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Golden Sun: The Lost Age (of) Mafia -Game Over! Indy Alex wins!

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Ooooh. Good thinking outside the box. Bodyguard is plausible; consider this: Rake had a solid claim of Ivan that lead to the scumflip of WL/BSL. That's a pretty good position to be in. With S&C lynching people left and right and ordering Doc to be on them, Rake isn't necessarily a bad place to hit. Perhaps that was Inferno's reasoning as well as possibly FF's. It would be the same logic a Town busdriver would use.


traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
What exactly is this Fire & Ice setup people are mentioning? Is it just a reference to 2 scum teams?

No objections to role claiming. I'm Lord Babi. I travel to the Altmiller Cave in secret every Night, and cannot be Nightkilled. There's something else with my role, but revealing it would only benefit the remaining scum(s), so I'm gonna withhold that.

If there is scum left, they have a strongman or a roleblocker.
Heavily leaning toward roleblocker. If it was strongman, I don't see why it would take scum this long to kill Scylla.

Tcat, while your at it, tell me why you voted Inferno, seeing what Ryu had claimed ?
1. Inferno's been a scum read since my reads in Day 1. 2. I knew I wasn't going to get NK'd, so discussion over it could wait until the next Day. 3. Scylla's dismissal gave me the impression I was missing something, so I shushed and moved things along. 4. Let's not forget Inferno's confession.

IR's claim of Garet verrifies that scum have safe claims.
How so?

As far as reads go, Rake's still most definitely town.

Kanty's play isn't impressive, but stilling leaning town.

I've been flip-flopping on Ryu. D1, I didn't like his push on Kanty and was suspicious of a connection with Kev. Kev's flip put him townlean. His fakeclaim Day 3...while it was great he was able to get a confession out of Inferno, Inferno was already lined up for getting lynched after his Day 2 posts, so to me it comes off as Ryu taking advantage of the situation.

Ridik, I honestly cannot get a read on. If I had to bet one way, it would be town, since nothing has stuck out as scummy.

Furio is a nullscum. I didn't like his push on Scylla D1, he OMGUS votes FF, his Ridik push wasn't good. He objects to the suspicions on IR too strongly before IR even comes to defend himself. However, these latest D4 posts are coming off as more productive than it's ever been.

Ryker needs to go. His earlier posts just threw fuel on the fire that was starting with Kanty and Kev. His one post regarding WL seemed distancy, and with the flips we've been getting, I find the one quote's logic unsettling. Dropped out until the end of the Day when he comes back with a hydra excuse. I'm unhappy that he hasn't said anything regarding the post I quoted and voted him for at the start of Day 2. Vote: Ryker

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Indy isn't an immediate conclusion we can draw. Redirector Indy is possible (damn you Raziek if you used Redirecter AGAIN) since it isn't implausible for the slot to redirect Rake from FF if that's what really went down.

Either way, I'm trying to figure out WL/BSL's play. Putting myself in their position, I would want to remain as disconnected from my mate as much as possible since it's just too risky to go balls deep otherwise. Rake, you assert that WL/BSL was trying to give other players a clean slate, but how would claiming Ivan, alongside a Cop-esque role, give their mate a clean slate? Who fits that criterion for being cleared of suspicion as a result of a BSL scum flip? It makes for a great distraction, sure, but the only person who truly profited from that flip was yourself, we've been over this. I'm more inclined to believe the fishing theory at the moment, except that the fishing theory is silly because claiming Ivan was exceptionally foolish.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I guess I can agree to that.

I don't know how I feel about this travelling role (irony given travelling cat's name)

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I was just thinking more of the angle like : WL had tossed ryker around a bit and kinda more or less sat on him and dropped off him before replacing. So BSL coming in and seeing this may have gotten his jimmies rustled that his mate ryker may be getting some attention in conection to him. Already know's he's in his downward spiral and figures go fishing for a cop CC. in this case i don't know that Ryker would guide him.

He tailspins about and throws out whatever he can so that when Ryker gets back he gets a clean slate.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
What exactly is this Fire & Ice setup people are mentioning? Is it just a reference to 2 scum teams?
Two or more.

No objections to role claiming. I'm Lord Babi. I travel to the Altmiller Cave in secret every Night, and cannot be Nightkilled. There's something else with my role, but revealing it would only benefit the remaining scum(s), so I'm gonna withhold that.

Heavily leaning toward roleblocker. If it was strongman, I don't see why it would take scum this long to kill Scylla.

IR claimed a character that wasn't immediately CC'd. Garet is also a good guy from the Golden Sun series. It's safe. Claiming a character that was already taken, i.e. BSL claiming Ivan, isn't safe, and hence isn't a safe claim.

Kanty's play isn't impressive, but stilling leaning town.
Elaborate on this.

