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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Like... do people have to yell? Can't you just... politely make suggestions? It's a game. I only get pissed at teammates for doing bad when they bark orders like they know what they're doing but lead everybody astray. Or when I try and make calls and suggestions and they just flat out ignore me and go do dumb **** instead.

You are going to play dozens of games this week, probably. Losing one? Not a big deal. No I don't care if you're "tryharding" b/c getting pissy over losses doesn't have anything to do with how hard you try.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Sadly most of what Zac yells is unintelligible/gibberish.

I usually try to be constructive and patient but it still annoys even me if someone is in game and people (who are more experienced/"better") are pointing out things to them and they are either ignoring the advice or taking their sweet time to react.

@Wobbles Pretty sure most of us don't yell, though we might get slightly frustrated from time to time, particularly during long games... or if you're slapping a full hp nexus while we're all getting ***** ;)

Gragas is pretty fun. I realize he has like 0 roaming strength early game, but I feel like he could do a really good job of it past level 6. He has high mobility with his body slam, durability with his drunken rage, good regen with his passive, and his cask would be pretty good for some ganks.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
sometimes i wonder why play a ranged carry over golden standard 450 ashe

sometimes i wonder why play an AP carry over golden standard 1350 annie


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
MALZ is top tier imo, especially with the right team comp. Having someone one your team with taunts (shen, rammus, galio) is ******** with his rank 5 pool.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
made a topic the other day


The golden rule of league of legends will reign true.

It already is 'settling in' for Malzahar and Cho'Gath. Ryze was getting banned at the NESL finals.

Pretty much the only champions that haven't been OP is Nasus and Teemo.
teemo will have his day
just wait

it will probably be around the time they give him another 5 skins or so


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
Dude, lux's art work on pointy blue hat skin is wtf scary.

Tom needs to post our movie "Running with the olaf", a story of a troubled level 3, confused as he is chased down mid lane by 4 docile champions who out level him, and surprised by the sudden teleported appearance of Hellen Keller.

He said he would hope to have it up here soon.

Applelovelove too cute.

^ *cough* guy irl


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Yeah... that actually makes Lux look awesome. Where did you find that rendering? Want to see if the artist has any other good pieces.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
a lot of the advice swf players give before/in/after game is wrong. so when receiving the advice, ask yourself if it makes sense or you could ask another player what they think about it. feel free to ask me. theres just so much wrong that i cant correct.

and a lot of the players play with the wrong attitude ie the way they play their champion now is the only way it can be played and thus shoot down any advice that is given to them. this means there is no chance for improvement. another problem constant blaming of other players without realizing what they are doing wrong first. your attitude toward the game is wrong and you do not need to criticize the player constantly as this hurts your team more than it helps. do it after the game. these 3 reasons are stopping a lot of you from improving.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
trolling smashers is some of the most fun I have with this game.

for cash cow, kage's -> DFG > avarice -> ghostblade IMHO.

that's literally all I have to say to the past 4 pages of this thread, :laugh:.

EDIT: ok, Vocal, you need to change your avatar from that butt ugly rendering of Lux to this one:

you're welcome.
oh my god she's beautiful. changing soon as i'm out of class :D
a lot of the advice swf players give before/in/after game is wrong. so when receiving the advice, ask yourself if it makes sense or you could ask another player what they think about it. feel free to ask me. theres just so much wrong that i cant correct.

and a lot of the players play with the wrong attitude ie the way they play their champion now is the only way it can be played and thus shoot down any advice that is given to them. this means there is no chance for improvement. another problem constant blaming of other players without realizing what they are doing wrong first. your attitude toward the game is wrong and you do not need to criticize the player constantly as this hurts your team more than it helps. do it after the game. these 3 reasons are stopping a lot of you from improving.
I know I must be doing things wrong or else I'd be carrying teams more often. I've tried to improve my cs and made modest improvements; though I'm nowhere near the 100 by 10 minutes gold standard I can often hit 50-75% of that, depending on who I'm laning against and how much time I spend at base/ganking.

