about how they blow their rotations, because they can be stopped much easier.
So it's easier to understand the champs specifically, but using them to best benefit the team, bait, get organized is a completely different task entirely.
This guy got what I meant.
i spent like 30 minutes last night practicing in practice mode. i've never done that before. it was peaceful, but at the same time insanely frustrating (i was practicing last-hitting with swain, which is extremely annoying, try it sometime).
Last hitting animations does not nearly makes as big a difference in LoL as it does in HoN/DotA
EDIT FOR CLARITY: You are welcome to disagree with my analysis but all criticism seems to be at my skill level, not the opinion I provided, IF you want to disagree please be specific as to why.