Furio is a nullscum. I didn't like his push on Scylla D1, he OMGUS votes FF, his Ridik push wasn't good. He objects to the suspicions on IR too strongly before IR even comes to defend himself. However, these latest D4 posts are coming off as more productive than it's ever been.
This wasn't bad only because you're not familiar with my meta. Myself and S&C clash severely. I have strong distaste for his methods WRT ordering players around without letting them do work themselves. If everyone becomes sheep, where does that leave us? What if he's scum? Let's not forget that I was right about IR not being mates with BSL.

Ryker needs to go. His earlier posts just threw fuel on the fire that was starting with Kanty and Kev. His one post regarding WL seemed distancy, and with the flips we've been getting, I find the one quote's logic unsettling. Dropped out until the end of the Day when he comes back with a hydra excuse. I'm unhappy that he hasn't said anything regarding the post I quoted and voted him for at the start of Day 2. Vote: Ryker
Maybe. Right now I'm contemplating if we should force you to claim everything.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
I was just thinking more of the angle like : WL had tossed ryker around a bit and kinda more or less sat on him and dropped off him before replacing. So BSL coming in and seeing this may have gotten his jimmies rustled that his mate ryker may be getting some attention in conection to him. Already know's he's in his downward spiral and figures go fishing for a cop CC. in this case i don't know that Ryker would guide him.

He tailspins about and throws out whatever he can so that when Ryker gets back he gets a clean slate.
The only real explanation I can come up with at this point is that BSL fumbled pretty hard when Ryker wasn't around, and this is plausible only because Ryker has been MIA for a good minute.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
What else does that leave ?

From your pov if he's keeping his distance that elimantes Kantrip and Ridick.

Leaving tcat, ryker and you.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
We both know it's not me either. After pulling all the **** I've pulled this game? If I'm bluescum/redscum, I'll buy everyone pizza after the game is over. Tiger's treat. WITHOUT the cyanide poisoning.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
See PoE here leaves TCat and ryker and it's like : TCat and BSL.... > BSL & Ryker with no indy or Ryker & BSL with someone else whos indy who we all be overlooking.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
I really don't know why you're so insistent on there being an indy in this setup. Why not just look for the bluescum, and if the game isn't over, begin your indyhunt? Stop wracking your brain about who must be this mythical indy. We can only kill one baddy at a time anyway.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
it is kinda stupid that we're waiting around, though. We should just lynch Ryker, it'd be faster than waiting for his inactive ass to find it's way into the thread.

If we wanna finish the massclaim, then finish it without his ass, lynch him, and move on. We've got TC's claim, and everyone else is, like, actually participating in the game. Whether ryker is town or scum, we'll be more productive without him.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
There's also the fact that we've been hitting scum every day. We've got as much leeway with this as we could possibly have.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
it is kinda stupid that we're waiting around, though. We should just lynch Ryker, it'd be faster than waiting for his inactive *** to find it's way into the thread.

If we wanna finish the massclaim, then finish it without his ***, lynch him, and move on. We've got TC's claim, and everyone else is, like, actually participating in the game. Whether ryker is town or scum, we'll be more productive without him.
We got time, I will say **** him and lynch him if he doesn't post in four days or something. Real life or not.

I do not want him jumping to the back and bringing a claim out of his ass when I have zero reason to trust him over at least 3-4 other players.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
If you don't want him jumping in with a claim he pulled out of his ass and you have zero reason to trust him...... then why are we waiting for him to claim?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Because my point is, he is not claiming before any of you guys do.

He has more info to work with if he tried to pull a claim out of his ass if he goes last.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
If we're actually going to wait, I think we have to wait until sometime tuesday. I seem to recall something about ryker's schedule making him unavailable on mondays, though I could be misremembering.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The only one I would be comfortable claiming before him is Kantrip...kinda.

I'm still iffy on things but for now that is where I stand.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I keep inching further and further forwards on people's claim lists. :(

FF was a Bodyguard because Rake was a PRIME NK target. S&C was doc target #1, and Rake was the reason BSL got lynched

I like the part of tcat's claim where she refused to claim one facet that would help scum. Hard to think of faking that (especially since she has no one left coaching her) which makes me inclined to call her town.

I'll claim now, we can skip Ryker, and I am more than fine with lynching Ryker.

I'm Hama. I have the ability Reveal: Each Night phase I see every player that targets me, but not the actions they used. So I'm a self-watcher. Night 1 Inferno targeted me. I thought he was an investigative because I didn't know what else anyone would target me with, so I asked him for his read on me. When he gave me a solid Town read, I assumed I was right (for the time being). Nobody targeted me at all any other Night.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
There was a NK last Night. Inferno said he had a NK. We're assuming Red Team is dead.

This means Blue team made the kill. There has only been one kill a Night. This suggests the teams alternate kills. Blue probably has full control now that red is dead but food for thought.

Reconsidering on Ryker. Don't think he would kill S&C.
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