I kind of thought about it and I changed my mind on playing with people. I know I'm going to be corrected about things often, especially if it's things that the people who queue together more often have already established, but I figure it's for the best as long as people don't hate me for not knowing some things better.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
Yea Jpak pretty much helps me after every game and none of his advice has failed me yet...lol My irelia is legit as F**k ever since you told me that new build.

*went through the links*

*saw no irelia/kennen*

*proceeded to be mad*


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Please try to correct me if this is me. ._.
as jpak said, it's a bit too widespread to correct everything, :laugh:. I honestly don't have the patience to deal with generally correcting people on stuff, I just let people ask me things and answer as best I can because I figure the people who are active enough to ask are most likely to be the ones who will listen *shrugs*.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
I think its more so this

the other day I was playing with Jpak and some other dudes and I was kennen

I'm only level 25 while everyone else in the room is level 30 and they were complaining/mocking me about it apparently

so I laned with the Shen and I was auto attack the minions (Not like the whole time but just enough to keep them from pushing us all the way back to the turret and the shen goes

"WTF ARE YOU DOING STOP AUTO ATTACKING THE MINIONS!" flipping out and **** and so I was like I really don't see the problem I'm not pushing the lane but I'm not letting the lane get fully pushed.

and so he stayed on that for like 10 minutes because apparently I was supposed to let them Push all the way to the turret so the nunu could gank. (was not informed of the plan until after he started yelling at me)

so we get the gank and then they keep saying stuff like "See this is why you don't push a lane" like they were proving some point

and the pretty much complained for most of the game about random **** while I was putting in work in teamfights

I went like 4/1/9 at the end of the game and then J hit me up and was like they were complaining the whole time in vent....like seriously....


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Please try to correct me if this is me. ._.
This ^^

I'd rather get yelled at or told I'm wrong than keep doing the wrong thing. I'm going to voice my opinion about things and talk about mistakes I think we made all around just because that's how I roll, but if I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong. I like talking it over. jpak made me like 10x better at bans/picks with like, a 15 minute conversation the other day, so the more we talk about things, the more that info spreads down to the rest of the SWF screw and makes us all better.
May 3, 2009
I have a lot of doubt building sivir

Is rushing Bloodthirster always the best path?

Usually I rush it and after my first thirster I go for my 2nd one, but I don't think a second bloodthirster is always the best item choice.

I was thinking maybe going for a warmogs or a last whisper after my thirster? what should my third item be?


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Going to have to play with Jpak because while I'm decent at farming. That's about it. I generally suck at team fights in general unless it's a char I can just run in hit all my abilities. I've been playing Shaco/Ezreal a lot lately because, namely, I'm pretty bad at them and I think if I ever started playing well with them it would make my global understanding of the game a lot better.

Really my team fight skill and general map awareness skill (when to gank as mid carry, start grouping) is horrible. I often feel like I do better just pushing a solo lane while team fights happen simply because I'm bad at the team fights and often just die early.

Sleepyk knows.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Jarvan sounds less exciting to play than I thought he'd be. He "looks" really cool, but I'm not spending the IP on him anytime soon.

Question regarding Ashe and buying defensive items: What should I buy and when should I buy them?


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
TKBRO stuff
If you have a jungler who is a solid ganker it's generally a good idea to let your lane push close to your tower (though don't let it take hits if you can avoid it or you can't CS at all under tower and you need the CS) to facilitate the ganks. Now if you have a jungler with bad gank strength then by all means keep your lane where it is.

Probably not the best way to get the information across, though.

@jpak - you should try to correct/explain mistakes as they're happening in vent, or right after they happen, because then it's easier for the players to see the direct consequences of their actions, and it sticks better, compared to being told after the fact.

@Zac - it really depends on how good your team is at keeping your opponents off you. If you are generally safe in teamfights you can postpone your defensive items til later game, whereas if they can't protect you you should get them after your first big DPS item. I've actually found myself building a Negatron a few times after a Manamune/BF sword with Corki depending on the situation.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
jpak and Mogwait, do I have you guys added in game?
no idea. my accounts are SmashGizmo and Rock Rock On

I have a lot of doubt building sivir

Is rushing Bloodthirster always the best path?

Usually I rush it and after my first thirster I go for my 2nd one, but I don't think a second bloodthirster is always the best item choice.

I was thinking maybe going for a warmogs or a last whisper after my thirster? what should my third item be?
with Sivir I go boots -> BF Sword + Zerker's Greaves -> Bloodthirster -> Last Whisper + Warmogs + Banshee's in whatever order makes sense.

Jarvan sounds less exciting to play than I thought he'd be. He "looks" really cool, but I'm not spending the IP on him anytime soon.

Question regarding Ashe and buying defensive items: What should I buy and when should I buy them?
I will be buying him immediately and it has nothing to do with my Dragoon fetish that started when I was 8 playing FF4.

Buy a Banshee's Veil either after IE or after LW. It should be your 2nd or 3rd big ticket item depending on team comps and ****.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
He actually sounds very fun to play, and micro-intesive. In order to maximize your damage you want to switch targets often, instead of focusing down just one, in order to use his charge/knockup you need to micro your flag and your positioning, and you need to make sure to target your ultimate on someone who doesn't have flash up/can't kill you 1v1.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
He actually sounds very fun to play, and micro-intesive. In order to maximize your damage you want to switch targets often, instead of focusing down just one, in order to use his charge/knockup you need to micro your flag and your positioning, and you need to make sure to target your ultimate on someone who doesn't have flash up/can't kill you 1v1.
well, a lot of his mechanics aren't well explained yet, so we'll see. his W suggests jungling, but who really knows how he'll turn out? :p


Apr 10, 2008
well, a lot of his mechanics aren't well explained yet, so we'll see. his W suggests jungling, but who really knows how he'll turn out? :p
If jpak disagreed with you about him jungling and about your sivir build, he wouldn't tell you.

How does this make you feel?


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
My account name is MasterAuru if you want to add me. I am not on jpak that much.

@jpak - you should try to correct/explain mistakes as they're happening in vent, or right after they happen, because then it's easier for the players to see the direct consequences of their actions, and it sticks better, compared to being told after the fact.
I do this if I feel the person will benefit. But if let's say I recommend an item to a person and then they say no it should be this because ----. I disagree and explain why, and they don't change their mind. Then I think there is no point in me giving them any advice because they don't have the right mindset.

The idea of being welcoming to new ideas no matter how good you are is incredibly important. It is something I find really important when I made my team. I would play with 2k+ players and when i make a suggestion to a player they would just ignore it. even though the player is quite skilled i wouldn't want them on my team because as a team we cannot improve if their attitude is like that. now with my current team i have like 1 1900, 2 2000+(one in the top 20), and for them to be willing to listen to me, 600 elo lower than them, has helped the team a lot and shows the humility of the players :). there is not a single player who is now not better than when we first started because we are all accepting of the advice that is given even though it's mostly me giving the advice for my team. if you have ever watched my team stream tourney games you will know it is mostly me talking throughout the game.

If jpak disagreed with you about him jungling and about your sivir build, he wouldn't tell you.

How does this make you feel?
What? When did I disagree lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
I think its more so this

the other day I was playing with Jpak and some other dudes and I was kennen

I'm only level 25 while everyone else in the room is level 30 and they were complaining/mocking me about it apparently

so I laned with the Shen and I was auto attack the minions (Not like the whole time but just enough to keep them from pushing us all the way back to the turret and the shen goes

"WTF ARE YOU DOING STOP AUTO ATTACKING THE MINIONS!" flipping out and **** and so I was like I really don't see the problem I'm not pushing the lane but I'm not letting the lane get fully pushed.

and so he stayed on that for like 10 minutes because apparently I was supposed to let them Push all the way to the turret so the nunu could gank. (was not informed of the plan until after he started yelling at me)

so we get the gank and then they keep saying stuff like "See this is why you don't push a lane" like they were proving some point

and the pretty much complained for most of the game about random **** while I was putting in work in teamfights

I went like 4/1/9 at the end of the game and then J hit me up and was like they were complaining the whole time in vent....like seriously....
Yea I was the shen and the only reason I really got upset was because you kept doing it. It also didn't help I wasn't in a good mood, my apologies.

For the record if you are playing bot lane kennen you don't want to sit there auto attacking creeps the whole time, jpak wasn't saying I was wrong for telling you that. If someone on your team says something like push bot hard because there 3 top that's when you auto attack. Another reason we didn't want to auto attack there was because we had a MUCH stronger lane an we could have zoned so easy.

All in all it was to be expected gaming with a 25, sorry for blowing up I'm not usually like that. Now you know though so keep this in mind while in lane, just last hit, allways try to have creep advantadge. We weren't not auto attacking only so our nunu could gank, it was also for security against their jungler.

Sorry again, hope to lane with you later. I remember you had good intiation with your ult btw.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
If jpak disagreed with you about him jungling and about your sivir build, he wouldn't tell you.

How does this make you feel?
perfectly fine. not to say I don't value jpak's opinion, but my team did better in NESL anyway :p. I also hardly feel like I need to know how jpak feels about a character than neither of us plays extensively or speculations regarding a character that hasn't even been released yet and if I did, I would specifically ask him.


Apr 10, 2008
What? When did I disagree lol.
Said "IF" you disagreed, you wouldn't tell him.

perfectly fine. not to say I don't value jpak's opinion, but my team did better in NESL anyway :p. I also hardly feel like I need to know how jpak feels about a character than neither of us plays extensively or speculations regarding a character that hasn't even been released yet and if I did, I would specifically ask him.
That emoticon tells me
you're actually very secretly worried about jpak's assessments of your opinions. It's... OKAY.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
@Evanms I mean I don't really care that you guys told me not to attack minions...nobody ever told me that until that day its more so the way you expressed it

but yea we cool man...no worries...and thanks


Apr 10, 2008
ok, w/e. stop being butthurt that good players would rather let people seek them for help than actively go out there and try to give unsolicited advice. if you care what a person has to say, ask them.
just trolling ya while sitting bored in class, bro. :embarrass:


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I do this if I feel the person will benefit. But if let's say I recommend an item to a person and then they say no it should be this because ----. I disagree and explain why, and they don't change their mind. Then I think there is no point in me giving them any advice because they don't have the right mindset.

The idea of being welcoming to new ideas no matter how good you are is incredibly important. It is something I find really important when I made my team. I would play with 2k+ players and when i make a suggestion to a player they would just ignore it. even though the player is quite skilled i wouldn't want them on my team because as a team we cannot improve if their attitude is like that. now with my current team i have like 1 1900, 2 2000+(one in the top 20), and for them to be willing to listen to me, 600 elo lower than them, has helped the team a lot and shows the humility of the players :). there is not a single player who is now not better than when we first started because we are all accepting of the advice that is given even though it's mostly me giving the advice for my team. if you have ever watched my team stream tourney games you will know it is mostly me talking throughout the game.
I have, that's why I sadface when you're silent all game with us :\ Like, we try our best, but we don't really have experience playing at high levels of competition, so we may not always make the most optimal decisions.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
perfectly fine. not to say I don't value jpak's opinion, but my team did better in NESL anyway :p.
That must mean you are better in all respects. how do i become like you?

I have, that's why I sadface when you're silent all game with us :\ Like, we try our best, but we don't really have experience playing at high levels of competition, so we may not always make the most optimal decisions.
i have been sick the past few days so thats why im not talking
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